Brood VIII Brood XXIII Old Message Board

Cicada Comments from April 2002

More news on Brood XX111

Date: Monday, Apr/29/2002

One of my current entomology students brought a single specimen of M. tredecim to class this morning that was also captured April 28 in Raymond, Mississippi (Hinds County) about 10 miles southwest of Clinton. She reported seeing hundreds of husks and emergence holes at this site. — Bill P. Stark, Clinton, Mississippi, USA

Any new links?

Date: Sunday, Apr/28/2002

I’m glad to hear the emergence of Brood XXIII has begun. If anyone finds any new cicada site links please email them to us. — Dan, Cicada Mania Headquarters

Brood XXIII emergence

Date: Sunday, Apr/28/2002

The emergence of Brood XXIII is now underway. This morning (April 28, 2002) I have 15 husks and several adult Magicicada specimens on my back porch. The adults are all M. tredecim but two of the nymphs which failed to emerge represent one of the smaller species. Clinton Community Nature Center, where I serve as a volunteer, will hold a program on May 11 on the nature trails to celebrate “Cicada Magic”; if the 2002 emergence is as impressive as the 1989 one we should all get an earful. — Bill P. Stark, Clinton, Mississippi, USA

a new experience.

Date: Friday, Apr/26/2002

For all my life I heard the cicadas and didn’t know what they were. I thought they were just locusts reacting to the hot summer weather, like hearing the crickets at night. Just recently I found out they were cicada’s, and that they emerge from the ground at night and molt on the trees. I find this to be interesting and when they appear again this year I will for the first time more closely be observing them around me. I will have joined the cicada mania 🙂 — stelcha, chicago, ill.

Aaahhh… The Tension mounts!

Date: Friday, Apr/26/2002

Judging by the recent posts… I’d say the anticipation is beginning to grow. I’ll be monitoring the activity of Brood VIII personally and gearing up for several (tons of) field trips! The next few weeks will be getting very interesting!Les — Les Daniels, Fremont, Ohio U.S.A.

Mississippi and Louisiana

Date: Thursday, Apr/25/2002

About that reporting on cicada emergences, I especially urge you to post here if and you see Brood XXIII emerging in Louisiana or Mississippi. They tend to emerge sooner to the south because of the warmer climate, and a report of emergers to my south will give me a much-needed heads-up here in northeast Arkansas. — Nick, Arkansas

Let us know if the cicadas are out…

Date: Thursday, Apr/25/2002

Hi – I’m part of a group researching the periodical cicadas, and we are interested in any reports of emergences of Broods XXIII and VIII so that we can plan our field work as we go. Send messages to david.marshall [AT] Thanks! — David Marshall, University of Connecticut

Where?and When? to view Cicadas

Date: Thursday, Apr/25/2002

I am hoping to make a trip to easternPennsylvania or western Ohio.Could someone please sugest a hot spot and abasic time line of the Cicadas arrival?Thank You — Colin Green, Toronto,Ontario,Canada

Utah cicadas

Date: Wednesday, Apr/24/2002

Last week (April 18) near Oak City, UT, I found fresh cast skins of a very small cicada, probably Platypedia or Neoplatypedia spp. The weather vas very poor, so I didn’t see or hear any adults “clicking” These species do not sing. — Tim McNary, Ft. Collins CO

Thanks for the help!

Date: Wednesday, Apr/24/2002

I’ve been working on this tiring and big insect project for school, and I needed some info on cicadas. The FAQs helped me a lot! I jotted down some things on the periodical cicada. I had all I needed–right here! — M’ia, California

view me — i am a cicada

Date: Wednesday, Apr/24/2002

greetings from illinois. we cicadas eagerly await brood xxiii. visit to see my beautiful self. — chirpy, illinois

You might want to fix one of those FAQ’s…

Date: Tuesday, Apr/23/2002

One of them says adult cicadas don’t need to eat. But actually they do, at least Tibicens, anyway. I used to keep the adults in captivity to test their life span, and usually I would cut small tree branches and place them in water in the cicadas’ enclosure. The cicadas used their food tube to bore through the thin bark and suck juices out of the plants. But when I let the branches die or neglected to provide cicadas with fresh ones, it greatly shortened their life spans. This happened pretty consistently so I think it’s safe to say the adults have to eat, at least the Tibicen cicadas for sure. — Nick, Arkansas

Don’t worry, Alexa

Date: Tuesday, Apr/23/2002

Yep, they’ll be visiting western PA in about 3 or 4 weeks, but not to worry. They’re nothing to be scared of. All they’ll do is make a lot of noise and clutter your yard for about a month, then they’ll disappear for 17 more years. And the populations are spotty so they might miss your pad altogether! =) — Nick, Arkansas

Are they coming

Date: Sunday, Apr/21/2002

Are the cicada really coming this year, 2002, to Pennsylvania. I live in Southwestern PA and was curious as to their arrival. I am very frightened of these insects-can you please ease my worry? — Alexa, New Brighton

10 lbs Cicada

Date: Sunday, Apr/21/2002

A 10 lbs cicada bit the ear off of my pet pitbull — Paul, Widnoon

giant cicada

Date: Sunday, Apr/21/2002

Holy s***, we seen a ten pounder.Bit off my pit bulls ear. Tried to catch that sucker but I damn near lost a finger. — Hez, templeton pennsylvania

Brood XXIII in E. Arkansas, SE Missouri and W. Tennessee

Date: Monday, Apr/8/2002

Brood XXIII should emerge here within the next minth. Can hardly wait. Check out my newly-remodeled Cicadas of Arkansas site at Angelfire and it shouldn’t surprise you… =) — Nick, Arkansas

Old Message Board

Cicada Comments from March 2002


Date: Saturday, Mar/30/2002



Date: Friday, Mar/29/2002

This site is great but i havnt found and information on Cicadas and i have a book report that is due tuesday — Shannon, 3308 se 89 #166 oklahoma city,ok

Southeast Missouri in 1989 and 2002

Date: Thursday, Mar/21/2002

The brood maps show a 13-year brood (XXIII?) for 1989, 2002, etc, with a range that includes parts of southeast Missouri. I’m planning a short vacation in southeast MO in late May and hope to see/hear them. Would be nice to hear periodicals before the “main” MO brood returns in 2011. Does anyone remember hearing this brood in 1989 and where they heard them? Are they widely distributed within their range and is their density high? I was thinking of trying heavily-forested areas such as Trail of Tears and Big Oak Tree state parks. Thanks in advance for any info about this brood. — Eric, Missouri

The Winner! is Me.

Date: Friday, Mar/15/2002

I’m sure you knew at the time that my photograph of a freshly hatched tibicen (Thanks for genus id, Les Daniels)was the winner of the Cicada art contest. I am not credited with the photograph (as far as I can see) in the Gallery. I would appreciate having my name added to the photo. Pete — Pete Dickson, Cincinnati, OH

Australian Cicada Sounds

Date: Saturday, Mar/9/2002

I’m from Sydney, Australia, but I haven’t been home in years. I was just watching a documentary on my old home town, when they played a few seconds of cicada sounds. The memories came flooding back: Catching cicadas, their eternal summer song. I’m a pretty tough, beefy guy, but I swear I misted up. If anyone knows where I can download the sounds of some true-blue australian cicadas, well I’d be in their debt.kieran_mccabe [AT] — kieran_mccabe [AT], London, UK

Old Message Board

Cicada Comments from February 2002

Cicada screen savers and stuff

Date: Monday, Feb/25/2002

Being from the west coast california, we do not have cicadas. there is a very small species in the vally that lives in grass but nothing as spectacular as the larger cicadas in the souther US. I got a chance to see one emerge in a rest area in texas. amazing. anyway, i use the cicada as the logo for my personal website check it out, there are some nice flash files i make for the main page and when theyre retired, i make them into screen savers you can download. if you have any good images of cicadas, please send them to me. would love some new art. steve – — steve, DC

Re Specimen

Date: Thursday, Feb/21/2002

I don’t have any for sale, but I can send you some from Texas. I would like to trade if you have any extras. johnne [AT] — Wes Phillips, Fritch, TX

Re: Is this a cicada?

Date: Sunday, Feb/17/2002

Yours is a picture of a Jerusalem cricket, sometimes called a sand cricket. They are fairly common in California, but rarely seen because they are nocturnal. Usually they are found under rocks, but in California at this time of year the are often flooded out from their hiding place. Your County Ag Commissioner in Salinas may be able to give you more information. — Tim McNary, Ft Collins, CO

Re Is this a Cicada?

Date: Saturday, Feb/16/2002

I tried to post an image – didn’t work. — Traver, Salinas, California – (near Monterey)

Is this a Cicada?

Date: Saturday, Feb/16/2002

— Traver, Salinas, California – (near Monterey)


Date: Friday, Feb/15/2002

Looking to purchase all kinds of cicada specimen in good conditions. — P Au (Mr), Hong Kong

Old Message Board

Cicada Comments from January 2002

cicada noise

Date: Thursday, Jan/31/2002

Please! Please! can you help me find information on how to temporarily stop the noise emitted my the cicada. If you don’t know how to stop it, could you send contacts that might have any info that could assist my search. Thanks for your time. Christine — Christine, sunshine coast QLD, Australia

Texas A&M collection

Date: Friday, Jan/25/2002

I recently spent a couple of days in the insect collection at Texas A&M in College Station. They have an excellent collection and I have taken notes on some of the species represented. Really Good Stuff!Wes — Wes Phillips, Fritch, Texas

Cincinnati Cicadas

Date: Wednesday, Jan/23/2002

Brood X of the Periodical Cicadas are due to emerge in 2004 in the Cincinnati area. They will be present from around May 20 until the end of June, weather permitting. There is a possibility of a few hundred individuals emerging one year earlier in 2003, but these should be only in scattered locations if at all. There will be no doubt when they emerge in 2004. They will be very noticeable. — John Zyla, Ridge, Maryland, USA


Date: Tuesday, Jan/22/2002

Can anyone tell me when the Cicadas will return to Cincinnati. It seems that it will be 2003, but there is a post saying that it is 2004.Does anyone know for sure? What about month and duration?Many thanks! — Peggy Bailey, Cincinnati, Ohio USA

Malaysian cicada

Date: Monday, Jan/7/2002

we found a flattened cicada in a pack of wood from malaysia, and we have been trying to find out more about them, ie their habitat and life span, can you help. it looks like either a pompone imperatoria, or a ayuthia spectabilis. if any one knows please feel free to e-mail me at mooreclub [AT], thanks — mike moore, swindon. united kingdom

RE: The Three Dots

Date: Friday, Jan/4/2002

It sound like you are describing the ocelli. Ocelli are simple eyes, located between the larger compound eyes on the heads of many insects. Cicadas always have 3 ocelli. The 3 ocelli on cicadas form a triangle with the apex pointed down toward the mouth and out toward the compound eyes. If you are looking for information on Australian cicadas, I would recommend the book “Australian Cicadas” by Max Moulds. — Tim McNary, Ft. Collins, Colorado, USA

The Three Dots

Date: Friday, Jan/4/2002

I’ve been loving this cicada season, my 4 year old son has been loving it more, even though the noise id defining and i have to turn the music or TV up a few notches i still love it. I was wondering what those 3 shiny dots are on the forehead of the cicada. Thanks to anyone who can help. — jan, Terrigal, Aus

Old Message Board

Cicada Comments from December 2001

RE: IDs of Bolivian and Panamanian Cicadas

Date: Saturday, Dec/29/2001

Sorry, I forgot my email address to contact me regarding IDs of the cicadas from Panama and Bolivia. If you are interested in receiving files with pictures of the cicadas, email me at: timjcathym [AT] — Tim McNary, Ft. Collins, CO, USA

Need help with IDs of Bolivian and Panamanian Cicada

Date: Saturday, Dec/29/2001

I have quite a number of cicada species in my collection from Panama and Bolivia, which I can not identify. If anyone is familiar with the cicada fauna of these region, I can send you e-photos to look at. Even getting them to genera would be very helpful. Thanks — Tim McNary, Ft. Collins, CO


Date: Wednesday, Dec/26/2001

Cicadas always do what’s normal — for them at least. My best advice is to grin and bear it, or get some insect netting for your veranda. — Dan, Frozen New Jersey

Happy New Years, and Replies

Date: Wednesday, Dec/26/2001

Tracy (8/22), there are pictures of burrows in the Galleries. Charles (8/24), sounds more like a Hollywood movie than a cicada emergence. Better call Ghost Busters or the Men In Black. Leigh (8/31), sounds like a Tibicen chloromera. Stelcha (9/2), cicadas blend well with the color and texture of a tree – they also might be sitting on top of a branch where you can’t see them. Robert (9/7), you’ve spotted a different Genus of cicada, which is why you didn’t see it on the maps we refer to. Most of the maps we refer to on the site are for Magicicada only. Vivian (9/10), cicadas don’t sting, but they do make sounds day and night. The sound they make differs with temperature, which is why you don’t think you hear them at night, but you do, you just think they’re crickets. TomBrooklyn (10/17), cicadas might not live in the BK, but they do live up in the mountains, which is why you didn’t see them. Dave (11/5) you found a Tibicen (the genus), but I’m not sure which species of Tibicen you’ve found. — Dan, Frozen New Jersey


Date: Saturday, Dec/22/2001

These cicadas are driving me crazy and have been since early December. How long beofre they quit? In 1998 they went on for about four weeks then tailed off. Is this normal. 1999/2000 and 2000/2001 reasonable. Using ear plugs to keep sane. — jean langhorn, Nr. Coffs Harbour NSW Australia

To Rosalie

Date: Saturday, Dec/15/2001

I wish I had your problem. It is now winter in my area, and the sweet song of the cicada is not heard in the land. I would love it if you could catch some for me. Australia has some of the most beautiful cicadas in the world. Other than the infernal racket, they are harmless. They don’t bite or sting and they make (music?) Write me at johnne [AT] Phillips — Wes Phillips, Fritch, Texas

Plagued By Cicadas

Date: Saturday, Dec/15/2001

Help please!! I need to know how long they last or something? I can’t go out of my front door at night. there is literally thousands of them, black, green, orange I think, flying around and sitting all over my front lawn, varandah, walls, and walkways. I can’t stand the noise but that’s nothing compared to feeling like a prisoner at night. I’ve never seen anything like it. this time last year this was not a problem at all. so what is happening? and will they go really soon or will they last all summer like this? i couldn’t stand it if they did. honestly you wouldn’t believe it. any advice would be appreciated. Rosalie 🙂 — Rosalie, The Hunter, NSW, Australia


Date: Monday, Dec/10/2001


Old Message Board

Cicada Comments from November 2001


Date: Saturday, Nov/24/2001

I am over run with these CICADA insects….I am not well and since these insects have invaded my property they buzz and make their noise 24 hrs a day seven days a week non stop…….I have no trees either on my property or anywhere near my property……Please tell me how I can get rid of them so I can regain some of my health….Thank you — DOLLY, FT.LAUDERDALE,Fla

Local Cicadas

Date: Wednesday, Nov/21/2001

I have been collecting Cicadas in the Texas Panhandle all summer. The most common seems to be Tibicen dorsata, but I have also found Tibicen superba, Tibicen pruinosa, Diceroprocta vitripennis, Melampsalta calliope, Pacarina puella, and what may be Tibicen aurifera. Anybody want to trade?johnne [AT] — Wes Phillips, Fritch, Texas

Cicada I.D.

Date: Monday, Nov/5/2001

Greetings Dan and all. I really enjoy your site. I’ve been a cicada fanatic since I was a little tike, and now that I’m a big tike fast approaching 60, I’m still a fanatic. Do some of us ever grow up? I’m wanting help in identifing a cicada. My quest goes back some 40 years + and I have no pictures to show. This is all from memory. When I was in the third grade of school I visited friends with my parents on the south east edge of Illinois on the Little Wabash River. While walking along a wooded area I found an unusual dead cicada (a male specimen). I took it back to the house and put it on the window sill outside. Next mourning when I went to fetch it, it was gone. A critter must have got it. I did not see this type cicada again until I started high school. A teacher had a display case with a few insects mounted in it. What caught my eye was (you guessed it)the cicada (a female specimen). These are the only two cicada’s of this color I have seen in my 57 year life time. Let me describe them. The color of the intire body was a light brown. The only green was the irregular shapes within the banded area from both sides of the center line. The underneath side was entirely chalky white-no black stripes. My memory does not recall if the wing veins or legs were green or brown. It’s shape and features were like that of Tibicen Chloromera except being light brown as opposed to dark green/almost black. These two specimens had the faint pencil like W on the back just below the band area like the Chloromeras as opposed to the fancy W found on many cicada’s. Is this a deviation from the norm where the pigment did not come out in Chloromera? Was this cicada out of its normal range if it exist? Since there was a male and female, is it a true separate species? Is it common in another region or state? If anyone has info or a gif, or a jpeg that could be sent to me,it would be much appreciated. dpatton [AT] — Dave Patton, Valier, IL. USA

Old Message Board

Cicada Comments from October 2001

2001 NY Brood Not Seen

Date: Wednesday, Oct/17/2001

I did not see any cicadas although the NY brood was suppossed to emerge this year. Can anyone tell me why? Do they not live in Brooklyn? =TB= — TomBrooklyn, Brooklyn, NY

Green Locust

Date: Monday, Oct/15/2001

My friend saw a huge green locust as he came in my door, buzzing near his head. Of course, this came right after a conversation, today, about the end of the world,.. so I nearly freaked out! haha,.. I have not seen locusts in so long, I forgot how neat they are. — CS, NM, RB, Coral Springs, FL, USA

need to what it is and what it eats

Date: Saturday, Oct/6/2001

hi need help found what we think is an baby locust it is about 1 inch long it has two big wings and two under wings ,and when you pick it up its underbelly is kinda yellowish green if you know what it is please answer ASAP oh yeah also need to know what it would eat. thanks cessna196 [AT] — amber and marissa, Florida usa

Research for a nearly completed novel

Date: Friday, Oct/5/2001

I have nerly completed a novel about New Orleans, which contains a few paragraphs on the cicadas (or “locusts” as they are mistakenly called here). Some time ago I saw a film in which the main character quoted a poem about the locut’s song, but can’t remember which film it was. It might have been independent. Anyway, if anyone knows, could you please inform me? I would like to include it in that particular segment. Thank you! — Elizabeth, New Orleans, LA

Old Message Board

Cicada Comments from September 2001

Where do I hide?

Date: Tuesday, Sep/25/2001

It seems many of you really like the sights and sounds of the cicadas. Personaly, they freak me out! The last plague of them was in Cincinnati in 1987 and it was a nightmare for me. When the next batch come in 2004, I want to be anywhere but here. Can anyone tell me a good place to go then? Does LA get them at that time. If not, I will go and visit my brother. Help! I am already dreading 2004. Thanks — Christa, Cincinnati, OH

mystery cicada

Date: Friday, Sep/14/2001

a few years ago I managed a decent photo of a cicada in the coastal plain of North Carolina in September 1999. Would you care to see if you could ID it? Randy Emmittbirdcr [AT] — Randy Emmitt, Durham, NC

Will they die out

Date: Monday, Sep/10/2001

Im a mail carrier, and I have to deal with the cicadas every summer. I was told by my father when I was little that cicadas are dangerous, and they will sting the hell out of you. I want to know if the cicadas will just die out or will I just have to worry about this for the rest of my career. Also I want to know why do the cicadas make those different sounds, and why they only do it when the sun is out. — Vivian Walker, 5100 Mineola Rd College Park MD 20740

Cicada capture

Date: Saturday, Sep/8/2001

I captured and mounted what I believe is an adult male North American. He was apparently exhausted and near death as he was easy to catch. Lived in this state for all of my 39 yrs and never knew about these critters till last week. Was caught 8/31/2001. Apparently these can survive -30 F temps of winter or they fly long distances??Thanks Brian B — Brian Broughten, Minneapolis, Minnesota USA

Cicadas in my back yard?

Date: Friday, Sep/7/2001

I watched one emerge from its shell lastnight. It hung around for about 5 hoursthen left. I do not see on the maps anyindications that they live as far southand west as Houston. Could this be a different insect or have they migratedfurther south and now live in a largerarea? — Robert Johnson, Houston, Texas

e-mail contact

Date: Friday, Sep/7/2001

Hello: I would like to get in touch with “H.Bakkenes Holland “, who took the pictures shown here: I did not find a way to contact him through the site. Thanks V Daneu daneu [AT] — Vincenzo Daneu, Woburn, MA, USA

video artist seeks cicada photos

Date: Sunday, Sep/2/2001

I am working on a project that involves cicadas. I’m looking for images and diagrams of the cicada. I would like to use them in an animation. email me if interestedyou will get credit for the imagesblitheriley [AT] — blithe, chicago

video artist seeks cicada photos

Date: Sunday, Sep/2/2001

I am working on a project that involves cicadas. I’m looking for images and diagrams of the cicada. I would like to use them in an animation. email me if interestedyou will get credit for the imagesblitheriley [AT] — blithe, chicago

elusive cicada

Date: Sunday, Sep/2/2001

Why can’t I see the cicada’s in the trees. I walk all around the tree trying to spot them and I can’t see a single one. How can that be? Being that they are so big and there are so many of them how can they hide so well? It befuddles me. — stelcha, Illinois

Old Message Board

Cicada Comments from August 2001

What species is this?

Date: Friday, Aug/31/2001

On a walk, my father found a cicada. I was wondering if anybody could help identify it . . . about 3cm, and has green and black camolflaged(spelling?) body. The under side is white with a black stripe going down the centre. If their is anyone who could help please write me . . .leigh [AT] lipschitz.comThanx.-Leigh — Leigh, Webster, New York

Eyeglasses or Sunglass bag

Date: Tuesday, Aug/28/2001

I never heard of the cicada insect until my Mother recently sent me a sunglass/eyeglass holder she made that looks like the cicada. I thought I would look it up on the internet to see what is was all about and was surprised to see the interest. The bag is made out of beautiful material. When you pull the string to close the bag, the wings spread out. Very cool. If any body is interested in purchasing a bag, please let me know. We didn’t plan on selling them, but if there is a market and somebody would like one, why not? Of course, I haven’t told her yet. You can email me at jjmcnally [AT] — Jan , Portland, Oregon

cicada identification

Date: Tuesday, Aug/28/2001

thanx for the identity tip, i think i’ve been hearing tibicen canicularis. although the cicadas of michigan page’s example is a bit different sounding (higher pitched) the song is the same. while this cicada seems to be the predominant one around (year after year), i’ve also heard chlomera and linneia cicada’s intermixed — jason howard, skaneateles ny


Date: Sunday, Aug/26/2001


In PA & TX

Date: Friday, Aug/24/2001

I love the cicada sound, it is soothing. All my best TX summer memories include the buzzing song of the green, black eyed cicada. When my dad died last June, the occasional buzz could be heard mixed in with the gravesite eulogy my sister gave. When we came back to PA in July, the cicadas were in full swing here! I could not find them, only their little “shells”. Its close to the end of August and there are less of them, but they sing from mid-morning till about 4pm. I hope they last a while longer. (Thankyou God for Cicadas!)Kathy, Emmaus PA — KF James, Emmaus PA

cicada emergence

Date: Thursday, Aug/23/2001

Our neighborhood is abuzz with the sounds of cicadas. For the last week or so, we have been hearing a loud chorus of them, but have not spotted any thus far. When my children were younger, they would find loads of them attached to tree trunks. — Gina Niedenberger, Yorktown,VA

holes in yard

Date: Wednesday, Aug/22/2001

hello, can you put some pictures of the burrows on the page? i found a bunch of large burrows in my yard under the trees. they are from 1/2 in. to 2 inches big. thanks — tracy quinn, jefferson city,mo. 65109


Date: Tuesday, Aug/21/2001

Jason the cicadas are done emerging. Military sounds like Tibicen chloromera, but I’m not sure. Shaunta, cicadas don’t bite or sting. Robert, it’s almost impossible to id a cicada without a picture. I suggest checking out the Tibicen section of the Links page and see if you can find a match. — Dan, Cicadaville

Cicada siteing

Date: Saturday, Aug/18/2001

Your website is cool.I found a cicada on the utilty pole. There was nothing but the body shell following molting. I haven’t seen the adult. — Tyra, Decatur,Ga

Too Loud!!

Date: Friday, Aug/17/2001

We seem to have an especially high concentration this summer of Cicadas, and the noise is non-stop (Aug 14 – and on). Maybe because I have acute hearing, but I’d LOVE to find a way to discourage them from my property…it’s driving me CRAZY! As I know this is impossible (they are EVERYWHERE) I’m just putting in my two cents of complaint. (sorry in advance to you Cicada Lovin’ crowd…) — Meg G, Minneapolis, MN

Tibicen sp. emerging

Date: Tuesday, Aug/14/2001

I woke up this morning to find several Tibicen sp. on my porch, my question is what species are they, can piont me in the direction of an answer. email me at robert.calhoun [AT] — Robert, Murray, KY

Sci-Fi Bugs!

Date: Monday, Aug/13/2001

Yep, we have them here in Ohio. While I don’t mind the summer concert they give outside my apartment window, they are the spookiest looking things on the planet! One flew on the outside (thank God) of my screen, and my cat stalked it and it flew away. She got a treat for that. Do they bite? The site of them scares me. If one ever flew inside my apartment I’d freak out! — Shaunta, Cleveland Ohio USA

emergence question

Date: Sunday, Aug/12/2001

if cicadas emerge “en masse” and i can hear them singing now, are they still in the process of emerging? or are they all done? also, what species of cicada do we have here? they are the green variety that look as though they are wearing military fatigues. the wings are more of a blueish green. thanks:) — rjasonhoward [AT], skaneateles NY (syracuse area)

My first cicada sighting

Date: Saturday, Aug/11/2001

Found one of these gross insects on my back door last night. Killed it, found it on my lawn. What an ugly sight. I placed in baggie until I found out what kind of insect it is. I’ve heard of them, but have never seen one until last night. — Lois, Western New York , suburb of Buffalo

Cicadas’ effect on Japanese Maples

Date: Friday, Aug/10/2001

I’ve recently noticed numerous cicadas emerging from the ground and attaching themselves to a large Japanese Maple in my front yard. Need I worry about any damage to the roots or tree itself?Also, despite living on Long Island for about 20 years this is the first time I recall having seen a cicada — the ones I’ve seen have black bodies and eyes and clear wings with a light green color at the edges. I’m assuming this is normal for the northeast. — Stewart M., Montclair, NJ

Response for Lisa

Date: Thursday, Aug/9/2001

I too live in Jersey and I have a 40 foot pine in my backyard that was besieged my cicadas 5 years ago with absolutely no harm done. They might flag a branch or too, but they won’t harm the tree. Enjoy your lemonade. — Dan, Cicada Mania Headquarters

The effect of cidadas on coniferous trees

Date: Wednesday, Aug/8/2001

I’d be grateful for information about the effect of cicadas on coniferous trees. I’ve read that they do not harm the deciduous trees that are their primary residence. But, I’ve got a tall, old conifer in my back yard and I’m worried that cicadas are completely overrunning this tree and killing it–even though this tree must have experienced it’s share of cicadas over the decades. There are scores of small holes in the earth under the tree, and the ground itself feels hollow beneath the tree and its trunk and limbs are oozing rather significantly. Should I just drink some lemonade and enjoy the weather? Thank you! — Lisa, Hopewell (Mercer County), NJ

hearings of cicada’s on august 7, 2001

Date: Tuesday, Aug/7/2001

is it possible this is a late hatching of the cicada here in ulster county from the night before, and how is it possible i have only been able to hear 6 different males calling there mate in much different areas of my neighborhood.the hearings were located inkingston, new york, ulster county, west pierpont street — jason, kingston, new york ulster county


Date: Sunday, Aug/5/2001

Donald, sorry the cicadas are causing you so much strife. Cicadas are prone to parasitic fungus infections due to the fact they spent most of their life in the moist ground, and since fungi love moisture, your cicadas are in trouble. Charlene, cicadas make calls all day long, but because temperature affects their ability to vibrate, they slow down at night and sound more like crickets. — Dan, Cicadaville

Cicada Killer Wasp

Date: Saturday, Aug/4/2001

I heard a wierd sound today and saw the largest Wasp I have ever seen. This was unusual until I saw it dragging a Cicada with it. It would fly for a moment, then it would drag it, and then fly some more. I have never seen anything even close to this Wasp. To be honest it is the first Cicada I have seen in a while. We hear them every year. I got info on the web about the Wasp and it seems they live in the ground and Cicadas are there only food source and egg laying area for there larve.Weird! — Bob, Apopka, FL, USA


Date: Friday, Aug/3/2001

Why do the cicadas only make their calls in the afternoon?? — Charlene, Deerfield,IL

Fungus Among Us

Date: Friday, Aug/3/2001

Thanks for the England info Dan. If the decibels were lower (cricket level) I wouldn’t tear at my hair so, but it’s summer finals at UT and I’m tearing at the hair… so much for the quiet of the country. FYI… It’s been a wet summer in East TN and we are now finding Cicada’s (passed-on)with a powdery white on the underbelly. I believe that would be a fungus. Is that indicative of a particularly wet season? — Donald, Knoxville

Responses to your messages

Date: Friday, Aug/3/2001

Donald, the best way to minimize the occurrence of cicada is to move to England, where there are none. Bob, great pictures! Leona, if the cicada was still white or pale colored when you found it you may have interfered, but if it was a dark color, it was probably suffering from a fungal disease or an attack by a predator — don’t worry about it. Yann, usually cicadas slow down their singing in the evening hours (their singing is relative to temperature) — eventually they stop singing, if it gets cold enough, or they start sounding more like crickets. Bill, I don’t know, but your hunch may be right. VegasChip sell them on Ebay — when life gives you lemons, sell them on Ebay. Tom S, only Magicicadas emerge ever 17 or 13 years, some cicadas, like the one you’ve seen appear every year — it’s probably a Tibicen. Claire, since the days of the Pilgrims people have mistakenly called cicadas locusts, but what you hear each year are cicadas — locusts are grasshoppers, and grasshoppers don’t sing. Chantal, great question, but I don’t know! Try browsing through the International section of the links page. Someone, I expect the drama is over by now, but I’m sure you did the best you could. Laurie, the best way to treat a cicada is to release it as soon as the kids see it — but in the meantime, give it plenty of air and something to climb on. Diane, guess what: there are no 17 year cicadas in Florida — only one Genus of cicada emerges every 17 years, the Magicicada — the kind you see emerge in much smaller intervals — oh, you’re not insane, you’re a Cicada Maniac! Benjamin, you have an annual cicada! Andrea, the lifecycle of the Magicicada is a great mystery, although there are many theories as to why they spend so long underground, mostly it is to avoid predators — they die so quickly because as adults their only ability is to mate, spawn and die. — Dan, Cicada Mania Headquarters

Cicada Arrival

Date: Thursday, Aug/2/2001

The arrival (hatching and molting) of this year’s crop of cicadas is now in full swing. This is the first year I have had the opportunity to observe them as they climb up the trees to molt.They sure don’t ambulate very fast. — 7Alpha, Kansas City, KS

Reward———Specimen’s wanted!!!

Date: Wednesday, Aug/1/2001

Please contact me in regards of sending me Cicada’s. I seek them to collect. Please send in a “priority U.S. mail Video box”wraped in tissue. $3.50 postage. E-mail me for details at or cicadakid [AT] — Duane Zugel, San Diego Ca. U.S.A.

Brood VII Old Message Board

Cicada Comments from July 2001

Pretty thick this year

Date: Tuesday, Jul/31/2001

Though I can see peoples’ interest… I’m not a big fan of the Cicada. Are there any habitat criteria that minimize the occurrence of cicada? Would love to see a map denoting the habitat of Dog-day Cicada. — Donald, Knoxville TN

Cicada picture from Provence

Date: Tuesday, Jul/31/2001

After 4 days of listening to these guys I finally got a snapshot of one. Feel free to add this to your site., for a really big one: — Bob, Tualatin, Oregon


Date: Sunday, Jul/29/2001

Ms Kitty, The cat, found a Cicada and was sort of stalking it, but it wasn’t moving. I stooped to check it out and it looked like it had been mauled. I did what now seems to be a very stupid action. I picked up the little feller and its wings where a mess, and it acted like it had a bad leg…hence I had decided it had been mauled… After taking it in and trying to straighten out its poor little wings, I put it on my desk, and using my desk lamp took some photos. I could not get the wings to do right so finally gave up. but in the meantime, my mind clicked over to a story I had heard of the man who tried to help the butterfly emerge from it’s cacoon and how the action had permanently injured the butterfly as it HAS to go through the stress of being born to enable it to get its wings in shape, dried, unfolded, etc and through the strain and anquish of birth it gets the strength to fly. I have a horrible feeling that perhaps this Cicada had not completed it morph as yet and that I interupted it and have permanently injured it. I placed it in an area outside where I thought it would be fairly safe, but I think perhaps I was its worse enemy for all my good intentions. Could this be true? I did get some good pics, though if anyone would like to see them, let me know.This was yesterday, 7 -28-2001 and I did notice several exo-skeletons hanging around on the foliage and building here, and while I at first thought the sounds were my usual ringing ears, have decided part of it is definitely the Cicadas making the music! — Leona Henderson, Smith Co Texas

Cicada arrive

Date: Sunday, Jul/29/2001

Last 10 have seen a min of 1000 cicada in my yard ,didn’t think this was the year for them. — Mike Underwood, Edna,Kansas USA

Seen them in Texas

Date: Friday, Jul/27/2001

I have lived in Texas for about 10 years, This is the first yearI have seen cicadas. I have heard them and also have foundthe empty shells.Mike — Mike, Austin Texas


Date: Friday, Jul/27/2001

I saw a very large cidada emerging from it’s shell today near an old shed of mine. I live in the country, have a lot of fruit trees and berry bushes. They love it here. — Richard L Largen, Bethalto, IL 62010 Madison county

cicada sighting and identification

Date: Thursday, Jul/26/2001

back in may of 2001 i witnessed a large emergence of cicadas in silver city new mexico and i have not been able to identify the particular cicada . if anybody has any idea which one is common to this area, please e-mail me at debsay [AT] thanks — debbie sayles, silver city new mexico usa

Cicadas stop making noise in the evenin


Date: Thursday, Jul/26/2001

in the evening when we listen to the cicadas at about 20.30 they stop making noise at 21.13 and then they stop completely at 21.35 is there a reason for this ????????????If you have an answer for me please mail me at y.bachy [AT] — Yann, France

Cicada with attitude!

Date: Thursday, Jul/26/2001

Standing outside on a smoke break this A.M., I spotted a lone cicada on the brick wall of our office building. Put my fingers around him to take him into the builing briefly to show co-workers. He held onto the wall determined to stay. Didn’t want to injure it. He won. He really “rattled” away at me. When I let go of him and walked off, He flew off the wall and “smacked” me on the back!. He then flew off not to be seen again. When I lived in West Virginia, we called this kind the 17 year locust. Black, large red eyes, very big. Have never seen just “one”. Is he a “stragler” or what? I’m used to seeing thousands or none (in WV). — Chuck P, Nashville TN

can’t figure out a bug in my house

Date: Wednesday, Jul/25/2001

I’ve never seen an insect like this before. It’s about a 1/2 long, white(blue under a light), and it flies atan incredible speed. It’s not a dragonfly or butterfly, but it may be a moth or a leafhooper. Do you know what this insect is? — bill watkins, montvile, nj

Cicadas Galore

Date: Tuesday, Jul/24/2001

Here in the Las Vegas Valley area, Cicadas are a yearly occurance (to put it nicly). The last for a good 2 months or better and become just to much. I am looking for a way to discourage them in my yard and neighborhood. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Sounds like I should stay away from decidious and fruit trees. Perhaps I should box them up and sell them on e-bay…vegasnospamchip [AT] — VegasChip, Henderson, NV (Just outside Las Vegas)


Date: Sunday, Jul/22/2001

Found a cicada, must have run into side of house, seemed a bit stunned at first. So cool looking! — Rhonda, Moscow, Ontario, Canada

found one

Date: Sunday, Jul/22/2001

I was walking to the barn and found one half in half out. Been showing the kids. Didn’t know if it was 7 year or 17 year. Went to this page. I guess its a 17 year one. Thats older than my oldest child. — Sean Trowbridge, East Hampton, Long Island, New York

Found Cicada in Garage

Date: Saturday, Jul/21/2001

I caught a large Cicada flying in the garage. We put it in a bird cage and it is now living on the deck. How can I keep it alive?I noticed 13 and 17 year broods are not in Illinois this year. What kind could this be?timmyds10 [AT] — Tim Schroepfer, Belvidere, Illinois

Many of the Cicadas!

Date: Thursday, Jul/19/2001

I shot some good footage of a cicade after it emerged from its shell! Pretty cool to see, very green, and very wet looking.Since then (been a week ago) I have seen atleast 5 others near my home, one of which I accidentally killed… long story, and I feel very bad for it, but I picked one up after it was almost dry, tossed it in the air, it flew, landed on the street, and within three seconds a truck squished it. My family laughed at me, called me a killer, and after researching this bug, I feel like one…. amazing how long they live!I would love to find out what type of cicada I have seen.Email me!Later,Scott — Scott (jarhead [AT], Woodbridge, VA

Don’t see them much in Colorado!

Date: Thursday, Jul/19/2001

One landed on the picnic table last night when we were enjoying the outdoors – of course the kids snagged it. I’ve just been searching for more info. on Cicadas. I’ve lived in Colorado all my life – and although we “hear” locust every summer – cicadas are different from what I understand. I’ve only seen a couple of them “up close and personal”. They’re pretty cool! — Claire, Lafayette, Colorado, USA

Loudest Cicada

Date: Thursday, Jul/19/2001

Do you know what species is the loudest cicada? where it lives and how loud it is? I recall reading that there is a cicada that can drown out the sound of a jack hammer. I can’t find the recourse and now I need to write an article for a local paper and I would love to include the above information.Thanx!!!My e-mail is Nature [AT] — Chantal Detlefs, Rye, NY 10580 Westchester County

Cicada radio show

Date: Tuesday, Jul/17/2001

actually, I could tag it with ‘for more info on cicadas, log on to but it’d be nice to have the program linked to your site.charlie.baglan [AT] 1 800 852 0942 ext 480 — Charlie Baglan, KY

Cicada radio show

Date: Tuesday, Jul/17/2001

I produce a weekly nature radio program for the Kentucky Department of Fish & Wildlife. I’ve been doing a series on the bugs of summer. Next week (Week of July 23) features Cicadas. It’ll be about 4 or so minutes in length. I’ll send you a link if you’d like to include it on your page. Advise please. Thanks. — Charlie Baglan, Frankfort, KY

Weak, wierd, sick cicaeda.

Date: Tuesday, Jul/17/2001

It is a long story, but we put our kiddie pool over some ciceada holes. When we moved it 5 dead ciceadas were there. 🙁 Anyway 2 were alive. I kept them. One came out and its right wing was crinkled up at the bottom corner. The left wing had a pocket of liquid in it. I made a small hole in it and pushed the liquid out. Also on its back there was a bead of liquid. I wiped it off. Then it came back. The bead was moving in and out in and out like it was breathing. The cicaeda is very weak. HELP!!! — Someone, somewhere

Weak, wierd, sick cicaeda.

Date: Tuesday, Jul/17/2001

It is a long story, but we put our kiddie pool over some ciceada holes. When we moved it 5 dead ciceadas were there. 🙁 Anyway 2 were alive. I kept them. One came out and its right wing was crinkled up at the bottom corner. The left wing had a pocket of liquid in it. I made a small hole in it and pushed the liquid out. Also on its back there was a bead of liquid. I wiped it off. Then it came back. The bead was moving in and out in and out like it was breathing. The cicaeda is very weak. HELP!!! — Someone, somewhere

I found one . . .

Date: Sunday, Jul/15/2001

I am currently teaching a elementary biology summer class and happened to find an adult cicada just emerging from the ground. I’ve got it in a box to show the kids tomorrow and would love to find out what kind it is and how to treat it best. If you have info, please email me soon – lrandel [AT]! — Laurie, Wilmette, IL, USA

holes in the yard–buzzin’ in the trees

Date: Sunday, Jul/15/2001

We bought this house in December of 2000, and shortly after we started hearing the cicadas in the trees we noticed a lot of half inch holes in the yard aroun our trees along with a few of the exoskeletons of cicadas on the trees. I figured that the holes must be their burrows, but I wasn’t sure until I looked it up on the internet. They are a very fascinating insect with a remarkable life cycle. I’ve been fairly familar with the bugs for a long time, but I never realized that the lived underground for so long!! — mark k. mcgehee, Chattanooga,Tn

type of our cicadas

Date: Saturday, Jul/14/2001

After browsing through various links, I have discovered that our every-year cicadas are referred to as “dog-day cicadas”. Thanks for great sites! — Dianne, central Florida

saving cicadas that emerge inside our screenroom

Date: Saturday, Jul/14/2001

Here in Florida, our cicadas come out every year. I assume they are varying emergences of 17-year insects. We installed a pool and screenroom in 1990 and many cicadas emerge inside the screen. I go out several times a day to save the newly emerged insects, letting them dry outside the screen. My husband thinks I’m insane, but it’s a real treat to have a three-cicada-day! — Dianne, central Florida

First of the Year Annual Cicadas Calling in Maryland

Date: Friday, Jul/13/2001

The first Tibicen chloromerus of the year in Maryland was heard calling in Drayden, Maryland on Sunday, June 24th at 2:47pm (76 deg).The first Tibicen lyricen of the year heard calling in Maryland was heard on June 27 in Ridge, Maryland at 8:38pm (76 deg). These two cicadas have been calling daily since then along with Neocicada hieroglyphica. — John Zyla, Ridge, Maryland

Possible hazard to cats

Date: Friday, Jul/13/2001

Our healthy cat ate a cicada and died the next day. I think that the cicada’s beak might have started a chain reaction that resulted in acute heart disease causing fluid-filled lungs and loss of use of hind legs. Calvin’s agony, prior to the injection that ended it, cannot be overstated. Probably, usually a cat can eat a cicada without consequence for the cat, but please be aware! — Gayle, Minneapolis


Date: Wednesday, Jul/11/2001

Someone on down the line here mentioned droppings. Is THAT what’s in the seat of my lawn chairs???? Anyways, I love this site..what fun, down to earth, easy reading. Thanks. Kids and I are really enjoying the cicadas tonight. Glad we could get the ‘buzz’ on the insect of the eveing. — Kathy Blackmon, Mountain Grove, MO USA

We have Cicada’s everywhere.

Date: Wednesday, Jul/11/2001

Most of the people around us, do not like the sound from them (Cicada’s) I guess I’m the lucky one ,I can not hear them. Today a flock of birds that we have never seen in ths area before were here making a meal of them. — Gary, Surprise AZ.

tell me more about cicadas in new mexico

Date: Tuesday, Jul/10/2001

I am 5 years old and my mom is writing this for me. My little brother has found some cases of cicada nymphs and we have read about the cicada life cycle. We want to know if we have the periodical 17 or 13 year cicadas or the annual cicadas in new mexico. thanks — benjamin thomas, corrales, nm

holes in swimming pool

Date: Thursday, Jul/5/2001

The last time cicadas were in Chicago, we related after that the cicadas were the cause of the holes (lots) at the bottom of our yard pool. We had cut down 2 oak trees many years before for the pool to get sun. It was a hard choice to make but large family took precedent. We were stymied to figure how these holes occured till a kid on the block told us his friend had the same problem.. It was from cicadas trying to get through and found the pool lining. I don’t know what year it was and wonder if it will happen again and when. — BBansley, Chicago, Il

my address

Date: Thursday, Jul/5/2001

My e-mail address is:tonnazzo [AT]; send me your answer for my questions — andrea, torino, Italy

cicadas on the fourth of july!!!

Date: Thursday, Jul/5/2001

i am pleased to report that yesterday, july 4th, 2001, i made what are probably the first cicada sightings, (make that “hearings”), i have made in this area this year!! i was out in the boros of wyomissing, shillington, west reading, etc., for 4th of july events, and at long last i heard the unmistakeable sounds of our sweet little pavs coming from nearby trees, probably in at least two different places. unless i am mistaken, i have heard none this year, until yesterday, truly unique “fireworks” for the fourth!!! and what a way to mark that day!! plus, what a bright spot in a dark world!!! the first ones i’ve heard this year!!! send cicada info to “pavfinder [AT]” — kermit simon, temporarily of reading,pa.

noisy bugs in the night

Date: Wednesday, Jul/4/2001

There must be thousands of these bugs in the woods around our house. We even have to sweep up our driveway from the droppings. My wife says she can’t sleep with all the noise. Any way to get rid of these things? — jim rundle, guthrie, Ok


Date: Wednesday, Jul/4/2001

After a brief reading about Magicada I found out that they live for just few weeks after they emerged. I would like to know why do they die and why do they live for so short time above underground.Do you think is funny to live 17 years underground and then live for few weeks above the underground?thanks a lotandrea — andrea, turin (Italy)

Cicadas in NW Colorado

Date: Monday, Jul/2/2001

On June 26, Date: Tuesday, Jun/26/2001, carol cushman of Boulder, CO asked ‘Many hundreds of cicadas were mating on pinon pines above Vermillion Creek (south of Rock Springs WY and a few miles east of the Green River)on June 20. Does anyone know what species this would be? Are they annual or periodic? CAROL – any luck identifying them? I am probably looking for the same species, and I’ll be in the area later this month. Let me know if you found anything. If not, I’ll ask around. — Wayne Jones, Saratoga Springs, NY

Cicadas as Food

Date: Monday, Jul/2/2001

Delighted to find so many Cicada web pages! (Found this site while trying to find what species of cicadas might live along the banks of the Green River in Utah, where the trout reportedly eat those who fall into the stream. It reminded me that it is not just fish who relish cicadas.) Here is a tidbit about the relationship between humans and periodical cicadas I discovered as an entomology student decades ago. While collecting specimens in 1967 to document the range of Brood VII of M. septendecim, (helping Dr. Howard Pechumen at Cornell, while I attended Syracuse Univ.) one of the real hotspots was the Onondaga Indian Reservation near Syracuse, NY. (The sound of a major cicada hatch was amazing – we recorded a powerful undulating high-pitched sound that overwhelmed the senses – an erie blanket of sound covering the hills.) I remember being a little concered about what the Onondagas would think of college students prancing around the reservation with butterfly nets. Instead of making fun of us, however, they reassured us that there were plenty to go around, and gave us hints on collecting bushels of the insects, as well as tips on the best ways to cook them! (If you roast the newly-emerged ones before they “hatch” they are better than popcorn!) — Wayne Jones,Saratoga Spings, NY