Cicada Alphabet Quesada Video

Cicada Alphabet: Q

Q is for Quesada gigas. The Quesada gigas, aka Giant Cicada, is a giant cicada with giant range, spanning South, Central and North America, reaching as far north as Texas. Read more about the Quesada gigas.

Video of a Quesada gigas song:

Anatomy Brazil Quesada

Interesting Cicada items from Wenilton Luís Daltro

Wenilton Luís Daltro posted some interesting cicada items on our old the message board, and I wanted to post them on the homepage as well.

Quesada gigas song:

Cicada metamorphosis:


Text PDF about brazilian cicadas, with photos.

Mike Quinn Quesada

Giant Cicada returns to central Texas

The giant cicada, Quesada gigas, has returned to Texas after 50 years!

Here’s a link:

Giant Cicada / Chicharra Grande

Thanks to Roy Troutman and Mike Quinn.


A large photo of the Giant Cicada (Quesada gigas).