Brood VIII Magicicada Periodical

Brood VIII will emerge in 2019 in Pennsylvania, Ohio and West Virginia

Brood VIII will next emerge in 2036.

Periodical cicada Brood VIII (Eight) has emerged in 2019 in western Pennsylvania, eastern Ohio, and the tip of the northern panhandle of West Virginia, as well as Oklahoma (which was unexpected). The last time this brood emerged was in 2002.

  1. Look out for browning of leaves aka “flagging”, and in about a month, look for tiny cicada nymphs on branches where eggs were laid. You can still use the Cicada Safari App to report Flagging. It is available for iPhones/iOS and Android phones.
  2. If you’re on Facebook, there’s a Brood VIII Group for discussion.
  3. Read about my trip to see Brood VIII

What, when, where, and why:


  • Millions of these:
    Magicicada septendecim Brood VII 2018 09
  • Cicada insects with a 17-year life cycle.
  • Some people call them “locusts” but they’re really cicadas.
  • Which species: All three 17-year species, Magicicada septendecim, Magicicada cassini and Magicicada septendecula. How to tell the difference between the species.
  • NOT the green ones that arrive annually.

When: Typically beginning in mid-May and ending in late June. These cicadas will begin to emerge approximately when the soil 8" beneath the ground reaches 64 degrees Fahrenheit. A nice, warm rain will often trigger an emergence.

Other tips: these cicadas will emerge after the trees have grown leaves, and, by my own observation, around the same time Iris flowers bloom.


Cicadas @ UCONN has the most up to date maps, including this modernized Google map.

You can report cicada sightings using the Cicada Safari App, available for iPhones/iOS and Android phones. The app helps you identify periodical cicada species, take photos and add your findings to a map.

  • Pennsylvania Counties: Allegheny, Armstrong, Beaver, Butler, Clarion, Indiana, Lawrence, Venango, Washington, Westmoreland.
  • Pennsylvania Cities: Aliquippa, Allegheny Township, Apollo, Baden, Beaver, Belle Vernon, Bethel Township, Black Lick, Blairsville, Bolivar, Brush Valley Township, Burgettstown, Center Township, Cheswick, Chippewa, Cranberry, Derry Township, Economy Boro, Elizabeth, Ellwood City, Fawn Township, Finleyville, Freedom, Gilpin, Greensburg, Harmony, Hempfield Township, Home, Homer City, Hopewell, Indiana, Leet Township, Ligonier, Midland, Murrysville, Natrona Heights, New Alexandria, New Brighton, New Florence, Parks Township, Pittsburgh, Rayne Township, Rector, Robinson Township, Rochester, Round Hill Park, Sewickley, Shelocta, St Clair Township, Stahlstown, Unity, Washington Township, West Deer, West Wheatfield Township, White Township, and more.
  • Pennsylvania parks: Keystone State Park, Blue Spruce Park, Boyce Park, Crooked Creek Horse Park, Hoodlebug Trail, Pine Ridge Park, Yellow Creek State Park
  • Ohio Counties: Columbiana, Mahoning. Trumbull, Ashtabula.
  • Ohio Cities: Boardman, Calcutta, East Liverpool, Girard, Glenmoor, Lisbon, Mineral Ridge, New Waterford, Toronto, Wellsville, Youngstown, and more.
  • West Virginia Counties: Hancock
  • West Virginia Cities: Weirton, and more.
  • West Virginia parks: Tomlinson Run State Park
  • Oklahoma: Around Lawton, and north of Tulsa. Read this article.

More Location Tips:

  • City data comes from 2002 reports.
  • Brood VIII does overlap with Brood V (which emerged 3 years ago in 2016). Most of Brood VIII is east of V.
  • As a general rule, if you experienced Brood V in 2016, or did not experience Brood VIII in 2002, you won’t experience them this year.
  • Not sure? Ask someone in your community who lived there 17 years ago.

Visually, the cities mentioned above look like this:

Why: Why do they emerge in massive numbers every 17-years? In a nutshell, the long life cycle has helped them avoid gaining a specific above-ground predator, and the massive numbers allow them to satiate predators in general, allowing enough to survive and reproduce.

Bonus content:

Video of newly emerged periodical cicada nymphs:

Magicicada cicada nymph mania from Cicada Mania on Vimeo.

More facts and fun:

1907 Map from Marlatt, C.L.. 1907. The periodical cicada. Washington, D.C. : U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Bureau of Entomology.

Marlatt 1907 08 Brood VIII

433 replies on “Brood VIII will emerge in 2019 in Pennsylvania, Ohio and West Virginia”

I was photographing at several historic camp meetings sites in western PA and eastern Ohio last week. At one of them, just north of Derry, PA, the sound was so deafening, and the particularly frequency was deeply disturbing that I wondered if it was some secret weapon development or maybe a system to drive animals or insects out of the area. As it was a hot and humid day with this deeply disconcerting, single frequency and LOUD and pervasive sound, I had to leave. I had hoped to find out just what the frequency is and if there is any research on how other animals/insects, even plants behave or react to the sound. Considering the human hearing is not even as sharp as many animals, I wondered what effects have been observed on wildlife. Locations: Toronto, Ohio, Upper Natrona/Tarentum, Ridgeview Park, north of Derry, PA

Saw hundreds of these cicadas last weekend in Beaver county, PA. I’ve never seen so many at once. Haven’t had a single cicada at my house in Allegheny county. I was a little jealous, actually. They’re cool.
Wish I could attach a pic.

Was at Tomlinson Run State Park today and they were everywhere, couldn’t take a step without seeing one. It was so loud in some spots that was all you could hear! What a wonderful experience to stumble upon, we had no clue what we were in for but glad we chose today to go.

Went to an archery tournament in Wampum yesterday. The noise level was intense and as the day got warmer, they got louder. Thankful that we don’t have them up here in the Bradford area.

I live right next to McConnels Mills State Park with trees around our 10 acres and at first I was fascinated (and a just a little creeped out) by the empty nymph casings found everywhere. Then I was again fascinated with the calls coming from literally everywhere around the house. Now I’m getting tired of the daily, extremely loud calls because I haven’t been able to enjoy sitting outside. Now I think it’s dying down so it’s coming to an end soon? What should I expect next?

They are killing my grape vines after they lay their eggs in the smaller vines the larva are eating the pulp or sap inside the vines. I killed over 2000 of them so far in Culmerville pa. 6/14/2019

Congratulations on being and absolute piece of garbage, as well as one of those very same predator types they’ve adapted their entire life cycle around avoiding. You don’t like them because they’ve killed your plants? Did you forget that this is a natural life cycle and balance of nature? So, you don’t like the way a bird sings, and think it’s okay that you just kill it, then? What sort of a person are you, respecting life and the environment around you. What a disgusting human being.

Experienced several areas with the roar of the cicada crowd near the state game lands parking lot at the end of Dewoody road in southern Venango County today. Walked a trail along the border of the game lands and the state forest (off the Haul Road) where thousands of individuals were on tree trunks and shrubs with loud calls all around in the tree tops. While walking trails in the forest there were several areas where the chorus was loud.

When do they come to Washington PA? I heard it was May but it’s now June 10th and we don’t see any signs?

Live on about 50 acres. Took a walk through a field and you can watch them flying everywhere. Birds are chasing them, chickens are eating them, my cat has brought several in the house. They were literally landing on me and making that loud noise. Truly fascinating.

There are thousands just outside my door. They are everywhere here in Daugherty Twp/New Brighton. I was hit by at least three while painting my deck. Birds are going crazy with such an abundant feast.

First sighting in Southern Oregon for past 8 years I have lived here. The other evening we heard a really odd repetitive clicking noise. Couldn’t tell if it was a cricket or ? Then today got a great photo of the cicada in same area we heard the sound. Hanging onto the outdoor patio umbrella through some gusty winds as I write this

Any park or public places in Ohio or WV northern panhandle where the Cicadas are hot? Wanting to take my grandson this weekend…he adored Brood V!

Infested here in southern Trumbull County. My maple in the backyard is covered in carcasses. And hundreds of dead cicadas all throughout the yard. We can’t even sit in our screened in porch because of the smell of all these dead cicadas! Don’t get me started on the constant humming coming from the woods that surrounds our house. We cannot wait for them to be done and gone.

The same here in Mineral Ridge, OH. We are infested with them! There are dead carcasses all over our yard,our fence and on our trees. It’s like a freakshow! Our neighbor had them all in his pool too. I don’t dare to even walk out in the yard there’s so many of them. The sound they make is deafening. I will be SO glad when they are gone!

I live in Cecil County, MD and the cicadas are just starting to appear. I guess these ones can’t read a map or this blog that says only PA, OH and WVa.

Very nice to see/hear the cicadas! I remember the last emergence 17 years ago and I’ve been waiting ever since to see them again. It truly is one of nature’s wonders! I don’t want to wait 17 years to see them again…I plan on visiting the next place they will emerge.

Had them here in Mars for several days, but today it appears that they have gone. Very, very loud and sounded like thousands.

The incessant droning is absolutely maddening here in the Northern Panhandle.
I can’t wait until this is over.

Visiting my hometown in Western PA this week and I am so thrilled that my visit coincides with this natural cycle. My daughter is 10 and hearing and seeing them for the first time. We love them so much and I hope people are kind enough that we see Brood VIII again in 2036. Just think of them underground in all those places, surviving despite the things we do to the ground. Take care off our bugs and birds and trees so future generations can experience this miracle!

I’m thinking the same. I put a netting around my one small treasured tree to protect against them, but won’t kill them. They get in a tough spot, I pick them up and let them fly towards the wooded area. I probably won’t live to see them again, so this is my last experience with them I’m sure.

We are absolutely infested with them in western Indiana, PA. Oh My GOD MAKE IT STOP. Nymph carcases are all over my house. I have to broom my house off to keep them from coming in the front door. I can’t open my garage door. It’s been absolute infestation for the last two weeks. They like to be on our car tires. Like 30 or so on each tire. SO READY FOR IT TO BE OVER.

Brandy, it’s the same here, I live in McDonald, Ohio and we are absolutely infested with them. They are everywhere on the house, the tires, trying to get in the house, it’s just crazy!

We also live in Indiana, PA. The noise is shocking! I’m amazed that the constant droning has not affected my dogs’ hearing more. We live on the outskirts of town, in the country. The incredible amount of cicadas in the trees is overwhelming. What a mystifying 17 year occurrence.

That’s funny, same thing here. I take them off my tires and let them fly. There were actually two of them mating on one of my tires. I let them be. lol

Here in the northern panhandle the cicada have been coming out for quite a while now. But I have yet to see one flying. Why?

My veterinarian friend informed me that they have emerged and are singing, (but not too bad yet) at her home in North Myrtle Beach, SC. She doesn’t know what type they are yet. She went through a huge emergence in Cincinnati Ohio years ago (black bodies red eyes) where they were everywhere and killed her aging cherry tree in spite of their valiant efforts to protect it.

Had a surreal experience at Raccoon Creek State Park’s Wildflower Reserve this past weekend. The cicadas were so loud it was almost deafening at parts. It sounded like an industrial burglar alarm with the typical swelling cicada noises overlaid. It was really something to experience.

Cicadas out in full force on North Park Ridge—singing and hanging out—especially on wild rose bushes. So cool!

East-Central Ohio, the 17-year Cicadas area here. I never realized they are. quiet at night-thank God!

I am in southern Indiana , cicadas began emerging about a week ago and now there’s a constant whine at Harmonie state park. Is this part of brood 8?

Hi Dan, I have a few cicadas in my cage, two of them are mating. When they are done mating, can I have the female lay her eggs in a branch that I cut off from a tree and put it into my cage? Or, should I put her on the tree to lay her eggs to ensure the survival of her nymphs? What I really mean to ask is, Will her nymphs survive if I have her lay her eggs in a branch that I cut off from a tree? I want them to be here in 17 years.

Are you back in Jersey?

I would put netting around a tree in your yard, and put the female in there and have her lay eggs in a living tree branch. The nymphs need flowing xylem to survive for the next 2 months.

Yes I am in Jersey. I went to see brood 8 last weekend. They were everywhere! So ok I will do that. But I have one more question… Do they like dogwood trees to lay their eggs in?

Hi again Dan. I’m not sure if my answer to your question got through, but I’ll send it again. yes I went to see Brood VIII last week, and I brought a few hundred back to Jersey with me! Lol. It was so fun! They were everywhere! I just have one more question… Do the female cicadas like to lay there eggs in Dogwood trees?

100! You’re a menace to cicadas! LOL! Just bring back dead ones next time.

Yes, they like dogwood. They’ll probably flag the branches, but it will work.

Sorry for bothering you Dan, but I think there is a problem. The cicadas that were mating yesterday have just died on me! No laying of eggs at all! Why? I have them on an oak tree.

@Cameron. This is a testament to the nature of the species. Individually, they’re very fragile. They rely on emerging by the millions to make it past the hardships of predators and weather. Only a small percentage survive to mate, and only a percentage of those will go on to oviposit viable eggs. It’s like “hitting the lottery”.

You’re better off going back to Pittsburg with a potted oak tree, let some cicadas oviposit on that, and replanting it on your yard.

Or wait until Princeton in 2 years.

I believe what you are seeing are the cicadas’ shells, unless you literally mean seeing dead ones. At first I thought the shells I was seeing were dead insects, but then learned about the shells/life cycle/etc. Very interesting!

I watch the birds fly in the woods and come out with a cicada. They land in our driveway and rip off the wings and then eat them. They leave behind the hard shell of the body too. My driveway is littered with cicada parts. I also havent had to fill the bird feeder in weeks.

Have we heard if there are any near Butler or Slippery Rock PA? I will be there camping in June and would like to be prepared with ear plugs if needed.

When will the emergence end? Meaning what has already emerged is pretty much it? Like will more emerge into June.

Emergence this Memorial Day 2019 weekend at Lake Milton RV Resort on the Mahoning River between Berlin Lake and Lake Milton. Coordinates: 41.059110, -80.988804

Just started seeing them yesterday all over the parking lot and the balcony of my apartment building in Monaca, PA. Did not have any at a house I own in Rochester, PA.

Saw three on some hosts yesterday in Middlesex Township Pa. Today they were singing all morning into the early afternoon.

I am about half way between Lisbon and Salineville, off Route 164. There are THOUSANDS of them here! They’ve covered my yard, my shrubs, my trees, the outside of my basement walls, my garage floor – even the ladder to the attic!!! You cannot walk outside without every step ‘crunching’.. 🙁 I think I’m sitting right on top of a brood cell of EPIC proportions..!!

They were coming out of the ground in armies at night, they are everywhere you can not walk or touch anything without touching one, surprising to me going to the river we didnt see any, but to the cemetery they were 10x worse, &I thought they were done emerging but this morning there are even more, they are so loud already they are trumping most of the birds, I cant imagine more!!

I went to Tomlinson Run State Park again today, Saturday May 25. We walked several trails but the best place was the trees by around the swimming pool and Disc golf area. Especially the trees between the entrance to this area and the basketball court. There were lots of them climbing some of the trees and crawling around the ground. We did hear some singing but not so much yet. I was surprised at how many we saw with deformed wings. I don’t remember this so much during the 2016 brood in Marshall County WV.

So I have a question. I live in Ellwood City pa. I have not seen any cicadas. Holes. Shells. Nothing. But down the park in ellwood there are shells. In my sisters yard. There are a couple live ones and a bunch of shells. What’s happening??? Why are they sporadic? What do the shells indicate?

@Ashley, the shells indicate that cicadas have emerged from the ground and molted. If no adult cicadas are found (the ones with wings) it likely means predators like birds got them.

It’s normal in areas, especially when they’re on the fringes of a brood, to have sporadic populations of cicadas. These areas are where a Brood will either grow or shrink. Things that will make a brood shrink include development (new construction, new roads) destroying habitat (trees); over predation by animals; and pesticide use.

Hi Dan, We live on a campground in Natrona Heights, PA and the cicada are emerging. Will they do harm to our new spring plantings? Our work day to set up the tabernacle for the season is June 1 but I think we will be sweeping corpses from the pews by the end of the month. Pittsburgh Tarentum Campmeeting Assoc.

@Donna, I wouldn’t plant any hard-stemmed trees until they’re gone (usually before July 1) because those are the types of plants they lay their eggs in. I haven’t heard of them affecting annual flowering plants, like marigolds, or garden vegetables like tomatoes.

5/25 None in our area of Houston Pa.(near Washington Pa) as of Sat. morning. The 2002 brood was very close to us, however, we had the 2016 brood. There were thousands and thousands of them! We have learned from this site that we, mostly likely, won’t have them although the broods were right against each other. This appears to be the case. Thank you for educating us!

5-23-19. Our house in Sewickley was covered this am. On 5-24 in the evening at least 50 nypmhs are in our yard.

If we don’t see any signs of them in our area ( Burgettstown, PA ) after this Memorial Day weekend …is it safe to say we probably won’t get them? Thanks

@Donna, maybe. I see they’re in nearby Paris. You should see some by Memorial day — if not you probably won’t get them in your yard.

I have hundreds of them on my plants my screen in my yard they are everywhere. I live in Florence Pa right out of Burgettstown

I live in Washington pa, in Washington county. We had them really bad in 2016. Do you think we are suppose to get them this year?? I haven’t seen any holes or shells yet.

They are really in abundance in north Murrysville. I was just standing still for a minute and one emerged and started crawling up my leg. There are twenty on my shed door drying their wings. They began to come out last week and every day they seem to increase. When I walk across my yard, I can’t help but crunch them. They are on everything – blades of grass, walls, sidewalks, trees, everything that will let them dry off. When they first come out of the ground they are damp and it seems they want to dry off so they can fly.

@Melissa, they are in New Waterford, so it’s possible that they’ll show up in Columbiana too. You should know for sure by Memorial Day.

I live in Leet Township specifically Quaker Heights which is about 3 miles NW of Sewickley. There are literally hundreds in my back yard. It’s odd because there are some houses that don’t appear to have that many and some have none at all.

Sometimes they’re like that. Disruptions to their habitat in previous years — removal of trees/tree roots, pesticides, over-predation — can make their populations patchy. We often see cases where one side of a town will have them, but the other side will have none.

They are everywhere in Baden + Freedom, PA, not too too far from Cranberry. I had a delivery route out there today + they were overwhelming. Looks like I’ll be staying inside a lot this summer.

I live in New Waterford Ohio and I 100s that came out today! They are all over my porch, ground, side walks, house, trees, ect. There is alot around here..

Saw two of them on my deck railing today, as I was cleaning the outdoor furniture. Murrysville, PA which is between Monroeville and Greensburg. Don’t think I will be spending much time outdoors until this clears out!

I’m seeing a lot of sightings on the app around Rochester. About how long after initial emergence does chorusing start? And about how long does it last?

@David, it usually takes a week before enough males can gather and form strong choruses. This can be prolonged by the number of cold or rainy days. Cold and rain slows them down. Overall, 3 to 4 weeks of screaming. Also depends on the weather — the more hot and dry days we have, the quicker the bugs will finish their business.

Would it be reasonable, then, to extrapolate from that that my best bet in getting good opportunities to hear and record chorusing are likely to be the weekend of the 1st and 2nd rather than this weekend (25th-26th + Memorial Day)? I understand nobody’s an oracle here; just looking for good advice for placing my bet.

Does this brood (VIII) has localized highly abundant population? I would like to live the experience of seing A LOT of 17years cicadas, and I’m looking for the best spots. Thanks

Come to Beaver county PA, there are so many you can not walk without stepping on &/or having them fly at/ around you, there are at least 10 per square foot, with more emerging, our back yard has at least 50 holes per square foot where the nymphs are/were, email me ill send you pics &video

I haven’t seen any in the Coraopolis/Moon Township area yet. Not even holes. Could that mean the area is possibly spared or is there still time . 🙁

@Micah, I checked the Cicada Safari app, and they’ve been sighted around the Olson Park area. That said — I probably don’t communicate this as effectively as I could — but they won’t appear everywhere in a town. Sometimes their locations are patchy — here and there — random.

If we were going to get them would we be seeing them by now? I haven’t seen any shells or any holes? City of Washington area

@Kris, they do emerge over a period of about two weeks, but if you haven’t seen any by memorial day, you’re probably in the clear.

Do you think Key Bank Pavilion in Burgettstown, PA will get them bad ? How about Steubenville, OH. ?

@Donna, hard to say. While some areas of Burgettstown got them in 2002, it is on the fringe. You’ll find out in the coming days. The weather is warm enough that they’ll definitely be emerging by Memorial Day.

@Ashley, it looks possible. I checked the Cicada Safari app, and they’ve been reported nearby in North Sewickley Township. You’ll know for sure within a week.

I do not see any holes in my yard or nearby. No shells or live ones…if they do come-will we get them pretty bad?

I live in New Cumberland..and I have probably a hundred or so in my yard..however I do not see them anywhere else in town…weird..

We went to Tomlinson Run State Park today, Sunday May 19. Didn’t hear any Cicadas at all.

It’s that time. I find one on my porch on my dog statue. It fire away when I brushed it off. I am sooooooooo not ready for this

Cicada resting next to its shell this morning in Adams County PA just over the Mason Dixon line. Looks like the picture of M. septendecula so I expect it’s jumping the gun for its Brood X.

Hi, been checking this page often. I assumed we would get them in Gibsonia (Hampton specifically right near Butler turnpike exit) since cranberry and west deer are listed….both are 20ish mins from us but I have a 2.5yr old cherry blossom tree I covered with insect mesh 2 days ago and it’s not loving it….I’m afraid to uncover it as I heard some people say you can go to bed 1 night and wake up with cicadas everywhere the next morning….should I expect them soon? None of the neighbors have been here 17yrs so we are all sort of wondering. We are about 20mins down rt 8 from Butler too. Thanks!

Sat May 18th. 3 pm. I recently commented that the area half way between Washington Pa and Burgettstown had them in 2002. Was just at that location & did not see any. (after a cooler week temp finally is 84 degrees). Perhaps this will be the week they will appear? We live several miles from that location near Houston and Meadow Lands Pa. We had them in 2016.

Im near Pa in Calcutta Ohio and I seen 1 just now! Seen the shell or cocoon of another 1 just a few steps away of the 1 I seen..Unfortuanatly, I think the things are arriving!!

In Burgettstown, we got 17 year Cicadas two springs ago. I remember having them 19 years ago as well, but certainly not two years again after that (2002). Not sure how that is possible. Are they localized enough that certain parts of the area are in the brood viii realm, but not others? What is considered “Burgettstown” school district Is a rather spread out area. I live specifically in Erie Mine, Smith Township.

Hundreds of holes in the wooded portion of my property. Just saw the first molted exoskeleton of late nymph yesterday. Would expect seeing adults any day now.

I’m from Beaver Falls and we have holes all over our yard. I saw 10-15 live ones crawling under a rock as well. We’re not far from you so I’d imagine you’ll see them too.

I just went out looking, I hope I live between ellwood and new castle. Remember them 17 years ago, was amazing. We lived in Baden then.

Hi! I have camping reservation in ohio pyle state park on may 25th. Will ohio pyle state be expecting cicadas?

I have been finding hundreds of tunnels and mounds in my back yard doing leaf clean up and finding lots of Nymphs. At first I didn’t know what the hell all those holes were and then I asked my neighbor and she enlightened me 😯. I’m in Rochester

Same here &I’m in Rochester too, they were just emerging 1 here or there but last night, despite bad storms, they are everywhere this morning, but still were coming out of exoskeleton some still in exoskeleton, others nearby drying wings, by mid afternoon the were &are buzzing around everywhere!! Got pics &videos of the different stages!

Will they be in Norwalk Ohio this year, I live in Wakeman Ohio and I think we had them in 2002

Should I plan my trip out to Beaver, PA around the 24th, or a week later around the 31st? I want to see them as nymphs at night, but I also want to hear them chorusing during the day. I saw the weather forecast for Pittsburgh, it says it’s gonna be in the 80s next week there. So… I don’t know. I’m so excited though!!!

It is hot here today I’m in beaver falls pa and found a shell on the tree but havent seen any flying around

I live in kiski twp apollo pa and i have hundreds of mounds and nymphs at night..under rocks, thru the grass, arou d hemlock and oak..Armstrong cty…they are here!!!

@Jimmy, looking at the predicted weather next weekend in Pittsburg — highs near or above 80 — I think they’ll start to emerge. However — the fun part — when they start chorusing won’t start until a week later.

Thanks Dan. I remember when the 2016 brood was here in Marshall County, WV that they were pretty thick on Memorial Day weekend.

I live inArlington VA same as a prior correspondent and in last 72 hours have found 3 dead large cicadas in my townhouse. Since I have cats assume they were killed by the felines. No sound or sightings outdoors here 3 miles from the Pentagon. Brood X?

That’s not far from my home. I’m seeing shed exoskeletons in my yard yesterday. I can’t imagine they’d stop only ~ 5 miles away.

Much to my surprise, I just found 2 nymphs outside my apartment in Arlington, VA. Gave them a ride to the nearest tree.

I’m from out of town (Baltimore area) and hope to visit during the emergence to record cicada song. I’ll only have one afternoon and one morning to do it, probably over a Sunday night. So, I’m looking for otherwise relatively quiet but publicly accessible places where they are likely to arise. I’m guessing that public parks in and around the starred places on your map are good bets, places like Brady’s Run Park near New Brighton, or Beaver County Park around Ambridge Reservoir, or Racoon Creek State Park or Hillman State Park near Franklin Springs. Does that seem like a good strategy? Do you have other suggestions? I’d be grateful for any advice!

@David, Keystone State Park and Tomlinson Run State Park were good in the past. I recommend downloading the App mentioned in the article and seeing where people are finding cicadas.

Will they be in Jeannette, Westmoreland County? and if so, is it safe to still plant perennial flowers now?

Hi, I’m getting married outdoors in Butler in a couple of weeks. Do you expect them in the area? Thank you!

What about Washington pa 🥺😳 lord I’m terrified of these insect 😩

I had a number of cicadas hitting my vehicle as I drove through West Virginia on Wednesday, May 01, 2019.

We had the cicadas in 2016, but New Stanton is only about 15 miles away from Greensburg. Will we get them?

@Kaylee, Generally speaking, a specific area won’t have both broods, although there are places where Broods do overlap. I doubt you’ll get Brood VIII, but we’ll have to wait and see.

I have a strong feeling that I live in one of the exception to the rule areas where we have both broods. We had the huge emergence 3 years ago and looks like they are expected, heavily, in our area again this brood.
I live in Washington, PA…for now. I’m not sticking around to see the next emergence in 14 years.

It depends on how warm the soil gets. Rule of thumb is once the soil 8″ below the ground gets to be 64F, they’ll start to emerge. For that to happen, the sun needs to heat the soil sufficiently, and/or warm rain will do it. Given that the weather this week is in the mid-70s, they could start to emerge this week, but then it’s going to be colder, so it probably really won’t kick off until after the 15th.

I believe it was 2002 that the area half way between Washington & Burgettstown Pa( 2110 block of Henderson Ave were loaded with them. Houston and Meadow Lands Pa did not have any at that time, but 3 years ago in the 13 yr brood cicadas were present for about 6 weeks) Since these towns are only a few miles away, will they emerge here perhaps now or in the years to come?

@Shawn, it looks like Aliquippa, PA will get them. It’s right in the middle of a lot of the locations that had them in 2002, like Hopewell, Center, and Baden.

Yes Aliquippa DEFINATELY had them in 2002, I was 15 and terrified, all down Kennedy Blvd. to Franklin Ave. and the wooded paths we walked were covered with holes where that had emerged or were still emerging from.

I am pretty sure buffalo ohio had them in 2016. My trees were covered. Will we see them again? We are about 5 miles outside of senecaville ohio near the lake.

What about Glenshaw, PA? We are roughly 39 minutes (15ish miles) South of cranberry township, PA. Will there be a huge infestation? How do you keep them from flying into your homes and cars?

@Cara, as for flying into homes and cars — they might accidentally do that — they are not graceful fliers. But, unlike other insects like flies, they won’t intentionally invade your personal space. Their only objective is to mate, so they’re mostly flying around, looking to meet up with other cicadas.

We live in Bethel Park, PA and although we were within a mile or two of the last brood a few years back…none were here. We are having an outdoor graduation party on June 22 (1 mile away from Washington County border) and I am wondering if I will need to deal with these guys. Any info on the broods being in or near Bethel Park, PA?

@Janice, Bethel Park, PA is south of most of the Brood, but it might be worth checking out the scene where you’re having the event. See if there are holes. Roll over some rocks or slates. Do you see any? cicada tunneling around. June 22nd should be toward the end of the emergence — they’ll still be making noise, but the worst part might be the odor from their rotting corpses. That said, my friends had an outdoor wedding during an emergence, and people thought it was fun.

Live in New Brighton. Was moving stone and digging and encountered many white nymphs tunneling near the surface. Guess it is about to start here and worried about some young trees.

@ Dan Thanks, what I saw was the same as in your picture. No red eyes, just all white ones in tunnels under landscape rocks.

@Dan, Thanks for the tips, I saw those before. Ordered netting, but looks like the company will not deliver in time, not sure? Given a May 4th date, then changed to May 9th, Who knows. Read about putting foil around base of tree and up a bit. Now I’m thinking I put a lightning rod in my front yard. 🙂

We are in New Wilmington PA, right near New Castle PA. Should we expect to see them this year?

I believe they are emerging in Central Ohio, south of Columbus. I arrived home last night about 10p and was met with a small swarm of hard shelled bugs.

@Jeff, Champion PA might be too far south and east. Places in Westmorland that had them last year were Greenburg and Keystone State Park.

@Eric, although we had no specific sightings from 2002 from Evans City, nearby cities Ellwood City and Cranberry Twp had them, so I’ll say it’s possible.

Northern NJ. Drove to Syracuse last year for Brood VII (twice) and thinking of making the trip to western PA for Brood VIII. Looking forward to the emergence reports so I can make plans!

@Cindy, certainly as a choking hazzard. Cicadas, particularly their wings, might get stuck inside their throats, so keep an eye on your pets. That said, birds and squirrels feast on them without issue. Last time they were in my area, my sister’s chihuahua didn’t have a problem with them, but he also had no interest in them because he’s a finicky eater.

More info: I have an article about this topic. Dogs certainly love to eat cicada, and generally speaking, they’re a protein-filled snack.

That said, here’s what to be cautious of 1) their wings and ovipositors are rigid, and may cause choking & maybe bowel obstructions, 2) gorging on cicadas could make them sick, 3) cicadas sprayed with pesticides could make them sick, and 4) 17-year cicadas are known to accumulate mercury, like tuna.

The only bad story I heard of was of a dog that died after consuming cicadas that had been sprayed with pesticide.

Do you think Mt Lebanon, PA will have em? I just moved here and I dont know anyone that lived here in 2002. Just want to be prepared.

@Jim, its possible. Nearby cities Robinson Township and Pittsburg had them in 2002. But I don’t have a specific record for Mt Lebanon, so I’m not 100% certain.

@Kelly, Kittanning “maybe”. It’s north of the northernmost signings from 2002. Gilpin Township had them, and that’s about 15 miles away.

@Sue, Mars looks like it is in range — Cranberry Township had them in 2002. Cabot might but it also might be too north. Also looks like Slipper Rock PA might be too far north, but you never know.

@Shannon, because they showed up in nearby Gilpin Township in 2002, I think there’s good chance they’ll show up in South Buffalo Twp.

I live near Raccoon Creek State Park, actually, Hanover township Beaver county. Will we see them here for sure?

@Crystal, locally about 4 weeks, and about 6 weeks for the entire event. The nicer the weather (warm, sunny) the sonner it will be over.

Hello. I live in Ellwood City pa. Will we be getting swarmed this year. I am terrified of these things!!

Thanks for responding. Ugh!! So when the news is saying invasion. Ellwood City won’t be invaded right? Also. How long will these things be around!!

Curious will they be in Ohio Township (neighbors Sewickley)? And how about in Slippery Rock? I want to prepare my kids whom have never seen/heard them before.

Sure hope they won’t be in North Franklin
Township of Washington, PA – we just had some
3 years ago and they were horrible!! I can’t stand them
& trying to take care of two little dogs with them is a nightmare – please tell me they are t coming again!! I am going to have to go somewhere else!!😱

We just had a bunch in Washington, Pennsylvania in 2016? and me as a 17 year old kid afraid of giant flying bugs, am wondering will there be any near the city of Washington or Central Washington County when this particular group emerges?

If you had them in 2016, you won’t have them in 2019 — in the same exact location. 2016 was Brood V. Brood VIII and V are both in Washington county — Brood VIII is north and east of Brood V. Don’t go north and east.

Will there be a ton of cicadas in Burgettstown Pennslyvania? In 2016 we had brood V which was really bad. I was just wondering if you think we will see any?

I’m pretty sure I just heard one outside our open window. Is it possible they’re here already? Houston, PA. 4/23/19 8:00pm

Audrey, I reside in Meadowlands, we had them in 2016, I remember, because it was the year my son graduated from Chartiers High school. So, I think we are safe this time.

@Diane seems like it’s possible. I haven’t seen records for that city, but it’s in the right counties (Allegheny and Washington).

Two years ago we had them bad in Napier, WV, right at Bulltown. I found thousands of cicada shells on my trees. They flew right at us. The noise was deafening. I’m not looking forward to this if they are coming back.

@Stacy. Don’t worry — if you had them 2 years ago, you won’t have them this year. They’ll mostly be in the most northern parts of the northern pan-handle.

Would you say that Bedford county Pennsylvania will have them? I remember they were here in like 2002 or so seems like they were attracted to noise ?

@Shawn Bedford has Brood X which emerged in 2004. There’s also a chance that an isolated group of Brood VIII exists in Bedford, but it’s undocumented. Let us know if you notice anything.

Cicadas are attracted to the sound of vibrating machines like lawnmowers, drills, saws, etc.

Hello! Will we be getting them in Colliers, WV in Brooke county? I am deathly afraid of them and I’m hoping I don’t have to deal with them this year!😩🙏🏻

I live past the area mentioned along Rt 136, near the golf course, across from Mingo Park, on heavily wooded acreage, and had an invasion about three years ago.
They killed some newly-planted trees, even with close-weave netting covering them. So am being a little more cautious this year just in case they reappear. They can make all the noise they want, just leave me baby trees alone!!

@Lins, it looks like Bentleyville, PA is just south of Brood VIII, so you will not get them this year. Broods usually don’t overlap. What you experienced in 2016 was Brood V.

I live in Glenmoor oh, close to East Liverpool, what’s the forecast for this area. If its like it was in 2002 or worse its gonna be bad.

Thank you so much for the information on this site. I am happy to see that I won’t have to travel far this year to experience God’s amazing creation, the cicada 😊

In 2002 they were all over Franklin county in Ohio. You said that Columbus was too far west but I remember how many there were that year.

Let us know what you see in 2019. What you describe was undocumented. Could have been an odd acceleration of Brood X, which would have emerged in significant numbers in 2004.

I Was Pulling Up my Back Patio today And There Were 100’s of Them Underneath The 12’×6 Inch Blocks I was Amazed.I POSTED A PIC TO FACEBOOk

I have cicadas in Brevard, NC.28712 I live on Cedar Mountain. They emerged last night or the night before. Being from California ( for 50 years) I thought it’s awfully early for crickets isn’t it? Ha. Nope they’re here. As the chart says these are stragglers of Brood lX. (?)

Will cicadas appear in Claysville and Taylorstown? My daughter is terrified of cicadas and I would like to know so I will be prepared

I don’t see records for those towns. It seems like they’re south-west of the Brood. But you might want to check with your town elders to make sure.

My sister and me are scared to death as well! Im in Bentleyville/Ellsworth area and he said they’re not going to be here. I pray to God he’s right. Literally was looking into anxiety meds for the swarm.

Prosperity, PA and Wheeling, WV were terrible in ’02. I remember going to Oglebay that summer and seeing the grassy area around the pool just absolutely covered. It was gross. I don’t recall whether Claysville was impacted as much but it’s sort of between areas that were pretty horrible so….

I live in the North Hills now. I hope they aren’t coming to ruin my summer here!

After some thought and conversation with my family, we figured out it must have been 1999 that the cicadas were overwhelming Prosperity, PA. My recollections above are not from ’02 as I originally wrote. My mom lives near the Tanger Outlets in Wash Pa now and had loads of cicadas in 2016.

Many people are talking about eating cicadas, I like that.

Does anyone else in the Western Pennsylvania/Eastern OH region feel some BROODing sense that something is about to happen?

They start building their tunnels the year before, but I’ve only noticed signs of holes a few weeks before. Look for animals (like birds or squiirels) digging for them in the dirt. Or caps of soil (called chimneys) about the soil. If you discover one in the soli, you can tell it is ready to emerge when its eyes are red.

Thank you for the info…I have a phobia of them and I don’t remember them in 2002 in city of Washington I definitely remember them in 1999 and just in 2016…I”m trying to see if I even need to be worried about it…thank you

What about the city of Washington? We got a massive amount for Brood V…I don’t remember them in 2002?

Looks like it’s in range, but since it’s a farm, you’ve probably removed most of the trees, so you wouldn’t get them. Cicadas are parasites of trees.

I live outside Washington a bit. We had millions just a few years ago. Do you think we will get this brood also? Near Wolfdale.

Brood VIII is largely north of Pittsburg but we are interested in its southern boundary so please report especially in this area. Brood V appeared in Washington Co. PA three years ago e.g,, Driving along PA 136 Loud Magicicada cassini all along with Magicicada septendecim loud in spots. E.g., at Preston Rd. Golf course with shorter trees along 136 9 miles east of College St. in Washington PA. And the cicadas were especially heavy in Washington Park.

I think she was confused on the year. I think she meant the 2016 cicadas. We got a bunch then, and in 1999. However we didn’t get any in 2002.

Will they be just north of Pittsburgh, PA (Wexford area)? I do not remember these from 2002, so could that be an indicator that they may not be as prevalent where I live?

They will be in some areas. Their locations are often “patchy” meaning they don’t appear everywhere, limited to small areas within a town. But, if they didn’t appear someplace last time, chances are they won’t appear there this time.

Jen I lived in Butler county, PA in 2002 we had swarms of them. I only remember because that was the year my mom passed away and I picked them up to scare her. She hated them 😂

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