Category: Genera
Genera of cicadas.
Here’s a picture of Magicicada eggs from Roy Troutman. They’re about 3-4mm long. Very tiny.
Here’s a white eyed cicada from Grayson Martin.
This entry was submitted by Elias Bonaros and Barbara Rzeszutek, taken in Deerfield, IL:
This entry was submitted by Chris Owen, taken at Lemon Lake County Park in Cedar lake, IN:
Click the images for larger versions:
Mating cicadas:
A female cicada getting ready to lay some eggs:
A Huge mass of cicada exuvia:
Exuvia mania
Joe Balynas sent us this picture of a mass of cicada exuvia (aka shells, skins, crisps). Make sure you click the image for the awesome larger version.
Brood XIII Magicicadas by Joe Green
Brood XIII Magicicadas by Joe Green from Cicada Mania on Vimeo.
Magicicada song by Joe Green
Here is a video of an adult magicicada taking off for flight:
Magicicada mating
In this video we see a male and female Magicicada cicada mating.
Magicicada mating from Roy Troutman on Vimeo.