These are “Green Neotibicen” from Bill Reynolds’ collection. The “Green Neotibicen” include the very visually similar N. linnei, N. pruinosus, N. winnemanna and N.canicularis.
These cicadas are Neotibicen davisi:
These cicadas are Neotibicen pruinosus pruinosus:
These are Neotibicen pruinosus fulvus (photo by Bill Reynolds):
You are welcome to use these images of mine on BG of N. pruinosus f. fulva.
Bill Reynolds
Thanks Bill! Much appreciated.
Under the green Neotibicen species above, 1st series, these are N. davisi you have listed as pruinosus (incl. one to which you refer as a form fulva).
That is actually an unusual pallid davisi (likely lacking black pigments typical of most cicadas).
Bill Reynolds