Brood II Cicada Mania Magicicada Periodical

Dan’s Cicada Diary for 1996

Here’s something I wrote in 1996 to chronicle the Brood II cicada emergence in 1996. It’s probably meant to be semi-humorous.

Dan’s Cicada Diary for 1996.

Sunday, May 19th: Metuchen, New Jersey; I found the first desiccated cicada nymph exoskeleton on my patio. My cat disappears.

Tuesday, May 21st: I found about 40 nymph exoskeletons on my patio, a pine tree, and a maple tree. I also spotted an adult climbing the maple and two crippled adults rolling about the base of the tree.

Wednesday, May 22nd: Bonanza! I found about 500 adults perched on just about everything in my yard: trees, patio furniture, the foundation of my home, the garden hose, garbage cans, the missing cat’s water dish, my hair…just plain everywhere! Gruesome!

Saturday, May 25th: Avenel, New Jersey; Party at the Ritzow’s. Literally, hundreds of adult cicadas perched high above in oak trees sneer at decadent humans sipping martini’s, playing croquet. Bourgeois homo sapiens…bah humbug!

Thursday, May 30th: Metuchen, New Jersey; Still no sign of the cat. Sitting outside on my patio around 8:30 pm I hear a “snap”, “crackle” and “popping” sound. Rice Crispies? No. More like cicadas nymphs crawling out of their holes and onto my garden wall to molt into adulthood. Not the loveliest sight.

Saturday, June 1st: Westfield, New Jersey; Dave Wilson and Claire Adas’ wedding. A beautiful ceremony and reception, with the exception of the 9000 uninvited cicadas: crawling up people’s legs, crunching underfoot, landing in refreshments…a moment to cherish and remember!

Tuesday, June 4th: North Edison, New Jersey; The cicadas have begun to sing! All together they sound like a Boeing 767 is circling 40 feet overhead. The sound is that awesome. 10 inch deep piles of dying post-coitus adults litter the base of trees. The invasion has only begun!

Wednesday, June 5th – Monday, June 17th: Metuchen, North Edison, Colonia, Avenel, New Jersey; The invasion is in full effect! Homeowners in North Edison and Colonia report having to haul away the dying bodies of cicadas inwheelbarrows! Residents describe the cicadas’ combined mating screams as “loud as a UFO” [how do they know what a UFO sounds like?] and “like a Mack Truck was floating ten foot above your head”! Someone even told me cicadas taste like shrimp! I guess they made the best of a bad situation.

Wednesday, June 26th: Metuchen, New Jersey; It appears the invasion is over. All that remains is the dismembered, rotting corpses and the memories, sweet, sweet, memories. But remember, They’ll be back…in the year 2013!

Saturday, August 3rd: Metuchen, New Jersey; Looking out my second-story window I can clearly see the damage done by the 17-year cicadas. Brown patches of dead leaves speckle local oak and maple trees, revealing the branches where the female cicada has chosen to lay her eggs; an interesting “natural disaster”, but, not as heart-breaking as an earthquake or a flood. Clearly, the most provocative news regarding cicadas is the current hatch of annual cicadas, which are larger than the “17-year” cicadas (thoroughly illustrated within this web page) and greener. Another dissimilarity is the difference in their respective mating calls: while the “17-year” cicada makes a whirring sound somewhere between the motor of a vacuum cleaner and a car alarm, the “annual” cicada sounds more like a lawn sprinkler or maybe a sewing machine. Although I can clearly hear hundreds of “annual” cicadas and I have found their shells, I haven’t visually located a single one! Another cicada-related event has been the recent hatch of “cicada killer” wasps. These two-inch long giant wasps only prey upon, our friend, the defenseless cicada. I haven’t located these creatures either, but, they are definitely out there. Cicadas beware!

Wednesday, August 26th: Metuchen, New Jersey; the Tibicen cicadas continue to sing…

Wednesday, November 6th: Metuchen, New Jersey; they are all dead or sucking on roots underground.

Cicada Mania Magicicada Periodical

The 17-Year Cicada – Something I wrote in 1997

This is from my “Cicada Humor” page from 1996-1997. It’s semi-humorous. For serious information visit the facts-only 17-year cicada page.

The 17-Year Cicada

Every 17 years a fearsome biological monstrosity drags its way to the surface of the earth. It comes only to mate and spawn; however, it imparts terror and disgust in the hearts and minds of every man, woman, child, and beast unfortunate enough to cross its path. This is no Hollywood fantasy, ladies and gentlemen, this creature is real, horribly real! Cast your trembling eyes upon mother nature’s most disturbing insectoid aberration…T

The Cicada a.k.a. “The 17-Year Locust”
July 17th, 1997

Seriously, folks, the cicada isn’t a locust, it’s, well, a cicada (a member of the Homoptera order of insects). These charming creatures are best known for their intense mating call, which sounds more or less like a lawn sprinkler, or a miniature AH-64 Apache Black Helicopter. When 10,000 or so of these suckers start screaming in your neighborhood you’ll think you’re in the middle of Apocalypse Now. Nowisthe time! Depending on where you live, these heinous herbivores should be dive-bombing your friends and family any day now.

Actually, they are more likely tofallout of a tree thanfly, but, rest assured, they will be landing somewhere on your body sometime soon.

Ilive in central New Jersey and right now we are up to our mandibles in a plague of these sap slurping oddities. Some breeds, including the green/yellow striped cicadas, rear their ugly heads every year, but, fortunately not in great numbers. The “periodic”, black-bodied, red-eyed, spawn of Beelzebub cicadas only present themselves once every 17 years;unfortunately,there are literally millions of them. Worst of all, they have a face, just like you or me!

Periodic cicadas live to be 17 years old (13 years in southern states), which means they’re the only insect that qualifies for a driver’s license in New Jersey. Actually, these creatures only spend two to four weeks of their lives as an adult. They spend the first 17 years underground sucking on roots! Exciting! Once the adults have mated, the female drills a hole in a tree branch with her butt (technically her ovipositor) and lays her eggs. The eggs soon hatch and the “nymphs” fall to the ground where they feed on root sap. As soon as the adults mate they croak and drop to the ground where they will decay and stink. If I were you I wouldn’t hang out under any trees this year. In the end, your best offense will be a shovel and a bucket, or, a hungry golden retriever.

Dan’s Cicada Diary for 1996

  1. Sunday, May 19th: Metuchen, New Jersey; I found the first desiccated cicada nymph exoskeleton on my patio. My cat disappears.
  2. Tuesday, May 21st: I found about 40 nymph exoskeletons on my patio, a pine tree and a maple tree. I also spotted an adult climbing the maple and two crippled adults rolling about the base of the tree.
  3. Wednesday, May 22nd: Bonanza! I found about 500 adults perched on just about everything in my yard: trees, patio furniture, the foundation of my home, the garden hose, garbage cans, the missing cat’s water dish, my hair…just plain everywhere! Gruesome!
  4. Saturday, May 25th: Avenel, New Jersey; Party at the Ritzow’s. Literally hundreds of adult cicadas perched high above in oak trees sneer at decadent humans sipping martini’s, playing croquet. Bourgeois homosapiens…bah humbug!
  5. Thursday, May 30th: Metuchen, New Jersey; Still no sign of the cat. Sitting outside on my patio around 8:30pm I hear a “snap”, “crackle” and “popping” sound. Rice Crispies? No. More like cicadas nymphs crawling out of their holes and on to my garden wall to molt into adult hood. Not the loveliest sight.
  6. Saturday, June 1st: Westfield, New Jersey; Dave Wilson and Claire Adas’ wedding. A beautiful ceremony and reception, with the exception of the 9000 uninvited cicadas: crawling up peoples legs, crunching underfoot, landing in refreshments…a moment to cherish and remember!
  7. Tuesday, June 4th: North Edison, New Jersey; The cicadas have begun to sing! All together they sound like a Boeing 767 is circling 40 feet overhead. The sound is that awesome. 10 inch deep piles of dying post coitus adults litter the base of trees. The invasion has only begun!
  8. Wednesday, June 5th – Monday, June 17th: Metuchen, North Edison, Colonia, Avenel, New Jersey; The invasion is in full effect! Home owners in North Edison and Colonia report having to haul away the dying bodies of cicadas in wheelbarrows! Residents describe the cicadas’ combined mating screams as “loud as a UFO” [how do they know what a UFO sounds like?] and “like a Mack Truck was floating ten foot above your head”! Someone even told me cicadas taste like shrimp! I guess they made the best of a bad situation.
  9. Wednesday, June 26th: Metuchen, New Jersey; It appears the invasion is over. All that remains is the dismembered, rotting corpses and the memories, sweet, sweet, memories. But remember, They’ll be back…in the year 2013!
  10. Saturday, August 3rd: Metuchen, New Jersey; Looking out my second story window I can clearly see the damage done by the 17-year cicadas. Brown patches of dead leaves speckle local oak and maple trees, revealing the branches where the female cicada has chosen to lay her eggs; an interesting “natural disaster”, but, not as heart-breaking as an earth quake or a flood. Clearly the most provocative news regarding cicadas is the current hatch of annual cicadas, which are larger than the “17-year” cicadas (thoroughly illustrated within this web page) and greener. Another dissimilarity is the difference in their respective mating calls: while the “17-year” cicada makes a whirring sound somewhere between the motor of a vacuum cleaner and a car alarm, the “annual” cicada sounds more like a lawn sprinkler or maybe a sewing machine. Although I can clearly hear hundreds of “annual” cicadas and I have found their shells, I haven’t visually located a single one ! Another cicada related event has been the recent hatch of “cicada killer” wasps. These two-inch long giant wasps only prey upon, our friend, the defenseless cicada. I haven’t located these creatures either, but, they are definitely out there. Cicadas beware!
  11. Wednesday, August 26th: Metuchen, New Jersey; the Tibicen cicadas continue to sing…
  12. Wednesday, November 6th: Metuchen, New Jersey; they are all dead or sucking on roots underground.

Cute names for the not so cute Cicada

  • Flying cigar butts
  • Flying turds
  • The harbingers of apocalypse
  • Impromptu doggie treats, hors d’oeuvres, missing Monopoly piece, etc…
  • Sky Fudge
  • Satan’s Parakeets
  • Living hair curlers
  • The name of an annoying acquaintance (example: “Blitzers”)
  • Tree roaches
  • Airbourne car alarms
  • Sleeping bag buddies
Broods Lamotialnini Magicicada Periodical Periodical Stragglers U.S.A.

Where will 17 & 13 Year Periodical Cicada Broods emerge next (2025)?

Skip to a section: Broods | Your Town | Pre Emergence Signs | Compare Magicicada Species.

17 & 13 Year Periodical Cicadas

What will happen in 2025:

The Forecast for 2025 is Brood XIV will emerge in Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Maryland, North Carolina, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia.

We will also get some stragglers from Brood I in Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia.

Facts: Over the next 10 years, there’s a 90% chance at least one Magicicada brood will emerge somewhere in the U.S.A. Across time, that percentage falls to 77%. Next year (2026) no Broods will emerge. The next 3 year gap (max gap) is 2043-2045.

Magicicada Brood Chart

The Brood Chart features the names of the broods (Roman numerals), emergence years, cycle-length, straggler-years, species and states where they may emerge.

Brood I (1)

Emergences: 2029, 2012, 1995, 1978, 1961.
Cycle: 17-Year.
Stragglers: 2025 (-4), 2028 (-1).
Species: M. septendecim, M. cassini, M. septendecula.
States: TN, VA, WV

Brood II (2)

Emergences: 2030, 2013, 1996, 1979, 1962.
Cycle: 17-Year.
Stragglers: 2026 (-4), 2029 (-1)
Species: M. septendecim, M. cassini, M. septendecula.
States: CT, GA, MD, NC, NJ, NY, OK, PA, VA

Brood III (3)

Emergences: 2031, 2014, 1997, 1980, 1963.
Cycle: 17-Year.
Stragglers: 2027 (-4), 2030 (-1)
Species: M. septendecim, M. cassini, M. septendecula.
States: IA, IL, MO

Brood IV (4)

Emergences: 2032, 2015, 1998, 1981, 1964.
Cycle: 17-Year.
Stragglers: 2028 (-4), 2031 (-1)
Species: M. septendecim, M. cassini, M. septendecula.
States: IA, KS, MO, NE, OK, TX

Brood V (5)

Emergences: 2033, 2016, 1999, 1982, 1965.
Cycle: 17-Year.
Stragglers: 2029 (-4), 2032 (-1)
Species: M. septendecim, M. cassini, M. septendecula.
States: LI NY, MD, OH, PA, VA, WV

Brood VI (6)

Emergences: 2034, 2017, 2000, 1983, 1966.
Cycle: 17-Year.
Stragglers: 2030 (-4), 2933 (-1)
Species: M. septendecim, M. septendecula.
States: GA, NC, SC, WI, OH

Brood VII (7)

Emergences: 2035, 2018, 2001, 1984, 1967.
Cycle: 17-Year.
Stragglers: 2031 (-4), 2034 (-1)
Species: M. septendecim.
States: NY

Brood VIII (8)

Emergences: 2036, 2019, 2002, 1985, 1968.
Cycle: 17-Year.
Stragglers: 2032(-4), 2035(-1)
Species: M. septendecim, M. cassini, M. septendecula.
States: OH, PA, WV and OK

Brood IX (9)

Emergences: 2037, 2020, 2003, 1986, 1969.
Cycle: 17-Year.
Stragglers: 2033(-4), 2036(-1)
Species: M. septendecim, M. cassini, M. septendecula.
States: NC, VA, WV

Brood X (10)

Emergences: 2038, 2021, 2004, 1987, 1970.
Cycle: 17-Year.
Stragglers: 2034(-4), 2037(-1)
Species: M. septendecim, M. cassini, M. septendecula.
States: DE, GA, IL, IN, KY, MD, MI, NC, NJ, NY, OH, PA, TN, VA, WV, Washington

Brood XIII (13)

Emergences: 2041, 2024, 2007, 1990, 1973.
Cycle: 17-Year.
Stragglers: 2025(+1)
Species: M. septendecim, M. cassini, M. septendecula.
States: IA, IL, IN, MI, WI

Brood XIV (14)

Emergences: 2025, 2008, 1991, 1974, 1957.
Cycle: 17-Year.
Stragglers: 2026(+1)
Species: M. septendecim, M. cassini, M. septendecula.
States: GA, IN, KY, MA, MD, NC, NJ, NY, OH, PA, TN, VA, WV

Brood XIX (19)

Emergences: 2037, 2024, 2011, 1998, 1985.
Cycle: 13-Year.
Stragglers: 2025(+1), 2028(+4)
Species: M. tredecim, M. neotredecim, M. tredecassini, M. tredecula.
States: AL, AR, GA, IA, IL, IN, KY, LA, MD, MO, MS, NC, OK, SC, TN, VA
Brood XIX mini map

Brood XXII (22)

Emergences: 2027, 2014, 2001, 1988, 1975.
Cycle: 13-Year.
Stragglers: 2026(-1), 2032(+4)
Species: M. tredecim, M. tredecassini, M. tredecula.
States: KY, LA, MS, OH

Brood XXIII (23)

Emergences: 2028, 2015, 2002, 1989, 1976.
Cycle: 13-Year.
Stragglers: 2027(-1), 2032(+4)
Species: M. tredecim, M. neotredecim, M. tredecassini, M. tredecula.
States: AR, IL, IN, KY, LA, MO, MS, TN

What specific day will they emerge?

Generally speaking, these cicadas will begin to emerge when the soil 8″ beneath the ground reaches 64 degrees Fahrenheit (Heath, 1968). A nice, warm rain will often trigger an emergence. They can emerge anytime from early April to early June. It all depends on the weather.

What should you look for before they emerge?

Chimneys / Turrets

Look for cicada chimneys a.k.a. turrets. These are structures cicadas build out of the soil, positioned above the hole where they will emerge.



Look for holes in the diameter of an adult’s finger near the root system of a tree. These are sure signs that cicadas will emerge in the area.


Cicadas Under Stones & Slates

You might discover some cicada nymphs while turning over stones or when performing landscaping chores.

Cicada tunneling under slate

What do they look like when they emerge:

Here is a great video of Magicicada nymphs once they have emerged from the ground:


This is a recently emerged nymph crawling up a tree. Note that its eyes are red.


Once cicadas nymphs have emerged from the ground, they will try to find a tree (or similar vertical surface), and then begin the process of shedding their old nymph skins (ecdysis), expanding their wings, and changing to their adult coloring. Watch this amazing transformation.


How to tell the difference between the seven Magicicada species:

Left to right: Magicicada cassini, Magicicada septendecula, Magicicada septendecim:

Left to right: Magicicada cassini, Magicicada septendecula, Magicicada septendecim:

The first way is based on the Brood. Take a look at the Brood chart above, and see which species appear with the Brood.

There are 3 basic types of Magicicada: “‘Decims”, “‘Cassini” and “‘Deculas”.

“Decims” aka Pharaoh Cicadas

There are three species in this category:

  1. Magicicada septendecim (Linnaeus, 1758). 17-year life cycle. Broods: I-X, XIII, XIV.
  2. Magicicada neotredecim Marshall and Cooley 2000. 13-year life cycle. Broods: XIX, XXIII.
  3. Magicicada tredecim (Walsh and Riley, 1868). 13-year life cycle. Brood: XIX, XXII, XXIII.

Their songs are very similar, however, when M. neotredecim & M. tredecim emerge in the same location, M. neotredecim’s song takes a higher pitch. Sounds like “Pharaoh, Pharaoh!”.

Visual Appearance:

M. septendecim
Male on left; Female on right.

M. neotredecim & M. septendecim have broad orange stripes with more orange than black on their abdomens.

M. tredecim
M. tredecim, by comparison, have almost entirely orange abdomens.

eye to wing
M. septendecim cicadas also have an area of orange coloring between the eye and the wing (pronotal extension).

“Cassini” aka Dwarf Cicadas

There are two species in this category:

  1. Magicicada cassini (Fisher, 1851). 17-year life cycle. Broods: I-V, VIII-X, XIII, XIV.
  2. Magicicada tredecassini Alexander and Moore, 1962. 13-year life cycle. Broods: XIX, XXII, XXII.

Their songs are essentially identical:

M. cassini Call and Court:

Note how it makes a quick burst of sound, followed by some rapid clicks.

Visual Appearance:

M. cassini
Female on left; Male on right.
M. tredecassin & M. cassini cicadas have black abdomens with virtually no orange at all. Orange stripes are possible in the mid-west (important to note for Brood IV).


There are two species in this category:

  1. Magicicada septendecula Alexander and Moore, 1962. 17-year life cycle. Broods: I-VI, VIII-X, XIII, XIV.
  2. Magicicada tredecula Alexander and Moore, 1962. 13-year life cycle. Broods: XIX, XXII, XXIII.

Their songs are essentially identical:

M. tredecula Call:

Note the “tick, tick, tick” rhythm of the call.

Visual Appearance:

M. septendecula
Female on left; Male on right.
M. septendecula & M. tredecula have stripes that feature more black than orange. Otherwise, they’re very similar to M. cassini.

How to figure out if they’re coming to your town?

  1. Verify that they’re coming to your state. Check the Magicicada Brood Chart on this page.
  2. Check Cicada Brood Maps linked from this page to see if they’re coming to your general area.
  3. Check to see if they’re coming to your neighborhood. Good sources include:
    1. Ask someone who lived there 17 (or 13) years before.
    2. Old timers (hint: old timers usually call them locusts).
    3. Check your local Library for old newspaper articles.
    4. Check with a local college: contact the entomology, forestry, or agriculture-related departments.
    5. Your local national, state, county, and town parks department (parks and rec). Some county parks departments plan events around cicada emergences.
  4. When will they emerge?
    1. They will emerge sometime in the Spring, for sure.
    2. They typically emerge once the soil 8 inches (20 cm) below the surface gets to 64 degrees Fahrenheit (18 degrees Celcius). At that temperature, they will start digging their tunnels to the surface. After a couple of days with above-ground temperatures near the 80’s F, and after a good rain, they will emerge. Read this paper for more info: Thermal Synchronization of Emergence in Periodical “17-year” Cicadas (Homoptera, Cicadidae, Magicicada) by James Edward Heath, American Midland Naturalist, Vol. 80, No. 2. (Oct. 1968), pp. 440-448.
    3. Cicadas in sunny areas of your yard will emerge before cicadas in shady areas.
    4. Cicadas in the southernmost states will emerge before cicadas in the northern states.
    5. You can try the Cicada Emergence Formula as well.
  5. If you don’t want them to damage your young or ornamental trees
    1. Spray them off with a garden hose.
    2. Foil around the trunk (to keep them from crawling up) (thanks Deborah).
    3. Insect barrier tape.
    4. Netting wrapped around & over the tree. “Insect barrier netting”. “Fruit tree covers”.
    5. Bagpipes (no joke, it worked at my friend’s wedding).
    6. Don’t use pesticides – we like all insects (especially pollinating bees).
  6. Are you scared of insects?
    • Unlike some other insects & arthropods. cicadas are not poisonous or venomous.
    • Try a hat, an umbrella, a bee-keeper outfit, a suit of armor…
  7. They’re coming, and they’re going to ruin my wedding!

Questions about the Brood Chart

Question: Why do I have cicadas in my neighborhood, but your chart indicates that I shouldn’t?

Answer: Some possibilities: 1) they are stragglers, periodical cicadas that emerge too soon or late, 2) they are not periodical cicadas but are a different North American species, 3) you live on a continent other than North America, in which case, try one of these pages, or 4) SURPRISE! The U.S. is a big place and some cicada populations have yet to be documented.

Question: Why don’t I have periodical cicadas in my area, but the information on your website indicates that I should?

Answer: Two possibilities: 1) they went extinct or otherwise died off in your area, or 2) they aren’t everywhere in a state – normally there are large gaps in their range.

Question: What are stragglers?

Answer: Stragglers can emerge 1 or 4 years early or 1 or 4 years late. Don’t be surprised if you see some periodical cicadas emerge earlier than planned this year. 17-year brood members are most likely to straggle 4 years early, and 13-year brood members are most likely to straggle 4 years late. Straggler probability chart.

Question: Are there other types of Periodical cicadas?

Answer: There are two known species of periodical cicadas that are not Magicicada . One lives in India and the other in Fiji.

Question: Why are there no Brood XI, XII, XV, or XVI?

Answer: Perhaps you’ve noticed there are no Broods XI (11), XII (12), XV (15), XVI (16), XVII (17), XVIII (18), XX (20), XXI (21), XXIV (24), etc. Don’t worry about that. They never existed or are extinct (XI, XXI).

Example Emergence Timeline

This is an example of a typical cicada emergence. The exact dates will depend on the weather and density of the emergence in your location. Hot weather means an early start and quicker finish to the season — cool weather means a later start and a protracted season.

May 30th Update

Here’s an Excel version of the chart. Feel free to use it and adjust it to match your experience.

Or watch the video version:

More Magicicada websites:

  1. For much more information about 17-year cicadas visit Cicadas @ UCONN. The maps on this page link to that site.
  2. The Cicada Safari App is available for Android and Apple devices. Use it to see where people are finding cicadas, and to report your sightings.
  3. A Tale of Two Broods: The 2024 Emergence of Periodical Cicada Broods XIII and XIX book by Dr. Gene Kritsky.

More Magicicada Information

Brood IX Magicicada Periodical

Brood IX (9) will emerge in 2020 in North Carolina, Virginia and West Virginia

Periodical cicada Brood IX (9) emerged in the spring of 2020 in North Carolina, Virginia and West Virginia. The last time this brood emerged was in 2003. It will emerge again in 2037.

Researchers need your help! If you see a cicada, please report it using the Cicada Safari App , available for Android and Apple phones.

Brood IX is interesting to researchers because it’s located very close to 5 other broods. In a normal year, researchers would be able to drive the roads of the area and map the location of the brood so we can get data as to where the broods intersect, but because of the current situation in the U.S., most if not all researchers will be able to travel — so we need you to let us know where they’re at. Read more on Cicadas @ UCONN (formerly

What, when, where, and why:


Adult, Nymph, Molting Cicada

  • Cicada insects with a 17-year life cycle.
  • Some people call them “locusts” but they’re really cicadas.
  • Which species: All three 17-year species, Magicicada septendecim, Magicicada cassini and Magicicada septendecula. How to tell the difference between the species.
  • NOT the green ones that arrive annually.

When: Typically beginning in mid-May and ending in late June. These cicadas will begin to emerge approximately when the soil 8" beneath the ground reaches 64 degrees Fahrenheit (Heath, 1968). A nice, warm rain will often trigger an emergence.

Other tips: these cicadas will emerge after the trees have grown leaves, and, by my own observation, around the same time Iris flowers bloom.


  • Virginia municipalities: Blacksburg, Bland, Callands, Christiansburg, Covington, Dry Pond, Ferrum, Martinsville, Roanoke, Salem, Vinton, and more.
  • Virginia counties: Allegheny, Bland, Franklin, Henry, Montgomery, Patrick, Pittsylvania, Roanoke.
  • North Carolina municipalities: Chestnut Hill, Ennice, Francisco, Hays, Kernersville, McGrady, Millers Creek, Mt Airy, North Wilkesboro, Purlear, Thurmond, Westfield, and more.
  • North Carolina counties: Ashe, Alleghany, Forsyth, Stokes, Surry, Wilkes.
  • West Virginia municipalities: Camp Creek, Elmhurst, Hinton, Jumping Branch, Spanishburg, and more.
  • West Virginia counties: Fayette, Greenbrier, Mercer, Monroe, Pocahontas, Summers.

A quick tip using data from the Cicada Safari app team:

Cicadas in the north-west areas are Brood IX (red). Cicadas south & east of that area (purple) are Brood XIX emerging early.

Maps, Apps, and Tips:

Why: Why do they stay underground for 17-years? The prevailing research suggests they’ve evolved a long, 17-year lifecycle to avoid predators that can sync up with their lifecycle & emergence. Why are there so many?! Research suggests that their huge numbers allow them to overwhelm predators, so enough of them will live on to breed and perpetuate the brood.

More facts and fun:

1907 Map from Marlatt, C.L.. 1907. The periodical cicada. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Bureau of Entomology.

The larger dots are valid. Tiny dots, no. See a modern map, or the Live Map from the Cicada Safari app.
Marlatt 1907 09 Brood IX

Brood XIII Magicicada Periodical

Brood XIII (13) cicadas have emerged in 2024 in Illinois, Iowa, Wisconsin, Indiana and Michigan

Periodical cicada Brood XIII (13) emerged in the spring of 2024 in Iowa, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, and Michigan (in one or two places). Brood XIII: rotten, but not forgotten. See you in 2041 (Yikes). Relive the memories: Gene Kritsky released a new book. See what people found iNaturalist: Flagging (Brown Leaves), Brood XIII, Massospora, and Blue and White eyes. Buy a shirt. Yes, Brood XIX also emerged in 2024, they did not overlap, but came close in the Springfield, Illinois area.


What, when, where, and why:


Millions of these:
Adult, Nymph, Molting Cicada

  • Cicada insects with a 17-year life cycle.
  • Some people call them “locusts” but they are cicadas.
  • Which species: All three 17-year species, Magicicada septendecim, Magicicada cassini, and Magicicada septendecula. How to tell the difference between the species.
  • NOT the green cicadas that arrive annually.
  • The last time Brood XIII emerged was in 2007.

Videos from 2009:

When: Typically beginning in mid-May and ending in late June. These cicadas will begin to emerge approximately when the soil 8 inches beneath the ground reaches 64 degrees Fahrenheit. A nice, warm rain will often trigger an emergence.

Other tips: these cicadas will emerge after the trees have grown leaves, and, by my own observation, around the same time Iris flowers bloom.


Check out the iNaturalist live map.

  • Illinois places: Belvidere, Brookfield, Channahon, Chicago, Des Plaines River Trail, Downers Grove, Egermann Woods County Forest Preserve, Elmhurst, Flossmoor, Geneva, Glen Ellyn, Highland Park, Hinsdale, Homewood, La Grange, Lagrange Woods, Lake Forest, Lansing, Lincolnshire, Lisle, Lombard, MacArthur Woods Forest Preserve, Marseilles, McHenry, McKinley Woods, Morton Arboretum, Naperville, Northbrook, Ogden, Ottawa, Palos Heights, River Forest, River Grove, Romeoville, Ryerson Woods, Schiller Park, Thornton, Vernon Hills, Villa Park, Weaton, Western Springs, Westmont, Wonder Lake, and more.
  • Illinois counties: Bureau, Carroll, Cass, Cook, DuPage, Fulton, Grundy, Henderson, Henry, Jo Daviess, Kankakee, Lake, LaSalle, Livingston, Logan, Marshall, Mason, McHenry, McLean, Menard, Peoria, Putnam, Sangamon, Stark, Tazewell, Whiteside, Will, Winnebago, Woodford.
  • Iowa places: Atalissa, Solon, and more.
  • Iowa counties: Benton, Black Hawk, Bremer, Cedar, Dubuque, Henry, Iowa, Johnson, Jones, Linn, Louisa, Muscatine, Scott, Tama.
  • Wisconsin locations: Aurora University, Big Foot Beach State Park, Lake Geneva, Moraine Nature Preserve, and more.
  • Wisconsin counties: Crawford, Grant, Green. Rock, Walworth.
  • Indiana locations: Crown Point, Portage, Purdue-North Central, Valparaiso, and more.
  • Indiana counties: LaPorte, Porter, Lake.
  • Michigan: According to Cicadas @ UCONN (formerly, Magicicada have been found along the border of Michigan and Indiana.
  • Michigan places: Niles!

More Location Tips:

Local Events

Lake County Forest Preserve in Illinois: 1) A cicada exhibit opening at the Dunn Museum in Libertyville, IL on April 27th. 2) Cicadas of Lake County on 5/2. 3) Celebrating Cicadas on 5/16. 4) On Sunday, June 9th, they plan to hold CicadaFest at Ryerson Woods. Insects, and of course, cicadas will be featured.

Why: Why do they stay underground for 17 years? The prevailing research suggests they have evolved a long lifecycle allowing them to avoid predators that would sync up with their lifecycle & emergence. Why are there so many?! Research suggests that their huge numbers allow them to overwhelm predators, so enough of them will live on to breed and perpetuate the brood.

More facts and fun:

1907 Map from Marlatt, C.L.. 1907. The periodical cicada. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Bureau of Entomology.

See a modern map or the Live Map from the Cicada Safari app.
Marlatt 1907 13 Brood XIII

What was the emergence in 2007 like?

Get the retro 2007 Brood XIII shirt:

Retro 2007

Audio, Sounds, Songs Lamotialnini Magicicada Periodical U.S.A.

Magicicada tredecula Alexander and Moore, 1962

Magicicada tredecula Alexander and Moore, 1962

Magicicada tredecula 2014 Ohio

Song type: Chorus

Source: ©Cicada Mania | Species: M. tredecula

Song type: Call

Source: Recorded in Ohio, Brood XXII (2013) by Roy Troutman. | Species: M. tredecula

Song type: Call

Source: ©Cicada Mania | Species: M. tredecula

Identification Tips

Smaller than M. neotredecim & M. tredecim. Orange stripes on its abdomen, through not as much as M. neotredecim & M. tredecim. Its chorus sounds like a ticking clock. Very similar to the 17-year M. septendecula.

Video Playlist

Playlists contain multiple videos found on YouTube.

Brood Chart

Magicicada tredecula has a 13-year lifecycle.

Brood Year States
XIX (19) 1972, 1985, 1998, 2011, 2024 AL, AR, GA, IL, IN, KY, LA, MO, MS, NC, OK, SC, TN, VA
XXII (22) 1975, 1988, 2001, 2014, 2027 KY, LA, MS, OH
XXIII (23) 1976, 1989, 2002, 2015, 2028 AR, IL, IN, KY, LA, MO, MS, TN

Name, Location and Description


Family: Cicadidae
Subfamily: Cicadettinae
Tribe: Lamotialnini
Subtribe: Tryellina
Genus: Magicicada
Species: Magicicada tredecula Alexander and Moore, 1962

List of sources

  1. Full Binomial Names:
  2. Common names:; The Songs of Insects by Lang Elliott and Wil Herschberger; personal memory.
  3. Locations: Cicadas @ UCONN (formerly
  4. Descriptions, Colors: personal observations from specimens or photos from many sources. Descriptions are not perfect, but may be helpful.
  5. Tribe information comes from: MARSHALL, DAVID C. et al.A molecular phylogeny of the cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) with a review of tribe and subfamily classification.Zootaxa, [S.l.], v. 4424, n. 1, p. 1—64, may 2018. ISSN 1175-5334. Available at:


  • Some descriptions are based on aged specimens which have lost some or a lot of their color.
Audio, Sounds, Songs Lamotialnini Magicicada Periodical U.S.A.

Magicicada tredecim (Walsh and Riley, 1868)

Magicicada tredecim (Walsh and Riley, 1868).

Magicicada tredecim (Walsh and Riley, 1868)
Photo credit: by Dan Mozgai. Ohio.

All Magicicada tredecim information and images on

Song type: Call

Source: ©Insect Singers | Species: M. tredecim

Identification tips:

Similar to M. neotredecim, but the abdomen is typically more orange — these species overlap in limited areas, in which M. tredecim maintains the normal pitch of its call, and M. neotredecim raises its pitch. Read more on Cicadas @ UCONN (formerly Larger than M. tredecassini and M. tredecula.

Brood chart

Magicicada tredecim has a 13-year life cycle.

Brood Year States
XIX (19) 1972, 1985, 1998, 2011, 2024 AL, AR, GA, IL, IN, KY, LA, MO, MS, NC, OK, SC, TN, VA
XXII (22) 1975, 1988, 2001, 2014, 2027 KY, LA, MS, OH
XXIII (23) 1976, 1989, 2002, 2015, 2028 AR, IL, IN, KY, LA, MO, MS, TN

Name, Location and Description


Family: Cicadidae
Subfamily: Cicadettinae
Tribe: Lamotialnini
Subtribe: Tryellina
Genus: Magicicada
Species: Magicicada tredecim (Walsh and Riley, 1868)

List of sources

  1. Full Binomial Names:
  2. Common names:; The Songs of Insects by Lang Elliott and Wil Herschberger; personal memory.
  3. Locations: Cicadas @ UCONN (formerly
  4. Descriptions, Colors: personal observations from specimens or photos from many sources. Descriptions are not perfect, but may be helpful.
  5. Tribe information comes from: MARSHALL, DAVID C. et al.A molecular phylogeny of the cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) with a review of tribe and subfamily classification.Zootaxa, [S.l.], v. 4424, n. 1, p. 1—64, may 2018. ISSN 1175-5334. Available at:


  • Some descriptions are based on aged specimens which have lost some or a lot of their color.
Audio, Sounds, Songs Lamotialnini Magicicada Periodical U.S.A.

Magicicada tredecassini Alexander and Moore, 1962

Magicicada tredecassini Alexander and Moore, 1962.

Magicicada tredecassini Alexander and Moore, 1962
Photo credit: by Dan Mozgai

All Magicicada tredecassini information and images on

Song type: Call

Source: ©Cicada Mania | Species: M. tredecassini

Identification Tips

Its abdomen is black. Its chorus sounds like hissing static. It is smaller than M. neotredecim and M. tredecim. It is very similar to the 17-year M. cassinii species.

Brood Chart

Magicicada tredecassini has a 13-Year lifecycle.

Brood Year States
XIX (19) 1972, 1985, 1998, 2011, 2024 AL, AR, GA, IL, IN, KY, LA, MO, MS, NC, OK, SC, TN, VA
XXII (22) 1975, 1988, 2001, 2014, 2027 KY, LA, MS, OH
XXIII (23) 1976, 1989, 2002, 2015, 2028 AR, IL, IN, KY, LA, MO, MS, TN

Name, Location and Description


Family: Cicadidae
SubFamily: Cicadettinae
Tribe: Lamotialnini
Sub-Tribe: Tryellina
Genus: Magicicada
Species: Magicicada tredecassini Alexander and Moore, 1962

List of sources

  1. Full Binomial Names:
  2. Common names:; The Songs of Insects by Lang Elliott and Wil Herschberger; personal memory.
  3. Locations: Cicadas @ UCONN (formerly
  4. Descriptions, Colors: personal observations from specimens or photos from many sources. Descriptions are not perfect, but may be helpful.
  5. Tribe information comes from: MARSHALL, DAVID C. et al.A molecular phylogeny of the cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) with a review of tribe and subfamily classification.Zootaxa, [S.l.], v. 4424, n. 1, p. 1—64, may 2018. ISSN 1175-5334. Available at:


  • Some descriptions are based on aged specimens which have lost some or a lot of their color.
Audio, Sounds, Songs David Marshall John Cooley Lamotialnini Magicicada Periodical U.S.A.

Magicicada neotredecim Marshall and Cooley, 2000

Magicicada neotredecim Marshall and Cooley, 2000.

Maybe a Magicicada neotredecim in Illinois

Song type: Call

Source: ©Insect Singers | Species: M. neotredecim

Video Playlist

Playlists contain multiple videos found on YouTube.

Identification Tips

Thick orange stripes on the abdomen. Orange between the eye and wing insertion. In the few areas it overlaps with M. tredecim, M. neotredecim sings with a higher pitch. Read more on Cicadas @ UCONN (formerly It is similar to the 17-year species M. septendecim.

Brood Chart

Magicicada neotredecim has a 13-year life cycle.

Brood XIX (19)

XIX (19)
Years: 1972, 1985, 1998, 2011, 2024
Locations: AR, IL, IN, KS, KY, MO, OK

XXIII (23)

XXIII (23)
Years: 1976, 1989, 2002, 2015, 2028
Locations: AR, IL, IN, KY, MO

Name, Location and Description


Family: Cicadidae
Subfamily: Cicadettinae
Tribe: Lamotialnini
Subtribe: Tryellina
Genus: Magicicada
Species: Magicicada neotredecim Marshall and Cooley, 2000

List of sources

  1. Full Binomial Names:
  2. Common names:; The Songs of Insects by Lang Elliott and Wil Herschberger; personal memory.
  3. Locations: Cicadas @ UCONN (formerly
  4. Descriptions, Colors: personal observations from specimens or photos from many sources. Descriptions are not perfect, but may be helpful.
  5. Tribe information comes from: MARSHALL, DAVID C. et al.A molecular phylogeny of the cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) with a review of tribe and subfamily classification.Zootaxa, [S.l.], v. 4424, n. 1, p. 1—64, may 2018. ISSN 1175-5334. Available at:


  • Some descriptions are based on aged specimens which have lost some or a lot of their color.
Citizen Science Magicicada Periodical

Use the Periodical Cicada Emergence Checklist for the Maximum Magicicada Experience

Experience score:

  1. (Android and Apple)
  2. (holes and chimneys)
  3. (video)
  4. (video)
  5. (listen to one)
  6. (see one)
  7. (hear one)
  8. (see one)
  9. (hear one)
  10. (see one)
  11. (hear one)
  12. (listen to one)
  13. (see one)
  14. (see the fungus)
  15. (shrimp of the land)
  16. (video)
  17. (illustration)
  18. (photo)
  19. (shell filled lamp)
  20. (see it)
  21. Bonus Points:
    (see it)