Brood IV Brood XXIII Magicicada Periodical Stragglers

2015 Periodical Cicada Emergences

There will be two major periodical cicada emergences in 2015. We’re less that 2 months away!


Brood XXIII, the Lower Mississippi Valley brood:

This brood of 13 year Magicicada will emerge in Louisiana, Mississippi, Arkansas, Tennessee, Missouri, Kentucky, Illinois, and Indiana. Brood XXIII features all four 13 year Magicicada species M. tredecim, M. neotredecim, M. tredecassini and M. tredecula.

When they’ll emerge depends on the weather. A cool spring will mean the emergences will start later in the spring. Regardless of the weather, the emergences will begin in the Southern-most states, sometime in late April or early to mid May.

Brood XXIII should, depending on the weather, start emerging in less than two months; some time in late April in Louisiana.

Brood IV, the Kansan Brood:

This brood of 17 year Magicicada will emerge in Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, and Iowa. Brood VI features all three 17 year Magicicada species M. septendecim, M. cassini, and M. septendecula.

Brood IV should start emerging in early May.

Brood IV and XXIII won’t emerge in the same year again until the year 2236. The only state that features both Brood XXIII & IV is Missouri, but the areas where they emerge do not overlap.


The best bet for Stragglers will be Brood VIII (17 year cicadas emerging 4 years early) & XIX (13 year cicadas emerging 4 years late). There is also a chance for III (17yr/1 year late), V (17yr/1 year early), and XXII (13yr/1 year late). Visit our brood page, to see the states where these stragglers might emerge.

73 replies on “2015 Periodical Cicada Emergences”

Today is 6/30/15. This morning was different for the Magicicadas! They have only sung in the evening until today! Now they’re singing in the mornings, as well! Summertime in Central Arkansas!

We saw one tonight on our front door screen. Seems early for Cudjoe Key FL. We usually hear them in August, but their numbers seem to dwindling more every year. Everyone suspects mosquito control. We also see less butterflies and dragonflies and crickets.

I have noticed them in the Kansas City, Missouri area since early June. The sound is extremely loud. Once following me in the house and I could not believe how loud it was. I run to my car every day because they are everywhere. It is worst the warmer the temperature. It was cooler yesterday and I did not see as many. I am told they may be gone by the end of June and that is not soon enough for me.

They are driving us crazy in the Kansas City area. So many in the trees and so many bodies left in yards. There are everywhere. When will they STOP?

We feel like were under attack our trees are moving non stop
And if you go outside they hit you in the head

Their here in Caldwell, Ks been listening to them every
Evening. My 6 and 2yr old grnsons each had one in their hand playing with them. Each year there’s times when all you hear at nite is the the sound of cicadas.

Near the Kansas Speedway.The sound seems to be getting louder.
And truly is driving me crazy. Does anyone know when
these little creatures will be done,and move on?

Have been hearing a few around but nothing major quite yet here in Oklahoma. I remember Summers from when I was a kid where you couldn’t even talk over the hum because they were so loud!

They are popping up everywhere last few days here in Shawnee, ks (NE Ks). Just amazing watching them in the woods swarming by hundreds in branches. Had couple of am fall on me while mowing stuck together mating. They are singing loud.

We live in Mayetta, KS (north of Topeka) and have been seeing thousands for a few days now. Today seems like a whole new bunch has emerged and hanging on everything. Starting to sing and fly around. My wife refuses to go outside. THE END IS NEAR!!!

Massive emergence in Marshall County, Kentucky observed by TVA Terrestrial Zoologist on 5/27/2015!!

We have had thousands upon thousands of them in Ashland Ms since about the 12th of May. It is now the 26th and I’m starting to see a lot of shells.
The noise is still very loud. My cats are having a field day with them.

Over the last week or so in Cabot, AR we started seeing nymphs, then shells, now adults. Must be thousands. Noise is deafening but amazing! Several Mississippi Kites have been flying around the neighborhood enjoying the endless buffet!

They are all over our fence, plants, trees, in the grass. Never seen so many emerging. Not singing yet but I’m thinking it will be soon! Olathe, KS

I saw 5 cicadas in my back yard this morning. One was still white. Their shells were nearby. Beaver, PA (30 miles NW of Pittsburgh)

Hearing them here on KY lake, in Waverly, TN, for 3-4 days. Have not seen them, however. Sounds like an invasion of UFO’s!

They have been singing here in Carbondale, Southern Illinois for several days. Their volume is incredible.

Topeka, KS – Over the past 3 or 4 days, we have seen literally thousands of cicada in our yard alone (honestly, tens-of-thousands is not exaggerating). Iris plants, tree trunks (especially pine trees), and almost anything upright has cicadas hanging from them. We have holes all over the yard where they have emerged. The bases of the trees have a layer of cicada shells covering the ground.

It has been cool and rainy here for the last several days, but today it seems that the cicadas are starting to disperse, probably because their wings are finally getting dry enough to fly.

I have lived in this area all my life and I don’t recall every seeing this many cicadas ever.

Seems like citronella keeps them out of the back yard. It’s only when it’s not burning they start coming in. Any reason?

I’ve been seeing tons of holes in the ground in a bare spot around the tree, but have not actually seen them yet and they are not singing. They may just be high in the tree where I can’t see them? It’s been unusually cool and very wet here in Lawrence, KS. I have never seen the holes before like I am this year!

Yesterday is when I started noticing the sound of the cicadas. I can hear them across the street in this little wooded area. Today, I saw a dead one in the parking lot. Today, I am inside with the windows closed and I can clearly hear them. How long can we expect them to hang around?

Found some at the Southwest part of Vanderburgh county in Indiana, didn’t know what that sound was until I saw the shed skins.

North Mississippi near the Tennessee line is covered up. They are so loud you can hear them when inside. Unfortunately for the cicadas emerging in my yard, my chickens think they are delicious.

They have been “singing” in West Tennessee (Jackson area) for four days. The sound is almost overwhelming and continues most of the day.

Has to be fairly large swarm here in Belden, Ms. area. Continuous singing/screeching.
Also have a friend in Saltillo, Ms area says he can here them in that area too.

I first noticed them here in central Arkansas on Sunday, May 17. They are everywhere and can be heard singing all over this town. They like my patio and pool apron. Hope they leave soon. The sound is eerie! Ann

Here in West Monroe (Northeast Louisiana), we’ve been listening to loud humming and buzzing for about a week now. We are seeing small cicadas with reddish brown eyes and accents and golden brown wings.

First started emerging in Bartlett, TN (SW TN) May11th. House was covered for about 8 days but dwindling down now. Chorus is exceptionally loud! These things are so ugly!!!

they have been screeming here for over a week. I do not
Ever believe I have heard them like this prior

They are still emerging here in Sheridan, Arkansas. Adults are becoming abundant in spots along edges of old tree lines are being seen at sites where none were found 2 days earlier. No singing yet.
K O Bell Jr, reported May 18, 2015

Up here near Osage county Missouri. We see them all over the trees and the kids and Walmart shopping carts. They ain’t singing yet. They’re just staring at us. It’s been a week now and I starting to think they are conspiring. My neighbor Shelley found two on her pantry, they didn’t take anything they just kept on starring. When should we call the EPA to run scanning systems to make sure they aren’t here to harm us and just here for their bug meetings. I sure don’t like this. Why won’t they sing?

Many sightings here in southern Illinois, but not as the last emergence, and they’re not singing. Why not? Last time, the noise was incredible.

It usually takes about a week before they’ll start to chorus, plus they like the temperature closer to 80 before they’ll really get going.

They are here in North Louisiana by the millions!! we live in the country and they are covering our porch and plants!! Their noise is deafening outside. I can’t stand to be outside more than a few minutes at a time! Please tell me they will be gone soon!!

started hearing the sound 2 days ago it’s getting louder and louder in the beginning I thought it was a house like a house with an alarm but no it has to be these bugs I have never heard anything so louder ever noticed maybe never really paid that much attention but I live in northern Mississippi by sardis lake….the overwhelming sound never stops it’s amazing

They are here, in Northeast Louisiana. Have noticed them this week. First time on May 10th or 11th, 2015.

They covered my house overnight (but not any of my neighbors). They were in their shells last night moving, but have wings this morning- not singing yet…Calvert City, KY. In Western KY near Kentucky Lake

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