Cicada orni photos by Iván Jesus Torresano García. Spain. 2014.
Cicada orni (Ash Cicada) blend in so well with their habitat. They’re very hard to see on the bark of a tree.
Locations where cicadas can be found, including countries and continents.
Cicada orni photos by Iván Jesus Torresano García. Spain. 2014.
Cicada orni (Ash Cicada) blend in so well with their habitat. They’re very hard to see on the bark of a tree.
Hilaphura varipes photos by Iván Jesus Torresano García. Spain. 2014.
A box of cicadas from French Guiana. I have to go through it and ID them.
Formotosena montivaga (Distant, 1889). Photo by Michel Chantraine. This cicada is found in Thailand.
Scientific classification:
Family: Cicadidae
Subfamily: Cicadinae
Tribe: Polyneurini
SubTribe: Formotosenina
Genus: Formotosena
Species: Formotosena montivaga (Distant, 1889)
Okanagana cicada photos by Les Daniels. Les has a book called The Season of the Cicadas, which I recommend.
Psaltoda plaga aka Black Prince photo by Kevin Lee.
Amongst young Aussie kids the legendary White Knight is believed to exist but it is really just a black prince. When cicadas such as double drummers and black princes first emerge they appear white and gradually they develop their distinctive pigmentation. This is the before and after shots of the same cicada.
Kevin Lee’s Green Grocer (Cyclochila australasiae) photos:
This one is somewhere between a Green Grocer and a Yellow Monday, I think. Check out the “mask” between the eyes:
Teneral (soft, recently molted) Neotibicen canicularis (Dog Day Cicada) photos by Daniel Costa, from 2014.
Some Neotibicen tibicen tibicen photos from 2005 taken by me. At the time these photos were taken this cicada was dead. Neotibicen tibicen tibicen are popularly called Morning or Swamp cicadas.
In this photo an operculum is outlined in pink.
Photos of a molting or molted Neotibicen by Gerry Bunker from 2005.