Australia Cyclochila Kevin Lee Thopha

Cicada photos from Australia

I’m happy to announce that we received our first Australian cicada photos of this season!!! The photos were taken by Kevin Lee, Australia’s biggest cicada maniac.

According to Kevin:

This is the season for cicadas and this year they are more proliferating that usual. Some would call it a plague but I love it.

The birds (kookaburras and magpies) are having a feast!

Double Drummer (Thopha saccata):

Double Drummer (Thopha saccata)

The Double Drummer can be found in parts of eastern Queensland and Eastern NSW, from November to early March. (Moulds, M.S.. Australian Cicadas Kennsignton: New South Wales Press, 1990, p.55)

rare green yellow Green Grocer (Cyclochila australasiae) and others:

Green Grocer (Cyclochila australasiae)

rare green yellow Green Grocer:

Green Grocer (Cyclochila australasiae)

Cyclochila australasiae can be found in eastern Queensland, NSW and Victoria, and most emerge in October and November (Moulds, M.S.. Australian Cicadas Kennsignton: New South Wales Press, 1990, p. 61.).

More: Previous posts about Australia’s cicadas.

See all of Kevin’s cicada photos.

Roy Troutman

Cicada Fish Lures

Russian fishing lure company used one of Roy Troutman’s cicada photos for a recent ad for cicada themed lures.

Russian Cicada Lure

Ivan Garcia Spain

New photos from Iván Jesus Torresano García

Two new cicada photos by Iván Jesus Torresano García from Spain:



Ivan Garcia Lyristes Spain Video

More cicadas from Spain

Iván Jesus Torresano García sent us another 44 photos of Tibicen plebejus aka Lyristes plebejus, and several YouTube videos.

31 Tibicen plebejus molt sequence, photos by Iván Jesus Torresano García

Some YouTube videos:

Momento en el que finaliza de emerger Cicada 27/June/2007.

Tibicen plebejus recién cogida del parque Forestal Entrevías:

Tibicen plebejus recogida del parque.Emergiendo.27/June/2007

Lyristes plebejus or Tibicen plebejus?Emerging 27/June/2007.

Here’s a cicada news cast from Spain:

Brood XIV Magicicada Nymphs Roy Troutman Video

1st Instar Magicicada Nymphs

Here’s a photo of first instar Magicicada nymphs by Roy Troutman:

1st instar Magicicada nymphs

Here is video of a 1st instar magicicada nymph crawling around taken just minutes after it crawled from its egg sack:

1st instar magicicada nymph from Roy Troutman on Vimeo.

1st instar magicicada nymph in slow motion by Roy:

1st instar magicicada nymph in slow motion from Roy Troutman on Vimeo.

Ivan Garcia Lyristes Spain

Cicada from Spain

We have a new gallery, our first from Spain. Tibicen plebejus by Iván Jesus Torresano García. 51 photos in all.

Here’s a sample:

Cicada from Spain

Cicadettana Paul Krombholz

Did someone say more Cicadetta calliope?

Here’s two more Cicadetta calliope photographed by Paul. Note the different eye colors.

Cicadetta calliope

Cicadetta calliope

C. calliope is found in: AL, AR, CO, FL, GA, IL, IN, IA, KS, KY, LA, MD, MS, MO, NE, NC, OH, OK, SC, SD, TN, TX, VA.

Cicadettana Paul Krombholz

Cicadetta calliope

Here are 2 photos of a Cicadetta calliope (formerly Melampsalta calliope) taken by Paul Krombholz. Paul caught several individuals in late May in a field of mixed grasses and dicot weeds near Jackson, Mississippi. These little cicadas are around 20 mm long from head to wing tips.

Cicadetta calliope

Cicadetta calliope

C. calliope is found in: AL, AR, CO, FL, GA, IL, IN, IA, KS, KY, LA, MD, MS, MO, NE, NC, OH, OK, SC, SD, TN, TX, VA.

Adam Fleishman Diceroprocta Tacuini (Cryptotympanini)

New Adam Fleishman’s Diceroprocta apache gallery

Enjoy this gallery of Diceroprocta apache photos by Adam Fleishmam from 2007.

Visit Adam’s Photography Website.

Adam Fleishman's Diceroprocta apache

Adam Fleishman's Diceroprocta apache

Adam Fleishman's Diceroprocta apache

Empty nympal skin:
Adam Fleishman's Diceroprocta apache

Eggs Magicicada Roy Troutman


Here’s a picture of Magicicada eggs from Roy Troutman. They’re about 3-4mm long. Very tiny.

Cicada Eggs