Brood XIV

Brood XIV will be here soon enough

Today is March 1st, and in a couple of months the Brood XIV cicadas will be here. I’ll work up a comprehensive article in the coming weeks. Historically speaking, Brood XIV has emerged in Long Island, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, West Virginia, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina and Virginia. Some of Brood XIV pre-emerged in 2007, ands pictures of that on the site.

The first sign of an emergence is usually news articles. Here’s one of the first:

And here’s and NPR Story about eating bugs including cicadas.

One reply on “Brood XIV will be here soon enough”

I can’t wait for this years emergence. After photographing my first Magicicada in 2004 here in Michigan I fell in love with them. Last year I traveled to Chicago to photograph them some more but was just a little early. I did manage to get quite a few photos but the numbers weren’t what I had hoped for. This year I plan to be in Northern Kentucky and Southern Ohio the weekend of June 7th and 8th so hopefully a good number will have made there way above ground by then.

I will be taking my 8 year old son with me this year. It will be his first time experiencing magicicadas and I’m hoping its a memorable experience for him. He’s a bit of a science geek so I’m sure he will be overwhelmed if we envcounter the numbers of cicadas we hope to.

If all goes well, I just might put together a calendar featuring my cicada photos. I’m going to try and find the time to get some video as well.

I’m still trying to find my first blue/white eyed cicada.

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