Gene Kritsky wrote us to let us know that Brood III periodical cicadas are emerging in Iowa and Missouri.
I wanted to let you know that I have received emails with reports of
emerging periodical cicadas in Iowa and northern Missouri in Brood III
territory. These cicadas would be emerging four years early similar to
the early emergences observed in 2000, 2003, 2004, and 2009.Cheers,
It’s been an interesting year so far, with Brood III stragglers emerging 4 years early, Brood XIV emerging 2 years late, and Brood XIX emerging 1 year early.
Check our Brood Chart to see where the next batch of periodical cicadas might emerge.
Check Cicadas @ UCONN for maps.
One reply on “Brood III cicadas are emerging too!”
I was camping this weekend in north central Iowa-Stratford area, and heard cicadas singing. Later saw what I think is a Magicicada-Orange eyes and the leading wing edge. Came home to Eagle Grove and they are singing here. I spend a lot of time outdoors but have never noticed these before.
Melody Nelson