Cicada Mania

Dedicated to cicadas, the most amazing insects in the world.

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Magicicada periodical cicada Broods.

May 20, 2007

Imagining Magicicada

Filed under: Brood XIV | Magicicada | Roy Troutman — Dan @ 8:52 am

In the coming days I’ll get a lot of emails from people telling me that they’ve found albino cicadas — well, they aren’t albinos, they just haven’t turned black yet. Once a cicada splits its nymph skin and imagines into the adult form, it takes some time for it to turn the familiar black color. Now, if you find a cicada with blue eyes, that’s different, that’s unusual (about 1 in 1000), so we want to hear about that.

This picture was take by Roy Troutman, last night in Batavia Ohio. It’s important to note that this is a Brood XIV straggler and not a Brood XIII cicada.

May 19, 2007

Brood XIII News Update, 5/19/2007

Filed under: Brood XIII | Magicicada — Dan @ 9:16 am

Bug spray ineffective on cicadas [Beacon News] “Officials: Pesticides won’t do any good in warding off the bugs”. That’s what I’ve been saying all along. I was watching CNN last night and they said that there are so few bees left in North America to pollinate our food plants, that we have to import our food from South America and China (China!?!). No sense killing any more bees in the process of trying to kill a cicada.

May 16, 2007

Brood XIII News Update, 5/17/2007

Filed under: Brood XIII | Magicicada — Dan @ 9:54 pm

5 days?


Prepare to be invaded! Teenage cicadas here in time for Memorial Day. Nice picture of a tree trunk covered with cicadas.

May 15, 2007

Brood XIV emerges before Brood XIII

Filed under: Brood XIV | Matt Berger | Periodical Stragglers — Dan @ 4:21 am

Brood XIII cicadas are a bunch of slackers. Brood XIV stragglers (Brood XIV isn’t due until next year) have already emerged and imagined into their adult form around Ohio.

Here’s some photos from Matt Berger:

cicadas on newspapaer


What’s up Brood XIII? What are you waiting for? An invitation?

May 14, 2007

Brood XIV Stragglers in Ohio

Filed under: Brood XIV | Magicicada | Periodical Stragglers | Roy Troutman — Dan @ 8:58 pm

Illinois, Iowa, Indiana and Wisconsin aren’t the only states that can look forward to periodic cicadas.

Brood XIV stragglers are beginning to emerge in Ohio. So far we’ve had reports of chimneys from Roy and some photos of nymphs taken by Matt Berger in Terrace Park, Ohio (hopefully he’ll let us post the pics). Stragglers are periodic cicadas the emerge a year or more ahead or behind schedule. Brood XIV is due to emerge in many states next year (KY, GA, IN, MA, MD, NC, NJ, NY, OH, PA, TN, VA, WVA), but a few will emerge this year instead.

Here’s a photo of a cicada chimney taken by Roy Troutman in Ohio.


May 10, 2007

Brood XIII News Update, 5/10/2007

Filed under: Brood XIII | Magicicada — Dan @ 5:03 am

Plenty of pictures of cicadas in their nymph instar, but no adults yet. Waiting for photos…

Cicada recipe 1 courtesy of Kirk Moore. Get your kitchens ready!!! It’s almost cicada cookin’ time. (the idea of cooking cicadas makes me ill)

They’re heeere … : Area prepares for the return of cicadas. Note: the photo of the cicada is not a Magicicada, it’s a Tibicen.

May 8, 2007

Emergence Report

Filed under: Brood XIII | Magicicada — Dan @ 4:14 am

So far we have Bull Valley, a possible in Lake Bluff, and Highland Park

If you see cicadas don’t forget to take photos. Put them up on Flickr, the free photo sharing service, and use the broodxiii tag so others can find your Brood XIII cicadas. If you can, take a picture of a cicada with a newspaper or print out this web page and take a picture of the cicadas with that (for date reference).

Don’t forget to take video too, and put that video up on YouTube!

May 7, 2007

It’s on: Highland Park, IL

Filed under: Brood XIII | Magicicada — Dan @ 7:40 am

Earlier than expected, here’s some pictures of emerging cicadas in Highland Park, IL.

May 22nd is the date they were predicted to emerge, but thanks to warm weather and other factors…

May 5, 2007

Color a Magicicada

Filed under: Arts & Crafts | Brood XIII | Magicicada — Dan @ 4:00 pm

Somebody asked for a picture of a cicada they can color with Crayons. Here you go: Magicicada Coloring Sheet PDF. You need the Adobe Acrobat Reader to view it on Windows, and Macs will display it without an extra plug-in.

Here’s what it looks like when you print it out:

Cicada Coloring PDF

May 1, 2007

May 22nd

Filed under: Brood XIII — Dan @ 5:14 am

According to the cicada emergence formula, it looks like May 22nd might be the date.

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