Brood XIII Magicicada

Emergence Report for 5/24

Emergence Locations: Glenview, Flossmoor, Des Plaines, Brookfield, Palos Heights, … (all Illinois)

A funny photo from from James P from Glenview, IL (click the image for a larger version):


From Sue B in Flossmoor, IL, the cicadas and the sea gulls patiently waiting to eat them:


magicicada skins

7 replies on “Emergence Report for 5/24”

I took a drive today through the Morton Arboretum in Lisle even though it was windy. The guy at the gate said there has been some sporadic sitings but not alot of activity lately. I did find a huge tree on the West side amost to the end of the drive before you exit that was covered with shells (hundreds). The tree is hard to miss because it is huge. I parked the car and was looking around on the ground and there was a large number of shells on the ground and many adult cicadas taking shelter from the wind clinging to blades of grass. For some reason I thought they were bigger than I remember back in my youth but these ones were only maybe an inch long and black with red eyes. It was really cool to see. I also turned off my truck and I was able to hear the mating calls in distant trees. I also spoke to someone that was taking a walk on the trail on my drive back who lives in Downers Grove and she indicated that today and yesterday the cicadas began emerging in her neighborhood.

I live in the old part of Lisle but our trees have not been very active with any cicadas emerging, although I did find a cicada wing in my fountain today and I heard some cicada songs in the nearby trees so I know they are close but being a little shy. I still believe we haven’t seen the big emergence yet due to the fluctuating weather.

My husband and I were in Lombard a couple of days ago and saw many Cicada holes and a couple of live ones. I am out in Carol Stream and live behind a park and pond with many old tree, but not a single Cicada or even a hole yet from what I have seen. I am starting to doubt if we are going to get them in Carol Stream at all. I hope we do, I have been telling my daughter about it for weeks. Anyone know of an emeregence in Carol Stream or if they even emerge here at all?

I have hundreds in my yard. The ground looked like it was moving last night. I looked this morning
and saw at least 100 just on my tree. Some still in the shell.

they’re also out in Lombard, IL, i watched one molt yesterday. i sat there
entranced for an hour. beautiful.

that first photo: “um…a little help here?”
still nothing in oak park for me either. grr.

Still waiting (impatiently) in Aurora. If anyone knows of an emergence in Aurora or Naperville, I’d love to know about it.

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