Brood X Magicicada Periodical

Cicada News 5/7/2004

Washington Post :Cicada Emergence by the Numbers. This article features an exceptional chart outlining the probability of a cicada emergence. (thx Mike).

High-protein, low-carbohydrate diet fanatics take note: The billions of cicadas emerging from the ground en masse this month are a healthy alternative to that bacon double-cheeseburger without the bun.

Brood X Old Message Board

Cicada Comments from April 2004

re: flying or crawling?

Date: Thursday, Apr/22/2004
Becca, they start out crawling when they emerge from underground. They crawl up the highest thing (ie; a tree), where they transform into flying creatures. Check out this link: And I totally understand and share your fears. I’m also from New England, and had I known that this occured, I probably would have never relocated out here! Patricia, PG County, MD

They are lots of fun

Date: Thursday, Apr/22/2004
If you do get these here are some fun things to do with them. In 87 we dressed one up like elvis. Then we made some small glasses cut out of clear film and super glued them to the cicadas eyes. Looked really cool. But the best thing to do to them is amuse them. We found an adult cicada fit perfectly in the barrel of a paint ball gun. It is like a amusement ride for them. After giving them a co2 enama they leave the barrel at 300 ft per sec.That way the birds cant eat them, They are going to fast. The other fun thing is to paint their eyes with white-out and let them go in the house. They will fly into everything. Also if you pull the wings off they have to walk the rest of their lives. On the same note you can pull the legs off throw them in the air and they have to fly the rest of their life. I have taken bottle rockets off the stick and super glue the bottle rocket to the cicadas back, light it and throw it in the air, They get a bang out of that. If you any more good clean fun cicada amusement ideas plz e-mail them to me. Don Doneagle5 [AT], Cincinnati

flying or crawling?

Date: Thursday, Apr/22/2004
Do they fly or crawl? do they crawl up your pants legs? do they crawl on your screens? I’m DREADING this. I grew up in New England where we didn’t have these… Becca, PG County, MD


Date: Thursday, Apr/22/2004
Thanks for your words Leslie. I am right next door in Hyattsville and you have calmed me a bit… Patricia, PG County, MD


Date: Thursday, Apr/22/2004
Hey all, I need advice bad from a GOOD source of information. Can anyone tell me something about the cicada that will make me feel a little better? All I am hearing is that it will be impossible to function outside becuase they will be swarming all around us. I am getting scared to even take my 15 mth old son outside to play…I need to know if this is really as bad as everyone is saying. Can someone give me some knowledgable words of comfort? jamie, Charlotte Hall, MD

Are they coming earlier than expected?

Date: Thursday, Apr/22/2004
I had heard that they were supposed to be coming out in mid-May, now I’m hearing that it will be sooner. Does anyone know? I am REALLY scared, (and know they are harmless but it doesn’t matter). I’m just freaking out here. I hadn’t heard about them swarming around people before…I was going to carry an umbrella when I went outside, but now it sounds like it won’t help much…any advice is most appreciated… Patricia, PG County, MD


Date: Thursday, Apr/22/2004
Do cicadas eat or dig holes in your yard? Letitia, Maryland


Date: Thursday, Apr/22/2004
I’ve contacted the principal of the Dundalk Middle School, and boy are you kids in trouble. Wait ’til your parents find out. Also, I guess your teachers aren’t doing a very good job, ‘cuz you kids sure can’t spell. Sky, Arlington, Va.


Date: Thursday, Apr/22/2004


Date: Thursday, Apr/22/2004
\ veronica, school


Date: Thursday, Apr/22/2004


Date: Thursday, Apr/22/2004
no i dont ROGER dose lol clinton, dundalk middle school


Date: Thursday, Apr/22/2004
I LOVE CLINTON veronica weber, school


Date: Thursday, Apr/22/2004
im boucnybunny lol dodododododododododododo roger sucks! Meru69, dundalk

kissy kissy

Date: Thursday, Apr/22/2004
im a happy bunny hug me Roger, Dundalk middle school


Date: Thursday, Apr/22/2004
hi veronica weber. clinton , dundalk middle school


Date: Thursday, Apr/22/2004
hi clenton see more buts, dundalk md.


Date: Thursday, Apr/22/2004
hi bob, dudndalk


Date: Thursday, Apr/22/2004
you guys are stupid bob, dundalk


Date: Thursday, Apr/22/2004
Dear Ralph – Is it Norwood or Kenwood? Ghost, Warren County

To Amy in Ohio

Date: Thursday, Apr/22/2004
I saw the coolest thing in Walgreens yesterday that would be perfect for your cicada party, check it out. Ralph, Norwood

I died and went to hell

Date: Wednesday, Apr/21/2004
I moved to Reston VA in 1987 from NY and I never in my life experienced anything like these buggers! I thought I had died and gone to hell. I used to RUN to the mailbox and back, ending up covered in these disgusting creatures… screaming all the way. I swore that I’d MOVE before the 17 years was up and they came again. Doh. I’m still here. I plan on not leaving the house for a month. Jean B, Reston VA

protecting my air conditioner

Date: Wednesday, Apr/21/2004
Do I need to protect my air conditioners from cicadas? If yes, what should I use? maggie, maryland

Re: Magicicada

Date: Wednesday, Apr/21/2004
The cicadas should be here about mid May & be gone by the middle of June. As far as I remember the brunt of the chaos was in the last week of May & the first week of June. Hope this helps. Roy T, Batavia, OH


Date: Wednesday, Apr/21/2004
The magicicadas are going to be here next month(May). My question is when they arrive, how long will they be in town? A.Briscoe, Mount Rainier, MD, P.G. County

Party cicada

Date: Wednesday, Apr/21/2004
Are you kidding Amy? Go to where you can get all of your cicada supplies, shirts, mugs, coasters and more! Joe, Cincinnati

Cicada Items

Date: Wednesday, Apr/21/2004
Does anyone know where I can get Cicada items for a Cicada theme party in May? I am looking for Tshirts- or cups.Thanks,
Amy Amy, Ohio

Highway Problems?

Date: Wednesday, Apr/21/2004
I have a road trip planned to Pittsburg the 1st week of June. Will there still be alot then. Will I be stopping every few mile to clean my windshield. Are they going to clog up my radiator. Steve, Colerain Twp (Cincinnati)

Nymphs are starting to build mud chimneys!

Date: Tuesday, Apr/20/2004
I was out in the woods in my back yard this afternoon & saw that some of the cicada nymphs are starting to build little mud chimneys to control the wet soil they are in. The little buggers don’t want to drown down there even though from reading some of these message posts lots of people wish they would. lol Roy T, Batavia, OH


Date: Tuesday, Apr/20/2004
Why does this have to happen? If I could think of my absolute worst nightmare – it would be huge flying ugly bugs covering every inch of land! I can already see myself being injured or having a panic attack after a run in with a cicada. I am just ready to get it over with… Tiffany, Laurel, MD

RE: Lain

Date: Tuesday, Apr/20/2004
I seriously doubt they’re Cicadas. What color were they? Are they stubby and plump like a miniature vienna sausage, or are they flat w/ antennae? If they were perfectly round, very small and looked like a ladybug only brown, I’d say they were probably Japanese Ladybugs. They have a hard casing with wings below. I’m such a bug phobe. The exterminator is coming tomorrow to deal with our Carpenter Bees over our deck, the Paper Wasps that have taken up residence there, and the 3 Waterbugs I found a few days ago. I HATE BUGS! The only think I hate more are CICADAS. I don’t see them as bugs; they’re little demons. I feel like I’m in a race to get everything done before they invade N. Kentucky. Once they’re here … I’m staying in. It’ll take Jesus’ coming to get me out of this place! Lisa, Ft. Thomas, KY

I remember them well!

Date: Tuesday, Apr/20/2004
They don’t seem to have gotten here yet but I know they’re on their way. The last time they were here my dog ate them like popcorn and gained 5 lbs–the only member of my family that thought it was a GOOD thing! I feel sorry for everyone who has to work outside–it’s miserable especially for landscapers, lawncare folks, etc. The cicadas are drawn to loud buzzing noises and have been known to send grown men on ride mowers over the edge! J. Lee, Nashville, Tennessee

Cicada Life cycle

Date: Tuesday, Apr/20/2004
Last night I found 8 small (1/4 inch)
bugs in my living room. They had hard outer wing cases with wings below. I did a little research on some insect keys but my insect anatomy is a little rusty. Does anyone know if there’s any possibility that these are cicadas? I do hope so because if they’re not they’re small roaches!
Iain G Iain, Annapolis, MD

Re: sooo worried about the bugs

Date: Tuesday, Apr/20/2004
Yes, the critters will try to come inside if you have your doors open at night with strong light inside the house. Also, cicadas are attracted to porch lights so it’s best to keep those off at night if you are outside. Cicadas are not known to have road rage so no need to panic if one lands on you, just brush it off. If you are scared to touch them just carry a small paint brush with you & you can use that to brush them off that way. They are obviously more crawlers before they shed their skins but both crawl & fly when adults. Hope this helps.
Roy T, Batavia, OH

Dothey see

Date: Monday, Apr/19/2004
I want to know if cicada’s can see. Or are this big eyed bugs blind. and if they can’nt see why are their eyes so big.You wood think that if they have such big red eyes,and have so many fly life looks.Again why can’nt they see where they’re going.And what they’re doing.Do they smell’I did’nt see a nose I just see those “BIG SPOOKY SCARRY RED EYES!!!” Nita E., baltimore maryland

to Amanda

Date: Monday, Apr/19/2004
Girl I understand how you feel because I have never seen these bugs before either and I am scared. I just want them to hurry up and come because I am tired of hearing about them. The more I hear about them the more scared I get. When it comes to your lacrosse practice, personally I would stay in the house or ask if they could have practice indoors. kendra, pg county Maryland

sooo worried about the bugs

Date: Monday, Apr/19/2004
Does anyone know if there is anything you can do to minimize the chance of the cicadas landing on you? Are there colors that are better or worse? Are they more flying or crawling bugs? Do they try to come inside (like moths)? Becca, Maryland

Re: Do they like water?

Date: Monday, Apr/19/2004
There was an emergence several years ago along the river upstream from Newport & the cicadas emerged all the way up to the riverbanks so I doubt the critters will be repelled by the water. Sorry it wasn’t the answer you probably wanted to hear. Roy T, Batavia, OH

Do they like water?

Date: Monday, Apr/19/2004
I’m the GM of a popular rest with a patio overlooking the river. Is it true that Cicadas hate the water and if so are my guests safe from the annoyance? Please help john, newport

Got a Shirt from

Date: Monday, Apr/19/2004
Joe I goy one of those shirts you were talking about how funny. I think the web site is. John, Cincinnati

4/18/2004…Found 7 cicadas emerging!

Date: Sunday, Apr/18/2004
Thought these buggers weren’t due until mid to late May?! Found seven right below the soil while digging to plant a few flowers. (Thought I could beat the cicada frenzy). These babies are ready now, YUK! I can hardly wait. Actually, I wish they’d just come on and get here and get it over with! I’m tired of thinking about it! I feel like standing outside and screaming “If you want me, come get me!” People say they won’t hurt you….heart attacks hurt; don’t they?! Linda, Fairfield Ohio


Date: Sunday, Apr/18/2004
Does anyone know why if one cicada makes a sound as loud as a motorcycle, why don’t 1000 cicadas sound like the accumulated sound of 1000 motorcycles? Jon, MD

Hate those bugs!!!!

Date: Sunday, Apr/18/2004
I’m the floral designer for Cappel’s Downtown Store in Cincinnati, Ohio. Even thought we hate these bugs, we at Cappel’ enjoy making these little bugs into pins and have made special order Cicada pith hats for those who feel the need for them! You can’t do anything about them so live with them and have a party! A Cicada Party, why not, live a little!!! Linda Linda, Cincinnati, Ohio

will it effect me outside

Date: Sunday, Apr/18/2004
hi this is my first time experiencing the cicadas. i go to school in DC and we have lacrosse practice everyday outside on the field. Do you think this will effect me a lot. Did i mention that i am SO freaked out when it comes to bugs. I just can’t wait till this is over and it hasn’t even started. Amanda, Bethesda, MD

They’re Here!

Date: Saturday, Apr/17/2004
I was working in the yard today, 4/18/04 and saw two of the little buggers when I picked up a bag of mulch that had been sitting on the grass. I figure the mulch bag made the earth warm and they thought it was time to come out and date. Oh boy-here we go again! Greg Schwartz, City of Alexandria, VA

Yuck, this can’t be happening!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Date: Saturday, Apr/17/2004
Is it true that those icky sticky shelled bugs are coming back in May 2004. I seem to remember the Cicada’s coming not too long ago! No way it’s been 7 years! Is there anything you can do to prefent them from eating away at our trees? Molly joe Sue, Ohio

Cicada T-Shirts

Date: Saturday, Apr/17/2004
If you are looking for a funny twist to the cicada invasion look at this site.
The tshirts are great. Joe, Ohio

OK…I have faced the fact that they are coming…

Date: Friday, Apr/16/2004
…but I am SO scared. I have an unbelievable bug phobia and I truly do not know how I am going to make it through this.I am so glad that I found this site, and I really appreciate the links that someone was nice enough to provide to give more info.Question: Are they really active in the evening? I’m thinking that if I stay in all day, maybe I can get out at night to run errands. or maybe first thing in the morning… Patricia, PG County, MD

My God, a Cicada sonata

Date: Friday, Apr/16/2004
If a Cicada mates with a sheep, does it result in a baa hum bug? Bug lovin’, Baltimore, Maryland

Dirty Mexican Bugs

Date: Thursday, Apr/15/2004
These bugs are little mexicans. Basically they pack like hundreds in your head…like told earlier from a Jon from NY. These critters bends over like the best of them. I have seen about 7 at a time in this kids head while he was swinging on a outdoor mansled. I was much amazed that I actually had to join them. Good Luck and Enjoy the rendezvous! HackleBerry Joe, Africa

Those crazy bastards

Date: Thursday, Apr/15/2004
I am 20. I remember those little buggers flying around and mating like machines. I was 3 at the time, and one of those hot little momma cicadas fly into my hair, and then the strapping young lad-cada pranced on over, and they began mating like fiends. I am terrified every day, waiting with no hope of stopping the horrific hatchery that will occur on my head for their glorious return. Remember kiddies, those things mate like a wildebeast and a rhino on a thursday, don’t be the next to allow them to mate on your head!!!———————————-The life of a cicada:
1) Hatch
2) Mate
3) Eat
4) Mate
5) Shed Shell
6) Mate
7) Die (while mating) Jon, NY


Date: Thursday, Apr/15/2004
I am completely terrified of bugs…. Any and Every type of insect especially ones that Fly!!! I am 21 years old and spent my life in Northern Pennsylvania. I don’t remember anything like this and my parents do not recall any type of insect of this sort. I really dont know how I am going to deal with these THINGS!!!!!!!!! What am I going to do? Staying inside for a month is starting to sound like a good option!!! Mandie, Maryland

It’s about time!

Date: Thursday, Apr/15/2004
I have been looking forward to this for a long time. Each summer for years I have said, “Isn’t it about time for the 17 year cicadas again?”. It is finally here and I am so excited to be able to share it with my two children. Dona, Bethesda, Maryland


Date: Thursday, Apr/15/2004
If you are really that scared of the bugs maybe you can take a few weeks vacation at the end of May & stay inside to miss the onslaught or if your work has a third shift you could temporarily change shifts to miss all the buzz so to speak. But why would anybody want to miss the invasion? Cicadas are great!
Roy T., Batavia, OH


Date: Wednesday, Apr/14/2004
I am from Niagara Falls, NY and we just dont have these bugs ! I am terribly frightened and afraid.. i know i will either get into a terrible car accident or lose my job because i cannot leave the house! i am serious. someone please help me. what can i do? will they fly into my car as i put my baby in her car seat? help! Erica, Baltimore


Date: Wednesday, Apr/14/2004
Kendra…scroll down in these messages and find the one where I put those links to Cicada research. It will give you all the info you need. I have never heard of them flying in peoples hair, and I don’t think they get in your house. When they come up out of the ground, the climb the first vertical thing they see, and after that, they usually stick to the trees. The males die right after mating and the female is only set on laying her eggs in the branches of the trees. They DO NOT bite, so you shouldn’t be scared of them.
Hope this helps.
~Nikki~ Nikki, SW Ohio

do they fly in your hair

Date: Wednesday, Apr/14/2004
I heard that cicada’s fly in your hair, and that when you are walking you are going to step on them. I am 17 and I have never seen these bugs before. I am a little scared because I don’t know what to expect and I don’t like bugs.I would also like to know if they get in your house. kendra, upper marlboro MD

AH!!! AH!! AH!!

Date: Wednesday, Apr/14/2004
AH!!! AH!!! AH!!!!!!!! rini, phila pa

Cicada Research

Date: Wednesday, Apr/14/2004
Here is a helpful website. Cicadas due to emerge May 17th, go away end of June. Go here and get all the info you need.
and here is the map of where they are expected to emerge.
Enjoy them, they won’t be around too long. And their music is kinda romantic for picnics under the stars 🙂
~Nikki~ Nikki, SW Ohio

Yet another wedding…

Date: Wednesday, Apr/14/2004
Hi. Our outdoor wedding is planned for May 16th in Wheaton, MD. Any helpful tips????? Jessica Feierman, Wheaton, Maryland


Date: Wednesday, Apr/14/2004
What are you stitching and toxic mold people doing on a cicada site? Or… are you really periodical cicadas trying to distract people so you don’t get CICADANATED? Droopy, Brush Creek Township

Gallery of finished cross stitch & needlepointing pieces

Date: Tuesday, Apr/13/2004
I found great stitching service on . They have really big gallery of finished pieces.
Have a look… Slavica, Los Angeles, CA, USA

Fungi / mold pictures

Date: Tuesday, Apr/13/2004
I found great toxic mold pictures on . I had something similar in my house… Jenny Jenny, La Crescenta, CA, USA

Re: Coming to an area near me??

Date: Tuesday, Apr/13/2004
Yes, it looks like from the map that you will see an emergece this year down in Lexington. Ask some neighbors that lived in the area back in ’87 how heavy the emergence was. That is the best way to know for sure.Thx,
Roy Roy T, Batavia, OH

RE: Wedding planned for AshLawn in Charlottesville May 8

Date: Tuesday, Apr/13/2004
From the Brood X map it looks like you are on the southern fringe of the emergence & you will probably miss the emergence by a week or two if the wedding is on May 8th. Your best bet is to ask locals that lived in the area in 1987. They could tell you how heavy the emergence was at the time.Hope this helps,
Roy T. Roy T, Batavia, OH

Replies / Question

Date: Monday, Apr/12/2004
I remember 17 years ago in the Baltimore area. It wasn’t unbearable. They were certainly everywhere but unless you were in the woods, you could avoid them. I also went to Ocean City that summer. Cicadas were no where to be found on the beach. (not enough trees and too much sand) However, does anyone know when they are expected to emerge? I have an outdoor party planned for May 1st (and now that I am an adult), I own a house with a few trees in the yard and I am trying to decide if I should just plan the thing for indoors….. Stacey, Bel Air, MD (north of Baltimore)

brood X on Eastern Shore, md

Date: Monday, Apr/12/2004
does anyone out there live in
Dorchester County, on the eastern
shore of Maryland? and if so, will
Brood X be visiting you the same as
the rest of Maryland? I’ve heard it’s
less concentrated on the shore.
thanks cheryl, hoopers island, Md

Early Risers

Date: Monday, Apr/12/2004
I saw two cicadas Saturday in my backyard. Newly out of the ground. It would have to be my yard they came up in first. In the billions, here they come! Nikki, Hamilton, Ohio

Terrified California Girl

Date: Sunday, Apr/11/2004
I am leaving town as soon as they hit; as ridiculous as it sounds this seems like the only alternative for someone who has an extreme phobia of all insects. Back to California I go. Would anyone like to charter a cicada flight? Laura, Baltimore, MD

Coming to an area near me??

Date: Sunday, Apr/11/2004
Hi all! (guess it should be y’all now) I was a sophomore at Withrow when the last invasion occurred in the Tri-state. After leaving Cinci for our military, I had long forgotten about these flying nuisances. This site lists Kentucky as being one of the invasion areas this year. Was the Lexington area invaded as well in 1987? Bugs don’t bother me too much, but these buzzing things get annoying! I seem to recall tons of female students screaming at the sight of them, that was hilarious to watch!
Just wondered if they’ll invade our area. Thanks in advance!
Teresa, Lexington, Ky

HELP !!!

Date: Saturday, Apr/10/2004

Wedding planned for AshLawn in Charlottesville May 8

Date: Saturday, Apr/10/2004
Can you tell me if Charlottesville is
in one of the main areas where we will
have a lot of cicadas and are we early
enough in May to miss them? Respond to JLFleck [AT] Rebecca Fleck, Charlottesville Virginia

Deb, please get your facts straight…

Date: Saturday, Apr/10/2004
Deb, the Eastern Cicada Killer is a native species and was not introduced 17 years ago from Aisa. Its main food is the large annual cicada species that come out every year, not periodical cicadas. I couldn’t find any reference to 2700 people being killed by Cicada Killers. I believe you may be thinking of the introduced European Hornet which has nothing to do with cicadas. John Z, Maryland

Fundraising in Columbia MD despite Brood X

Date: Friday, Apr/9/2004
Brian, I understand periodical cicadas only drown out Republicans. As long as your fundraiser isn’t Republican you’re safe. Everybody: the paper I write for is having a cicada recipe contest. Got any good ones? Can you point me to any good sites?Al Al McKegg, West Friendship

You think the cicada’s are bad?

Date: Friday, Apr/9/2004
Beware, though..17 years ago, an insect called the cicada killer (a large wasplike insect)was imported from Asia to deal with the infestation. When the cicada food supply triggered the mating cycle of the cicada killer, the “fix” grossly outweighed the problem. 2700 people were painfully killed by the cicada killer’s venom. Deb Eichenberger, Harrisburg

Cicada infestation

Date: Friday, Apr/9/2004
I’ve lived through this before. It is the most horrible experience you will ever live through. If anyone offers you any method to lessen the impact…take it. You have been warned. TB, Pennsylvania

Cicada Shirt

Date: Friday, Apr/9/2004
I found the site and bought a shirt as well.. are the cities on the other shirt going to get hit bad? Erin, Indiana

Cicada’s in Ocean City

Date: Thursday, Apr/8/2004
I am planning a trip to Ocean City Memorial Day weekend. Does anyone know how bad they are out there? and if they gravitate to water? I would appreciate the feedback. Simone, Baltimore, Maryland


Date: Thursday, Apr/8/2004
The last time these insects were here,I was waiting for a bus on Harrison Avenue in Westwood, and one of the darned things flew up at me and got stuck between my eyes and my glasses. I was standing on the street totally freaking out, trying to get the thing off me and people were looking at me like I was nuts (probably a valid assumption). I’m 17 years older and wiser now but I am NOT looking forward to another Cicada invasion. Thankfully I no longer have to wait for a bus! 🙂 Liz, St. Bernard, Ohio


Date: Thursday, Apr/8/2004
To answer your question, yes. Hope I’ve been helpful. Rachelle, Flatland, OH

Re: Brood X in westchester?

Date: Thursday, Apr/8/2004
According to the brood map you live just north of the northern fringe of the Broox X emergence in the eastern coastal states. You may want to ask neighbors who have lived in your area for more than 17 years if they remember seeing any in 1987. hope this helps,
Roy T Roy T, Batavia, OH

cicada cuisine

Date: Wednesday, Apr/7/2004
Dear Chrystal Moonshine and others:
I’m a Washington Post reporter looking for recipes and any and all tales of cicada consumption. Pls email me at cicadawatch [AT] and bon appetit!
Cameron Barr, Washington, DC


Date: Wednesday, Apr/7/2004
I just bought a shirt from WWW.CINCYCICADA.COM it is so funny. Check them out. The one I got reads..” CICADA Your Low Carb Alternative”
Many laughs from that one… Bill, Ohio

Brood X in westchester?

Date: Wednesday, Apr/7/2004
I was just wondering if this year’s 2004 brood x will be emerging in or around rye or westchester? Does anybody know a good place to see them? Jasper, rye,ny

NETTING to stop Cicadas

Date: Wednesday, Apr/7/2004
try the netting from this company! It really works! (Also has bird repellent products). Anette, United States of America

Fear Not Billy!

Date: Tuesday, Apr/6/2004
Cicadas are the salt of the earth. If it helps I have a couple good recipes. Don’t fear the reaper!! Chrystal Moonshine, Haverford, North Carolina

I’m too young to die!!

Date: Tuesday, Apr/6/2004
I was hardly born when the last attack occured, but I do remember waking up with bugs everywhere. My parents were from New York and we slept with all the windows open. Needless to say I now understand the term “bed bugs.” I’m terrified to leave my house out of fear that they’ll rise early. I know it’s only April, but I’m already wearing my bee keeper suit everywhere. Forget about going swimming because those two-inchers will devour us all. I’m paralyzed with fear…I’m too young to die!!!! Billy Hughes, Bel Air, Maryland


Date: Tuesday, Apr/6/2004

To Rhodri Overseas

Date: Tuesday, Apr/6/2004
So you were in my class, huh? And who might you be? I can’t imagine anyone would want to make a special trip from “overseas” just to see “C-Cader” (husband’s new nickname for the wretched creatures)wreak havoc on the city. To each his own, I guess. If you happen to have a change of heart (about traveling), I’m sure my husband would be happy to ship you a few; God knows I won’t be going to the post office! I can’t promise the lil’ suckers will still be buzzing, but they will be anatomically intact. Just a thought. Lisa, Ft. Thomas, KY

Don’t worry Suzie, Loveland will have a “light” outbreak!

Date: Monday, Apr/5/2004
This message is for Suzie. I lived in Loveland for 28 years & I remember we had a light outbreak in 1987. I expect this year will be about the same. Really nothing to worry about. Anywhere WEST of Interstate 75 is where the heavier emergence will be located. I feel sorry for any bikers traveling on the roads during the last week of May till the second week of June. lol Roy T, Batavia, OH

Brood X Cicada

Date: Monday, Apr/5/2004
Does anyone know if this awful 17 year Group of Cicadas will be seen in Paymyra, Virginia. It’s a town about 50 miles west of Richmond Virgina. I’m new to the area.ThanksDenise Denise, Palmyra, Virginia

Cicada happenings

Date: Sunday, Apr/4/2004
I am an editor at a travel magazine, and am working on a piece about cicada events this summer, when the bugs are expected to storm the East Coast. Please e-mail me if you know of any festivals that will, at least, have cicada-related activities, food, etc. My address is hmorgan [AT] Many thanks. Heather, Washington, DC


Date: Sunday, Apr/4/2004
Can anyone tell me how boad it was here 17 years ago?? Willl they swarm only between May and June or do we have the swarming all summer??
I don’t know these critters, I am from germany. cornelia heckenbach, St.Michaels Maryland,Eastern Shore

HELP! New to Loveland Ohio

Date: Saturday, Apr/3/2004
I am new to Ohio and somewhat of a bug phobe…. I am freaking about this cicada invasion… how do you know if they are to be in your exact area????? I have been told that the Hot Spot is west of 71, but I am sure that they can come East of 71 too… HELP! Suzie, Loveland Ohio


Date: Saturday, Apr/3/2004
anyone know where I can buy some 1/4″ nylon netting to cover up some of my trees? daryl, blanchester, oh

What’s in store…

Date: Saturday, Apr/3/2004
I live in Oxford OH and work in Hamilton OH…Not sure what to expect…I know Cincinnati is a target for mass quantity but was curious how being a little north/west would be effected….Anyone know??? Excitable, Butler County OH

Will Cicadas Be A Large Problem for Fundraising Run on June 13th in Maryland?

Date: Saturday, Apr/3/2004
We have been organizing a 5K run/walk fundraiser for June 13, 2004 in Maryland. I never considered the Cicadas. Ofcourse we are having in a dense park around a lake. I am hoping from I read that by June 13th it should be winding down. Is this correct? To boot, we are planning a huge picnic in this park to follow the event. Brian, Columbia, Maryland, USA


Date: Friday, Apr/2/2004


Date: Friday, Apr/2/2004

Cicada coming out to play

Date: Thursday, Apr/1/2004
This cicadamania site rules! also check me out at soon!! Joe the Cicada, midwest


Date: Thursday, Apr/1/2004
About a dozen years ago I was visiting a friend in San Antonio, who is in the moving business. It was break time so the labor crew of Vietnamese came around under the shade of some Arizona Ash trees. Cicadas were thick in the trees. The noise was so loud it was hard to talk. The Vietnamese slipped off their sandals scampered up the trees and caught dozens of cicadas. Then they ate them. I guess they are the cream filled crunchy kind. Don Ainsworth, Houston, TX

Toads that sound like Cicadas

Date: Thursday, Apr/1/2004
At least two speices of toads sound similar to the “Decim” species of periodical cicada. The American Toad that sings in early spring (now in mid latitudes) sounds like Decim when there are large concentrations in the distance. The Fowler’s Toad that sings in late spring sounds like individual Decim up closer. Main difference is the toads don’t have a drop in pitch at the end of a call the way the cicadas do.
Eric, Missouri


Date: Thursday, Apr/1/2004
I have been living in PG County for 35 years. Get ready people. If you don’t like bugs this is not the place for you. These beatles are known to be enduring. While they don’t live long they definitely leave an everlasting impression. Once you here their mating call you will never forget it. Swarmmming is not uncommon during their presence. Many people have been known to shout “Help” John Secada, PG County

upcoming invasion in cinti

Date: Thursday, Apr/1/2004
Seventeen years ago I resided in the Queen City and I remember them being pretty thick while attending the Taste which runs Memorial Day weekend. Anyone remember “Snappy Cicada Pizza”?
A buddy of mine who lives there said the latest projected peak is around May 17-20.
joebob59, S.E. PA

Brood X Magicicada Periodical

Cicada News for 4/27/2004

The Washington Post’s Express is available online as a PDF Dowload it and read Helen Fields’ "Cicada Survival Guide".

Some people just couldn’t wait to meet the cicadas of Brood X—even if it meant traveling hundreds of miles.

Baltimore Sun heading: Ick! ‘Looks Like A Bumper Crop (thx Roy).

With uncanny mathematical precision, and with sex on their minds, millions of red-eyed cicadas that last saw daylight in 1987 are poised just beneath the Maryland soil, raring to wriggle out, raise hell, make love and die, carpeting the ground with rotting carcasses.

TerraDaily: After a 17 Year Wait, Milllions of Locust-like Insects To Swarm Parts Of The… (thx Roy).

Locust-like insects called cicadas will make their appearance soon in biblical proportions across large swathes of the United States for about three weeks — only to vanish and re-appear again.

Brood X Cicada Mania Magicicada

Cicada Mania Interviews

CNN’s Anderson Cooper interviewed me on the 5/14/2004 episode of 360. Also on 5/14 I participated in a round table discussion of cicadas on Ira Flatow NPR’s Science Friday. Patrick Jenkins of the Newark Star Ledger interviewed us for the 5/13 edition of that paper.

The transcript of my interview on Anderson Cooper’s 360. BTW, the camera adds 20 pounds of fat and 40 pounds of ugly.

Brood X Magicicada Periodical

Cicada News for 4/7/2004

New York Times: After 17 Years, They’re Back, and in the Mood for Love

TERRIFYING creatures from a lost age strike from the depths of the earth!

In 1956, those words were used to describe ”The Mole People,” a sci-fi horror film about an ill-fated encounter with a subterranean civilization. But they might apply just as well today to a production coming soon to lawns across the Eastern United States: the invasion of Brood X.

Brood X Old Message Board

Cicada Comments from March 2004

for PG Residents

Date: Wednesday, Mar/31/2004
I hate bugs. The cicada thing was AWFUL in DC. One got down my back and I almost pulled my blouse off on downtown K Street!However, in PG County, where I lived, they did not seem to be that bad. I don’t recall any getting in apartment or being particularly afraid outside. bughater, Temple Hills, MD

Bee Keeper Outfit (Plastic)

Date: Wednesday, Mar/31/2004
Where can you purchase Bee Keeper Outfits Vannett, Cincinnati, Ohio

Periodical Cicada Broods

Date: Tuesday, Mar/30/2004
We’ve got cicadas here every year (in fact this year they lasted through the mild winter we had).Does anyone know if the Houston area experiences a large scale cicada brood hatch? If so, what is the period (13 years, 17 years) and when is the next brood expected?Thanks! Chuck, Richmond, TX (near Houston) U.S.A.

Cicada Facts

Date: Monday, Mar/29/2004
Facts: The 17-year cicadas will emerge this year with their ugly red eyes. The adults live 2 to 6 weeks and are very clumsy flyers. So if one happens to land on you or fly into you it can’t help it.
The male cicada will be the only one singing its mating call for the females are totally silent.
Cicadas do not eat leaves, fruits, or vegetables. However what the adults do eat (or rather drink)is the juices inside of the branches of trees, etc… The females saw their way (using the back of their abdomen)into twigs and branches of trees and lay rows of eggs usually around 400. They lay the eggs in a line which will look like a slit of about 2 to 3 inches long on the branch. At about the time the males stop singing the egg infested twigs/branches will have died and fallen to the ground or the branch will just die. Then the eggs hatch and the cicada nymphs(babies) dig themselves into the ground where they live off of the tree’s root juices for the next 17 years and then it happens all over again. The nymphs do not cause any significant damage to the roots. It’s only when they emerge that the destruction is done.
Neverthelesss I hate these bugs, I can sympathize with Lisa from Kentucky for 17 years ago (when I was about thirteen) I was walking for the March of Dimes and a boy stuck one of these male monsters into my hair. While “rachelling” ( the term used to officially describe the noise these bugs make) it tried to fly out with no success. After screaming my lungs out someone finally took mercy on me and removed the insect from my then tangled hair. Later, I felt sort of sorry for the bugs when I saw the same boy catching them then pulling off their wings. JD, Maryland


Date: Monday, Mar/29/2004
My ex wife made funny noises and her name was Rachel.Does that mean she was rachelling ? Daryl, logan county


Date: Monday, Mar/29/2004
Rick: cicada have no interest in water, but they may fall into your pool if there are trees growing above it. You should be able to take care of the issue with a pool skimmer net, and a good sense of humor. Dan, Jersey

Should I delay opening my swimming pool?

Date: Monday, Mar/29/2004
Do they gravitate to water? I’d imagine that they end up there whether they intend to or not! Rick, Ellicott City

Location, Location

Date: Saturday, Mar/27/2004
Does anyone in Indy remember the X brood here??? I am curious as to where I may take my kids to see and hear this historic event. Thanks for any info, Kim. Kim, Indianapolis IN


Date: Saturday, Mar/27/2004
I work outside and i am really not looking forward to this. Any ideas for some sort of cicada suit or something to wear that is lightweight and breathable? I cant stand the thought of them sticking to me while i am watering or unloading trucks….yuck B, Cincinnati

Nasty little creatures

Date: Thursday, Mar/25/2004
Last year I spotted one or two of what appeared to be these nasty creatures. I figured it was a premature sign of things to come. How long will it last? I don’t plan to leave my house until they’re all gone!!!! Margie, Baltimore

Help for Those Who are Afraid

Date: Thursday, Mar/25/2004
When I moved to the Washington area 17 years ago and saw the cicadas, I was lucky to have been living in Lorton, VA, where there weren’t as many flying around as compared to the District. But I SWORE I that would rather find another job (or some out-of-town assigment) than to get caught in the middle of the next infestation. But alias, I am still here, 17 years older (middle-aged), now married (so I can’t leave), unable to run as fast as I used to, and only 15 mintues from DC, and therefore, much closer to the ‘zone.’ I’m in a lot of trouble: if I don’t get myself killed trying to run from them (or wreak my car should one be inside), I will most likely develop vascular problems from weeks of constant stress and anxiety. I can only ask that those who are not frightened of them, please have some passion and understanding for those who do. It is an irrational fear, but a fear nevertheless (ususally brought on by an emotional event or trauma.) (Everyone has fears; this one is just more difficult to hide.) I’ve worked on my problem for years (including therapy 22 years ago), so I haven’t been just complaining or feeling sorry for myself. Progress has been quite slow, but steady. (I can now garden but still have a generalized fear of large flying, mostly stinging insects.) I think that reading and learning about their habits will help in some small way, but not enough, I’m afraid, to deal with what’s to come because there will be so many of them. If there is anyone out there willing to share how they’ve resolved their phobia (short of flooding), please do so. You will be helping a lot of folks, including those too afraid to speak up. I also have a couple of questions about the habits of cacidas: Do they fly around in the dark, and do they favor any particular flowering or vegetable plant? (I may decide to skip the gardening this year.) Thanks. Chay, Prince Georges County ,MD

1998 cicadas in Tennessee

Date: Thursday, Mar/25/2004
Dick – Yes and no — the ones in Tennessee in 1998 were the 13-year species (Brood XIX). Also, this year’s brood will mostly appear in different locations in Tennessee, not the same places as in 1998. Dave Marshall, Storrs, Connecticut


Date: Thursday, Mar/25/2004
The scientific sound of the cicada is termed “Rachelling”. Buzz, Cin

name of circadia’s sound

Date: Thursday, Mar/25/2004
does anyone know the scientific term applied to the sound the circadia makes? dennis, poughkeepsie ,ny

Say It Ain’t So

Date: Wednesday, Mar/24/2004
guess what sucks? I have no a/c in my car. so not only will those gross, retarded bugs be flying into me, I also will be sweating to death in my car on the way to work. I hate bugs, and they hate me. I was six the last time they were here in abundance, and can’t remember how bad they actually were. I’m in denial right now, and pray every day they won’t rise from the ground. I’ve always wanted to know what it’s like to be in a sci-fi movie, though. I’m so lucky. Julie, Cincinnati


Date: Wednesday, Mar/24/2004
Is it possible that we saw the same bugs in Tenn. in 1998? Dick, Grand Rapids, Mi.


Date: Wednesday, Mar/24/2004
How far do cicadas fly? Laura, Fremont, Michigan

Those Creepy Critters

Date: Wednesday, Mar/24/2004
I am terribly afraid of all insects. Please make them go away. Cynthia B, Prince George County -Forestville

Wouldn’t want to miss it

Date: Wednesday, Mar/24/2004
Am thinking of planning a trip home to coincide with the Cicadas in Cincinnati this summer. Has anyone nailed down the exact dates that they are supposed to start and peak?By the way, responding to Lisa (previous message), I’m thinking you are probably class of ’88, Highlands? Me too. I’ve got some bad memories as well, particularly from my lawn-mowing summer job (the engine noise really got them interested), but I just couldn’t bear to miss the spectacle. Especially when I think about how old I’ll be next time… Rhodri, overseas

Terrified of Cicadas

Date: Wednesday, Mar/24/2004
I’m 34 years old and I’m embarrassed to say … I’m terrified of Cicadas. While I am somewhat of a bug-phobe, it’s never forced me to stay indoors. I am, however, planning on converting to hermit status mid-May to late June. Don’t know how I’m going to do it, just that I am. Many of you are probably wondering what caused this fear, so let me share. I was 17 years old and taking driver’s ed at my high school. It just happened to be my turn to drive – with 4 other classmates and a teacher, mind you – when, all of a sudden, Larry Riley stuck two cicadas in my long hair. As I was driving, one of the little suckers crawled into my ear opening and screamed. Needless to say, I swerved the car and nearly killed everyone aboard. I recall throwing the car into park, jumping out of the car and running, running, running … as far and as fast as I could. I’m happy to report that Larry Riley got detention that day! I, on the other hand, have never recovered, as you can see. I’m considering buying a bee keeper’s suit for those times when I absolutely have to show my face to the world. Fortunately, I’m laid off right now! Any suggestions? My husband and I live in a condominium overlooking Cincinnati with woods all around us. They’re going to be everywhere – and I mean everywhere! Lisa, Ft. Thomas, KY

opening swimming pools

Date: Tuesday, Mar/23/2004
when would it be a good time to open the swimming pool. should we wait until mid June? mike, cincinnati

Protection from Cicada

Date: Tuesday, Mar/23/2004
I have planted small pines and some birch trees in the last week. Should I spray these trees. What can I do to protect them. Barb, Nashville TN


Date: Tuesday, Mar/23/2004
What is a brood and how many broods are there? Cait, U.S.

How will gardens weather?

Date: Tuesday, Mar/23/2004
will they eat our tomatoe plants,squash
greenbeans,onions,lettuce you get the idea. Does anybody know Thanks- Christy Christy, Springfield, Virginia

My tree not there anymore..

Date: Tuesday, Mar/23/2004
What happens if I had my huge maple tree in my front yard cut down that was there 17 years ago????? Marsha, Kentucky

Yes, you can work outside

Date: Tuesday, Mar/23/2004
No matter how big the cicada event, anyone should be able to work (or do anything else) outside.The biggest danger is if you’re on a ladder or roof and a cicada suddenly gives a distress screech near you. This is quite startling and it’s possible to fall off if you recoil in fright at the sudden noise and sight. Be prepared not to be surprised by sudden distressed cicadas.There’s also the slight surprise of an occasional cicada crawling on you. This shouldn’t be a problem to anyone who doesn’t have a huge phobia of insects.
Eric, Missouri

To Christy in Maryland

Date: Tuesday, Mar/23/2004
Christy, if the 17-year cicada emergence is a “once in a life time thing”, and you were 6 years old last time, guess what? You are going to die, “cause you had your “once”. Sky, Mason

Bugs is good to feast on..i reckon

Date: Monday, Mar/22/2004
I eated many a bug in ma life. But the cicadda is da best to chew and chew ,,oh yea i had tummy ache 2 days oh yea, I reckin all da bugs is good though kentucky lost yeserday to UAB Troy Vespie, Amelia Ohio

Can i work outside

Date: Monday, Mar/22/2004
Can anyone tell me please is it going to be possible to work on the constraction and to do framing job in May or June. Sergei, Cincinnati, Ohio


Date: Sunday, Mar/21/2004
In my last messege I had some typos and or misspelled words. I actuallt ment to say, to make it clear as these cicadas do not bite or sting. I hope you all don’t get to confused by may last messege and read this one instead. Christy, Maryland

I Can’t wait till these once in a life time flying noisy bugs arrive

Date: Sunday, Mar/21/2004
Hey everyone, I came to this website before, because I was looking for cicadia sounds on the internet. I came accrose this site instead. Well bottom line is I was 6years old when they came out of the groud flying and buzzing about. I remember it well. I was over my grandparaents house when i had just got back from visiting Ghettesburg. I look forward to seeing thse bugs as it is once in a life time thing. Thse bugs to not sting now bite. They will cause a horrible time with yard plants. However as for myself I’am not a bug type person as I don’t like bees, spiders, or creepy crawley things. Well this is all for me. Just wanted to leave my mark. Christy, Maryland


Date: Friday, Mar/19/2004
Hi, i see your expecting a mass emergence of Magicicada’s. I was hoping that someone there may be able to collect me some and send them on to me here in New Zealand. Or if someone is keen to swap your American species for our New Zealand species.
you can message me at nzcicada [AT] Kees Green, Auckland, New Zealand

For goodness sakes

Date: Thursday, Mar/18/2004
Mia,Do not let anyone play to your fears (or their pocketbooks) . The cicada is a harmless insect. They may cause some minor tree or bush damage, but basically they are just out to reproduce. They do not attack in a sworm, nor do they go out of the way to attack anyone. These neat bugs can be an inconveniece because they are terrible flyers and may bump into you, however, they mean no harm and do not bite…. I hope I have helped…
Klamarr2, Indy, Indiana

Date: Thursday, Mar/18/2004 > Metro > Virginia

In Brief
Monday, March 15, 2004; Page B03
THE REGION Infestation of Brood X Cicadas Forecast Millions of cicadas are expected to infest the nation’s capital and parts of Maryland and Virginia this spring. Periodical cicadas, who’ve been underground for 17 years, will tunnel out of the ground, fling their winged bodies through the air and sound off day and night. Bug experts say their coming will be of biblical proportions.

Some cicadas emerge annually in the eastern United States. Others come out every two to 13 years. But this variety, known as Brood X, invades every 17 years. The last time they covered the Washington area was in 1987, when remnants of cicadas covered roadways and sidewalks. Residents pulled them out of their hair. And the bugs drove some outdoor events, such as weddings and graduations, inside. When exactly they emerge will depend on the weather. The Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of Natural History is planning a cicada exhibit in May, complete with sounds and live specimens.

� 2004 The Washington Post Company
Rusty Kochka, Arlington, Virginia


Date: Thursday, Mar/18/2004
Thanks Eric for the formula. I remember now that “my” formula was something like T = x(n-y)+ z, where x, y and z were some arbitrary constants. The resulting temperature T was in Centigrade. Maybe that explains the structural difference in the formulae. Ajit, Knoxville, TN


Date: Thursday, Mar/18/2004
My son is very afraid of flying insects. He would run out in front of a speeding car before he let one get close to him. I have been trying to find some kind of repellent or something for him since he has to walk to school. I don’t think the school will allow me to home school him for 6 weeks. Any suggestions will be appreciated. Lear, Cincinnati,OH


Date: Wednesday, Mar/17/2004
I live in prince george county MD.DO cicadas stick to you threw your clothing,about how big will they be and do they sworm you? mia, prince george countyMD


Date: Wednesday, Mar/17/2004
I live in prince george county MD.DO cicadas stick to you threw your clothing,about how big will they be and do they sworm you? mia, prince george countyMD

May 22nd, wedding

Date: Wednesday, Mar/17/2004
I am getting married on May 22nd, 2004, which is in 10 weeks, Its planned as an outdoor wedding. How bad will the cicadas be, is it wirth it to change the wedding. I read in the paper that Williamson and Davidson Counties, which is where the wedding will be will not get hit as hard as others in Tennessee. How does that work? ANy answered questions will really help me and my angered/frustrated fiancee. Thanks
Greg Greg, Nashville, TN, Williamson County

Bob from London, England

Date: Tuesday, Mar/16/2004
Hey, I was looking up info on the England cicada on the web and came accross this posting (below). If “Bob” is still out there could you please tell me where you heard/saw these cicadas? Was it in England, or were you overseas? My email is cicada900 [AT]
Thanks…Date: Tuesday, May/28/2002
i saw all these cicadas and they f***ing rule!!! tssss tssss tssss tssss tssss tssss tssss tssss tssss they went! YO! — Bob, England, London Kathy Hill, Willimantic, CT

say it aint so

Date: Tuesday, Mar/16/2004
This isn’t really happening — right? Say it ain’t so… I don’t do bugs… not liking life, Silver Spring, MD

To Christy Eicher

Date: Tuesday, Mar/16/2004

Christy, I personally would not plan a wedding outdoors at that time. However, I’d suggest contacting them, and find out if there was someone that was there 17 years ago. If so, maybe they will be able to tell you if that area had much infestation.Good luck and congrats! Jules
Jules, Louisville, KY

say it aint so

Date: Tuesday, Mar/16/2004
This isn’t really happening — right? Say it ain’t so… I don’t do bugs… not liking life, Silver Spring, MD

To Christy Eicher

Date: Tuesday, Mar/16/2004

Christy, I personally would not plan a wedding outdoors at that time. However, I’d suggest contacting them, and find out if there was someone that was there 17 years ago. If so, maybe they will be able to tell you if that area had much infestation.Good luck and congrats! Jules
Jules, Louisville, KY

Swimming Pools?

Date: Tuesday, Mar/16/2004
A few of us over at were wondering if the Cicada will have any effect on our pools?If they are gone by mid-June, should we leave our pools covered and wait until after they are gone to open the pool for the season?Thanks for any info you can give! Jules Jules, Louisville, KY

New to cicadas!

Date: Tuesday, Mar/16/2004
Does anyone know if the cicadas will be bad in the Stafford/Fredericksburg area? We just moved here and bought our home! (of course!) WHat do we need to do to protect our property, landscaping, etc.? I’m a bit nervous about this outbreak. Jennifer, Stafford, VA

Noisiest Insect

Date: Tuesday, Mar/16/2004
While looking up the temperature formula, saw the next question: what is considered the noisiest insect? “The Cicadas are usually considered the noisiest, but it has been said that the European Cricket (Brachytrypes megacephalus) is louder still and that its note can be heard a mile away”.I’ve been around periodical cicadas and cannot imagine anything louder. The Cassini are almost deafening, and they synchronize their calls to make themselves even louder. The Decim “Martian” call, when in large concentrations, must be audible for at least a mile.
Eric, Missouri

Formula for Temperature

Date: Tuesday, Mar/16/2004
The Katydid formula seems to work, though it suggests they don’t sing below 53 degrees, and I believe I’ve heard them on colder evenings (their call is _really_ slow when it’s cold). In my area the Katydids usually start in early July, when it’s usually so hot, the chirps are too fast to count!As to Cicadas, there’s such a variety of calls, one might need a different formula for each species.
From _1001 Questions Answered About Insects_:Count the number of chirps in a minute, represented by the letter “n” below.For the Katydid (Cryptophyllus perspicalis):T = 60 + ((n-19) / 3)For the Snowy Tree Cricket (Oecanthus niveus):T = 50 + ((n-40) / 2)T is the temperature in Farenheit.
Eric, Missouri

Anyone know how bad this can get????

Date: Tuesday, Mar/16/2004
Anyone know how bad this can get in Baltimore, MD I am moving [AT] the end of May and this is the first time I will ever experience any thing like this…. Please shed some light on this! Thank You! R, Baltimore,MD


Date: Monday, Mar/15/2004
Anyone know the likely timing for the emergence in Tenn? I had planned to go camping there the last week in April & they just aren’t my favorite camping companions. Plus we don’t want to move them around on our truck – the old invasive species thing. Meg, Ellicott City MD

Will they ruin my wedding (at Farnsley Moreman Landing, Louisville, KY)?

Date: Monday, Mar/15/2004
Anyone know if the Cicadas are likely to be in Louisville, KY? More specifically, at Farnsley-Moreman Landing…10 mins southwest of Louisville, on the waterfront? I’m getting married there June 5th. Christy Eicher, Louisville, KY

Cicadas and ambient temperature

Date: Monday, Mar/15/2004
To Eric in Missouri,
So what is the mathematical formula for the katydids anyway? It might just jog my memory. Have you ever tried it for Cicadas? Ajit, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA


Date: Monday, Mar/15/2004

Stop The Cicada!

Date: Monday, Mar/15/2004
We Must Put A Stop to the Cicada!!!! on 5 – 1 – 04 we will all Get Together A Build A giant Flame Thrower. Kill Them All!! Before They can start to take over the world.when They begin to come out the ground thats when we start Ed, Baltimore County, MD

Are they coming here this year

Date: Sunday, Mar/14/2004
I need to know if the bugs are coming here this year.Please let me know. Dawn, Charleroi Pa.

Motorcycle Downtime

Date: Sunday, Mar/14/2004
Has anyone ever hit a cicada doing 45-50 miles per hour? It sucks. Feels like a big rock thrown up by a truck in front of you…..smmaaack. I don’t have a windshield, and I’m just bummed because I won’t be able to ride from the middle of April to the middle of May without worrying about knocking one of my eyes out when they hit my sunglasses and implode the lenses. Splaaat!! Michelle D., Cincinnati, OH

When did the cicadas swarm in the 1950-1960’s?

Date: Saturday, Mar/13/2004
I’m trying to remember how old I was when cicadas swarmed here in southern Virginia, and my evil older cousins made me stand still while they “hooked” the shells all over me! I was born in 1954 and I figure it was sometime in the late 50’s or early 60’s. Anybody know? (thanks!) Katie, Henry County, VA

Several things about Cicadas

Date: Saturday, Mar/13/2004
The host of a radio garden show made ignorant remarks today about Cicadas. He claimed 2004 has a convergence of 17 and 13 year classes, that they’d emerge around Quincy, IL (a small green patch on the UM page), and that they damage trees. A guest politely explained that trees have strong immune systems and the best way to handle Cicadas is to let Nature take its course, and that their holes are beneficial, aerating the ground.I’m probably going to south central Indiana the second weekend of June in search of cicadas. Anyone who hears them in that part of the country, please post when you hear them.I have an insect book that gives the mathematical formula for the temperature based on the frequency of Katydid songs, but not for Cicadas. The book has an amusing poem about Cicadas, obviously written a long time ago before “political correctness” set in:”Happy are the Cicadas’ lives,
For they live with voiceless wives!”
Eric, SE Missouri

Memories of last emergence

Date: Saturday, Mar/13/2004
I lived in Cincinnati the last time they emerged — we created an exhibit at the Cincinnati Museum of Natural History all about them. I don’t know what was more amazing — seeing and hearing them everywhere, or watching the insectaphobic people freak out about these harmless creatures. I can still remember walking down Ludlow Ave. with cicadas flying everywhere, landing on people, crunching them underfoot (it was impossible not to). We had to keep the car windows rolled up on the highway in some areas because the sound was so deafening!If you’re freaking out already about the coming emergence, let me reiterate: CICADAS DO NOT BITE OR STING. THEY ARE HARMLESS. PLEASE DO NOT tax our already overloaded environment by trying to SPRAY POISONS to kill them — it’s pointless, there will be too many off them, and you’ll only wind up polluting the streams and rivers (due to runoff) and poisoning songbirds, cats, dogs, and other creatures who will be eating the cicadas. Chill out people! Roberta Burnes, Lexington, KY

you’ve been fooled

Date: Saturday, Mar/13/2004
there is no such thing as a cicadanotor. i bet it if you find it, it will be a very expensive fly swatter, available by mail order only. some one is trying to make a buck out of this hysteria! i lived in baltimore, in 1970, and lived thru the spring. yes, its unpleasant, but it doesnt last long. just keep your car windows up! michele, charlotte nc


Date: Saturday, Mar/13/2004

Rarotongan cicadas??

Date: Saturday, Mar/13/2004
Does anyone no if there are cicadas in Rarotonga, you can message me at nzcicada [AT] Kees Green, Albany, Auckland, New Zealand


Date: Friday, Mar/12/2004

NJ Cicada Schedule

Date: Friday, Mar/12/2004
Your Chart Says NJ is 1970, 1987, 2004. I grew up in a town in EssexCounty NJ. I Know we were swarmed in 1978. They were coming in our fireplace like a bad sci-fi movie. !
Is there any steadfast rule to 17 year cycle or are anomilies in schedule normal? Ralph, Maplewood, NJ

First Cicadas showing up

Date: Friday, Mar/12/2004
During the last week I have seen two early risers. Not long before they will be everywhere.Interesting note:
You can tell the temperature outside in Texas from the singing of Cicadas.They all sing at one time together when the temperature hits 78 degrees, 86 degrees, 94 degrees, and at 102 degrees. This is fairly consistent. They are loudest at the 78 degree and 94 degree marks. John, Houston, TX

can’t wait

Date: Friday, Mar/12/2004
this is going to be cool. cept there has been so much building in Maryland, i bet lots of them will not be able to emerge. gary, montgomery village maryland

Eaten Alive

Date: Friday, Mar/12/2004
I was told a story about a man that died in 1987 while mowing his grass during an infestation period. Apparently, these bugs overtook him and while trying to drive his John Deere mower to safety, he inadvertently swallowed about 30 of them. An autopsy performed later showed that the bugs were still alive in his throat cavity and where feeding on the chewing tobacco that he had in his mouth. (true story) Amber, Georgia

Cicada spotting circa 1963

Date: Friday, Mar/12/2004
Madison, NJ was the ground zero of a cicada happening. I was a high school kid and when changing classes, had to put coats over our heads to avoid being covered with the 3 inch bugs. And they would die in big piles and smell really bad. they don’t bite, but they get all over you, smell bad and the noise never stops…Run to your home! Peg, Georgia

Baltimore, Cicadas

Date: Friday, Mar/12/2004
I was in the Baltimore suburbs in 1987 and the cicadas were everywhere. I remember them so vividly because I was just visiting from New York,where we don’t get them. Tmac, Connecticut

Cicadas Are Comin’!

Date: Thursday, Mar/11/2004
They are suppose to start emerging in May around the 21st and only be around six weeks. So for the Bride worried, I wouldn’t be. 🙂 They are harmless bugs, they stay predominately in trees, and on grass. The West side is supose to be heavily hit. Don’t freak out it’s only six weeks. 🙂 I’m not even native here in Cincinnati, and I can’t wait for them to come up! This is going to be cool!
Mary, Cincinnati-East Side

Cicadas and ambient temperature

Date: Wednesday, Mar/10/2004
When I was a kid, an Uncle had given me a simple formula for determining the ambient temperature of the moment by counting the number of cicada chirps per minute. The formula was wonderfully accurate, for I used to verify it from the thermometer hanging in the porch. I can’t remember the formula now. Does anyone know of such a thing? Ajit, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA


Date: Sunday, Mar/7/2004


Date: Saturday, Mar/6/2004

can cicadas see?

Date: Saturday, Mar/6/2004
Another teacher in my building told her students that cicadas are blind which accounts for them running into everything (and everyONE) in sight. I told the student who asked me about this that I thought they could see….their eyes are surely BIG enough but would search the net for reliable information!
BTW…your site is fantastic!
kinderteacher Kinderteacher, Cincinnati, OH, USA

Cicada summer?

Date: Saturday, Mar/6/2004
Will someone PLEASE tell me when these cicadas are supposed to take over? This summer? Where specifically? I don’t want them to attack my August wedding reception. Thank you, concerned bride Lisa, Millersburg, OH


Date: Thursday, Mar/4/2004
How might one deal with them attempting to eat the grapevine leaves? lynne, darlington, MD, USA

cicadas at the shore

Date: Wednesday, Mar/3/2004
I’m planning a trip to the Maryland Shore(Ocean City) in June. Will cicadas be found there as well?
If so, I may need to cancel. The flies are bad enough! susie, Maryland

When exactly are the expected

Date: Wednesday, Mar/3/2004
Would really like to know when the cicada’s are expected this summer in Ohio as I am trying to plan a summer outdoor wedding for my daughter. was thinking of either late May or August. Any idea which would be better? Vickie, Trenton, oh

sounds of cicadas

Date: Tuesday, Mar/2/2004
I”ve only lived here for 2 years.I’ve been hearing awful stories about these animals.I admit I”m scared.I want to know if anyone knows of a sight to hear there sounds.They say were being invaded with 5 billion this year.Help what are these creatures? What purpose do they serve? stacy parker, kentucky

Brood IX Old Message Board

Cicada Comments from June 2003

Saw a cicada on the deck today!

Monday, Jun/30/2003
I grew up in Phoenix where cicadas were common summertime occurrences. I well remember the loud drone every hot summer day, coming from our Palo Verde tree shading the driveway. I’ve lived in South Carolina for 16 years, and have never seen or really thought about cicadas here. Until today. I walked out on the deck and saw one. As I stepped closer it flew away. I was amazed. Has anyone else in South Carolina seen any this season? Is it the kind that come out only every 13 or 17 years??? More info, please! Jean Pennington, Greenville, SC

Periodical Peak in Cincy

Thursday, Jun/26/2003
Tammy, The peak dates for Brood X of the periodical cicadas in Ohio and the Mid-Atlantic states will be from May 20 to June 20 depending on the weather. This will only happen once in 17 years in your location…I would stay home and enjoy and go out west on vacation after they are gone!!!! But that’s me 😉 John Z, Cicadas of the Mid-Atlantic

Response to Brandon from Louisiana

Thursday, Jun/26/2003
Brandon, If you can send a picture of the cicada (electronically) or if its dead, send it to me, I will gladly ID it for you. Please contact me at jzcicada [AT] Thanks. John Zyla, Cicadas of the Mid-Atlantic


Wednesday, Jun/25/2003
My aunt found a really big Cicada in New Orleans, Louisiana on June 7, 2003. A bird had caught it and my aunt rescued it but it died. I can’t find a picture of this exact one anywhere, but it is mostly black with dark orange and green on its head. Brandon, New Orleans, Louisiana

Rain Cicada picture

Tuesday, Jun/24/2003
Having moved to La Penita in January, I was not familiar with the song of the “rain cicada”. It reminds me of the sound of the penny whistle made of tin that my grandfather gave me as a child.If you are familiar with this cicada, I would appreciate email info and a picture.Thanks,Joseph Joseph, La Penita, Nayarit, Mexico

Anyone know the peak dates for the 2004 emergence in Cincy?

Tuesday, Jun/24/2003
We live in Cincy and are working to plan a trip out west next year. I’m not the fondest of Cicadas and would like for it to coincide with the 2004 emergence. Do any ‘Experts’ monitor this message board that could give me some clue as to the peak weeks that they will be ‘out and About’?Any assistance is most appreciated! Tammy, Cincinnati, OH

First “annuals” of the year

Monday, Jun/23/2003
Heard my first “annual” cicadas last night (June 22) at dusk. They sang again this morning around 10:30 AM for less than a minute. Their calls last 10-20 seconds and are continuous in frequency without breaks. They don’t seem affected by the cold spring we had in this part of the country. In a couple of weeks, there should be at least four species of “dog day” cicadas singing in my yard and the nearby woods. The louder, the better! Cicadas help drown out my redneck neighbors. Eric, East Central MO


Saturday, Jun/21/2003

Lisa from Cincinnati

Thursday, Jun/19/2003
Lisa – with the May 8, 2004 wedding….what have you found out about the cicadas around that date? PB, Cincinnati, Ohio


Wednesday, Jun/18/2003
June 18 – 2003 – only a faint call of the cicadas remaining here – Marci, Dry Pond Virginia

Memory Lane

Tuesday, Jun/17/2003
I was 13 and living in Lombard when I experienced my first “invasion”. My friend and I walked to the DuPage theatre clearing a path with a stick because the cicada’s covered the road. It was wild. My daughter is now 13 and I can’t wait for her to see them. She was born the year of the last invasion so she doesn’t have a clue. That year (1990?) I was attacked by them as I trimmed the hedges with an electrical hedge trimmer. I guess they mistook me for one of them. Never did finish trimming that year. I can’t remember if they are a terrible nuisance or not. I just remember being so amazed by the multitude of them! looking forward to another generation. Joanne, Glen Ellyn, Il

lots of cicadas

Monday, Jun/16/2003
I grew up in the city and saw only an occasional cicada in my 37 years. One of my goals for the summer was to work in my garden, which is now completely covered with cicadas. Every plant is blanketed in them and if I try to plant something new I only end up digging up a scoop of their writhing bodies. They creep me out to no end and I don’t want to pass it on to my kids so I have to watch them pick them up or occasionally scrape their remains from my son’s shoe. He is 2yrs old and I’m kind of concerned that he wants to stomp them and chant “crunch, crunch crunch!”, but I guess that’s another problem. Are their crunched up shells good for the garden? Claudia, Park Ridge, IL

The Testimony of a Cicada

Monday, Jun/16/2003
On 6/10/03 I was awakened in the middle of the night listening to the unfolding story of a Cicada. Here goes: For 17 long years, I was held captive in a dark, lonely, cold earthen grave. Deep inside of me, I knew that I was destined for other things. I had a desire to grow and move forward. The greater the desire came the louder the voices around me came. One said, “you need to be content where you are.” Another said, “You are never going to make it.” And even another said, “Just wait upon the Lord.” I waited through 17 springs, summers, falls, and winters. I went through floods and did not drown. I went through fires and did not burn. My creator was with me all the time. One day a stirring began to happen within me. I began clawing my way upward through the earth. I had a determination that kept me digging – day after day, night after night. Finally, the earth parted and I walked out into the light of day. I saw the sun shining on an old rugged tree in front of me. As I slowly made my way up the tree, I began feeling the weight of my old creature. I stopped and firmly planted my feet. After only a fleeting moment my old creature cracked open and the new creature came forth. I now had these two beautiful wings that were full of color and life. I basked in the light of the sun until my wings dried. I listened carefully for the voices of others like me. I knew my days were short on this side of the earth so I flew quickly to where my family congregated. We all joined in together praising God in the Highest. I began hearing other voices saying, “They sound as though they are sounding an alarm”, and others saying, “They sound as though they are praising their Creator.” My Creator God gave me three wonderful days on this side of Heaven to sing praises unto Him with my voice. I wanted to sing the loudest of them all. I knew my three days of ministry represented the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost and after those precious days I would return unto my God who had truly created me as well as all other things. Also within those three days, the creature part of me had to find my Soulmate in order to reproduce after my own kind. When all had been accomplished in God’s time and order, my Spirit cried out, “It is finished.” dcpnurse [AT], Chestnut Hill, N.C.

Northern Arizona Cicadas

Monday, Jun/16/2003
I came to your site to try and find info on how to eliminate or reduce the Cicadas at my home. There was no mention of Cicadas in the Southwest US or Arizona specifically. We have Cicadas every year starting in late May on our 3.1 acres. Some years are more than others but regardless every year the is an enormous amount. This is our vacation cabin in Northern Arizona so we don’t spend a lot of time there. This year I’ve gotten so disgusted with these creatures, not because of the noise or seeing them everywhere neccessarily, but because they spray some sort of fluid out of the trees in huge ammounts. Peeing? We were sitting outside in the late afternoon as the sun was going down and it was simply amazing and quite disgusting to see these huge sprays coming down from the trees with suprising frequency. We can’t even walk around the property for fear of being peed on.The indigenous trees we have are Pinon Pine, Juniper(with blue berries), and Alligator Juniper(rough bark). These are all pines and do not loose there leaves.I don’t know much about these creatures here in AZ, but if I could help you add any info to your web site I would be happy to.Does anyone have any ideas on reducing these creatures? I don’t want to use pesticides because we drink from the ground water well.jeffwaters [AT] Jeff Waters, Vernon, Arizona


Sunday, Jun/15/2003
I survived these little suckers in MO and moved here and get to see them again. I’m an avid Mtn Biker and they are deafening when I go ride–I’m thinking about wearing earplugs from now on. Mary Dean, Blacksburg VA


Sunday, Jun/15/2003
When I was a kid, finding a cicada shell was a big deal…but now, I’ve got loads of them! I saw several adult cicadas clinging to various flowers and plants in my yard yesterday. They’re so cute, with their bulging red eyes! (I also saw many detached wings, which tells me that the local birds have also discovered the emergence!) Tina, Elmhurst, IL (west of Chicago)


Sunday, Jun/15/2003
got 20 of the little guys in the back yard on 6-12 and lots shells frank, westmont IL.

Cicada grub

Sunday, Jun/15/2003
Last week while digging Liriope near an oak tree in my yard, I dug up a grub about the size of the middle finger. Not having any idea what this might be, I put it in a paper cup to see would happen. Today I looked to find it has shed a layer and looks like a Cicada. It is an off white and only moves the back part a little to turn itself over. I know what the adult ones look like but haven’t seen very many and have seen none this year so far. Sally, Washington DC USA

Can’t hardly go outside

Sunday, Jun/15/2003
We have so many Circada’s flying around we can’t sit on our deck without several landing on us. The smell of dead Cicada’s is so strong it is hard to go outside. We have apparently built our house on top of their home. The noise is so loud…it is driving me crazy. It starts at daylight and goes on all day till dusk. They are everwhere I look…any suggestions on how to get rid of them? Bonnie Humphries, Covington, Virginia

Cicadas everywhere!

Saturday, Jun/14/2003
While puttering with my flowers this morning, I notice hundreds of small cicada shells on the lowest branches of on of the trees near our house. The hatched cicadas are barely moving and are on my flower pots and along the foundation of the house. I tried poking them to see if they are alive, which indeed they are, but they don’t move much. What’s going on? Is this normal for this time of year in Chicago? I just moved to this area from Kansas City and have never seen this type of small cicada. Ramelle, Rich & Mimi, Elmhurst, IL, USA

Large number of cicada

Saturday, Jun/14/2003
Just noting that we have a larger than normal amount of Cicada shells in this near west Chicago suburb. We usually see one of two a year, today I am counting around 25 empty shells, a few full, and a couple hatched hanging around. Wondering if this is a small taste of what is to come over the next few years? Tom, Westchester, IL

cicadas are everywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, Jun/14/2003
i am 14 and i never seen a live cicada untill now and theres hundreds in my back yard and shells all over the trees i was wondering if its the 17 year hatching and if they are harmful sean, palos heights

Bugging Us

Friday, Jun/13/2003
We have seen several cicadas all over our yards — on our porches, in our hostas, in the grass, on the trees, and on our houses and garages. Carol, Kevin & Michele, South Elmhurst


Friday, Jun/13/2003
Sorry guys. I guess I could have worded my response a little better. Sometimes I forget what it was like as novice…. 🙂 BTW we have yet to see any annual cicadas here in Arkansas. Not even the Neocicada, and that one should have been out at least a week ago. weird… Nick, Cicadas of Arkansas


Friday, Jun/13/2003
We found several discarded cicada shells in our backyard today. This is the 3rd year in our home and we’ve never seen these before. Just wondering if the 17 year Cicadas are back already…seems a bit soon?? Amy, Orland Park,IL

Early Emergence

Thursday, Jun/12/2003
Could the unusually frequent rain and rising water table be causing the cicada’s to emerge early rather than drown? Jackie, Glen Ellyn, IL

early emergence

Wednesday, Jun/11/2003
I saw over 30 Cicada’s today in my backyard on my flowers and along the back of my house. The last time I saw them was in either 1989 or 1990. Today is June 11 and it was in the high 60’s and overcast. Is this an early emergence? They are most repulsive. Do I just let nature takes it’s course or is there something I can do to eliminate them? Diane Martin, 1041 55th Street Downers Grove, IL 60515

Cicada ramblings

Wednesday, Jun/11/2003
I remember riding the school bus down 183rd St when it was just 2 lanes wide, and the bus was being pelted with cicadas dropping out of the trees that arched over the streets. This had to have been in either 70 or 71. Then I moved to Park Forest and bought a house on a heavily wooded lot, where the cidadas, when they next immerged, were so heavy that they would get in your hair and clothing when you walked the 10 feet from the house to the driveway. My friend’s son was just a little guy then and he’s 19 this year… so… based on my recollections, I think that the south suburb brood is really brood X and we’re due for our heavy infestation in 2004. I too am seeing more than the usual number of cicadas this year, however, as is my friend who lives in Lansing. Sue Too, Park Forest, Il

I have periodical Cicadas emerging in my yard

Wednesday, Jun/11/2003
I’ve lived in my house since 1967. Our 17-year cicadas aren’t due until 2007.I’m assuming the cicadas emerging this summer are an off-schedule 13-year brood.I haven’t really heard of or seen too many outside my neighborhood in the rest of the northern suburbs. Sandy , Glenview, IL (North suburb of Chicago)

Chicago Cicadas

Wednesday, Jun/11/2003
Thanks for all of your notes about the cicadas out in the Chicago area. These records are of particular interest for several reasons. Monte Lloyd and Hank Dybas, from a previous generation of cicada researchers, worked at the University of Chicago and the Field Museum. They noted a major advance emergence event in1969 (cicadas were expected in 1973). Since then, it’s become evident that such events seem either to be rather common in Brood XIII, the Chicago cicadas, or, now that now that Lloyd and Dybas prompted us all to watch Chicago closely, these events happen everywhere, but we are less likely to miss them when they happen in an urban area like Chicago. Either way, we’d like to know, because the explanation will reveal much about cicada life cycles. Good records can help sort this out– if, every 17- years, the “straggling” cicadas always show up in a different spot, then that pattern would not be very consistent with a self-reproducing “shadow brood.” If, on the other hand, the stragglers always show up in the same spot– well, then we need to investigate that spot further, because either there is a shadow brood, or something about that spot makes cicadas consistently come out in advance.So this is a plea to all–If you find a straggling emergence of Magicicada in the Chicago area, and you can get GPS data, tape recordings, temperature data, physical description of site, and street address, I’d greatly appreciate it. If you can only get some of these things, please forward the information to:John CooleyDepartment of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology75 North Eagleville RoadThe University of Connecticut Storrs, CT 06269Thanks, John, UCONN

Isn’t it too early for the 17-year cicadas?

Tuesday, Jun/10/2003
Been in this house since 1987. I know that the last time around for the cicadas was a year or so after we moved in. So does anyone have any idea why these guys are emerging? My kids think they’re very interesting and are not freaked out. But I was just wondering. Monica , Glen Ellyn

Sandy, don’t worry now

Tuesday, Jun/10/2003
From what I have learned recently the cicadas that have come out this year are early ermergers. The numbers that are out now are nothing compared to what we will see in 2007. And Kirk, I was surprised too that there was nothing on the news about the cicadas. But I think, and I could be wrong, that they have only come out in the older western suburbs and southern suburbs. Does anyone have seagulls flying around their neighborhood? Sue, Flossmoor, IL

Just a little nervous…

Tuesday, Jun/10/2003
I’ve spotted these guys crawling about in my lawn. This morning I counted over 50 in a 10×10 area. I’m relatively new to this community but I’ve been told that everything is covered during a cycle-including the streets! Sandy, Riverside, Illinois

Early Emergence

Tuesday, Jun/10/2003
We also have been seeing a large number of cicadas with the largest number emerging(at least for now) on Saturday (June 7). The emergence is large enough that I am surprised there has not been anything on the news. Kirk LaGory, Downers Grove, IL

Response to Barbara of Catonsville, MD

Monday, Jun/9/2003
Barbara, you are experiencing a one year “acceleration” of Brood X. The main emergence will occur next year in Maryland from DC to Baltimore west to Frostburg. Four years ago, many isolated localities in this same area, experienced a four year acceleration or a “coming out early” of Brood X. This is one of the things that has made mapping out all of the Broods so “challenging”!! But the picture is getting clearer. John Zyla, Cicadas of the Mid-Atlantic

Steve Bradley from Staunton, VA

Monday, Jun/9/2003
Steve, after mapping out Brood IX last week, the northernmost sites in Va were Salem and southweatern Roanoke. Your record for Staunton, Augusta county is of particular interest. This is a good distance from Brood IX and in the heart of Brood I. You are in an area, however, where an isolated pocket of Brood X has occurred in the past and you may be experiencing a one-year acceleration of Brood X. If so, you should also have periodical cicadas occurring again next year. Could you please send me more details on where you are located? I would like to confirm whether this to be true or not. jzcicada [AT] Thanks. John Zyla , Cicadas of the Mid-Atlantic


Monday, Jun/9/2003
John, tell your wife to get a life. What is her problem, its a little bug for crying out loud. Does she have a sister who has a problem with bugs too? They usually travel in pairs, like shopping or something. Do you have a dog thats afraid of thunder too? Why dont you just pack it up and leave. Also, be careful if you have a pool too, ducks like to get in there and we wouldnt want that to happen either!!! Percy, Downers Grove

Their Here

Monday, Jun/9/2003
We had cicades emerging about one week ago. We live in a wooded area of the city on the western boundry. Everyone I talk to that lives within about a 30 mile radius have seen none. Even my friends that live in Staunton have not heard them. We are about 100 miles north of Roanoke where I read of many sightings. Is this unusual? We seem to have a “pocket” population. steve bradley, staunton, va

Cicada singing

Monday, Jun/9/2003
I heard the cicadas singing for the first time this morning after my walk. Now that I have my doors open I can hear them on and off. Sue, Flossmoor, IL

Bugged out

Monday, Jun/9/2003
I am glad to have found this site because I wasn’t sure what those insects were! I am a bit “bugged” by them but I’m glad to hear that they aren’t harmful. Not only are they covering my maples but also hanging on the leaves of my lilac bushes, hostas, newly planted annuals and even on the air conditioning unit! But why don’t I hear them “singing”? Anna, Homewood, IL

off-year periodical cicadas

Monday, Jun/9/2003
From scanning the messages it seems to me that the west and south suburbs of Chicago are experiencing some sort of early emergence phenomenon. On Sunday I too found a periodical cicada four years early. This is interesting. Kate, Westmont, IL

My cute cicada.

Monday, Jun/9/2003
One day, I found a cicada on my deck. It looked injured, so I decided to keep it. She can’t fly. One day, I wanted to let her free. We put her in a cup and put it on our side walk. When she crawled out, she turned and started crawling back to me! So from then on, I took good care of her. Megan, Middletown,Ohio, united States

Possible sighting of periodical cicada skins at Brookfield Zoo

Sunday, Jun/8/2003
My kids and I found some cicada skins and dead nymphs on June 9 at Brookfield Zoo in Illinois (east and a bit north of LaGrange). They were shorter and much skinnier than the annual cicada skins we find later in the summer. It was too cool and wet to hear any adults singing, so we wondered what we had found. Now we suspect the invasion of periodical cicadas may have made it to Brookfield. My kids didn’t find any similar skins (or adults) the day before in Oak Park, several miles northeast of Brookfield (despite playing outside that whole warm, dry day). So, I wonder if we’ll be able to define a limit to the early emergence.Eric of Kids’ Cicada Hunt! Eric Gyllenhaal, Oak Park, Illinois, USA

A message for Dog owners

Sunday, Jun/8/2003
Every year we get messages from dog owners asking if it’s safe for their dogs to eat cicadas. Based on 100s of posts and emails I would say ‘maybe’. Dogs, by their very nature have little or no self control, so they are in danger of gorging themselves, or choking. The one thing that hurts dogs and other pets the most is pesticide. Owners or neighbors react to the cicadas by spraying copious amounts of pesticides in an effort to stop the cicadas, but they end up poisoning the dogs instead. So eating a cicada won’t kill your dog, but gorging, choking and pesticides will. Dan, Cicadaville

Nicey, nice!

Sunday, Jun/8/2003
Nick, be nice to the novices. Your last message was a little condescending. You’re right about Brood XIII by the way, but “stragglers” come after a main emergence. Should we call the pre-emergers “pioneers”? Dan, Cicadaville

way too many for my comfort

Sunday, Jun/8/2003
I too live in Downers Grove, IL and have hudnreds in my yard. I went out this morning to have my coffee in our yard. I was sitting under an old oak tree when I noticed hundreds of shells, both occupied and empty. I decided to return inside when I heard a crunch under foot and saw tons of them in my lawn. I’m glad I found this site. When will the cicadas leave/die? carol, downers grove, IL

To John in Downers Grove

Sunday, Jun/8/2003
The periodical cicada you see in your yard now is usually gone by mid-July. 2007 will be our big year when these cicadas come out much heavier than they are now. Sue, Flossmoor, IL

Cicada’s in Downers Grove – How Long Will They Last?

Sunday, Jun/8/2003
Our trees, deck, plants, etc. are entirely covered by Cicada’s. Unfortunately, my wife has a major phobia of all bugs which has not made the last several days very enjoyable. Are the Cicada’s expected to be around the entire Summer? John, Downers Grove, IL

Seagulls swoop in for feast!

Sunday, Jun/8/2003
Yesterday the seagulls discovered the tastey cicadas in our neighborhood. Flocks of 15-20 flew down the street, landing in yards and devouring any cicadas they could find. It was quite a sight! Sue, Flossmoor, IL

australias largest cicada

Saturday, Jun/7/2003
Hi,I have a cicada that I’d like to know the latin name of. It is a huge (BL = 7cm, WS=20cm)tan brown Cicada that I believe is Australian? I have searcvhed the web and not had much luch with finding any web pages with photo’s. If anybody either knows the name of it (from my poor description – hey there may only be one cicada of that size in Australia?!)or any pages that might help? could the let me know?Thanks in advanceJ Jay McCartney, Palmy New Zealand

Is this one just a stray??

Saturday, Jun/7/2003
I found a lovely cicada corpse on my porch the oother day-I wish I could claim to love these cyclic red-eyed ones as much as the yearly…Was this just a stray or is this the year for Maryland? i’ve lost count.Thanks. PS These stories about dogs getting ill from locusts worries my-my labs eat EVERYTHING!! Barbara, Catonsville, Md


Saturday, Jun/7/2003
It wouldn’t “feel” like Brood XIII because this wouldn’t be the main emergence. If these cicadas are from XIII, and I can’t imagine what other brood they would be, they are four year early stragglers and are thus only a small fraction of the main colony. The main emergence will be in 2007 and should be much more profound than what you’re seeing now. Nick, Cicadas of Arkansas

I do not think it is Brood XIII

Saturday, Jun/7/2003
This does not feel like Brood XIII. I have been here for 2 emergences of Brood XIII. 1990 felt light when compared to 1973, but it had been a cold and damp spring in 1990 (somewhat like this year). 1990 seemed to be half of 1973, and this seems to be half of 1990. rick, Flossmoor

Lots of cicadas

Saturday, Jun/7/2003
Daylilies leaves are covered with emergence shells. But the cicadas are smaller than I can ever remember. They are about 3.5 cm (~ 1 inch ) all with bright orange eyes. Any idea what sp.? Steve, Hinsdale, IL

Cicadas, everywhere!

Friday, Jun/6/2003
I have three maple trees, all three are covered. I am glad to have found this site and to have seen the post from Flossmoor. My trees look just like Sue’s posted pictures! Monica, Homewood, Illinois

Chicago Brood X?

Friday, Jun/6/2003
Most likely, if not definitely, it is Brood XIII 4 years early. The 4-year accelerations and decelerations are fairly common in the 17 year broods. Not only that, Brood XIII is the only well-established brood in the Chicago area. Brood X doesn’t stretch quite that far north and west; the closest it gets would be MAYBE the south side along the Indiana border. And that’s a big maybe. Brood III, meanwhile, occupies the other side of Illinois; nowhere near Chicago. Nick, Cicadas of Arkansas

Chicago Early Emergence

Friday, Jun/6/2003
IL folks: It sounds like brood X, XIII or XIX is making en early emergence. Probably brood X, which is due next year. Every now and then magicicadas emerge ahead of, or after the time they’re supposed to. Dan, Cicadaville

Agreement with last post regarding “due” in Chicago

Friday, Jun/6/2003
I agree with the previous post regarding the fact that I also can’t find any broods “due” this year in the western burbs of Chicago. I’ve lived here for 10 years and have always seen some come out every year (usually later when it’s warmer out), but never on the scale I’m seeing now. This reminds me of the 1990 brood. Ken, La Grange, IL

Another Western Springs Report

Friday, Jun/6/2003
There are hundreds on our trees that we noticed this morning. Why are they “early”? I was looking up the same things as others in the western IL suburbs and can’t find either a 13-year or 17-year that’s “due” this year. Anyone know which type they are? Sue Spear, Western Springs, IL

Pics of periodic cicadas

Thursday, Jun/5/2003
Here are some pics from the trees in my front yard that are filled with these cicadas.Go to this address… Sue, Flossmoor, IL

Cicada doggy treats?

Thursday, Jun/5/2003
One of my dogs is gobbling down cicada like popcorn since they began emerging a couple of weeks ago. Do they contain any potentially harmful bacterium, nematodes,other parasitic infective agents, or disease organism?I know people eat them—really? But I assume they fry them first.thanks,john John Havran, blacksburg va usa

they’re back

Thursday, Jun/5/2003
This is the first time I’ve experiencedthis. Are they also called locusts?We live in a rural area and our propertyborders a national forest and we have thousands of these little critters.Yesterday when I walked out on my back porch I was literally attacked.I’ve seen them now in all stages and they just started singing yesterday.My husband says it sound like the sound track from ‘Species’. Joanie, Atkins, Va USA

stupid dog

Thursday, Jun/5/2003
Our Jack Russell dog began having wild looking seizures after coming out of the woods the other day. He vomited 5 almost whole cicadas. Who knows how many he digested. We took him to the vet to be checked out. When we asked her what was wrong with him she said, “He’s just stupid. He ate too many bugs.”The sight and sound of these insects inthe woods is beautiful. When this sound is mixed with the whipoorwills and other woodsy creatures, it is a marvelous symphony. Debbie Snavely, Marion, Virginia, Smyth County

Hundreds on my front tree!

Thursday, Jun/5/2003
Today is especially nice weather and I noticed a few in my back yard on the deck and such – went to the from yard and there are literally hundreds on my front pine tree (which won’t do them any good I I understand – not a leaf dropper)! Looking at the charts I don’t see Illinois listed for 2003 so I thought I would mention it here. Joe Hudetz, Western Springs, IL

many emerging in Chicago western suburbs

Thursday, Jun/5/2003
As I left my house this morning, I saw dozens on my exterior walls and drivway emerging from their shells or crawling out of the ground. Something triggered them to come out last night I guess. Ken, La Grange, IL

Locusts in “Bloom”

Thursday, Jun/5/2003
The ‘Locust’ phenomenom in our county is incredible. I didn’t realize it was a big deal, I just found it odd. Then my husband ask that I get on-line to find out how long they live. That led me to this site and then within two days our local paper ran an article on the front page complete with recipes! I would like to submit a link to a photograph on my family web-site of one of my hostas covered with the little critters. They are cute, and the noise is quite deafening here on our little hill-top. This has been fun and quite a topic of conversation! Here’s the link Donna, Rich Creek, Giles Co., Virginia

Love is in the air at Philpott Lake and Dam

Thursday, Jun/5/2003
Jose – Read your post…Love is in the air at Philpott Lake. (We are next door to Fairy Stone). You are invited to camp with us and enjoy the Cicada Concerta. Our Environmental Ed Ranger will be happy to share information with campers about our lovely music makers. (As I type this, I am currently listening to radio transmission of our staff – and our communication have an odd “HUM” to them…I didn’t realize just how much the insects are impacting our lives. When you spend so much of your time outdoors you get immune to them after awhile and don’t even “hear” them any more. It will seem so strange when they are gone) Park Ranger Susan Traxel, Philpott Lake, Bassett, VA

Magicicada emerging this evening

Wednesday, Jun/4/2003
As I went for a walk this evening I noticed quite a few periodic cicadas emerging in the grass, crawling on the sidewalks and on the trunks of trees. This is not our year for the 17 year brood. We should not have them until 2007. Has anyone else in the Chicago area seeing these cicadas? Sue, Flossmoor, IL

Cicadas everywhere.

Tuesday, Jun/3/2003
Never saw so many cicadas molting. Some tall clumps of grass have half a dozen hanging on. They’re on almost every type of plant. Incredible hum from the woods, but in our yard, they are silent. Our two puppies eat them like nothing is better. Unfortunately, one of them seems to be allergic. I don’t know how to keep him away from them without staying indoors. I hope the cicadas won’t eat too much!! Diana Renfro, Grassy Creek, NC

Made it down to the VA Cicada Concert……

Monday, Jun/2/2003
We drove 9 hours south to experience the magicicada emergence this past weekend. Camping at Fairy Stone state park proved to be a good move as the park is full of adult cicadas and some still coming up. I was disappointed with the park employees who had very little information or knowledge of cicadas even though the sound echoed all around. These cicada are not as loud as the ones Ive heard in Costa Rica which make a sound that arches up in pitch and volume and finally one long high ear piercing screach. The magicicada sound more relaxed to me, like a tame symphony of new york city sirens…….. I will post some photos and sound bites in the next week or so. JC Jose Conde, NEW YORK

I wondered what that was

Monday, Jun/2/2003
I just came up to the lake yesterday afternoon and heard the background music. It was so loud and present that I thought someone had left something runnning. But then I heard it all around the lake, so knew it was natural. I didn’t think that it was the cicada phenomenon because I recall last time that they were actually louder. And, I haven’t seem them buzzing all around either, which also is different. But, the “surround sound” was so much like cicadas that I mentioned the phenomenon this morning to a business colleague who was not familiar with it. By the way, SML, VA is just down the road from Ferrum (about 30-40 miles east – see previous posting). So, maybe I’ll hear them when I go back to North Carolina this afternoon. Enjoy nature’s symphony! Chris, Smith Mountain Lake, VA

Anyone have any earplugs?

Monday, Jun/2/2003
Wow the cicadas here are getting really really loud! While talking on the sister could here them through it! Had to come in yesterday while trying to plant tomatoes…they were in my hair and the sound was almost deafening! Even brought one in on my shoulder. You can look out the window and see them flying around everywhere! Carla, Ferrum, Va.


Sunday, Jun/1/2003
…for the pics Dottie. BTW has anyone seen Magicicada cassini out there? Certainly there are plenty of M. septendecim singing (the one that sounds like the “space aliens,” as some people describe it :P). I just wondered if the cassini were out there. They’re the loud rising and falling buzz. If anyone happens to run across a bunch of them, watch them synchronize their chorus. It’s really cool. Nick, Cicadas of Arkansas

Cicada photos

Sunday, Jun/1/2003
I was very lucky to be in White Sulphur Springs, WV last week.I was able to take lots of Cicada photos. To view a few of them go to:, Dottie Dottie Tison, Los Angeles, CA


Sunday, Jun/1/2003
I am coming home to Northern Va and Richmond for the 2nd week in July. Does anyone know my chances of seeing/hearing them or will the party be over? Ellen, Yorkshire, England

Brood IX Old Message Board

Cicada Comments from May 2003

Mapping out Brood IX in WV and Va

Saturday, May/31/2003
Just started the first day of a three day search for the boundaries of Brood IX in Virginia and West Virginia. There were no Magicicada along I-64 through Va until we reached White Sulfur Springs in Greenbrier Co., West Virginia. Despite periodic rains we have collected voucher specimens for Greenbrier and Monroe, WV and Giles Co, Va. Tomorrow we travel down I-81 to I-77 to define the western boundary. Monday, we will travel back through the Martinsville, Va area to determine the eastern boundary. Thankfully, Cindy in NC is driving around determining the southern boundary in NC. The WV Dept of AG is determining the northern boundary. Looks like things should come together for an awesome map! If weather is nicer I will try to get photos for you Nick. John Zyla, Cicadas of the MidAtlantic


Saturday, May/31/2003
Visit this link for a picture of a locust: — Locusts look exactly like grasshoppers. Dan, Cicadaville

The diffrence between Cicada and Locusts

Saturday, May/31/2003
I have some people around here who think that the Cicada “jar fly” and Locust are the same, I know they are not but I need diffinative proof they are not, “pictures” and disscriptions of what they are would be great! Anything would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Michelle Michelle , spanishburg W.V.

You guys are having all the fun…

Saturday, May/31/2003
If anyone happens to get any good Magicicada pics could you email them to me? stnick127 [AT] Wish I could be out there this year. 🙁 Nick, Cicadas of Arkansas

They’re here …

Saturday, May/31/2003
Dry Pond Virginia – 2 miles from the NC border – cicadas have been here for 2 weeks now ….. Marci Shore, Dry Pond Virginia

Stuart VA

Friday, May/30/2003
They are alive and well, I have some land in VA and when I visited this weekthe noise was amazing….like grinding bearings Mark, Kernersville/nc

They’re Everywhere! They’re Everywhere!

Friday, May/30/2003
I happened to run across this sight, and just thought I’d share… About 2 weeks ago I heard this ‘noise’ that I just couldn’t figure out. Sounded like a diesel engine running in the distance, across the ridge. But then it just kept on & on. After a few days of this I realized what I was hearing. We have hundreds of Cicada ‘molting’ on our property. On the sides of the house, trees and just everywhere you turn, they’re there. (Our new mama cat thinks they are quite tasty, will have to keep an eye on her & make sure that she doesn’t overdo it!) And even though they are staying around, they are not singing in our yard. Can’t figure out why? But thank goodness they are not. It is absolutely unreal. Even though this is a ‘magical’ sound, it must be deafening for those who are in the middle of this symphony. I know that there must be many people around here that can’t wait for the song to end. Sometimes they do get a little louder and I think “Oh no they’re coming our way!” But I think it is due to the changes in the weather, which has been really crazy around here for this time of year. It seems like I remember the typical dog-day Cicada singing in the evening hours, but these are wide open all day long. DJ, Millers Creek, NC (Wilkes County)

You guys are so lucky

Friday, May/30/2003
Man I wish I could see the emergence all you guys are talking about.I have been trying to get my hands on some of your Magicicada species, but so far to no avail.If any collecter is keen on exchanging your Usa, Canadian etc cicadas for my New Zealand ones I am keen to do so, although I must warn you that we have only a small amount of species in comparison to you guys, that Brazilian cicada is a beautiful species, nice photo.Just leave a message if anyone is keen, and i’ll get intouch Kees Green, Albany, Auckland, New Zealand

Glad I found this site !

Thursday, May/29/2003
I’m so glad I found your site and the pictures. I thought I’d found some mutant cicada while cutting weeds this evening – I’d never seen one with red eyes and bright markings! – only drabber coloring. No one I know appreciates how excited I get about a beautiful bug, but I know you guys do. Thanks. :o) Courtney Haynes, Bland VA (near Bluefield VA/WV)

what kind??

Thursday, May/29/2003
We seem to have something that becomes a very intricate black and white patterned mothlike adult./ anyone have any input on this?? Barbara, callands virginai

Cicadas Cicadas Everywhere!!

Thursday, May/29/2003
Just wanted to post and let everyone know that here in Mt. Airy, NC the Cicadas have been out for a couple of weeks. Their buzzing has grown louder and louder each day. I can look out my backdoor and watch them flying all around. One landed about a foot from my son and I the other morning on our deck. It sat on the railing and continued singing its song. It was a really neat moment and it opened up an excellent opportunity for my son and I to do a little web research and learn more about these amazing insects. DM, Mount Airy, NC

reporter seeking cicada fans

Thursday, May/29/2003
I’m a reporter with The Roanoke Times in Virginia and I’m doing a story on the emerging cidadas. I’d love to talk to some folks who are paying attention to them and watching them as they come out of their 17-year sleep. Please email me ASAP with a day and night contact number and I’ll give you a call. Or call me. Thanks!761-9990 or zeke.barlow [AT] zeke barlow, roanoke

Weird Stuff

Wednesday, May/28/2003
I’m 21 and this is the first time I can remember seeing these little critters out and about. I remember when I was real little we’d go out and find the sheds. It was always fun. But now it is kinda creepy seeing all these huge bugs crawling all over the trees. Have to admit though, they are rather beautiful with those red eyes. I’d like them better if they weren’t crawling on my screens and porch and some have even managed to sneak into my house. I’m wondering how long they are going to stick around. Hope it’s not too long, they might wear out their welcome. Alisha, Jumping Branch WV

Cicadas emerging

Wednesday, May/28/2003
Am trying to determine the actual species of the cicadas that are emerging now and have been for a week or so. I don’t know if they are of the 13 or 17 year variety.Noisy little critters, but enjoyable. I saw them once when I was a kid in Utah …I’m now 53. David L. Hargreaves, Cedaredge, Colorado

length of ‘stay’

Wednesday, May/28/2003
All of you who are in the midst of the 17 year cicadas……..let us know how long they are around. PB, Cincinnati, Ohio

They’re Everywhere, They’re Everywhere

Monday, May/26/2003
Well, here we are just off Highway 89 between Mount Airy, N. C. and Galax, Virginia. Just here for a visit with my grandma. We live in the Tri-Cities region of Tennessee. I cannot believe the deafening sound of the locust “flapping” their wings. It sounds like an alien spacecraft landing in the trees out behind my grandma’s house. There’s shells all over the front and back porches. My dad caught one by the wings and showed me an up-close cicada/locust. Don’s want any part of them. I think we’re going home earlier just to avoid loco mania. My dad said he remembered the locust plague in Surry County during the early ’50’s. So, they’re right on time, 51 years later. Signed: Jennifer from Tennessee or “Going Home to Maintain my Sanity” Jennifer, Mount Airy, N. C.


Monday, May/26/2003

Locusts (Cicada)

Sunday, May/25/2003
For two weeks now the cicada has come forth and we have thousands of them. I know they were supposed to appear this year or next. This is the fourth time I have seen them in mass 4 times in my life. I am 60 years in age. Have always delighted in their appearance. They are so ugly but are a very interesting creature. There is an old saying that they call Phraoh and have an M on each wing, a sign from God of the great story in the old Testament. If you listen to the din they set up during the day you can usually hear on making a sound that sounds like the name Phraoh and they do have an M on their wings. Thought you might be interested.Jay Jay Parks, Martinsville, VA 24112

holy crap

Sunday, May/25/2003
They’re everywhere! Found a few, thought, ‘oh these are so cool’. I was mowing the yard and I’m stopping, picking ’em up and moving them. (why yes, when I mow it takes forever because of the the bug, turtle, toad, etc temporary relocations)Then……I found a billion. My screams of ‘EW EW EW’ deafened dogs in the next county.Please reassure me they aren’t gonna eat me in my sleep.*movin to France* Caroline, Christiansburg, VA


Sunday, May/25/2003
Our friends and family just can’t imagine what we are talking about when we try to tell them over the phone what we are seeing here! It is unbelievable to see the number of these things (I was glad to see in your web site, the number mentioned as possibly reaching hundreds of thousands, if not millions! Currently they are covering the sides of buildings; on every tree in the yard; all over the grass (making the grass seem “alive” with all the movement); and covering the patio, deck, and sidewalks – have given up trying to keep them swept away! And the dogs are eating their fill of them — seems as though it’s a special treat – like popcorn!I called the local agricultural extension agent to ask about them and his response was, “well, some folks get them every now and then. you can just take some Sevin and kill them if you want to.” He obviously did not understand the magnitude of the “problem” and I told him I didn’t want to kill them if they were not harmful. And, besides, it would take a tanker-truck full of Sevin to kill as many as we have!I am SOOO glad to have found this very informative web site! Thank you. Now I am going to forward this information to our children so they won’t think we are crazy! or exaggerating!For the record, the cicadas began emerging here a couple of weeks ago (around May 12)and we were extremely interested; by last weekend they were very much a nuisance with “shells” all over the place, making the crunch underfoot as we walked; okay, so now, even though we are thrilled to have seen this only-every-17-year occurrence, we are ready for the event to be over. The noise is so loud, it is annoying when we try to have quiet time on the deck in the evening! And the odor of decay is beginning to be very unpleasant. However, considering our age, we are hopeful to still be around during the next emergence!! Dottye and Walt Currin, Westfield, Stokes County, NC, USA

Cicada’s everywhere!

Sunday, May/25/2003
Just stumbled upon this website, looks like it has everything I needed to know about Cicada’s. I had always heard them referred to as Locusts though, so that threw me off. I believe I was 7 the last time they came through so it would be right on the money at 17 years apart. Very ugly critters and LOUD! lol Did some mowing yesterday and noticed out in the field all the shells they left behind after they would molt. Glad to see more people from my area on here. Chris, McGrady, NC

Thick and singing

Saturday, May/24/2003
They’ve been here about 2 weeks but have just started the past couple days getting really thick. C, Ferrum, VA. USA

Loudest Insect in New Zealand

Friday, May/23/2003
This is for Rosa Lee Temu.The loudest Insect in New Zealand is in fact a Cicada, it is called The Greater clicking Cicada, or its scientific name is Amphipsalta zealandica.Its the large cicada that you see in summer on lamposts, houses, trees etc.I hope this helps and its not to late Kees Green, Albany, Auckland, New Zealand

W & P

Friday, May/23/2003
Does anybody read the FAQs? Dan, Townsville, NJ

p and w

Thursday, May/22/2003
have you ever heard the thing a bout the p and the w on the wing the w means that it will be war in the 17 yr pd. and the p means that it will be peace in the 17 yr. pd just worndering e-mail me at evil_lilly [AT] hotmail.comP.S.: the “locust” is starting to come out down here. Randall lilly, camp creek, wv

Cicadas Everywhere

Thursday, May/22/2003
The population continues to grow with each passing day! Rain has apparently slowed their wing development but probably thousands on my one acre of land. VA Tech says should be around in some numbers until mid to late June!Virginia is for Lovers (and Cicadas):) Dave, Salem, VA

Will the Cicadas still be there June 7

Wednesday, May/21/2003
I am planning to get down to Virginia , Roanoke /Appalachain trail area to see hear and record magicicada. How long will the emergence most likely last????Please email me at jlc3d [AT]…much appreciated.Jose Conde Jose Conde, Brooklyn, NY

Will be plotting Ennice on our map

Wednesday, May/21/2003
Thanks for reporting, Stephanie! We’ll be in your area over the weekend plotting our map for John. We’ll be sure to drive through Ennice. 🙂 My son captured his first cicada today and let me tell you, this guy has been the center of attention all afternoon! He’s a beauty!! Cindy, near Hays, NC – Wilkes County

Thank you Stephanie!

Wednesday, May/21/2003
Thanks for your report Stephanie. If anyone else in North Carolina, Virginia and West Virginia has seen the emnergence of periodical cicadas, please leave a message on this website with your town, county and state. Thank you. John Zyla, Cicadas of the Mid-Atlantic

Happy to help, John

Wednesday, May/21/2003
John, I just read your message about reporting cicada appearances. Thought I would include the county in NC where I’m located. They’re everywhere here! Stephanie, Ennice, Alleghany County, NC

They’re everywhere!

Wednesday, May/21/2003
I noticed them crawling on the trees and molting last night, this morning they’re all over the trees and bushes around here! Stephanie, Ennice, NC

Hi Luci…

Monday, May/19/2003
Have you noticed the cicadas seem to be rather quiet and sparse during the rain? We haven’t heard or seen them nearly as much the past several days as we did earlier last week when it was warm & sunny. I hope they’re not leaving us already. 🙂 Cindy, near Hays, NC


Monday, May/19/2003
We have lots and lots of Cicadas covering all my trees and crawling about. I can honestly say I’m not too thrilled about this, they are a big problem with my trees. They are already swarming about. Lrm, Hinton WV

I don’t know yet

Monday, May/19/2003
This is a quzeWich is the insect that makes the most nose out of New Zealand?I am a student that gose to primary.I am only 9 years old.I am a stande 4.FROM ROSA LEE TEMU Rosa leeTemu, Auckland Glen Iness

They are here!!

Saturday, May/17/2003
Woke up yesterday to hundreds (maybe thousands) of these cicadas. Shells & live ones currently all over everything! How long does this infestation last and should I try to kill or just let nature run its course?Best regards from western VA,Dave Dave, Roanoke, VA

Re: Ann

Friday, May/16/2003
They are brood IX. Brian P., KY, USA


Friday, May/16/2003
We’ve got plenty here, on trees, walls etc. What brood might they be? Ann, Roanoke, VA

EzBoard Cicada Forum

Friday, May/16/2003
I have a Cicada message board at and share… Brian P., Ky, USA

Magicicada septendecula!

Friday, May/16/2003
I heard a male M. septendecula singing this afternoon(May 16, 2003)at 4:15 p.m.! I listened and followed the solitary male about 15 minutes as it flew from tree to tree singing. This area is brood XIV country, so I was surprised to hear one this year. Brian (cicadaguy [AT] Brian P., Northeast KY (Carter Co.)

cicadas here

Friday, May/16/2003
There are many cicadas in this location right now. They started appearing last weekend. They’re all over the yards and singing to beat the band. Luci, North Wilkesboro, NC, USA

We’d be delighted

Thursday, May/15/2003
to help, John. I emailed you and look forward to learning more! Cindy, near Hays, NC

Cicada in Arizona

Thursday, May/15/2003
We found an adult cicada while visiting the Grand Canyon on April 30th. We didn’t know what we had found–nor did the rangers. We’ve just identified it here, and wonder if they are common in Arizona? Deb , Santa Cruz, CA

Cindy, will you be willing to do some research?

Thursday, May/15/2003
Cindy, If you and your children would be interested in participating in a study of the cicadas in your area please e-mail me at jzcicada [AT] Thank you. John Zyla, Maryland, Cicadas of the MidAtlantic

Judy Relax!!!

Thursday, May/15/2003
Judy,The is nothing mentioned in the Bible about cicadas. Every Periodical cicada has a “w” mark on each wing, so there is nothing to the story that they predict war. Also, it is impossible for them to bite, they only have a straw like mouth part. Nothing to worry about! John Zyla, Maryland, Cicadas of the MidAtlantic

cicadas are here

Wednesday, May/14/2003
Hi Judy. I’ve read the cicadas aren’t dangerous in any way, and won’t bite or sting unless they mistake you for a twig in which case they might bite. As annoying as they are, I’m trying to find the beauty God intended in their mighty choruses and my homeschooled children and I are in for an awesome science lesson this year! Here’s hoping we can all find joy & pleasure in the cicadas. Cindy, Hays, NC


Wednesday, May/14/2003
All you people who want to see these things, just come on down to Carolina. The woods are infested. The ground and the trees and plants are just crawling with the ugly bugs. If anyone can tell me how to terminate them other than walking around outside with a big Long!!! stick, please tell me. I hate bugs. judy, THURMOND, NORTH CAROLINA


Wednesday, May/14/2003
These things are everywhere. Has anyone noticed that they all have a ” W ” on their wings? I think according to the Bible this means 7 years of War. If they have a P on the wing it means 7 years of peace. Does anyone out there know if this is true biblically or not? Also, one of the varmits bit me and I would like to know if there is any danger in it’s bite? If you can answer any of these questions, please email me a jsparks [AT] JUDY, THURMOND, NORTH CAROLINA

What weeks in 2004 will the cicadas appear?

Wednesday, May/14/2003
The 17 year cicadas are due in Cincinnati in 2004. Does anyone know what weeks or months? M Bailey, Cincinnati, Ohio

Please report localities of 2003 Periodical Cicadas

Monday, May/12/2003
I am doing research on the cicadas of the Mid-Atlantic. I am very interested in mapping out the distribuion of periodical cicadas in this area. As some of you may know, this year Brood IX is emerging in southern WV, western Va and northwestern North Carolina. If you live in these areas and have Periodical Cicadas occuring between now and the middle of June, please left a message on this website with the nearest town, the county and the state where you have found the cicadas. Thank you. John Zyla, Maryland, Cicadas of the Mid-Atlantic

Cicada Sighting

Monday, May/12/2003
They are everywhere.Bought the property with my son in law about 3 years ago (22 acres)It was clear cut of most timber just prior to us bying it, but that is not keeping the Cicada’s away. Bud Molnar, Purlear, NC

Periodical cicadas

Monday, May/12/2003
Yesterday morning we found that several cicadas had emerged and molted in our flower bed and the nearest tree. Never seen this type before, wonderful to find out they are periodical ones, not the typical dog day. Have several questions: Why are they just located in one isolated area of my yard? How can I determine which brood this is? Looks like they may be a 17 yr, brood IX (2003) but may be brood X (2004) stragglers. How can I get a more detailed map of my area to determine this info and what species this may be? Sorry about all the questions but my kids and I are very excited about this since we love and appreciate these guys. Any help would be great.PS It amazes me how ignorant people are about these cool insects. Everyone needs to see this site. Jen, Francisco, Stokes Co, NC, USA

Cicada “Plague” May 8 2004

Friday, May/9/2003
Dear Lisa In reference your wedding plans for May 2004 and worry about a cicada “plague”.The Cicadas will emerge naturally and majestically after 17 years living as lowly grubs. They will come out of the ground with slick new wings and a black shine in mass numbers. They will sing beautifully for a few days, mate, lay eggs and die. There kind will not be seen in Cinci for another 17 years!A cicada emergence is no plague, it is a cause for myth and celebration. I would consider there presence at my wedding a blessing from nature. The true “plague” is human overpopulation, pollution, environmental destruction, and the ignorance of mankind. The best thing you can do is welcome the cicadas to your wedding……you won’t have to hire a band!!!!!! Jose Conde , NYC JConde, NYC

Brood VIII Brood XXIII Old Message Board

Cicada Comments from June 2002

Note: June of 2002 would include Brood VIII and Brood XXIII.


Date: Saturday, Jun/29/2002.
We have swarms of those ugly things herewill be glad when they are gone, but in the mean time our 4 dogs love eating them. I don’t see how anyone can call them cute, they are a pain in the backside and destroy trees. HOW DO YOU MAKE THEM DEAD!!!! Patricia, Winnemucca,Nv

Cicadas in the north

Date: Friday, Jun/28/2002.
After looking at the photos on the Great Lakes Cicada Page, I believe the cicadas I saw here in the Peace Country of northern British Columbia are Okanagana canadensis. Some of this species are supposed to be desert dwellers and the site I found them in was a mini-desert area in the middle of grain growing fields of what is mostly considered boreal forest. I did not think cicadas could survive this far north with our incredibly long, cold winters. Anyway, I am really excited that they exist up here! Penny Johnson, Dawson Creek, British Columbia, Canada

They’re here!

Date: Thursday, Jun/27/2002.
Last Sunday we were moving solar panels & a pump jack in the hills. The cactus were blooming and so were the sego lilies. I asked my husband why there were SO MANY buzzing insects out there with us. Usually you here a few, but this was something else. We also have plenty of snakes, so it was very distracting! I looked around and immediately found several cicadas. These hills are considered high altitude desert- lots of sagebrush and greasewood. Well, this morning the cicadas were here – enjoying our irrigated fields and lawn! Whole lotta buzzin goin on! Karen, south central Montana

Invasion of Cicada

Date: Thursday, Jun/27/2002.
WOW! I had no idea what these noisy huge bugs were. Called the Cooperative Extension they gave me a two paragraph plurp-Cicada. All of the North Valleys sounds like your about to take off in a plane. So I went out a looked in our trees-WOW! There must be at least 10 cicada per branch. I’m told these will only last until the end of June. I’m glad I got to witness this phenomomen. It has been very interesting. Heidi, North of Reno, NV

Tibicen cicadas beginning to get more numerous…

Date: Thursday, Jun/27/2002.
T. pruinosa and T. chloromera are becoming more common every day. T. linnei has made a few appearances as well. Of course Neocicada heiroglyphica ia out. They have become quite numerous the last week or so. I captured a couple of Tibicens Monday and photographed them together with some of the Magicicada I brought back from Clinton Lake, Illinois. It’s the first time I’ve ever seen the two types alive together at the same time. Nick, Cicadas of Arkansas

Tibicen auletes joins the crowd!

Date: Wednesday, Jun/26/2002.
On the evening of June 24 at 8:49pm, Tibicen auletes was heard calling in Ridge, Maryland (82 deg). This is very early for this species whose average call season begins in mid-August. It is almost 6 weeks earlier than the previously earliest record for our area (July 31). T. lyricen is now abundant in the evening about a half an hour before dusk (last two nights). T. chloromera is now commonly calling during the morning hours for the past two days. T. auletes was heard again last night (Jun 25). With N. hieroglyphica calling in localized areas, there are now 4 annual cicada species calling in Southern Maryland. J. Zyla, St. Mary’s County, Maryland

A bug that appears to look like it is a small dragon fly

Date: Tuesday, Jun/25/2002.
I aasume that this is a lucust however I have never really seen them before Tom, Moncton New Brunswick Canada

Is there a 8 yr varitey of this bug

Date: Tuesday, Jun/25/2002.
We have these bug enmass right now and was wondering if there is a 8 year variety because they seem to show up enmass about every 8th year? L. B., Reno, NV

Periodical Cicadas in eastern PA

Date: Tuesday, Jun/25/2002.
I was rafting on the Lehigh River in Carbon Co. PA on June 23 when I heard scattered songs of periodical cicadas along a 13-mile stetch of the river. No real chorus, just individuals. This seems to be way out the normal range of Brood VIII in PA. anybody have any ideas on this ? Ed Johnson, Staten Island, NY

Cicadas in the far North

Date: Monday, Jun/24/2002.
I am thrilled to have found and heard cicadas up here in northern BC where we have very long winters and minus 30 degrees celsius in common. I live a year in Tucson, so I immediately recognised the sound. The place was a desert-like area that is quite rare up here, high above the Peace River. This is the only area I have spotted them. Is this unusual to find them so far north? Penny Johnson, Dawson Creek, British Columbia, Canada


Date: Sunday, Jun/23/2002.
Do Cicadas spit? I heard if you hold em by their wings they spit they sometimes spit? Vanessa, Toronto,Ohio USA


Date: Sunday, Jun/23/2002.
Do Cicadas spit? I heard if you hold em by their wings they spit they sometimes spit? Susan, Wintersville,Ohio USA


Date: Sunday, Jun/23/2002.
driving pittsburgh to cleveland this weekend, saw literally hundreds of cicada(e?) dead along side of pa 60 up through allegheny and beavery counties. also heard classic hum while walking on montour trail. They hover above your windshield, then make a juicy splat. Also saw a few on US 30 in eastern Ohio (Columbiana County) today… dan roth, robinson twp, pa

Two More Annual Cicada Species have begun calling in Maryland!

Date: Saturday, Jun/22/2002.
A Tibicen chloromera (Morning Cicada) was heard calling for the first time this season at 10:14am (77 deg) on June 19, 2002 in Ridge, Maryland. (This is a week early from the 7-year average first call date of Jun 26 in MD). A Tibicen lyricen (Lyric Cicada) was heard calling for the first time this season on the evening of June 20 at 8:39pm (72 deg)in Ridge, MD. (This is 10 days early for the 7-year average first call date of June 30). Neocicada hieroglyphica continues to call sporadically. We now have 3 annual cicada species calling sporadically in our area. J. Zyla, Ridge, St. Mary’s County, Maryland

Can cicada’s cause brances to seep sap?

Date: Saturday, Jun/22/2002.
I have a young Red Crimson Maple tree and noticed the tips of a few branches not looking healthy. I could find no insects on the trees but have had a ton of cicada’s. I did notice where sap had run down from the higher branches and was wondering if the cicada’s could have caused that? Terri Orkwiszewski, Apollo, PA USA

Daugher loves “Locust Hunting”

Date: Friday, Jun/21/2002.
My 2 y/o loves to hunt the little critters. She asks me every day, “Go locust hunting?” (Easier to say than “cicada”.) She enjoys holding them by the wings to feel them flutter, then gets the biggest kick out of feeding them to either of our two dogs. The dogs have taught themselves the meaning of my exclamation to my dtr “Here’s one!”, and they excitedly come running. 🙂 They haven’t eaten a full meal of dog food for a couple weeks now! Shari, Frazer township, Allegheny Co.

Time to Leave!

Date: Friday, Jun/21/2002.
Ready to drop and roll. Live in the country and love to be outside gardening, etc. We have many trees and they are constantly flying. Their noise sounds alien, they are just big ugly flying bugs that eat the trees and will bite you if you leave them on long enough. Unless, you have a bee suit on, a walk in the woods would be impossible. Sure will be glad when they leave so I can hear the birds singing again. No wonder they only come every seventeen years!!! C. Kralik, Fawn Township, PA

Cicada Population

Date: Friday, Jun/21/2002.
I am inquiring regarding the unusual cicada population emergence in the middle to North Eastern region of Jefferson County, OH. During the last few weeks, they have become quite audible, even deafning with their nocturnal, but beautiful chorus of nature. Subsequently, they appear very dense with respect to population.I happened to be in a small town in Columbiana County, Wellsville, OH on 26 May, 2001, when I noticed many dead cicadas but I did not hear any specific audible tones to lead me to any conclusions that these wonderful creatures were back. Last year, in 2001, I had seen the culmination of the last 17 year cycle with an almost exponential amount of insects & didn’t expect them to be present again for more than another decade at the very minimum.Can you advise me as to why the emergence is occurring so quickly again and what type of cicada are we experiencing? Additionally, is this a different emergence than the one witnessed in 2000/2001?Regards,Jerry Jerry, Toronto, OH

Still going strong

Date: Friday, Jun/21/2002.
This seems to be the third week in our area for these noisy, gregarious insects. We are facinated with them and ever so pleased that they don’t cause permanent damage. We live in the woods and the noise can be eerie at times! Coleen, Indiana, Pennsylvania

Reno cicadas

Date: Thursday, Jun/20/2002.
The cicadas you are experiencing in Reno are probably Okanagana utahensis, but might be another species of Okanagana. O. utahensis is found throughout the Great Basin area and sometimes occur in large numbers on the sagebrush. (The people experiencing the emergence of the 17 year cicadas would not be impressed.) I have seen large numbers out by Austin and Elko, NV in past years. O. utahensis is mostly black but have very pale marks on the pronotum, behind the head. They will be pretty much gone by mid to late July Tim McNary, Ft Collins, CO

What is the life cycle of the cicada in Nevada?

Date: Thursday, Jun/20/2002.
We have hundreds and hundreds of holes in our yard. The sounds are incredible! What type of Cicada lives in Reno, Nevada? What is the life cycle? Susan, Reno, Nevada

cicads found on luggage a airport

Date: Thursday, Jun/20/2002.
I found 2 adult cicadas on the luggage carosel at the Buffalo airport. The flight had come in Atlanta-But who knows how long the bugs had been riding around with the luggage. I scooped them up and brought them home. Took a couple of fuzzy webcam photos then turned them loose on a maple tree in my backyard. gary nelson, buffalo ny

Cicada grub found in Michigan

Date: Wednesday, Jun/19/2002.
My son and his babysitter were sitting in the yard when they saw a grub emerge out of the ground right in front of them. They had it in a jar for me when I got home from work. Also found a shell attached to a leaf. The babysitter knew all about them…I had never heard of them until now!! From reading your site, sounds like we will see many more of them in the near future. So far, I have not heard their sound, but it has been rather cool at night here lately, if that has anything to do with it. Pretty interesting creature! Evan, Oxford, Michigan


Date: Tuesday, Jun/18/2002.

Cicada in our sage brush

Date: Tuesday, Jun/18/2002.
It started with hundreds of holes appearing on the hill in our backyard. Then the buzzing started. After analyzing the dead ones that our cat brought into the house, we saw that they were cicada’s. What I don’t know is what kind and how often they will appear here. They aren’t living in our trees, they are in our sage brush. So far, I havne’t read anything about cicada’s that live in bushes like these, so low to the ground. Everything is about them being high in trees. Does anyone have any ideas? I most curious about their life span. From the number of holes (can’t walk for the number of them) and what I’ve read about how many eggs the females then lay, next time they come out could mean not seeing the back yard through the mass of them. I don’t want to kill them or even get rid of them, I just want to know what to be prepared for and when.Thanks,Troy Troy, Reno,Nevada

Near Car Cicada accident

Date: Sunday, Jun/16/2002.
I remember one day getting into my sisters car and after a few minutes of driving heard a loud buzzing noise. I looked up and on the dashboard was this Cicada that started flying around inside the car. My sister freaked out while driving and nearly got us killed.I did not know then what this insect was But remember it looked like a giant fly. Sam, Queens, NY

Cicadas are Popular

Date: Sunday, Jun/16/2002.
I Wanted to know more about these Giant “Fly Like” Creatures AFTER trying to describe one that fell in my pool.I personally have a fear of like roaches and giant flying Bugs. I am amazed that so many people like these Insects.. I am sure they are helpful, I just have a crazy phobia. Sam, Queens, NY

oh my god there here

Date: Saturday, Jun/15/2002.
well i don’t really have a lot so i’m glad there here alexa, New Brighton


Date: Saturday, Jun/15/2002.
They must be young (or small) plants. Or you may have just had an awful lot of cicadas concentrated in a small area. Still I think the azaleas will come back, as they grow from the roots, unlike some herbaceous flowers that actually do grow from the tips. They could die, but I don’t think they will. They’ll need time though. Nick, Cicadas of Arkansas

Nick, Cicadas of Arkansas

Date: Friday, Jun/14/2002.
Nick. The azaleas are dying. it isnt just teh ends. There are deep nicks made by the female from the tip all the way to the base of the branch. The cuts are so deep that many branches have broken already and not at the ends. Christine P., Center Twshp., PA

I’ll Miss Them When Gone

Date: Friday, Jun/14/2002.
I’ve been enjoying these guys for the last three weeks. I’ve spent all my time watching them, playing with them, and listening to their songs. I feel privileged to have so many of them here and I can’t stand the thought of them leaving for another 17 years. It’s going to be awfully quiet and boring! Any way to get them back sooner? Jan, Rural Valley; Armstrong Co., PA

My backyard

Date: Friday, Jun/14/2002.
Yesterday evening I heard my first annual cicada of the year. He was barely audible for a while, then loud for less than a minute. His call was steady in frequency. About two weeks earlier than I usually first hear annuals.Also in my backyard from about May 31 for about 5 days, I heard the lonely calls of one to several Decim in my backyard each morning! Searched the woods on my property but didn’t even find skeletons. But it’s better than nothing. I wouldn’t know if they were more likely XXIII who wandered from their main range, or XIX who emerged four years too late, thinking they were 17-year cicadas instead of 13.Travelled last weekend to Carlyle Illinois (flooded) and forests southeast of St. Louis; heard and saw zilch. Looks like I won’t encounter periodicals again until 2011. Eric, Missouri


Date: Friday, Jun/14/2002.
You might need an address to send the picture of the cicada pupa to, so here it is….terriblet272002 [AT] Thanks again. Tara Nicholson, Southeast Missouri

We found a pupa of something….

Date: Friday, Jun/14/2002.
My husband found a pupa and thought it might be that of a cicada. We have been trying to find pictures of cicada pupas, but can not seem to find any. Please if at all possible, could you send us a picture of one so we can see if that is what it is? Thank you. Tara Nicholson, Southeast Missouri

cicada leaving

Date: Friday, Jun/14/2002.
hi, i am wondering when these cicadas are going to be gone more sound, no more flying everywhere.please let me know very soon.i have a phobia of bugs,i need to know.thank you very much.bragom000 [AT] brandi gomez, midland,pennsylvania

Shrub damage

Date: Friday, Jun/14/2002.
Dude, the shrubs aren’t dying. Take a look, it should just be the tips. The egg-laying kills the tips of the branches but not the tree or shrub itself. It may look bad, but it doesn’t hurt them any more than pruning would. Nick, Cicadas of Arkansas

Shrub Damage

Date: Thursday, Jun/13/2002.
The “Quesion & Answer” portion of this web site made mention that cicadas do not damage shrubs but rather only small disiduous trees. I assure you this is not true. They are killing my azaleas. The female has cut notches into the branches everywhere. Can anyone tell me if the azaleas will make it? Thanks. Christine P., Center Twshp., PA

attacked baby

Date: Thursday, Jun/13/2002.
a cicada flew onto my baby’s face and when I hit it off of her it left a huge red, swollen and bloody mark on her. I can’t wait for this 17 yr. stint to be over. I hope I never see another one again!! h, boardman, oh

I heard them…

Date: Thursday, Jun/13/2002.
Yesterday I was driving, into Frazier Township (About 10 miles from my home) and I heard this humming sound. I didn’t change it’s tone, I heard this sound for about a mile or so. I thought it was may van making the noise, but to my wonderful surprise it wasn’t. It was created by a large group of Cincada. I didn’t see any until this morning, I went outside for my morning cig, and there was one, only one. Light green in color, clear wings, red eyes. Not the prettiest thing. Robert Aston, Cheswick, PA

Brood XXIII wrapping up in Arkansas

Date: Wednesday, Jun/12/2002.
Everywhere I went that has cicadas today has died down significantly. The decim are completely gone for all intents and purposes. The cassini are still there but greatly diminished. And the decula… well, they were never out in force to begin with, except Lake Poinsett and along Crowley’s Ridge, where I didn’t manage to get to. But I would suspect that anything east or southeast of here is even farther progressed than this anyway. Nick, Cicadas of Arkansas

They were cute at first…

Date: Wednesday, Jun/12/2002.
But now they are laying eggs in all of the young trees and ruining them. I read up on them and they are right, they are quite dumb insects. Why? Because there is so many of them that if a few get caught or killed there are always more to come. Seem sad that I’ll be 36 before I’ll see them again. Clinton, Armstrong County (Gilpin) PA

none here, but are they there?

Date: Wednesday, Jun/12/2002.
are they in the yough river valley yet? looking for some great fly fishing…. dave, irwin pa

Getting quieter…

Date: Wednesday, Jun/12/2002.
The noise is already starting to die down up here in Chippewa Township. I’ve noticed a major difference in noise level over the past few days. Sounds like we only have a short time left to enjoy the lovely sound 🙁 Brendan, Chippewa, PA


Date: Tuesday, Jun/11/2002.
As a young girl I recall finding the shells of the cicadas on the maple tree in the back yard. Their only significance to me at that time was how frightened I was of the ugly shell and having to check my bed at night as my brother would put them there to torment me. Now, the same yard the same OLD/HUGE maple tree continues to bring forth these interesting creatures. I’ve asked around the neighborhood and no one else is having a problem with them but the landscaping of my home is covered with the shells. I was in the area of Racoon State Park today (near Hookstown) and I have never heard such an almost deafening constant drone from within the woods. They were flying across the road, splating on my car and falling down into the wiper well. I’m certainly glad I was not outside in this! One last thing, one nymph left it’s shell on my shoe during the night, I looked around the porch for the live critter and couldn’t see it then I carefully looked in the inside of my other shoe before putting it on and there were two bulging red eyes looking back at me. I always thought these guys were green and square heads, this one almose resembled a large yellow jacket body and the red eyes…well he sure was creepy looking!! If anyone has any input on this ‘type of locust/cicada please e-mail me patterson [AT], as I’m beginning to really become interested in these things, Strange???????? Chris Patterson, Ellwood City, PA

13 Year Cicada has arrived!

Date: Monday, Jun/10/2002.
For the past week or so we have heard them in the woods all around us and now they have invaded our property to the point I have major problems doing anything outdoors without being bombarded by them. L D M, New Harmony, In.


Date: Monday, Jun/10/2002.
I wish the guy from the White River Bottoms had posted a few days sooner. Last Thursday (June 6) I was looking for the cicadas (particularly tredecim and neotredecim) in Knox Co., Indiana and couldn’t find them. Granted, the weather was bad last Thursday, but I should have heard something if I’d been in the right place. I guess the populations are spotty up there and I managed to dodge them all somehow… Nick, Cicadas of Arkansas

Brood VIII

Date: Monday, Jun/10/2002.
I was running on Panhandle Trail, and about a half mile toward Carnegie from Gregg Station, the woods are crazy with the 17 year cicadas. Big area, over a half mile wide. The noise is awesome. I was puzzled both by cicadas in early June, and by the local concentration, so I did an internet search. Now I know what they are! Frank, Carnegie, Allegheny County, PA

Don’t worry, they’re all W’s

Date: Monday, Jun/10/2002.
I’ve been told the old wives tale that cicadas have either a W or P. Since then, I’ve read that all of them have a W on them so let’s not get all worked up. Also, I’m lucky enough to have been peed on by the cicada. They can call it honey dew or whatever, but I call it gross. They’re beginning to die already and they smell terribly. That does not stop my dog from feasting on them however. Hopefully, I’ll live somewhere else in 17 years!! Tina, Sewickley,PA

When are they coming?

Date: Monday, Jun/10/2002.
Hi Everyone,I remember the 17yr cicadas in Jr High and I just wanted to know when they will be coming again? Is it about time?Could someone with this information let me know?Thanks Romulus, Baltimore, Maryland

The bugs are ruining my research

Date: Monday, Jun/10/2002.
I really never minded the cicada. In fact, I always enjoyed hearing from them on warm spring nights. Now, however, I “hate” them. I have reforestation research going on in West Tennessee and they are not treating my young seedlings very well at all.Oh Well… I’ll continue loathing the animal. Chris , West Tennessee

Large invastion

Date: Monday, Jun/10/2002.
While visiting my country home on Saturday June 8th, I was amazed at how many cicadas there were. They were buzzzing and hanging on the trees. I hadn’t been up there for two weeks, so I don’t know when they arrived and how long they will be around, but they were annoying. Dora Dickerson, Dayton, PA USA (Armstrong County)

Outer Limits

Date: Monday, Jun/10/2002.
Our back yard is over run my Magicicada Septendecim Brood VIII (30 miles N. of Pittsburgh). The little critters are everywhere. All the moles in my yard this spring suddenly make sense, what with the larvae getting ready to emerge and all. The local bird population must be taking advantage of this event too, as I’ve not filled the feeder in a week. The chorus has been steadily getting louder the past week, and is about 50-70 decibles now. They sound very “Outer Limits-like,” weird and yet wonderful! Jeff Thieret, Harmony, PA

Answer to PLF, Periodical Cicadas in DC

Date: Monday, Jun/10/2002.
Dear PLF, While annual cicadas will soon be out in the Mid-Atlantic area, Brood VIII of the periodical cicada does not extend south to DC. The next periodical cicada emergence for DC will be in 2004 when Brood X emerges. If you can wait two more springs, you will probably have plenty of them. John Zyla, Ridge, MD

Are there Cicadas in Wassington , DC

Date: Monday, Jun/10/2002.
I just moved to DC and I miss my Cicadas. An anyone tell me if I can expect to here them here in the capitol city?Regrds, PLF PLF, Washington, DC

Cicada Sighting

Date: Monday, Jun/10/2002.
We have those bugs EVERYWHERE!! Missy, Burgettstown, Pa


Date: Monday, Jun/10/2002.
Hi,Upon visiting the White River bottoms, I heard the unmistakable call of the Periodical Cicada over the noise of traffic. I had never seen this species of cicada in my life before last week. I was back again on Sunday, and they are still there just as in the week before. I’m 23, so it makes sense that I wouldn’t remember the first time I may have seen these guys. Just wanted to let you know that the brood is quite active near the White River and in wooded clumps in Southern Indiana. Thanks. Eric Holman, Knox & Sullivan Counties, Indiana

Cicadas with “holes”

Date: Monday, Jun/10/2002.
The hollowed out cicadas are victims of a fungal infection that affects the Magicicada. It is more widespread in some areas than in others, but as you noticed, it feeds on them until the entire abdomen, and sometimes part of the thorax is eaten out. The only places I’ve seen it this year are Lake Poinsett State Park in northeastern Arkansas and Harmonie State Park in southwestern Indiana. I saw some of it in north Arkansas during the Brood XIX invasion in 1998 too. Nick, Cicadas of Arkansas

Can I look forward to them here?

Date: Sunday, Jun/9/2002.
I live in the south suburbs of Minneapolis, MN. Are we going to get the cicadas here? I hope so, because my kids would love them! Please let me know where they are expected. Amy, Twin Cities


Date: Sunday, Jun/9/2002.
The Cicada’s started emerging about three weeks ago. The woods near us are full of them now, with their constant “singing”. Richard Rosey, Apollo, PA


Date: Sunday, Jun/9/2002.
My mother and I are sitting on our porch listenting to the cicadas. We wanted to know things about them so we found your site. I’m so happy now that I know cicadas pee. Ryan Ryan Talkington, East Liverpool Oh

Siting in Mingo Creek Park, near Finnleyville, PA

Date: Saturday, Jun/8/2002.
First my friend and I heard them as we were driving into the park. Then saw them swarming by the hundreds on tree tops, in trees, etc. Saw the little round holes on the ground, from which they emerge. Oddly, my mom had been at the park several days earlier, and the circadas had not yet emerged. These little buggers are LOUD! Jamie, Pittsburgh, PA (Allegheny County), USA


Date: Saturday, Jun/8/2002.
Oh my god, these things are everywhere. They seem as though they are going to take over my house. I live in the middle of the woods and i have been surrounded by locust now for two weeks. I just wish that they would stop making that annoying sound. chirs, Cranberry, pennslyvania, us

They are here but have holes!

Date: Friday, Jun/7/2002.
We have tons of cicadas in the yard. We have noticed that some of them have their entire end hollowed out. It looks like something has eaten them except they are still alive and flying. we have noticed also that some of them with the holes have what appears to be dirt like matter in them. What is happening to these bugs? Betsy Nix, Hernando, Mississippi

They look like hummingbirds everywhere!

Date: Friday, Jun/7/2002.
I heard them for about a week now but I didn’t really see any, but today they are everywhere here, flying from tree to tree. This is the 3rd time I seen them in my lifetime the first time I was about 11 and terrified of them now I find them fastainating, they look like hummingbirds everywhere. Jackie Mabin, Rochester Township, PA

First Annual Cicada of Season Calls in Maryland

Date: Thursday, Jun/6/2002.
FYI. A Neocicada hieroglyphica was heard calling at 5:43pm (86 deg) on June 5, 2002 along Rt 235 near the intersection of Turkey Neck Road in Saint Mary’s County, Maryland. This was the first annual cicada heard so far this season and it beats the previous earliest known MD record by 5 days (June 10,2000 & 2001)for this species. “Hear” we go!!! John Zyla, Ridge, Maryland

Cicada activity near Pittsburgh

Date: Wednesday, Jun/5/2002.
I work near the Pittsburgh Airport and just today noticed shells on the ground around a couple of the trees and cicadas singing in the woods nearby. From what I understand their emergence was delayed because of some cold weather we had in May. I live in the South Hills and haven’t seen any at all. We were right on the edge of the last emergence in 1999 of another brood. I’m wondering what other areas around Pittsburgh have them, I recently bought a motorcycle and plan to do a lot of riding starting now, but want to avoid areas where they may be. I don’t want to get hit by them, I would think they would hurt! Sandy, Pittsburgh, PA

Cicada Surprise!

Date: Wednesday, Jun/5/2002.
June 5, 2002 See our message of June 3. Since our research said that full adulthood occurs 4-6 days after emergence we went out to listen for the cicadas choruses. SURPRISE! We didn’t hear a sound. More cicadas. Humdreds of them. All stages again. Even some on the Hollys. Two on the Dogwood. They really love the big Oaks. More pictures taken: 15 of them. Research says they do not destroy, only occasional “flagging”. They do not bite. They do not sting. They have only sucking mouth parts. They do not transmit disease. They sure do FASCINATE!What’s going to happen next? O and E Montgomery , Natrona Hgts. Allegheny Co. PA

W = war

Date: Tuesday, Jun/4/2002.
Yep that’s right, locusts and cicadas know when there is going to be a war and they write “W”‘s on their wings. I’m scared… I hope the Indians don’t nuke us! Virgil, California

They are every where!!!!!

Date: Tuesday, Jun/4/2002.
Last week my wife askewd what is that noise. At first I said frogs, only becaues it rained the night before and I figured that was whatthey where until I started to notice all of the skins on the trunks of the trees. They where far off in the distance then this morning I noticed the sound closer and then looked up and to my amazement to see thousands flying in the air around the trees. I’ve been playing with the dead ones but wondered if they would bite or sting. Loked up on the net to find out more info and to find out that they are very harmless. Now my curiousity will be stronger. Here they are quiet at night but all day long they don’t quit! They are ugly but cute. Explain that!!!!! Ray , Sewickley, Pa


Date: Tuesday, Jun/4/2002.
Someone has aready mentioned a Godzilla-type movie sound, and I’m inclined to agree. While I don’t know too much about these little buggers (ha!), this variety (small, dark abdomen) seems different than last “awakenings” (large, green abdomen). Is there any truth to this? Mike Kartje, Carbondale, IL

It’s over in Clinton

Date: Tuesday, Jun/4/2002.
Brood XXIII activity seems to be finished here in central Mississippi. I have heard no songs and seen no fresh specimens since June 2. However, a Tibicen species has emerged here and is now producing a nice evening call. Bill P. Stark, Clinton, Mississippi, USA

Locusts Markings Indicating War or Peace?

Date: Tuesday, Jun/4/2002.
We heard of this story, but really didn’t believe it about the 13 yr old locusts until we saw one this weekned. The story is that if the locusts wings shows a visibl W or P that it indicates peace or war for the next 7 years. We saw one that dropped from the ceiling to the porch on Sunday afternoon and it was clearly a “W” on the wing. Anyone ever heard of this before? Pls email me if so at bonniejeancarter [AT] earthlink.comThanks! BJ Carter, Milledgville, TN

nature seems cruel

Date: Tuesday, Jun/4/2002.
Wow, what a strange and seemingly cruel world that we live in. These beautiful insects live beneath the earth for 17 years and emerge for only one week? I’ve always loved seeing the cicadas. When I was young, I used to use the spent cicada shells as clothes ornaments. The shells will hang onto your shirt all day. It freaks lots of people out, but it is a neat way to introduce children to this facinating insect. Gotta go now, we’ll talk in 17 years! valera hodill, West Deer,PA

Amazing Noise

Date: Tuesday, Jun/4/2002.
I live in the middle of town my parents live about a mile away at the edge of town. I have seen maybe on flying around home but my parents have tens of thousands. The sound is almost deafening. If you stay outside for a while it reminds me of the way your ears would ring at the end of a Ted Nugent concert. I wonder if they will damage the trees? It is kind of like an old Sci-Fi movie the way the sound goes up and down. Ken Wagner, Chester, IL

when are they leaving??

Date: Tuesday, Jun/4/2002.
We live near the woods and hear the cicadas all day and last night I kept waking up, either actually hearing them, or the sound is just buzzing in my head at night. It’s a little annoying, actually….when will they leave? DJ, Little Rock, AR


Date: Tuesday, Jun/4/2002.
I’ve never seen anything like it! It was my dog Willow that made me notice them emerging. Now we’re both fascinated by the numbers and the sound, though I have no desire to eat them, like Willow does. They’re certainly aerodynamically and navigationally challenged, so they’re fun to watch…but combine their incessant racket with a steamy hot southern Illinois day, and…enough, already! Thank you for this site! Lynn Winston, Carbondale IL USA

Millions of these things

Date: Tuesday, Jun/4/2002.
In 43 years, I’ve never seen so many of these things as I have this year. The sound is so loud, it’s almost frightening. Why are there a thousand times more cicadas around here this year than ever before? John Nemetsky, Carbondale, IL 62901

How do you kill these things?

Date: Monday, Jun/3/2002.
Please tell me HOW? Paul C., Hopewell, PA

brood xxiii

Date: Monday, Jun/3/2002.
Surfed the net this evening to find out what it is I’ve been hearing for about five days now. Brood XXIII sounds like a good title for a horror movie. The noise is deafening. We have about a dozen acres of woods. I trust they won’t do too much damage. It’s a bit creepy to look up into the treetops and realize that it’s no breeze that’s stirring them. aaron lisec, anna, illinois

It was like a horror movie!

Date: Monday, Jun/3/2002.
I live up near Erie and we haven’t spoted any yet. However this weekend we traveled down to my father’s in Beaver. As soon as we got out of the car we heard something…WEIRD. At first I thought it was a car alarm going off across the valley. I t soon became apparent that it was no alarm. I am 37 and can’t remember ever seeing them. There were thousands of them. My folks had a nice picnic planned for us but they kept flying around and falling out of the trees on us…Yuck! After I got over the initial creeps I started to examine them, they are pretty interesting. I am a teacher so was glad to find your cite so I could better explain to my students what I had experienced. Liz Barry, Beaver, PA

Where I’ve seen them

Date: Monday, Jun/3/2002.
There here in E. Liverpool, but patchy. Areas I remember them last time have none (yet?). I have seen them east in Beaver PA. and south toward Stubenville.This weekend went west and saw few toward Canton and none in the Loudenville OH area. Paul Weymouth, E. Liverpool OH

The latest

Date: Monday, Jun/3/2002.
Have reports of emergence in Austintown Township, west of Youngstown. That’s where I grew up and experienced them in 1968 (wasn’t here in 1985). Yesterday saw and heard very many in the picnic area below the dam at Jefferson Lake State Park NW of Steubenville. ray novotny, youngstown, mahoning county

17 year cicadas

Date: Monday, Jun/3/2002.
Emerged June 1, 2002. Hundreds of them. Holes 1/4 to 3/4inches in diameter. Front lawn primarily. Traveled up to 75-100 feet to our big Oaks. Very few paid any attention to our Dogwood tree. Ignored the Hollys. Pictures taken: 14, all stages about 10 am. on June 2. After returning home at 12:30 pm they had disappeared into the heights of the Oaks. Only traces were the holes, shells molted, and dead ones. We are excitingly awaiting the music of the adults in 4-6 days. O and E Montgomery, Natrona Hgts., Allegheny Co., PA

We got tons

Date: Sunday, Jun/2/2002.
Cicada were quiet in May because ofadverse weather. Arrived in fullforce May 23, O2. gil hoffman, Indian County PA, USA

where in Ohio

Date: Sunday, Jun/2/2002.
Where in Ohio are the cicadas. I have heard of Youngstown area and East Liverpool area. Any where else? Dan Kendle, Nortrh Canton,Ohio

they’re all over!

Date: Sunday, Jun/2/2002.
even tho i was only 3 the last time they were here, i remembered, and waited for them to arrive this year. well, they’re definitely here! they seem to think the brick on my porch is a tree and leave their shells behind there! then there are live ones crawling and writihing and doing all kinds of stuff right outside my front door. i think their noise sounds like something from the twilight zone! Mac, OHIO

The noise, the noise,aaahhhhhhhhhhh

Date: Sunday, Jun/2/2002.
Been workin in the yard, sound of them buggards drivin me crazy. All along the woods line are millions of em.They really don’t agree with my dog tho. He was eating them and then up-chucked a wad on our living room carpet. My wife isn’t too thrilled either when they land on her. Al , Economy Boro,Pa

me again

Date: Sunday, Jun/2/2002.
I have looked up the type of cicadas we are currently experiencing and we are not having the annuals we are having the ones that come along every 17 years. They are about 1 to 1 1/2 inches long and have black bodies and red eyes. priscilla, weirton, wv, hancock county

they’re back

Date: Sunday, Jun/2/2002.
i don’t know about anyone else but we have hundreds maybe even thousands of the darned bugs and my flowers are suffering. they have been here about a week now and i don’t think they are in full force yet. They start their singing, to put it mildly, about dawn around 6:30 am and stop when the sun goes down over the hill at about 7:00 to 8:00 pm and as the day goes on they get louder and louder till you want to scream! The neighborhood cats are enjoying them they consider them a great snack food. I live in what we call a holler between two hilly ranges and the nieghborhood is mostly family. There are about 10 houses in our valley. We have decided not to put our garden in this year… if the flowers are any indication of what is to come we don’t want to loose all of our garden plants… good thing I canned enough last year to last alittle thru this year. priscilla, weirton, wv, hancock county

Singing Times?

Date: Sunday, Jun/2/2002.
I’ll be visiting the Pittsburgh, PA area in the next week to see family and collect the cicadas that have recently emerged. Can anyone there give me some ideas on what time singing starts and stops during the day? Tim McNary, Ft. Collins, CO

I Saw 1

Date: Sunday, Jun/2/2002.
This morning on my way to get the mail I saw somthing unusual and when i took a closer look i knew right away what it was. There was only 1 and i found only 1 “shell” but i’ll be on the lookout for more. It’s actually very interesting what they go through to be here such a short period of time. I’m sure there will be more coming. Leanne, Indiana, PA


Date: Saturday, Jun/1/2002.

Catch one

Date: Saturday, Jun/1/2002.
Someone should catch a few for pets and keep em for 17 years. I’m gonna go do that right now, Im surprized no one mentioned doing anything like that yet. Jon again, PA

i have seen them

Date: Saturday, Jun/1/2002.
i’ve seen them. they are loud. they smell. they look wierd. i don’t like them. they are ikky. they suck large monkey balls. zach, pa


Date: Saturday, Jun/1/2002.
This is the first time for me seeing these things, of course, because Im only 13. The noise was annoying for about the first day but now I can fade it out in my head. Anyway, these things are crazy, I like it thought.I went outside a little bit ago with a hockey stick to scrape them all off our trees, we have about 5 acres. That was fun… not. I dont see how theyre scary, I made a Cicada Killa shirt, pretty cool stuff. I hope they don’t leave too soon! Jon S., Westmorland County, PA

thousands of cicadas

Date: Saturday, Jun/1/2002.
The noise of the cicadas is almost deafening. It isn’t even fun to go outdoors on this beautiful spring day. How long does this sound continue to go on? B Duncan, Carterville IL


Date: Saturday, Jun/1/2002.
Hello! They are here! Eli, Zelienople

So Many Bugs!

Date: Saturday, Jun/1/2002.
I opened my door this morning and heard the strangest sound, kind of like machinery running down the road. I asked my family if they thougth it was the cicadas and no one thought a few bugs could make that much noise. Then I went outside and found out that the few bugs we had yesterday had turned out to be a massive amount of bugs today! And I guess since the noise is still out there it is the cicada song. I think I will stay inside until they leave for the next 17 years! Connie Stenger, East Liverpool, OH

They are here.

Date: Saturday, Jun/1/2002.
Just moved to the area three weeks ago. Have a nice wooded 1.5 acre lot. Don’t think I’ll be out side for awhile. There are buckets full of cicadas everywhere. This morning the sound started. Lara from Beaver(neighboring town) Made me feel a little better. Can’t describe the sound as singing. Looking forward to July. Kate, Baden, Pa.

They are here!

Date: Saturday, Jun/1/2002.
We are swarming in the little darlings. I thought three years ago we were lucky not to have too many. That was just a preview. We have buckets now! Began appearing 5/26, swarms on 5/31, do you think we can safely plan an outdoor picnic on 6/8? Happy chirping to all! Jim, Toronto, Ohio

Brood VIII Brood XXIII Old Message Board

Cicada Comments from May 2002

cicadas are everywhere

Date: Friday, May/31/2002

I have never even heard of cicadas before, let alone seen them, but I think they are fascinating little creatures, although they are really disgusting and creepy looking. My parents have about 3 acres of land by the woods, and these things are just taking over everywhere…they are all over the garage, pavilion, shed, and even on the one side of our house, and our porch. There are holes all through our yard from them. The loud noises they make are unbelievable. It sounds as if there are millions in our woods…and there probably are…I don’t think I’ll be goin for a walk in the woods until there gone, for fear that they might fall on top of my head. — lisa, Indiana county, pa

Oh My ! They are everywhere!

Date: Friday, May/31/2002

I am not sure if I like them or not, they freak me out yet I am facinated by them. I have read all the stories from everyone and I dont agree with killing them. I think it would be impossible. they will go away on their own sooner or later. My dog eats them like popcorn and my kids are terrified. This sight will help them to not be so affraid.thanks. — Diana, Hymera, Indiana

Cicadas are here……Yuck!!!!

Date: Friday, May/31/2002

We have been hearing them for the last couple of days….but today they are everywhere. These are huge!!! I hate them! — Vickie, Sewickley, PA on the border of Allegheny and Beaver County

Locust appearance

Date: Friday, May/31/2002

Woke this morning to find the fences covered with our dear friends – locusts. I guess this is the year. Mineral Ridge, Ohio5/31/02 — Dianne, Mineral Ridge, OH

Found some cicadas and their shed layers on a van tire

Date: Thursday, May/30/2002

Found some cicadas and their shed layers on a van tire – I bagged them for my son to see and take to school to talk about. He wants to start a bug collection.They’re pretty cool… this is the first time I have seen them.I guess they’ve been around a few days or so? — Larry, Shelocta, PA USA 15774

Cicada Brood

Date: Thursday, May/30/2002

We have the little guys out in force in areas south, SE & SW of Little Rock. Also in the Forrest City area on Crowleys Ridge.Have been out for a week or so. — Jim Northum, Little Rock, AR

My journal now has pics!!!

Date: Thursday, May/30/2002

I’ve finally uploaded some of my photos to my ongoing journal “Angelfire so feel free to check it out. Looks like it’s almost time for me to make the trip to Illinois, so don’t EVEN think the journal is finished yet! — Nick, Cicadas of Arkansas

Haven’t seen a one!

Date: Thursday, May/30/2002

Well, Seems my neighbors West and South of me have started to see the critters, but I have yet to see one. I’ll let you all know when I do! — Steve, Northern Allegheny County, PA


Date: Thursday, May/30/2002

We have tons of them here! We live in a little town near Youngstown, OH (between Cleveland and Pittsburgh)Just noticed all the holes in the ground and live and dead cicadas around May 27. — therese, Youngstown, Ohio

They’re here! Brood V in Eastern Ohio

Date: Wednesday, May/29/2002

Finally, they’re starting to emerge in our back yard, but so far there are far fewer of them than there were 17 years ago. We’re seeing birds snatch up more of them than we remember from 1985; is anyone else seeing this? — Gayle, Lisbon, Columbiana County, OH

Cicada clean-up tips?

Date: Wednesday, May/29/2002

Just my luck – the year we buy a house that sits in the woods, the cicadas emerge. I am horrified – our trees and shrubs are covered by hundreds of these ugly pests. I know there’s not much I can do to get rid of them now, so I’ll suffer inside until July. But what to do then? Does anyone have tips on disposing of their carcasses once they die? If so, or if you have other suggestions on dealing with these pests, please post them on this site. I need help! — Lara, Beaver, PA


Date: Wednesday, May/29/2002

We moved to our new home in Dec. 2001. We love it in the country. We have seen lots of new bugs, and one of them is the cicada. We have seen them in the ground and then have watched the transformation to the adult cicada. Very interesting! We have them in our yard by the thousands. I worry about the damage to my plants and trees. How much will they do? Is there something I can spray to get rid of the ones on the ground or in the trees or to stop the new eggs that will falling to the ground soon? Would really like some more info on these. Thanks, Angelaangelalangley [AT] — Angela, Robinson, IL, USA

Quite a Crop

Date: Tuesday, May/28/2002

Have seen several drying in the sun the past couple of weeks. While mowing the yard yesterday (about 2 acres on what we call Pleasant Oaks), happened to see hundreds of shells clinging to the underside of the oak leaves. I’m not a bug person, so don’t have a positive ID on the critters. The ones I’ve seen are black or dark brown with red eyes. — Frank Barncord, Marissa, IL


Date: Tuesday, May/28/2002

i saw all these cicadas and they f***ing rule!!! tssss tssss tssss tssss tssss tssss tssss tssss tssss they went! YO! — Bob, England, London

I sort of like them

Date: Tuesday, May/28/2002

Call me weird but I really like the cicadas. We experienced the cicadas three years ago and I thought the loud sound was hilarious. I would call my mom up (she lives in Westmoreland County) and put the phone outside so she could here them.What is even better is that we are moving up to Greensburg this month so I won’t have wait another 14 years to hear their music.I was lucky though in that they never pelted me like they did other people!!! — Audrey, Morgantown, West Virginia

I sort of like them

Date: Tuesday, May/28/2002

Call me weird but I really like the cicadas. We experienced the cicadas two years ago and I thought the loud sound was hilarious. I would call my mom up (she lives in Westmoreland County) and put the phone outside so she could here them.What is even better is that we are moving up to Greensburg this month so I won’t have wait another 15 years to hear their music.I was lucky though in that they never pelted me like they did other people!!! — Audrey, Morgantown, West Virginia

Indiana emergence

Date: Tuesday, May/28/2002

I have received reports from observers in Sullivan and Posey counnties in SW Indiana that their emergence has begun. I would appreciate information from readers in Indiana and Ohio on when and where they observe cicadas. I have put Indiana and Ohio emergence maps online at for those wondering if they should be on the look out. Thanks. — Gene Kritsky, Cincinnati, OH

cicada consciousness

Date: Tuesday, May/28/2002

The cicadas emerged here about a week ago. I was expecting the intermittent june bug chirp but am fascinated with their pervasive hum. The first morning I heard it I thought someone was using an electric saw on an infintely long board. I’m torn between the eeriness of the sound, the fascination with it and the fear of the individual insect which is extraordinarily sci-fi-ish. I will say I am avoiding my flower garden as they have taken up residence in the shade garden and I have a natural averision to any insect that large. (I read all those 50’s comics about giant bugs). I feel like I need to do something about them but don’t know what. I also think about whether I’ll still be living when their larvae next emerge. I finally decided to deal with them in a zen like way, just experiencing this phenomena and not worrying about what they are really up to out there. Oddly, I’m old enough to have experienced them at least twice before but can’t recall anything this extraordinary. — C. Keeley, Paducah, Kentucky

Cicadas bite

Date: Monday, May/27/2002

In 1985 I got bit, pinched, whatever you call it, by a Cicada. Gouged a 2-inch long piece of flesh from inside of my arm. Drew blood. They’re here, and I’m NOT happy. — Julie, Rochester, PA

PA brood’s here

Date: Monday, May/27/2002

We just got our brood this weekend. I live in the country and have them everywhere! I’m thrilled to see them and love hearing them. I’m in the minority here. Everyone else seems to hate them and wants them gone. I loved them when I was a kid and still do. I just wish they’d come out sooner than 17 years!!!! — Jan, Armstrong Co., PA

Holy Guacamole

Date: Monday, May/27/2002

we are covered up here! the ground looks like swiss cheese and the air is filled with the sounds of them! at least a few of them sleep late in the mornings so it’s not too bad until 9 or so….. — Edward, Arlington, Tennessee

cicada’s are everywhere

Date: Monday, May/27/2002

Just took a walk, the trees and ground are covered, holes in the ground. Have not seen this many in years. Will be glad when they are gone. — jane, Cobden, Il, Union County


Date: Monday, May/27/2002

Oh the joy that filled my heart when we heard the beautiful song of the magicicada! We live in the country and are blessed with woods all around us. There must be thousands of them. My parents live in MS about 50 miles south of Memphis in a town called Sardis. They have as many as we do here. If you’re looking for them, come to our neck of the woods. 🙂 — Traci Stevens, Lexington, TN

Not many in MO

Date: Monday, May/27/2002

Found some cicadas in SE Missouri Sat/Sun but the numbers were far from overwhelming. Midday Saturday at Hawn State Park heard several individual Decim who sounded like they had just hatched. Late afternoon driving east on a county road in Perry County, suddenly about a mile east of I-55 my ears were hit by waves of Cassini even with the car windows down. Camped at a state forest along the Mississippi; saw one skeleton. The Mississippi was flooded and had been even higher. Lots of toads (especially Fowlers) who sound a lot like Decim. Hiked the higher-altitude area of the forest Sunday morning and saw a couple more skeletons and heard a few individual Decim. By far the best place I found was Trail of Tears State Park along the Mississippi north of Cape Girardeau. This was the only place I saw any up close. A couple dozen on plants along the hiking trail, decent numbers of skeletons, and good numbers of Decim singing around 10 AM. The rest of the trip was nearly fruitless as I headed farther south; much of the Bootheel was underwater and the region has few trees. I had high hopes for Big Oak Tree State Park, but it was mostly underwater. Heard a few cicada distress calls in the trees. If the majority of MO cicadas haven’t hatched yet, the delay is beneficial because the river needs to recede more. Am going to try several forested parks near the river south of St. Louis next week, but would be pleasantly surprised to hear/see any, having not encountered any in the STL region in 1989. — Eric, Missouri


Date: Sunday, May/26/2002

We live about half an hour from Arkansas. There are a lot of them. Started seeing them the second week of May. Then the noise started, hard to listen to every day, very aggrivating. I thought the paper mill was doing someting than someone said it was those bugs. Be glad when they are gone. — Elaine, Bastrop, La.

Cicadas in AR?

Date: Sunday, May/26/2002

A friend of a friend mentioned the Cicadas were common at Pickthorne Lake- Northwest Lonoke Co, near Jacksonville. We hiked in the woods adjacent to the lake and could hear chorus of cicadas, but found only 3 live adults within reach,and a couple dozen cast skins. Anyone know where I can collect 100-200 adults for museums here and elsewhere?Let me know at bbbbugs [AT] earthlink.comThanks,Brian Baldwin 501-821-2934 — Brian, Little Rock, AR

Cicada sightings

Date: Sunday, May/26/2002

While leading a tour into Alibates Flint Quarries National Monument this past Thursday, The cicadas were singing on the hillsides. I caught a male and identified it as Cacama valvata. I turned this one loose, but later caught another on Saturady Afternoon. — Wes Phillips, Fritch, Texas


Date: Sunday, May/26/2002

can anyone tell me how long i must endure this auditory interruption…they are sooooo loud here it is uncomfortable to be outside…sorta like an x-files…thank you…mail me at relaxornot [AT] — laslo tolff, oxford, ms

re: singing

Date: Sunday, May/26/2002

they have been singing for about a week..this is a first for us on our 15 acres and hope we are here when they return.. — john & sandy, Alexander, AR

Millions of Cicadas

Date: Saturday, May/25/2002

Millions of Cicadas have emerged in Corinth, Ms. There are holes all over the ground where they emerged. The trees are full of them. They sing very loudly. Seems as if they never stop singing. I have found shells all over and have seen many of the live ones. If I sit under the trees droplets like rain fall on me. They have been in the area for about two weeks. This is May 25, 2002 — Sue, Corinth, Ms

Albino cicada

Date: Saturday, May/25/2002

Maria wasn’t kidding… the cicadas came out en masse today. I’ve got 3/4 acre and every tree has them, as well as the fence. There was a gorgeous albino cicada on the fence. Well, okay, not gorgeous, but pretty for a cicada. Enjoying the quiet today… it’ll be a madhouse by Monday. — Mary Lynn, Greensburg, PA


Date: Saturday, May/25/2002

Okay, okay, this has been going on for several weeks. I can hear them on my deck and inside my house with the windows closed! Does anyone know when this will stop??? I love nature but this can be rather maddening after a month. What can I expect???Thanks!email–crdodd [AT] — Glada Dodd, Murray, Ky.


Date: Saturday, May/25/2002

They have appeared in Greesburg, PA. They are everywhere. The noise hasn’t started yet, but it will start soon. — Maria, Greensburg, PA

Got Cicadas here

Date: Saturday, May/25/2002

We have tons of cicadas emerging from nymphal stage here – they are all over the lawn, and thousands up flying and singing! — Katie Weatherford, Calvert City, KY


Date: Saturday, May/25/2002

I first heard the ‘flying saucer’ sound last friday, may 17. It’s been going on since then varying in loudness. We live on a flight path to the airport, and after one particularly noisy jet went over, the cicadas all shut up! and didn’t start over in full force until the next day. I heard someone out in the woods shooting a barrage of shots, but it didn’t even slow down their singing. — lesley, memphis, tennessee

May 24, 2002

Date: Friday, May/24/2002

We live on 8 acres. The Cicadas are thick here, I bet we have 5,000 or more in our trees now. They came out last night & climbed the trees ( which we have lots of) This morning they were hatching out of their shells. It was cool watching them. My dogs keep eating them, hope it doesn’t make them sick!! By tomorrow they will be out of site as they go to the TOPS of the trees. That is why you usually don’t see them but HEARD them. They live about 5 wks. — Debi, Richland, IN

Invasion in eastern Prarie and western Monroe County, AR

Date: Friday, May/24/2002

The cicadas seem to be near full force along U.S. 70 between Hazen and Brinkley. That includes DeValls Bluff, Biscoe, and Brasfield. The tredecassini are beginning their synchronized chorus and some trees are so covered that the cicadas almost appear to be part of the bark. Several teneral (newly-emerged) adults are still present, though, so the chorus will only grow louder in the days to come… — Nick, Cicadas of Arkansas

They’re everywhere!

Date: Friday, May/24/2002

They really started emerging in full force last night. Can’t seem to get my dogs to go out now, they’re terrified! — Tony, Freedom, PA

Summary of Central Mississippi Brood XXIII Emergence

Date: Friday, May/24/2002

The chorusing is down to a fairly low level now and should be gone in a few days. Earlier I reported that 92% of the local population represented M. tredecim. By gathering the dying cicadas from nature trails in Clinton and Jackson I estimate 5.9 % of the population represented M. tredecula and 2.1 % represented M. tredecassini. Emergence hole density for several sites in the Clinton area was 58 per square meter. Emergence began on the evening of April 27 and continued through the evening of May 11 but 47 % of the population emerged on the evening of May 1 and May 2. I gave a presentation on the emergence at Clinton Community Nature Center on the afternoon of May 11 to a mixed audience of children, young adults and senior citizens and was surprised how few could remember experiencing such an event before. Most of the people present were living in the Clinton area for the 1989 emergence and several could have experienced the 1976 and 1963 cycles. Strangely, most people seem to forget about these events and have to go through rediscovery. That seems to be reflected in the traffic on this message board, as well. Oh well, it has been fun and maybe, if we’re lucky, we can see it again in 2015. — Bill P. Stark, Clinton, Mississippi,USA

no cicadas yet???

Date: Friday, May/24/2002

I live in Austin, TX and haven’t heard acicada yet….I think they should be out”chirping” by now. Does anyone know if they have a domant cycle??? — jimbob, austin TX

Addressing Alexa

Date: Thursday, May/23/2002

Sorry Alexa, they’re in your backyard. — Kelly, New Brighton PA USA specifically

They’re here!

Date: Thursday, May/23/2002

Well, after a short trip outside with my Golden Retriever it’s confirmed that the cicadas have arrived in Western PA! — Kelly, Pittsburgh, PA USA region

I am dreading this

Date: Thursday, May/23/2002

I have never seen one of these bugs before, because I come from a very Urban area in the North. I am scared of big buzzing bugs that fly. In fact, I freak out with almost every bug. I do not dig the thought of a mini invasion. How long does this last? I am seriously thinking of taking time off from work, so I dont have to have bugs land on me (just the thought gives me the shivers). Help!! I need answers. EMail them to me please: yankred [AT] — Andrea, Maryland

cicadas!!!! you want some???

Date: Thursday, May/23/2002

Well it seems we have a bumper crop of bugs….Its been cool…but its seems to not have hampered the cicadas. They are singing right along none the worse for wear….If anyone would like some cicadas for their yard..I would be happy to send them to you…. — Jean Sherrill, Huntingdon tn carroll co


Date: Wednesday, May/22/2002

I hate those damn bugs! I can’t believe they are coming back. Does anyone know how long they will be here this time? I am about an hour south of Pittsburgh. Any info can be forwared to bre97 [AT] Thanks! — Bre, Wheeling, WV

oh no

Date: Wednesday, May/22/2002

we have been hitting record temp lows here in pittsburgh – – – i hope the cicadas brought their scarfs 🙁 i read that extreme weather changes can prevent them from coming out…. lucky southerners!!! 🙂 — sinn, pittsburgh, PA

Brood VIII is here!

Date: Tuesday, May/21/2002

They arrived last Wednesday, May 15. They are everywhere! They even got into my office. Does anyone know how they might have gotten in & how to prevent that in future years? Thanks! — Jen Melton, Benton, KY, USA

“Singing” cicadas

Date: Tuesday, May/21/2002

As noted in my ongoing cicada journal (Angelfire) three of my cassini cicadas have been alive since I collected them on May 10. This — 12 days — will be the longest I’ve ever kept captive cicadas alive. Four of my tredecim cicadas are only one or two days behind. I give them new branch tips to suck on every day (an interesting pruning method if I do say so myself), and they still sing in the daylight or when my bedroom light is on. What’s funny is they get more vocally active when I listen to my CDs. Must have something to do with the sound frequency of the song chords or something. Right now their favorite seems to be Linkin Park by far, although they have “sung along” with Skillet, Metallica, SonicFlood, and Staind as well. =) — Nick, Cicadas of Arkansas

Periodical Cicada Nymphs

Date: Tuesday, May/21/2002

We’re inthe field studying periodical cicadas, and your messages to this board are extremely helpful. We check it often. With regards to the gentleman from MS, with the lawn sprinkler problem, I must object to his plan to eradicate nymphs: First of all, periodical cicadas do not have chewing mouthparts, so it is impossible for them to chew wiring or piping, or anything else. Cicadas have sucking mouthparts and feed on plant juices. It is unlikely, even if a nymph tried to do so, that it could penetrate the materials used in underground wiring or piping. With regards to finding a nymph near a wiring fault, since there are cicada nymphs everywhere underground, if you dug up anything– wiring or anything else– you would undoubtedly find nymphs in close proximity to it. That does not mean that the nymphs could or did cause any of your problems.Second, the amounts of toxic chemicals required to remove the cicadas are so great that they may result in other, unintended damage. — John Cooley, On the road

Info on broodVIII

Date: Tuesday, May/21/2002

I have been expecting to hear some information on emergence of brood VIII in western PA and eastern Ohio.So far there are no reports of any large numbers being seen, probably due to the unseasonably cold weather for nearly the entire month of May.If anyone has information on the status of brood VIII please post or forward to Danak320 [AT] Thanks, Dan — Dan Kendle, North Canton (Stark Co.) Ohio

Locusts are LOUD!!!

Date: Monday, May/20/2002

Wow! They are back and louder than ever! I thought they made an appearance every 7 years, but I just read that it’s every 17 years! lindasmith79 [AT] — Linda , Alva, Mississippi

“Flying” cicadas

Date: Monday, May/20/2002

I wouldn’t recommend that kite trick with the periodicals — for the cicada’s sake I wouldn’t have you do it with any species!! — but the Magicicada aren’t as strong of flyers as the annual Tibicen cicadas. Odds are with a periodical you’ll just wear the poor thing out after a few rather clumsy attempts it makes to fly around. — Nick, Cicadas of Arkansas

Freezing weather!!!

Date: Monday, May/20/2002

OK, so maybe not quite freezing, but it’s still way too cold for mid May. I’m sure the cicadas don’t like it either. Hopefully the majority of them will wait until the weather finally breaks to emerge and start chorusing, so they can do it undisturbed. They are showing up at Lake Poinsett State Park in Harrisburg, AR with all 3 species present. I may go back out there today even though it’s not very warm. — Nick, Cicadas of Arkansas

Nature’s croutons

Date: Monday, May/20/2002

Faye, I grew up in Carrollton and spent many a summer day hunting cicadas. I would listen for the wi-wi-wi sound and trace it to the tree (mostly young, small trees). If I could reach the branch it was on, I would pull it down very slowly and with my other hand, very quickly grab the cicida. Most of the ones I caught were the green and black ones (Dogday Harvestfly). I don’t think that Texas has the periodal cicadas.I live in New Albany, Mississippi now and there are these periodical cicidas everywhere. Even on the ground. My 3 inside cats wait at the door when I go outside in hope that I will bring them some “treats”. I’ve caught at least 50-60 of them. They are smaller than the green ones and the Grand Western cicadas.Has anyone tried to fly one? Kids love it. You tie a piece of thread around the eye section and then throw the cicada in the air. Kinda like a kite. — Amy, New Albany, MS

Natures croutons

Date: Monday, May/20/2002

Faye, I grew up in Carrollton and spent many a summer day hunting cicadas. I would listen for the wi-wi-wi sound and trace it to the tree (mostly young, small trees). If I could reach the branch it was on, I would pull it down very slowly and with my other hand, very quickly grab the cicida. Most of the ones I caught were the green and black ones (Dogday Harvestfly). I don’t think that Texas has the periodal cicadas.I live in New Albany, Mississippi now and there are these periodical cicidas everywhere. Even on the ground. My 3 inside cats wait at the door when I go outside in hope that I will bring them some “treats”. I’ve caught at least 50-60 of them. They are smaller than the green ones and the Grand Western cicadas.Has anyone tried to fly one? Kids love it. You tie a piece of thread around the eye section and then throw the cicada in the air. Kinda like a kite. — Amy, New Albany, MS

school project

Date: Monday, May/20/2002

It is Sunday night, May 19. My son has 24 hours to come up with a cicada for his insect display in his science class. I live near dfw airport. Does anyone know how we can get our hands on a nice dead cicada? email to mikefaye [AT] Thanks. — faye smith, coppell, tx, usa

cicada crazy

Date: Sunday, May/19/2002

thousands of the little buggers are emerging! my 2 labs are enjoying the seemingly tasty snacks! can’t wait for the incessant howling. now where are my earplugs? !!!!!!!!! — jt blandford, lake of egypt williamson county il

We have Cicadas!

Date: Sunday, May/19/2002

About a week ago I noticed all these huge looking ‘flies’ all over our back porch. And then saw them all around our neighborhood. Some have called them Locusts and others Katydids.My husband had me look up ‘Cicada’ and I found this site really informative.And I will pass on the info. I found to my friends.Thanks! — Jennifer, Lavinia,TN, USA

National Public Radio story

Date: Saturday, May/18/2002

I found your site after listening to an interesting story on NPR’s Weekend Edition (Saturday) related to eating emerging cicadas. While it did not stimulate my intestinal appetite, I made my way to this site which is facinating. Thought you might like to know. — Joe Gross, Land O’ Lakes, FL

13 yr cicada

Date: Saturday, May/18/2002

I have found 2 (two) 13 year cicadas so far- one male on the 13th of May, and a female on the 17th of May.No calls heard yet.Brian Baldwin — Brian Baldwin, Little Rock, AR

YES cicadas are great for fishing .

Date: Friday, May/17/2002

here in hernando ms we have tons of them here they are EVERY WHERE and on everything .but let me tell yea you really can get some big FISH useing these BEEN there done that . — tammy lowes, hernando ,ms

They are here too.

Date: Friday, May/17/2002

I live about 1/4 of a mile from the Holland Bottoms W.M.A., and we have really started seeing numerous cicada’s around here. They are thick outside, and very noisy as well. And Nick, they really are gross! :o) — Ann, Jacksonville, AR, USA, Lonoke County

Cicadas found guilty as costly destructive pests!

Date: Friday, May/17/2002

Ok! Folks here’s the whole truth on these “do little damage” buggers. During the emergince of the XXIII brood my 2 year old $6000 sprinkler system began having problems. Our lawn care professional blamed the problem on the Cicadas?? I was, let us say “unconvinced” until they dug up portions of the wiring in my system that were obviously damaged by chewing. I was still dubious on the subject until they found a dead Cicada nymph still attached to a wire. The nymph was aparently zapped by the current flowing thru the wire while he was snacking on the insulation. I say “Guilty as Charged”! (HA! charged… get it?) The lawn care guys have described to me a plague of sprinkler system damage in our area all related to chewed up wiring. The total cost of repair, if all of the wiring in my system has to be replaced, will be about $1800. Can you imagine the overall cost to everyone having the same problem? I was like most people three weeks ago, Cicadas didn’t bother me one little bit, in fact I kinda liked the sounds they make, but now I am looking for a way to kill as many of them as I can. The Cicada information sites on the web recomend nothing in the way of nymph control. But I intend to attack them as they hatch from the tree branches with a barrage of insecticides unknown to my home in the 27 years I have lived here. I’m MAD, I’m BAD, and I have a “can do” pest control service preparing to do battle. DIE! you costly little pests. — Pat P., Rankin County MS

Their here!!!

Date: Friday, May/17/2002

Found about 6 so far in my back yard.Its starting! — Bill Calhoon, Pittsburgh PA

The Bugs

Date: Friday, May/17/2002

We have the cicadas everywhere!!! — Carol Greene, Atoka, Tn.


Date: Friday, May/17/2002

I have pics. E mailusammy [AT] Cicadas are absolutely all over my yard,fence,shrubs,ground,the dog house(poor dog).In the fish pond………Lawn furniture.Walls of the house. Getting a little gross for me. — Lisa, Henry county TN


Date: Friday, May/17/2002

HI:I have been invaded. They are everywhere. Even worse than last night. I thought that wasnt possible. Barely making noise they are tonight. The Yorkshire pups are eating them.The cats also.All over my porch. Evrywhere you step, Cicada!!!!!!Henry county is just south of Calloway co.KY.Lisa — Lisa, Henry co.TN West TN

Cicadas are here

Date: Friday, May/17/2002

Cicadas emerged all over the area here in Gilbertsville,Ky (Marshall County) on Saturday evening,May 11th, 2002.They haven’t started their song yet, so I guess that will start soon…they arenot welcome inside my house, which hashappened a couple of times, but guess that is one of God’s creations, and we must deal with it. My friends dog lovesthem and goes crazy crunching them whenoutside. — Dorothy Blackwell, Gilbertsvile,Ky (MarshallCounty)

Cicadas are here

Date: Friday, May/17/2002

Cicadas emerged all over the area here in Gilbertsville,Ky (Marshall County) on Saturday evening,May 11th, 2002.They haven’t started their song yet, so — Dorothy Blackwell, Gilbertsvile,Ky (MarshallCounty)

Brood XXIII Explosion in West KY

Date: Thursday, May/16/2002

Tonight, May 16 there are thousands of cicada nymphs emerging in my yard alone! Over the past few days I’ve seen them emerging a few at a time but tonight the grass is literally crawling with them! It’s an awesome sight! Of course when they start singing I may sing a different tune myself. — Mark Smiddy, Benton, Kentucky USA

Brood XXIII in eastern Arkansas

Date: Thursday, May/16/2002

Decim and cassini cicadas are showing up in eastern Arkansas. Along Hwy. 38 and 306 east of Cotton Plant (Cache Bayou to Colt) and along parts of Hwy. 286 and Hwy. 1 near Wynne are showing activity. Some singing and chirping is audible, but not the deafening whining of cassini or roaring of decim that I would expect within the next couple of weeks. Nothing in Jonesboro though. — Nick, Cicadas of Arkansas

Yes, they are here too

Date: Thursday, May/16/2002

We just set out some new apple trees this year – If I had known they lay their eggs in young trees, I might have waited til next year to set out new trees. They are interesting even though they are odd looking and make a deafening noise while courting. — Melissa, Brandon, MS (Reservoir)

What’s that noise?!!!

Date: Thursday, May/16/2002

Yesterday morning while doing some yard work in my yard I noticed this really loud annoying noise. I read below that some guy thought it was a piece of machinery. I have to agree w/ him. I at first thought it was some sort of alarm that would not shut up. All day long I kept asking my 4 yr. old daughter, “Do you hear that noise?” Finally a friend of mine came over yesterday afternoon and I asked her about it. And I got my answer. Now I find the noise fascinating. Also, yesterday my daughter called me over to look at this “weird” bug. She said, “It keeps running into the fence.” When I got there and saw that huge thing w/ bulging orange/red eyes I backed us away b/c I had no idea what it was. Then this morning my neighbor told me she saw the same thing in her yard and I found out then it was the Cicada. I had no idea about any of this until yesterday. And it is pretty amazing. But how long will they be around? — Michelle, Oxford, MS

They are everywhere

Date: Wednesday, May/15/2002

Bugs are so loud it’s amazing! — C. Hailey, West Monroe, Louisiana

Thousands, but not much noise—– yet

Date: Tuesday, May/14/2002

There are thousands all over my yard and trees, but I haven’t heard the noise that is usually asscosiated with there emergence. My wife would rather they just go away. Is there a time limit for their being here? — Oakley Swart, Murray, Ky Calloway County

our fish love them!

Date: Tuesday, May/14/2002

This is about the most fascinating thing I’ve ever experienced (or heard!). We have a small nature pond in our backyard that is full of goldfish. They are absolutely fighting over the cicadas when they happen to drop in the water. I have a question. When all these wonderful bugs start dying, will it be raining cicadas? — Judy Stegall, Jackson, MS

Brood XXIII Emerges in Kentucky

Date: Tuesday, May/14/2002

Well, it’s official. I’ve had at least 25 calls on 13 Year Periodicals in the past three days, and have had several samples brought in – all positively IDed. They’re extremely prolific in the eastern part of McCracken County, but not so heavily in the western sector, where the majority of the trees are – may take a few extra days to warm up these forested areas. Look for information on them and samples at the Spring Sampler May 18th at Dolly McNutt Plaza, Paducah. I’ll have the insects and information downtown for everyone to see. Contact me at kkeeney [AT] — Kathy Keeney, Paducah, KY

They’re here

Date: Tuesday, May/14/2002

For about a week now we’ve been hearing the roar of the cicadas and have holes all over our property. Today the roar is so loud it is deafening. The deal about the W on the wings is an Indian tale and was told to us the other night by someone who is part Indian. He said his great great grandmother told him that a W on the wings means 7 years of war and a P on the wings means peace. — Marsha, Tishomingo, MS

i have i ?

Date: Tuesday, May/14/2002

some one said that the “w” on the wing means war . i have never heared if it i would like to know if it is so i have asked everyone if they knew but they said that they dont know but would like to find out. — meme, new albany ms

Cicada Hum

Date: Tuesday, May/14/2002

The Grove at the University of Mississippi is loud with the hum of brood XXIII — Pat, Oxford, MS


Date: Tuesday, May/14/2002



Date: Tuesday, May/14/2002

We have lived here 7 years, and the past two nights have been VERY interesting. The cicadas have crawled out of the ground and attached themselves to our house, shrubs, garage door, everything. It’s been fascinating watching them crawl out and fumble around. We learned all we needed to know from your website. Thanks for sharing this amazing 13 year event. — Ann, Nesbit. MS


Date: Monday, May/13/2002

Should we be threatened. I have been planting young trees. Will they kill them. I had no idea what all the noise was last week. As I was planting my magnolia tree, I glanced up and a Cicada was staring at me. It was very creepy. I hate bugs.. Especially these big things. It is fascinating how they only come every 13 yrs. How long will this last? — JENNIFER, HOULKA, MS

Update from central Arkansas

Date: Monday, May/13/2002

Today at Holland Bottoms W.M.A. I found about 150 adults in the low vegetation along the path. No singing though. There were several hundred holes in the path and along the edge of the water and around 200 skins clinging to trees and other plants. I took some pictures of the gathering adults, which I plan to post in my journal in a couple of weeks. — Nick, Cicadas of Arkansas

Periodical Cicadas

Date: Monday, May/13/2002

Moving here from Phila. 8 years ago I have never seen the red bulging eyes of the cicada until yesterday, how cool! How fascinating that these creatures come around every 13-17 years. — Loretta Stronski, DeSoto County, Mississippi

So that’s what that noise is!

Date: Monday, May/13/2002

I’d been hearing the noise for several days now, and I thought I was crazy. My grandmother told me it was cicadas. Then she took me to her back yard. It was spooky! You couldn’t take two steps without stepping on them! Papaw had picked about 60 off the house. Little holes in the ground everywhere. Now that I’ve come to this website and learned more about the little rascals, it’s not so spooky. — Heather Miles, West Monroe, LA (Ouachita Parish)

Cicadas at commencement

Date: Monday, May/13/2002

Commencement at Ole Miss was well attended by students and their families.Also attending were The Grove`s family of cicadas. At points throughout the festivities there were the all too familiar cicada dance being performed by those humans who were surprised by cicadas on their legs,heads,ect. It brought welcome comic relief to a long,warm occaision — Ken , Booneville,MS

they are here!!

Date: Monday, May/13/2002

My 11 yr old son informed me on Mother’s Day that our front porch was covered in some type of “bug”. Being from the country I knew exactly what had transpired overnight. The cicada are everywhere. I watched a few emerge from their shell. Amazing! Beautiful colors. — Kim, Cordova TN

What’s that strange sound?

Date: Monday, May/13/2002

For the last 3 or so days I had been hearing a loud permeating sound that I had thought was some kind of machine. (I live in the city but near a wooded area) Finally I decided that I was going to find whoever was running that darned machine and let him know that I was going to file a complaint for “disturbing the peace”. So, I jumped in my car and rode towards what I imagined was the source of the sound. After a few minutes of this I was no closer to finding anything, so I gave it up. The next day I was visiting a friend and was then informed of the true source of the sound. Everything then made perfect sense, as I had noticed some of the molts left on trees and has also seen a lot of small holes in the ground that had not been there before. I felt a bit dumb, but at least I know what it is now. — Tim, Jackson, MS

Creature Feature

Date: Sunday, May/12/2002

Last night we arrived to find our drive way with many of the bugs. To our horror this morning the ground, trees, and shrubs were covered with Cicadas. Tonight because their are so many you can hear them rustling in the bushes and on the trees, and the noise when they hit the ground. When you look in the trees you can already see some of the white balls, I guees this will be their larva. I noticed not as many birds out today. We have been in our home for eight years and this is the first time we have seen this. — Marda, Jackson TN Madison County

Cicadas everywhere!

Date: Sunday, May/12/2002

My front porch is covered with shells and dying cicadas. They are all over the grass and plants in the yard. There are thousands of little holes in the ground and even in the gravel driveway. I am concerned because a large majority of the bugs appear to be dying immediately after emerging from their shell. Does anyone know what could possibly be causing this? — Donna Wood, Jackson, TN

An Abundance of Cicadas

Date: Sunday, May/12/2002

I have never seen so many Cicadas in all my life! They have been here for several days now and their eerie hum fills the woods behind my house. Their little “shells” are clinging to everything in the yard. — Pam Martin, Silver Creek, MS

They are here.

Date: Sunday, May/12/2002

I am visiting my parents. When I drove up I heard a buzzing humming noise. The trees are full of the skeletons and I found a living one also. I plan to send these to my kids school so they can see. — cerise barrett, Holcomb, Ms. Carroll county

Cicada Music in Booneville!!

Date: Sunday, May/12/2002

Sunday May 12, 2002, Emergence at it’s peak in Booneville. — Max Phillips, Booneville, MS

They are everywhere

Date: Sunday, May/12/2002

A few days ago I started noticing little holes all over my yard. This morning I went out & noticed at least a dozen “shells” on the back of my house. I looked up into the trees & there were hundreds.(I live in an area with many large old trees.) Then I looked around some more & discovered the insects were everywhere! They are in all my trees, bushes, & other plants. I hope they don’t eat too much!!!!!! My yard is NWF certified as a widlife habitat. I guess I have one more critter to add to my list — Marcia, Memphis, TN

Bugs divided

Date: Sunday, May/12/2002

We live in McNary County and Cicadas are covered from here to Pickwick Dam about 30 miles, but on the other side of the line to Hardaman County they are only a very few why is this? We live on Hwy 57 which comes from Memphis to Pickwick and they are jumping counties this is so wired. At our home there are so many our hummingbirds even left. — Becca, McNeary County, TN.

Cicada Emergence

Date: Sunday, May/12/2002

Children came running into the house this morning very excited about a whole lot of white and black bugs everywhere. After my investigation,the cicadas are here. — jermaine butler, Memphis TN.

“A” Cicada?

Date: Sunday, May/12/2002

“A” Cicada, meaning one? They are covering my house! What should I do? — Kim Sharp, Savannah, TN

They are here!

Date: Sunday, May/12/2002

I’ve seen Cicadas around here all my life, but tonight I got a surprise. I started seeing these beetle-looking bugs crawling around in my utility room. This room has a door to the backyard, and it was open. Soon I noticed several more of them in there, crawling around, but unlike a beetle, they seemed to be having a lot of trouble! I asked my husband what they were but he didn’t know, and then I remembered seeing the discarded ‘shell’ of a Cicada, (which everyone calls locusts around here). So I asked my husband if they might be locusts coming out of their shells. He said no, but I kept on inspecting them, and I could see the wings through the shell, so I was pretty sure that’s what they were. Anyhow, the population in my utility room was growing, and frankly, that many huge bugs in one place totally gave me the creeps! I went around to the back yard, and my WHOLE ENTIRE back yard is covered with them! They’re hanging from my hostas like x-mas decorations! I’d seen thousands of holes in the ground, but since we’ve had a lot of rain here, I thought they were where birds had dug up worms. NOT! Anyway, most of them in the utility room have emerged now. They’re ‘drying off’ I guess. They are still that whitish color. I haven’t seen any in the neighbors’ yards, so I guess we got the whole family tree in our backyard. I’ve seen them all my life, used to see how many shells I could find as a kid, but I have never seen one while it was emerging before.I know you all have probably seen this a bunch of times, so it might not be a very interesting story to you! Sorry it’s so long as well. Enjoy your Cicadas this summer!Jenn in KY — Jenn, West KY

Cicada Date 5- 10- 2002

Date: Saturday, May/11/2002

We have so many their dried shells are sticking almost every where and they are making their noise in the wood’s now, A solid roar. I wonder what purpose they serve some say they come every 7 years to Prune rhe Forest Dell. — D. Helton, U.S.A .Iuka ,MS.38852

Feeding the cicadas…

Date: Saturday, May/11/2002

The cicadas feed by inserting their mouthparts into small branches and extracting the fluids from them. To stay alive for two or three weeks, as they can in the wild, they really need living vegetation, i.e. rooted into the ground. But if you want to keep some captive, and who wouldn’t, the next best thing is to keep them provided with fresh branch tips. Replace them at least once a day, if not twice. I found putting the cuttings in water seems to help. But again this is not a perfect substitute for the real thing. Have fun=) — Nick, Cicadas of Arkansas

Cicada Sightings

Date: Saturday, May/11/2002

My yard is covered with cicadas and thelittle holes that they emerged from are everywhere. They sound like one wouldexpect flying saucers from outer spaceto sound like. This is the largest “batch” of them in many years. — Vernon, Savannah, TN

We got Cicadas

Date: Saturday, May/11/2002

They are all over my door step. I found one that was a few seconds from completly emerging so I was able to watch this cool creature. I collected a couple of them to take to school and I will let them go afterward. I came to this site to find out what to feed them. They make great music too. — Sidney Clayton, Potts Camp, MS

Finally got my hands on some

Date: Saturday, May/11/2002

I found light emergence beginning in western Lonoke County at Holland Bottoms Wildlife Management Area near Jacksonville, AR Friday, May 10. Only a small area, about 25 square yards, is showing activity at the moment. I found about 30 emergence holes, 20-30 skins, and 6 adults — 4 cassini, 1 decula, and 1 tredecim. Some of the holes had nymphs staring out at me. The population there will be very dense, though; I saw it in 1989. I’ll be journalizing all of my cicada adventures over the next few weeks. Anyone interested in following along can find it at “Angelfire“. I’ll be updating regularly. — Nick, Cicadas of Arkansas

Cicadas as bait

Date: Saturday, May/11/2002

I would not recommend using Cicadas as bait. In the Missouri Ozarks we had periodicals in 1985 and 1998. In 1985 they were fish magnets; usually a Cicada that fell in the water wouldn’t last long before being consumed by a fish. With the sunfish distracted feasting on Cicadas, I caught more big bottom feeders on worms. Saw a kid catch some sunfish on Cicadas.In 1998 I used a couple nymphs as bait and caught Bluegill, and had no success using adults. I tried using a black buzzbait with red eyes, thinking it would simulate the natural cicadas, and had no success whatsoever! The fish could obviously distinguish from the real thing. Witnessed many fish gobble cicadas who had fallen into the water. The noisy males beating their wings in circles got the most attention from fish.It is possible to catch Bass and big Bluegill on them, but there are several problems. They’re fragile and don’t stay on the hook well. A hooked Cicada doesn’t struggle as much as a natural one that fell in the water, so fish are less likely to notice it. I would only use them as an emergency after running out of bait.Am planning to fish on my trip to see/hear XXIII, but won’t try using any as bait.Annual cicadas are probably too big and too difficult to catch to be a feasible bait. — Eric , Missouri

I seen one !!

Date: Saturday, May/11/2002

I woke up this mornin and when I skid back the covers there was one of them cicada locustes grabbed on to my peter ! — Maury Hicks, Benton, TN, Polk co

Cicada’s used for fishing bait?

Date: Friday, May/10/2002

Does anyone know if Cicada’s are a good bait for fishing? Seems like other bugs that only hatch out in the springtime are good bait (ie Mayflies). — john, Lexington, TN

Have they arrived?

Date: Friday, May/10/2002

Have there been any sightings in Ohio or Penn.yet?Thanx — Colin Green, Toronto Ontario Canada

13-year Cicadas in Central Arkansas

Date: Friday, May/10/2002

13-year Cicadas are emerging in small numbers at Lorance Creek Natural Area in southern Pulaski County, Arkansas. — Michael D. Warriner, Little Rock, Arkansas

Final Posting on Brood XXIII in Clinton

Date: Friday, May/10/2002

The husk count this morning (May 10) has dropped to 27 (all M. tredecim). The choruses continue to be strong and egg laying is conspicuous on young black cherry and oak in my yard. I did another survey of emergence holes in my yard and found an average of 58 per square meter. — Bill P.Stark, Clinton, Mississippi, USA


Date: Friday, May/10/2002

Oh I have Cicada!!just planted 50 Lilac starter plants and the next thing I know ,Cicada are all over them! my house and yard has them everywhere….how long do these things stay around? what a mess! sherryost [AT] — Sherry, Paris, TN

More on Brood XXIII in Clinton

Date: Thursday, May/9/2002

The husk count through this morning (May 9) from my porch for the 12 day emergence period starting 28 April now stands at 2184 with 92.6% representing M. tredecim. Several mating pairs were observed yesterday afternoon including one pair of “doomed cicadas” with deformed wings. I am also beginning to find dead or lethargic males on the ground. Emergence in Clinton continued through May 21 during for the 1989 group and chorusing continued through the first week of June at various sites in Hinds County. It seems unlikely that this action will persist that long in 2002. — Bill P. Stark, Clinton, Mississippi, USA

Thankz For Everything

Date: Thursday, May/9/2002

For Some Reason My Teachers Think This Site Isnt Cretible And They No Longer Will Let Me Come On A “Regular” Basis But I Will Keep In Touch ! I Love You Guys ! See Ya Around And Thankz For Everything !!!!! — Warren Edwards, French Camp, Mississippi

What do they look like before they’re nymphs?

Date: Wednesday, May/8/2002

Hi from CT. My son and I dug up some large redish brown bug cases today when we were putting in a flower bed. Could these be cicadas? We put them in a jar and covered them with dirt in hopes of seeing whatever they are hatch. I hope they’re cicadas, but I’m thinking they probably are some other insect. — Jody, Ansonia, CT

Hundreds emerging!

Date: Wednesday, May/8/2002

I have been finding hundreds of medium size cicada arriving out to the ground for the past 4 nights. I’m talking hundreds EACH of these nights. It’s almost like a plague here and I’m wondering if any one else has experienced this kind of activity. It’s something I’ve never seen before and I’ve lived here all my life. — Sondra, central Louisiana

more emerging

Date: Wednesday, May/8/2002

This afternoon I counted 277 new emergence holes in my front yard!I put matches in the ones I counted before! Man, talk about prolific! The husk count is tremendous! — karen butler, Meadville,MS,Homochitto National Forest


Date: Wednesday, May/8/2002

Brood XXII emerged in parts of southwestern Mississippi last year (2001), but that’s the only other brood I know of that inhabits the area. Sorry to say, most likely it will be 2014 or 2015 before you see any more after these. — Nick, Jonesboro, AR

All In Full Swing !

Date: Wednesday, May/8/2002

I Am Begging To Here Faint Chatter From The Woods But Nothing Loud, Me And Scott Are Studying This Phenominea Together. But Let Me Ask This…. This Brood Will Be Back In 13/17 Years Will Another Brood Emerge Next Year (from 13/17 years ago) I Hope So ! I Want To Keep Seeing Them ! Well…Keep Up THe Good Work Everyone ! Ill Check Back Here To See What You All Say ! Thankz For The Answers To My Other Questions…BYE ! — Warren E., French Camp Ms.

Clinton update on Brood XXIII

Date: Wednesday, May/8/2002

I’m playing catchup on the husk counts for the past few days. Through the morning of May 6, a total of 1824 husks were found on my porch. 92% of these represent one species, M. tredecim, and the two smaller species together make up the other 8%. As of this morning (May 8) the number emerging continues to decline at this site in Clinton, but chorusing continues to be strong. — Bill P. Stark, Clinton, Mississippi, USA

BUT WAIT>>>>>>>>>>>THERE’S MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Date: Wednesday, May/8/2002

meanwhile back here in the forest brood XXIII is going strong! The shells are everwhere and I even had the oppertunity to watch one emerge! The trees here look as though they are alive with all the movement and the chorus behind my house is deafening! This is truly a great experience! Shame on you Mr. Waters fron Jackson! We’ve had a flea infestation in our area and believe me…………. the cicadas are much more pleasant company! Leave them alone, they’ll be gone soon enough or maybe you’d rather have love bugs!!!!!! — Karen butler, Meadville,MS,Homochitto National Forest

Cicadas in North Central Louisiana

Date: Tuesday, May/7/2002

Large Cicada brood (XXIII?) have been emerging since March 3, 2002 in North Central Louisiana. Location is about 40 miles south of Monroe, La. — Duane Cruse, Grayson, Louisiana

Cicada Invasion

Date: Tuesday, May/7/2002

Cicadas everywhere!!!! When you go outside you can’t step without stepping on one. They are so loud it sounds like some kind of big machine is running on the next block. — Susan Price, Brandon, MS USA

Cicada Population

Date: Tuesday, May/7/2002

This has got to be a record population of Cicadas. Has weather conditions played any part in this or is it truly a 13 year cycle? — Deb, Water Valley, Mississippi

how many eggs do they lay

Date: Tuesday, May/7/2002

how many eggs do cicadas lay — jimmy, mcpherson k.s. u.s.


Date: Tuesday, May/7/2002

how many eggs do they lay — jimmy, mcpherson.K.S.

what is the purpose

Date: Tuesday, May/7/2002

why are these little things here in the first place what purpose do they serve?[another question]do they have some wierd Greek mytholigical meaning or story to them? — scott leeper, french camp,mississippi

french cicada

Date: Tuesday, May/7/2002

anybody know the info about thetype of cicada living in southern france. My wife is french and we go there often to visit her family. These cicadas are always there, every year. Just wondering about their lifecycle. In france they are called”Cigale” lot of local art and souvenirsrelating to les cigales.thanksHH — Heyward Hodges, Jackson MS

We got them buggers here now.

Date: Monday, May/6/2002

I couldn’t figure out what they were. No wings yet, just funny looking bugs under my two sitting stumps in the front yard. I guess they just dug their way up. — Michael, Leach, TN

To Lisa and Warren

Date: Monday, May/6/2002

The cicadas in Florida and Alabama were most likely Brood XIX, which I generally observed to be less impressive altogether than this brood, XXIII. Also north FL and south AL are on the very fringe of the Brood XIX’s range, whereas Brandon, MS is smack in the middle of Brood XXIII’s range, which may or may not be the reason for the difference.As for Warren over in French Camp, this will last about 3 to 4 weeks and it only happens once every 13 years. Enjoy it while you can. I know I will if they ever show up in Arkansas… — Nick, Jonesboro, AR

Still waiting

Date: Monday, May/6/2002

You guys in Mississippi are having all the fun! You guys STINK!! — not really 😉 — I’m still anxiously awaiting the arrival of our Homopterous oddities here in NE Arkansas. And, um, about that cicada-killing guy down there… I bet we could all take him if we work together. 😉 Anyway, you guys have fun down there while it lasts! — Nick, Jonesboro, AR


Date: Monday, May/6/2002

We are located in Western Pennsylvania, very close to the West Virginia state line. Yesterday, (5/5/02)we found the first sign of the 17 year Cicadas. We were transplanting some periennials, and there they were just about to emerge from the soil. I’m sure we will be hearing their songs very soon! — KF, hOOKSTOWN, PA

I found the mother lode…

Date: Monday, May/6/2002

Got home this evening and heard twice the volume than yesterday. looking up in a bradford pear tree, it lookedlike the bark was alive. got my binoculars out to get a close look andthey are just covering the tree. One about every square inch. HH — Heyward Hodges, Jackson MS -Cicada Central

Message for Warren

Date: Monday, May/6/2002

Warren: Try following the links on this site to the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology page on Periodical Cicadas. I think most of your questions can be answered there. — Bill P. Stark, Clinton, Mississippi, USA


Date: Monday, May/6/2002

Dont Kill Another Cicada YOU SICK FREAK ! YOU GIVE YOUR KIDS KNIVES TO KILL THEM?! WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE ?! They Are Our Friends…I Love To Study These Creatures. Its So Fasnating I Wish They Would Keep Comming For Months…YEAR ROUND ! Here At The Academy Its Quite Intresting. Myself And 3 Others Are Doing A Extensive Study On Them. I Wish Someone Would Respond To My Previous Messages Though…Anyways STOP THE KILLING WERIDO ! — LONG LIVE THE CICADAS — Warren E., French Camp Mississippi

They’re Here!

Date: Monday, May/6/2002

We have hundreds of them here in central Miss. The noise is deafening. Can’t wait to get home from work to listen tonight. — Audie, Crystal Springs Mississippi


Date: Monday, May/6/2002

I Have Killed Hundreds Of These Buggers And They Just Keep Comming I Have My Kids Slice Them Semetricaly With Scapules From my Office. I Diecide To Get 20 Spray Cans Of Raid And Some Flea Bombs And Put THem Around Trees ! The Death Toll Is Huge…Maybe This Will Put A Dent In Their Population ! — Bobby Waters, Jackson Ms.

Saw emerging cicada

Date: Monday, May/6/2002

On May 2, I saw a cicada in the grass near the base of my pine tree. I guess it had just emerged and was drying it’s wings. Strange looking creature. Red eyes, green iridecent body – lacy wings. Facinating! Before I saw it I thought one of my neighbors had been running a motor for several days. Then I realized it’s the cicadas. They’re loud little buggers! — Angela, Jackson, Mississippi

Kindergarten Kids Love These

Date: Monday, May/6/2002

Just in time! We’ve been learning about insects and now our playground is covered with Cicadas! The children love to get them on sticks to look at closely. They can see the legs and other body parts great! Hands on learning! — Spann Elementary Kindergarten, Jackson, MS

They Keep On Commin’

Date: Monday, May/6/2002

I See Them Everywhere But I Never GOt An Answer To My Previous Message….How Long Will This Last And Does This Happen Every Year Here?….PLease Someone….There Swarming Our Campus And One Kid Had Over 300 “HEADS” In A Clossed Testude…. (really werid)…. I Find Them Most Fasinating Things Around… I Catch The Nymphs And Put Them On My Wall In The Dorm And They Molt…etc…etc …. Anyways Im HAving Fun I Want TO Know How Long They Will Keep This Up….. (P.S. My Friend Says There Good In Cholate Pudding) — Warren E., French Camp Mississippi

Cicadas are here!!

Date: Monday, May/6/2002

We are in Brandon and have been watching the emergence of the Cicadas for over a week now.It’s an amazing event! They are everywhere and in every stage of emergence. There are holes everywhere. We didn’t know what the holes were at first, then we figured it out. There has also been this whirring sound for about 4 or 5 days but not right in the yard. We are guessing it is the cicadas. Hope all the parents out there get a chance to educate their kids about this wonderful bit of nature. After all, it doesn’t come around too often. Happy Cicada viewing! — Lauren, Brandon, Mississippi

My dog loves ’em too!

Date: Monday, May/6/2002

We first saw the husks of the bugs on Weds. last week (May 2nd) and weren’t sure what they were. My dog was eating them and so were the red ants. The next day I spotted one crawling up one of our Oak trees, and the wings weren’t yet apparent – so it looked really strange with its bristly legs and bright red eyes. The next day (Friday) I saw scores of them in the trees, in my flower boxes in the windows, and walking all over my daugher’s swing set. They are now making their courtship sounds loudly in the evening and morning. I remember seeing them as a kid growing up in Florida, and then again as a teen in Mobile. They seem alot louder and larger in number here in Mississippi. — Lisa, Brandon, Mississippi

West Monroe, Louisiana specimen

Date: Monday, May/6/2002

One of my students brought a specimen of Magicicada tredecim from West Monroe, Louisiana that he captured May 5, 2002. Brood XXIII was certainly expected in that area but I haven’t seen any postings to that effect. — Bill P. Stark, Clinton, Mississippi, USA

No Bugs Yet

Date: Monday, May/6/2002

It’s Monday May 6th here just 1/2 hour north of Pittsburgh – looking forward to the emergence but haven’t spotted a single cicada yet. Nights are still pretty cool here. I believe that we are most likely out of the freeze threat. Have had plenty of rain here in Western Pa. and this week looks like rain for the majority of days. I have noticed many other flying insects – seems like more than usual – especially honey bees and bumble bees, wasps and hornets. Most likely attributable to very mild winters for the past few years here. Late last summer I noticed several spottings of “palmetto bugs” – look like giant japanese beetles engaged in a circular “dance” about 2 – 5 feet off the ground… Perhaps some kind of courting behavior?Oh well, I’ll post again in a week or so – sooner if I spot any cicadas…JoeP.S. Bob – send me a pic of the ants you spotted – toungetwist [AT] — Joe, Ambridge, Pennsylvania

More on Brood XXIII

Date: Monday, May/6/2002

Although reduced in numbers, the emergence of Magicicada continues in Clinton. On the morning of May 5 there were 135 M. tredecim husks and 7 of the M. tredecula/M. tredecassini type on my back porch. I also did an emergence hole count and found an average of 41 per square meter. Last night the emergence seemed to be higher again but I have not completed the count. All three species can be heard singing throughout the Clinton area. — Bill P. Stark, Clinton, Mississippi, USA

Hatch full bore here in Jackson, MS

Date: Sunday, May/5/2002

The XXIII hatch here in Jackson continues. I’ve got a 60+ year old Oak in the front and the hatch around that oak is very dense. The number of shells at the base of the trees near the oak looks like the aftermath of a multiple person eat of boiled crawfish. Also, one the trunk of one pine have a very small ant with bulbous red butt (that I have never seen before) that is attacking those cicadas that are struggling to exit. Really surprising how high into a tree and how far out on the limbs that these buggers will climb. Post here if you would like me to send a digital pic of the ants I noted above. — Bob, Jackson, MS

dog loves em

Date: Sunday, May/5/2002

My little Miniature Pinscher (Greta)is feasting on the little boogers.She has found them in the azalea bushesand gobbles em up. I watched her eata dozen this morning. Cicada on the half shell. hmmm hmmm good.The noise today is deafening. A deep almost siren sounding distant dronewith the sharp chirping of closer ones.Awesome. I would love to know moreabout their at hh [AT] — Heyward Hodges, Jackson MS

Pissing Cicadas

Date: Sunday, May/5/2002

Read this message that came in through the email:I would like to know why do green cicadas “piss”? There is this one tree i SUkau where there are may be 100’s of green cicadas on it and they seem to be pissing from the tree.PleaseadviseAnyone have a clue? — Dan, Cicada Town

There are here!

Date: Saturday, May/4/2002

What a sound! Outdoors you can hardly have a conversation! First noticed them 3 days ago, it gets louder everyday. — jay, West of Brookhaven MS

Brood XXIII is abundant in Homochitto Forest

Date: Saturday, May/4/2002

may 4th… I live in the Homochittto Forest in Franklin County,Ms.We are southwest of Mr.Stark from Clinton. Brood XXIII has really come out in great numbers here! As I sit here I can hear their chorusing like surround sound! It sounds like one of those alien flying soucers from the old 50’s and 60’s sci-fi movies.I think they are too cool,especially the big red eyes! To all that have fears of them…….relax!!!! I’ve been close to these wonderful creatures for years and never once got bitten,abducted or molested by one! — karen butler, meadville,ms>>>>homochitto forest

Emergence wanes in Clinton

Date: Saturday, May/4/2002

This morning (May 4) the number of emerging Magicicada is drastically lower than for the past two days. Only 88 M. tredecim husks and 5 M. tredecula/M. tredecassini were found on my porch. A colleague at Ole Miss reports the emergence is underway in Oxford as of Wednesday, May 1. — Bill P. Stark, Clinton, Mississippi, USA

WHY ME????

Date: Friday, May/3/2002



Date: Friday, May/3/2002

Nucklear [AT] ! I Want Information On This ! How Long Will They Keep Comming Out? Im Studying Them With All My Might Here At French Camp Academy In Mississippi ! I Want To Contribute To The Site And Help Anyway ! Thankz ! — Warren E., French Camp Acedemy Mississippi

More Brood XXIII counts from the back porch

Date: Friday, May/3/2002

During the 1989 emergence of Brood XXIII I counted almost 9000 exuvia from my backyard during the entire emergence. Now that I’m 13 years older I’m only checking the back porch; this morning (May 3) the count was 462 M. tredecim and 44 M. tredecula/tredecassini. This gives a total of 1210 husks recovered from the porch over the first 6 days of the emergence. — Bill P. Stark, Clinton, Mississippi, USA

Freaking Out!!!

Date: Friday, May/3/2002

Our yard looks like it has been aerated. Holes everywhere. At night, cicadas cover our yard and in the mornings there are thousands of shells around our trees. Shells are even stuck all over our house (brick) and window screens. I’ve never seen anything like it! But pretty neat though. — Terrie, Florence, Ms

Brood XXIII Songs are in the air

Date: Thursday, May/2/2002

Yesterday afternoon (May 1) a few songs songs could be heard in the woods near my home in Clinton. Today at noon a much more pronounced low hum was audible. The chorus is underway. Emergence last night got the attention of people all over the Jackson metropolitan area and my own back porch looked like a cicada war zone. When it all settled out there were 485 M. tredecim husks and 54 of the M. tredecula/M. tredecassini small type husks. — Bill P. Stark, Clinton, Mississippi, USA


Date: Thursday, May/2/2002

We have cicadas in Florence, MS. My question do they bite humans? I have a two year old and I don’t want her bitten. My trees look like they are moving we have so many in our yard. — Renee, Florence, MS

I have them in my own yard!!

Date: Thursday, May/2/2002

On April 28, 02. I woke up as usual, but nothing was usual when I looked out my door, there were hundreds of Insects on my house and porch. I didnt know what to do, so I just swept it away, and then it happen the next 3 mornings also, I finally called the pest control people, who came out and told me my insects are none other then Cicadas. I have hundreds of them, and there shells, I hate to kill them but what else can I do, my kids are scared to come outside… — Paula, Jackson Mississippi

Brood XXIII emergence in full swing

Date: Wednesday, May/1/2002

Exuvia counts from my porch are: 15, 16, 27 and 107 for the first 4 nights of the emergence (April 28-May 1). 92.7% of these represent M. tredecim. In addition to the Clinton emergences, a few other sites have been noted. These include Hazelhurst, Byram, Raymond and Jackson all in central Mississippi. — Bill P. Stark, Clinton, Mississippi, USA