Neocicada Tibicen

August Dry Birds and end of the Tibicen season

Anyone familar with the term “August Dry Birds”? William M wrote to say to he knew a farmer in Vermont who called cicadas that. I’ve heard of “locusts” and “harvest fly” before, but “August Dry Birds” is new to me.

Some news article found by Roy:

Cicadas’ summer song hits high-volume pitch.

I went hiking last weekend in New Jersey’s Atlantic Highlands (yes, New Jersey has trees and wildlife) and I heard plenty of Tibicen cicadas, but I think we’re close to the end of the season. Anyone else still hearing Tibicens?

One reply on “August Dry Birds and end of the Tibicen season”

(September 23)
Down south in Central Mississippi there are still plenty of T. davisi and T. figurata singing. There are still a few T. pruinosa when the evening is warm, but they are almost gone. There are still quite a few T. walkeri mostly concentrated in willows where the ground is moist. I have not heard a T. chloromera for weeks, and the T. lyricen have been silent since the middle of August. In my back yard, as usual there was a large emergence of T. davisi in early September with as many as five per tree pre night. Now, they are just about done with only one in the whole backyard every every other day.

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