Auritibicen japonicus by Osamu Hikino. Japan.
Category: Locations
Locations where cicadas can be found, including countries and continents.
Euterpnosia chibensis photos by Osamu Hikino. Japan.
Megatibicen resh, aka the Resh Cicada. Photos are from the summer of 2018, Dallas, Texas. Photos by me (Dan Mozgai). Read about Megatibicen resh aka the Resh Cicada.
Click/tap the image for a larger version:
Molting female Megatibicen resh:
Molting female Megatibicen resh:
Molting female Megatibicen resh:
Molting female Megatibicen resh:
Molting female Megatibicen resh:
Molting female Megatibicen resh:
Molting female Megatibicen resh:
Molting female Megatibicen resh:
Megatibicen resh, Megatibicen auletes and Neotibicen tibicen exuvia (skins, shells, molts) compared
Green Grocer (Cyclochila australasiae) photos from Kees Green. Australia. 2013.
Green Grocer Cyclochila australasiae nymph by Kees Green
Green Grocer Cyclochila australasiae molting by Kees Green
Green Grocer Cyclochila australasiae molting by Kees Green 02
Gallery of Cicada Photos from Costa Rica by Jose Mora, part 3.
More: Part 1, Part 2, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6.
These appear to be a cicada belonging to the genus Quesada, like Quesada gigas based on the yellow visible on the wings:
Molted cicada hardening its body:
Molted cicada hardening its body:
Adult cicada:
Adult cicada:
Adult cicada:
A cicada that got stuck molting and died:
A cicada that got stuck molting and died:
A cicada that got stuck molting and died:
A cicada that got stuck molting and died:
Adult cicada:
Adult cicada:
Gallery of Cicada Photos from Costa Rica by Jose Mora, part 2.
More: Part 1, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6.
These are daytime photos and appear to be a cicada belonging to the genus Quesada, like Quesada gigas.
Molting cicada:
Cicada nymph:
Molting cicada:
Molting cicada:
Molting cicada:
Molting cicada:
Molting cicada:
Molting cicada:
Molting cicada:
Molting cicada:
Tettigettalna argentata photo by Iván Jesus Torresano García. 2014. Spain.
Cicada habitat in Spain: