Brood XIV Matt Berger Periodical Stragglers

Brood XIV emerges before Brood XIII

Brood XIII cicadas are a bunch of slackers. Brood XIV stragglers (Brood XIV isn’t due until next year) have already emerged and imagined into their adult form around Ohio.

Here’s some photos from Matt Berger:

cicadas on newspapaer


What’s up Brood XIII? What are you waiting for? An invitation?

5 replies on “Brood XIV emerges before Brood XIII”

I just found another Magicicada nymph in my backyard this time. i just found it near where i found a hole about a week ago. however it is dead. it died halfway through molting probably in the storm last night.

I’m from the awaiting the emergence
now i’m just getting a little ticked at how long it’s taking. I figured maybe
the storm we had pass through would ruse them to come out, but it only
brought more cold weather. I sure hope they come soon, it’s so exciting.

Great photo. One thing we don’t have enough of is accurate estimates of the numbers of straggling cicadas, to give us an idea of what fraction of the population is emerging off-schedule. If anyone feels like spending some time carefully counting holes in a pre-defined area and doing the same thing next year in exactly the same plots when the rest come out, it would be useful.

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