Brood II Magicicada Photos & Illustrations

Brood II Cicada Events in Staten Island and Manhattan back in 2013

These photos are of Brood II Cicada Events in Staten Island and NYC back in 2013. Technically the only photo from Manhattan is the cicada mosaic in the subway near the American Museum of Natural History. Most of these photos are from Staten Island Museum exhibits. The Staten Island Museum is the home of William T. Davis’ cicada collection, which numbers over 25,000 specimens. Ed Johnson was the curator of the collection at the time.

Staten Island has Brood II Magicicada. Manhattan has none, but may have in the past.

Roy Troutman and Elias Bonaros near cicada mosaic in subway:
Roy Troutman and Elias Bonaros near cicada mosiac in subway

Dan Mozgai featured on the Staten Island Museums Cicada Timeline:
Dan Mozgai featured on the Staten Island Museums Cicada Timeline

John Cooley (middle) and Ed Johnson (right) at the Staten Island Museum:
John Cooley _middle_ and Ed Johnson _right_ at the Staten Island Museum

Staten Island Museum 17 Year Cicada Exhibit:
Staten Island Museum 17 Year Cicada Exhibit 2

Staten Island Museum 17 Year Cicada Exhibit:
Staten Island Museum 17 Year Cicada Exhibit

The Joy of Six Legged Sex event at the Staten Island Museum:
The Joy of Six Legged Sex event at the Staten Island Museum

William T Davis information at the Staten Island Museum:
William T Davis at the Staten Island Museum

A Magicicada with Pink Eyes held by Chris Simon. This photo was taken in the field, not at a museum.
A Magicicada with Pink Eyes held by Chris Simon of UConn

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