Brood XIX Magicicada

Best Brood XIX Cicada News of the Week for May 22-28

Brood XIX emergence update

Every state is accounted for except for Louisiana at this point. Roy Troutman was able to confirm the appearance of Magicicadas in Indiana, and a pocket of Magicicadas were discovered in Maryland. See Team Cicada’s Facebook Page for more information.

There have been a number of reports from Kansas, but that might be Brood IV (a 17 year variety) stragglers emerging 4 years early, or perhaps Brood IV(4) is accelerating to join Brood XIX.

White-eyed Cicada Contest

There’s been two more winners in our White-Eyed Cicada Contest:

Meagan Lang of Nashville, TN:

White-eyed Magicicada from Meagan Lang of Nashville, TN. Brood XIX. 2011.

Serena Cochrane of Gerald MO:
White-eyed cicada from Serena Cochrane of Gerald, MO. Brood XIX. 2011.

Cicada Videos

A Six Story Wall of Cicadas! This is what happens when you put a building there trees once were.

Cicada Rain. An amusing video of cicadas urinating. No relation to Chocolate Rain. Cicadas urinate to express excess liquid. The video describes the fluid as sugar sweet, which could be because the cicadas are taking on Phloem sap, which contains sugar; cicadas typically feed on Xylem sap, which does not.

Captive 13-year cicadas laying eggs and mating. A great video from Nick Yielding featuring cicadas he’s captured mating and laying eggs. If you want to find out how to maintain cicadas in captivity, check this video out.

Cicada Humor

Nashville singer/songwriter Kathy Ashworth is back with a music video for her song Sicka Cicadas:

Eating Cicadas

I’ve been keeping an eye on cicada emergences for about 15 years now, and 2011 is definitely the year of people eating cicadas. I’ve seen news stories featuring people preparing them in many different ways, including chocolate dipped but this story takes the cake, literally German German Chocolate Cicada Cake.

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