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Cicada Comments from February 2002

Cicada screen savers and stuff

Date: Monday, Feb/25/2002

Being from the west coast california, we do not have cicadas. there is a very small species in the vally that lives in grass but nothing as spectacular as the larger cicadas in the souther US. I got a chance to see one emerge in a rest area in texas. amazing. anyway, i use the cicada as the logo for my personal website check it out, there are some nice flash files i make for the main page and when theyre retired, i make them into screen savers you can download. if you have any good images of cicadas, please send them to me. would love some new art. steve – — steve, DC

Re Specimen

Date: Thursday, Feb/21/2002

I don’t have any for sale, but I can send you some from Texas. I would like to trade if you have any extras. johnne [AT] — Wes Phillips, Fritch, TX

Re: Is this a cicada?

Date: Sunday, Feb/17/2002

Yours is a picture of a Jerusalem cricket, sometimes called a sand cricket. They are fairly common in California, but rarely seen because they are nocturnal. Usually they are found under rocks, but in California at this time of year the are often flooded out from their hiding place. Your County Ag Commissioner in Salinas may be able to give you more information. — Tim McNary, Ft Collins, CO

Re Is this a Cicada?

Date: Saturday, Feb/16/2002

I tried to post an image – didn’t work. — Traver, Salinas, California – (near Monterey)

Is this a Cicada?

Date: Saturday, Feb/16/2002

— Traver, Salinas, California – (near Monterey)


Date: Friday, Feb/15/2002

Looking to purchase all kinds of cicada specimen in good conditions. — P Au (Mr), Hong Kong