Cicada Mania

Dedicated to cicadas, the most amazing insects in the world.

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December 31, 2006

2006 Annual Cicada Sightings

Filed under: Annual | Old Message Board — Dan @ 1:01 am

I am in Prince Edward Island, Canada, on the 13th of OCTOBER, a 2" long plus insect that I think must be a Cicada of some kind, dark brown, reasonably active still this am, was on the door, (attracted by the light that I have beside the door), the weather this fall has been unreasonably ( 🙂 ) warm with ~70 degree weather two or three days this week, normally I have Cicadas on the trees and of house only in August, has anyone else seen this or is it a fluke ? I have searched the outside of the house but only the one lonesome charlie.

Comment by Tom Purdy — October 14, 2006 [AT] 5:17 am

I live in Raleigh, NC area, and just spotted my first cicada the night before last which was August 20, 2006. I freaked out when I saw this huge bug on my front porch screen, but after a few seconds realized that it must be a locust or cicada. The markings/colorings on these insects are incredible. I decided to do a little research to be sure and found this website. So, there you are!

Comment by P. Sapp — August 22, 2006 [AT] 4:36 am

my son and i live in crittenden ky. 30 mi. south of cincinnati oh.and have sighted many green and black cicadas.the noise from these are loud and the noise has been around for about 2 to 3 weeks.can anyone tell us exactly what species they are, how often these come out and when they will disappear? we are very interested. sincerely,s. goldsworth

Comment by s.goldsworth — August 21, 2006 [AT] 1:50 pm

Arghhhh! That noise! Here I take a week off from work in the middle of August to spend with my children, and every evening, I hear the deafening sound of the cicada! I thought we weren’t due for another emergency for another ten years or so. I live in Athens, Ohio, where the brood hatched in 1999 during my daughter’s outdoor birthday party (what a memory for her… kids screeming as the fly overhead , getting caught in their hair! What fun!) so we were not expecting the hissing of summer lawns for another decade. What gives?

Comment by Kirk G — August 18, 2006 [AT] 7:44 am

I am having trouble identifying this cicada I caught. I was hoping someone could identify it for me? Here are the pictures.

If you can, email or IM what you think it is to me.
Email: leogeckogirl [AT]
AIM: Reha Chan

Comment by Reha — August 17, 2006 [AT] 2:33 am

I live in Connecticut and came across a dead cicada last week. Not knowing what it was I took some pictures and posted them in my blog. Falanya from Anchorage clued me in as to what it was. Now I just don’t know what type of cicada it is — just curious.

Check out the photots at

BTW, Very nice web site!


Comment by Gerry michaud — August 14, 2006 [AT] 4:21 pm

2 cicadas spotted in Columbus, GA. First one spotted on August 1st, the second sighting was August 14 this morning.

Comment by johnny lumpkin — August 14, 2006 [AT] 1:17 pm

I have spotted a Cicada twice in the last week at my front door. It’s apparently attracted to the yellow bug light I purchased to deter all insects. When I first saw it I was shocked at how big they are! I didn’t know what it was at first until I started researching them this morning. I saw it for the first time last week, but saw it again this morning as I was leaving for work. It was right on my wall under my porch light. It makes such a loud sound! it looks just like the apache cicada that you have pictured on the home page. I thought that their were no species due to surface in 2006?

Comment by johnny lumpkin — August 14, 2006 [AT] 1:13 pm

Cicadas starting emerging around my yard about June 20th this year. I have seen more than a dozen nymph exoskeletons all over the yard: on the foundation of my house, on the fence, under daylily, squash and bergamot leaves, and even two on the tire of my car. I got photos of two adults and I think they are genus Tibicen. Now yesterday and today, the noise has been intense up in the trees!

Comment by Jenn — July 29, 2006 [AT] 7:27 pm

Two cicadas sighted in Toronto.

Comment by SSK — July 27, 2006 [AT] 3:12 pm


After an absence of over 50 years, the Giant Cicada (Quesada gigas) is back (with a vengeance) across Central Texas from San Antonio to Austin…

Giant Cicada / Chicharra Grande

Comment by Mike Quinn — July 21, 2006 [AT] 1:23 pm

I just wanted to report that I finally heard my first Tibicen of
the season late this afternoon.
It was a T.chloromera. I have yet to
find any live nymphs or exuviae though. I will update once I find any.


Comment by Roy Troutman — July 1, 2006 [AT] 9:13 pm

Speaking of Disney, I work at Disneyland, and our cicadas have just made a very loud apperance. Does anyone know what type they are? The last few days have been the warmest in quite a while…around 80. Thank you!

Comment by Elizabeth Madsen — April 20, 2006 [AT] 1:43 am

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