Roy Troutman’s 1980s Cicada Photos, part 2.
1987. Mating Cicadas.
1987. Cicada chimney.
1988. Straggler cicada.
1987. Cicada feeding.
1988. Roy & Pa watching emerging cicadas.
Brood X Magicicada photos by Roy Troutman from 2004. Ohio.
Brood X Magicicada photos by Nate Rhodes from 2004.
Recently molted Magicicada, still hanging from its nymphal skin:
Molting Magicicada:
Two adult Magicicada:
Recently molted Magicicada hanging from its nymphal skin:
Molting Magicicada:
My Magicicada Photos from 2004, Brood X. These were taken in Princeton, New Jersey, with a home video camera. Princeton is a “hot spot” for Brood X in New Jersey. They’re usually out during the Princeton University graduation ceremonies, which is a nuisance for both graduates & their families and for people who come to see the cicadas (and could care less about the graduates). Interestingly enough, the Princeton colors (orange & black) closely match the colors of the cicadas.
Vince’s cicada photos from 2004, the year of Brood X.
Most photos on this website are high resolution. These are not, but that is okay with me. I’m just happy that someone took the time to share their enjoyment of cicadas.
Vince’s Magicicada:
Cicada skin/exuvia:
Neotibicen tibicen:
Brood X Magicicada photos by Jim Occi from 2004.
Magicicadas mating:
Adult Magicicada
Teneral Magicicada
Photos from our 2004 Brood X Blue-eyed Magicicada Contest.
Contestants won a Cicada Mania button.
Blue-eyed Magicicada photo by Cody:
Blue-eyed Magicicada photo by Luke:
Blue-eyed Magicicada photo by Mike:
Blue-eyed Magicicada photo by Wade:
Brood X Magicicada photos by Melanie Chang from 2004. Taken in Burke, VA, June 2004.
Brood X Magicicada photo by Michael Malsam from 2004. Parts unknown.