Audio, Sounds, Songs Joe Green Neocicada Video

New Cicada Videos from Joe Green

Joe Green sent me a couple of CDs worth of North American cicadas calling and has graciously allowed us to use them for the site. The highlight of these videos is that they feature cicada calls.

I have to add descriptions, and about 50 more videos, but for now check out what’s uploaded so far.

Here’s a sample:

Neocicada hieroglyphica singing by Joe Green from Cicada Mania on Vimeo.

Joe Green Neocicada Tibicen

New photos from Joe Green

Joe Green mailed us some new cicada photos.

Cicada exuvia by Joe Green. 2009. Florida.

Neocicada Tattoos

Cool Cicada Tattoo

Stll oozy, originally uploaded by Crystal Pistil.

Looks like a Neocicada hieroglyphica.

Audio, Sounds, Songs Joe Green Neocicada Video

Video of a N. hieroglyphica pre-call

Listen to this video of a Neocicada hieroglyphica pre-call by Joe Green.

N. hieroglyphica pre-call by Joe Green from Cicada Mania on Vimeo.

Diceroprocta Joe Green Megatibicen Neocicada

New galleries: Neocicada hieroglyphica, Diceroprocta olympusa and Megatibicen resonans

Thanks to Cicada Mania friend Joe Green we now have 3 new cicada galleries featuring cicadas we didn’t have before one the site: Neocicada hieroglyphica, Diceroprocta olympusa and Megatibicen resonans.

This is a Neocicada hieroglyphica:
Neocicada hieroglyphica by Joe Green, 2007

Hang in there, we’ll be back to the 17 Year Cicadas tomorrow.

Joe Green Neocicada

Florida cicada photos from Joe Green

Here’s a pleasant interruption in the 17-year cicada mania. Joe Green has sent us some cicada photos from Florida. These are from last years season.

Joe says the Neocicada hiroglyphica cicadas have been singing in Florida since April 29th.



Neocicada Tibicen

Tibicen photo

Carol W. took this wonderful photo of a Tibicen (it is a Tibicen linnei) in Lexington KY on the 4th of July (took me 81 days to post it).

Carol W N. Linnei

Neocicada Tibicen

August Dry Birds and end of the Tibicen season

Anyone familar with the term “August Dry Birds”? William M wrote to say to he knew a farmer in Vermont who called cicadas that. I’ve heard of “locusts” and “harvest fly” before, but “August Dry Birds” is new to me.

Some news article found by Roy:

Cicadas’ summer song hits high-volume pitch.

I went hiking last weekend in New Jersey’s Atlantic Highlands (yes, New Jersey has trees and wildlife) and I heard plenty of Tibicen cicadas, but I think we’re close to the end of the season. Anyone else still hearing Tibicens?