Elias Bonaros Magicicada Nymphs

New Magicicada nymph photos

Elias went digging for Magicicada nymphs on 3/21. Here’s a gallery of the nymphs he found.

Elias's 1st and 2nd Instar Magicicada nymph

Photos & Illustrations Trengganua

Terengganua sibylla

Update: the name of this cicada is actually Trengganua sibylla (confirming after consulting Allen Sanborn’s giant cicada book. You’ll find people also refer to this cicada as Tosena sybilla.

Terengganua sibylla mating

P1020993, originally uploaded by The Aperture Studio. From Flickr.

A pair of Terengganua sibylla mating.

This website has a audio file of the Terengganua sibylla signing.

Elias Bonaros Neotibicen

Neotibicen tibicen photos from Elias Bonaros

Elias was kind enough to send us Neotibicen tibicen photos he took in 2009.

Click the images for larger versions:

Female teneral Neotibicen tibicen by Elias Bonaros:
Female teneral Neotibicen tibicen by Elias Bonaros

Molting Neotibicen tibicen by Elias Bonaros:
Molting Neotibicen tibicen by Elias Bonaros

Neotibicen tibicen by Elias Bonaros:
Neotibicen tibicen by Elias Bonaros