Brood XI John Cooley Magicicada Periodical Stragglers

$50 Reward for Cicadas

Hey folks, I just got this message from John Cooley, a cicada researcher:

Have I got a deal for you……..see the attached. We’re hoping to
mobilize the cicada fan club to see whether our local brood really
has gone extinct (I think it has- no sightings at last known patch in
1971, 1988, or 2005).

There’s more info about this on Cicada Central— I’ll also consider
some sort of a reward for significant collections of live M.
septendecim stragglers from the eastern part of Brood X, and I’ll
grant the full reward for XI specimens in the CT river valley of MA
and CT, as well as anywhere in RI.

— John Cooley
home page:

So, if you find a Magicicada in those areas, and have proof, please contact John.

Cooley Reward.

2 replies on “$50 Reward for Cicadas”

I believe I have found a cicida on my front porch. It was very large (almost 2inches)and VERY loud! Coloring was greyish/white. I took 1 picture of it. If you would like to view it, feel free to contact me @ my e-mail address.

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