Ecuador Halloween Zammara Zammarini

Zammara with a collar like Dracula! Zammara smaragdina

Just in time for Halloween… the Zammara a genus of cicadas with a collar like Dracula!

Andreas Kay has been posting photos of the insects of Ecuador on Flickr for around a year now. He’s posted many excellent cicada photos, particularly, photos of Zammara. They are among the most visually interesting cicadas.

Cicada, Zammara tympanum?

Emerald Cicada, Zammara smaragdina:

Emerald Cicada, Zammara smaragdina

Emerald Cicada pair, Zammara smaragdina

Here’s an illustration from Insecta. Rhynchota. Hemiptera-Homoptera. Vol. I by W. L. Distant and The Rev Canon W. W. Fowler, F.L.S:

Zammara smaragdina

Here the Scientific classification:
Family: Cicadidae
Subfamily: Cicadinae
Tribe: Zammarini
Genus: Zammara
Species: Zammara smaragdina Walker, 1850

Here’s an article about Collared cicadas of Mexico, Central & South America.

Anatomy Audio, Sounds, Songs Australia Cyclochila Video

A third way cicadas make sounds

Cicadas are well known for the songs male cicadas make with their their tymbals, which are drum-like organs found in their abdomens.

Some female cicadas will also flick their wings to get the males attention. Watch this video where a male Magicicada is convinced that the snapping of fingers is a wing flick. Note: Magicicada males will also flick their wings once they become infected with the Massospora cicadina fungus (which removes their sex organs).

There is a third way some cicadas can make sounds. This method of creating a sound is unique to the Australian species Cyclochila australasiae (aka the Green Grocer and Masked Devil). These cicadas have stridulatory ridges on their pronotal collars (the collar shaped structure at the back of their head), and a stridulatory scraper on their fore wing.

From M. S. MOULDS, 2012, A review of the genera of Australian cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadoidea). Magnolia Press Auckland, New Zealand. p84:

Cyclochila is unique among the Cicadoidea in possessing a stridulatory file on the underside of the lateral angles of the pronotal collar that interacts with a scraper on the fore wing base (Fig. 132). Rubbed together these produce low audible sound in hand-held specimens (K. Hill, pers. comm.), the purpose of which is for sexual com- munication at close quarters (J. Kentwell and B. Fryz, pers. comm.)

Here is a photo of these structures:

Structure on Green Grocer

The location of these structures is right about where the blue pin is in this photo:


Tim McNary of the Bibliography of the Cicadoidea website, let us know that Clidophleps cicadas are also able to create should using a stridulatory structure. Clidophleps is a genus of cicada that can be found in California, Nevada, Arizona, and I assume adjacent parts of Mexico. Clidophleps differs from Cyclochila in that the stridulatory structure is on its mesonotum, and not its pronotal collar.

Photo courtesy of Tim McNary:
stridatory file

Brood III Brood VII Brood XXII Periodical Stragglers

Looking forward to the 2014 periodical cicada emergences

Magicicada I am excited about the 17 and 13 year cicada emergences expected in 2014.

Here is what we can look forward to:

  • Brood XXII, the Baton Rouge brood. This brood of 13 year Magicicada will emerge in Louisiana and Mississippi. When they emerge depends on the weather, but probably April to May.
  • Brood III, The Iowan Brood. This brood of 17 year Magicicada will emerge in Iowa, Illinois and Missouri. This emergence will likely peak in June, depending on the weather.
  • A 13 Year cicada emergence in Ohio and Kentucky. This group of 13 Year Magicicada hasn’t officially been associated with a brood. May-June is my guess.
  • Stragglers from Broods II, IV, XXIII, and VII might emerge next year (see our brood chart for locations). The best bet will be Brood VII stragglers. Brood VII is located in upstate NY (June).

I’m looking forward to taking some vacation time and tracking cicadas. Brood XXII is a good excuse to visit New Orleans (even if it isn’t on the cicada map).

Fun fact: Brood III and XXII won’t emerge in the same year again until the year 2235.

Australia Music Tattoos

Laura Imbruglia’s Cicada Tattoo

Australian singer/songwriter Laura Imbruglia sent us this photo of her cicada tattoo. Of course, we love it! And we love her music too.

Laura Imbruglia's Cicada Tattoo

Brood II Magicicada Periodical Video

A look back at the 2013 Brood II Periodical Cicada Emergence

2013 has been an awesome year for cicadas. Here’s a look back at my favorite Brood II moments.

  1. My 17 Year Cicada sneakers:
  2. The They’re Baaack! Return of the 17-year Cicadas exhibit at The Staten Island Museum.
  3. Meeting Ed Johnson of the Staten Island Museum.
  4. Being interviewed by and appearing in Wired Magazine.
  5. This April Fools Day joke (that no one believed).
  6. Hipster Cicada
    hipster cicada
  7. Cicada Ron Swanson
    Cicada Ron Swanson
  8. Keep Calm, They’re only 17 Year Cicadas
    Keep Calm
  9. Getting 7,500 visits from Reddit in a single day (April 7th).
  10. Finding the first nymph on April 16th under a garden slate, not ready to emerge.
  11. Finding the first cicada chimneys on May 10th.
  12. Giving a presentation about cicadas at musician/naturalist/philosopher/professor David Rothenberg’s “Richard Robinson: Song of the Cicada (World Premiere), Insect Music, based on the calls, chirps and clicks of various insects” event in New York City.
  13. Finding and photographing Magicicada septendecula, thanks to Elias Bonaro’s keen hearing.
  14. My sister’s chihuahua discovering a cicada nymph.
    chihuahua cicada
  15. Cicada tracking in New York state.
  16. An interview with Sonja Beeker of the German radio program Neonlicht.
  17. The Oklahoma Brood II emergence. A lot of us didn’t expect it, but Oklahoma residents did. Add another state to the Brood II map!
  18. Shooting lots of cicada video for the site
  19. Observing the Magicicada cassini’s “musical chairs” calling and flying routine, captured in this photo by Roy Troutman.
  20. Having Roy and Michelle Troutman visit New Jersey (I think Michelle enjoyed the beach more than the cicadas).
  21. Going cicada hunting with Roy Troutman and Elias Bonaros
    Elias and Roy
  22. The Joy of Six Legged Sex event at the Staten Island Museum, featuring John Cooley and Ed Johnson. Roy, Michelle, Elias and David Rothenberg were also in attendance.
    John Cooley and Ed Johnson speaking at the Staten Island Museum Six Legged Sex event by Roy Troutman
  23. Going cicada hunting in Staten Island with Elias and Chris Simon.
  24. Going cicada hunting with John Cooley, David Rothenberg, and a crew from the New York Times, and ending up at my folk’s place in Metuchen.
  25. Fighting back against companies that sell pesticide to kill cicadas.
  26. Discovering that the periodical cicadas along the shore of Staten Island survived Superstorm Sandy.
  27. Meeting cicada filmmaker Sam Orr.
  28. All the reports, comments, Tweets, and cicada photos sent to us by Cicada Mania readers. You make it all worthwhile.
  29. The Finneytown, Ohio acceleration… technically not Brood II, but…
  30. All the cool cicada community science opportunities presented by, the Simon Lab, the Urban Buzz Project, Gene Kritsky and Radiolab.

I’m looking forward to the Brood III and XXII emergences next year, but I don’t know if they’ll be as fun as Brood II 2013.

17 year cicadas y u no?

Australia Cyclochila

Masked Devil aka Cyclochila australasiae

Lozang Y. posted this image of a Masked Devil aka Cyclochila australasiae on our Facebook page. The photo was taken in the Blue Mountains, NSW, Australia.

Masked Devil

These cicadas are currently out and singing in the New South Wales area.

The green form of this cicada is called a Green Grocer, the yellow form is called a Yellow Monday, and the Blue Form is called the Blue Moon. The Cyclochila australasiae might have more color variations than even the Gaeana festiva of Southeast Asia.

More info about Cyclochila australasiae from L.W. Popple’s website.

Papers and Documents

Cicada Papers and Documents, PDFs and Images

Visit Tim McNary’s Bibliography of the Cicadoidea for many, many more cicada papers and articles.

Biogeography of the Cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) of North America, North of Mexico

Author: Allen F. Sanborn 1, and Polly K. Phillips (2013)

North American Cicadas. Features maps. “Abstract: We describe and illustrate the biogeography of the cicadas inhabiting continental North America, north of Mexico. Species distributions were determined through our collecting efforts as well as label data from more than 110 institutional collections.”

File located on

North American cicadas (1921)

Author: Davis, William T. (William Thompson), 1862-1945; New York Entomological Society. Journal

North American Cicadas

File located on

A monograph of oriental cicadidae (1892)

Author: Distant, William Lucas, 1845-1922

Cicadas of India, Southeast Asia and China

File located on

Centre for Entomological Studies Ankara, Cesa News Nr. 55 (January 30, 2010)

Cicadidae of Turkey and some ecological notes on Tibicina serhadensis Kocak & Kemal from Van Province (East Turkey) (Homoptera) — Author: Muhabbet Kemal, Ahmet Omer Kocak, Vildan Bozaci

Cicadas of Turkey

File located on

The Periodical Cicada (1907)

Author: C. L. Marlatt

Magicicada periodical cicadas

File located on

The periodical cicada in 1914 (1914)

Author: United States. Bureau of Entomology; Marlatt, C. L

Magicicada periodical cicadas

File located on

Les Cicadines d’Europe : d’après les originaux et les plus récentes (1875)

Fieber, Franz Xaver, 1807-1872; Metcalf Collection (North Carolina State University). NCRS

Cicadas of Europe

File located on

Insecta. Rhynchota. Hemiptera-Homoptera. Volume I (1881-1905)

W. L. Distant and W. W. Fowler

Cicadas of Central and South America

File located on

Emergence of Prime Numbers as the Result of Evolutionary Strategy (PDF)

Prof. Douglas Galvao of the State University of Campinas

Magicicada periodical cicadas

File located on

Genera of American cicadas north of Mexico (1978)

Author: Heath, Maxine Shoemaker

Genera of American cicadas north of Mexico. Note a more recent book (scroll up) has been published in 2013.

File located on

Dictionnaire universel d’histoire naturelle: atlas (1861)

Author: Orbigny, Charles Dessalines d’, 1806-1876; Metcalf Collection (North Carolina State University). NCRS

Contains a few cicada illustrations including a Tacua sp.

File located on


Tibicen Cicada Tattoo

Amy Shaw shared a photo of her new photo-realistic cicada tattoo.

Cicada Tattoo

The tattoo artist is Dan Henk.