Botswana Lesotho Namibia South Africa Zimbabwe

Cicadas of southern Africa: An illustrated guide to known species by R.D. Stephen

It isn’t often we get a single cicada publication as complete and awesome as Cicadas of southern Africa: An illustrated guide to known species by R.D. Stephen. The document is 224 pages long and includes color photos of dozens of cicadas with maps & text descriptions. This guide covers cicadas from Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, South Africa, and Zimbabwe.

R.D. Stephen's Cicadas of southern Africa

Thanks to beetledude in iNaturalist and David Emery for letting me know.

England Tibicina

A cicada… in England?!

A few years back a project was launched to discover if the New Forest cicada (Cicadetta montana) still exists in England. It once existed in southern England for sure, but seems to have gone extinct. To date, none have been found.

Recently a cicada was reported found in England on iNaturalist, appearing to belong to the genus Tibicina. The best resource for European cicadas is SONGS OF EUROPEAN SINGING CICADAS. Looking at the navigation of the website it looks like there are nine Tibicina in Europe (maybe more). The cicada on iNaturalist is brown with orange highlights: u-shaped marks on its mesonotum, an orange outline of its pronotal collar, and an orange line down the middle of its head. Wing veins appear brown & black and appear to be warped during the molting process. It might be teneral — still soft from the molting process — and so its adult colors have not fully developed.

So — is it a native to England or a stowaway in some cargo from mainland Europe?

The Twitter account @MorphoCicada posted this on Twitter, which alerted me to the matter.

John Cooley Magicicada Periodical U.S.A.

Cicadas @ UCONN, a new Cicada website was an amazing website filled with information about Magicicada periodical cicadas and backed by cicada expert, John Cooley.

The site now has a new address and look: Cicadas @ UCONN ( Bookmark it in preparation for the 2021 Brood X emergence.

Cicadas @ UCONN

UCONN (University of Connecticut) has other cicada websites such as The Simon Lab and Cicada Central.

Dundubiini India Mata Vivek Sarkar

Three new species of cicadas from Meghalaya, India

Three new species of cicadas have been discovered in Meghalaya, India:
Mata meghalayana, Mata lenonia, and Mata ruffordii.

Mata cicadas  Vivek Sarkar
Photo courtesy of Vivek Sarkar.

Access the paper on Research Gate or Zootaxa Vol 4908, No 1.

Paper title: Description of three new species of the genus Mata Distant, 1906 (Hemiptera: Cicadidae: Cicadinae: Oncotympanini) with notes on their natural history from the Indian state of Meghalaya, India

Authors: Vivek Sarkar, Cuckoo Mahapatra, Pratyush P. Mohapatra, Manoj V. Nair, Krushnamegh Kunte

Abstract: “Three new species of the Asian genus Mata Distant, 1906 (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) viz. Mata lenonia sp.nov.; Mata ruffordii sp.nov. and Mata meghalayana sp.nov. are described from the Indian state of Meghalaya. Keys and taxonomic descriptions of these species are provided with detailed accounts of their natural history and acoustics.”

Australia David Emery L. W. Popple Nathan Emery

Australian Cicada Names

This page features information about common cicadas of Australia researchers, and websites dedicated to the cicadas of Australia. Australia has the best cicada names!

Bladder Cicada (Cystosoma saundersii)

The Bladder Cicada can be sound in eastern Queensland & NSW1, can be found September-January, peaking in October2. It is called a Bladder Cicada because of its large abdomen.

Bladder cicadas (Cystosoma saundersii)
Photo by David Emery.

Cyclochila australasiae

Cyclochila australasiae can be found in eastern Queensland, NSW and Victoria, and most emerge between September & December1, but peaking in November2.

Green Grocer morph of Cyclochila australasiae

Green Grocer (Cyclochila australasiae) photo by Bron
Photo by Bron.

Green Grocer morph of Cyclochila australasiae

Kevin Lee's Green Grocer (Cyclochila australasiae)
Photo by Kevin Lee. Yellow-Green Green Grocer with Mask.

Yellow Monday morph of Cyclochila australasiae

Yellow Monday (Cyclochila australasiae) photos by Tom Katzoulopolopoulous.
Photo by Tom Katzoulopolopoulous.

Blue Moon morph of Cyclochila australasiae

Cyclochila australasiae, Blue Moon, by David Emery
Photo by David Emery.

Masked Devil morph of Cyclochila australasiae

Masked Devil cicada (Cyclochila australasiae). Photo by David Emery.
Photo by David Emery.

Bagpipe Cicada (Lembeja paradoxa)

The Bagpipe cicada can be found in the Northern tip of Queensland1, from October to February, but they’re most common during January2.

Lembeja paradoxa (Karsch, 1890). Photo by David Emery.
Photo by David Emery.

Cherrynose or Whiskey Drinker (Macrotristria angularis)

The Cherry Nose cicada can be found in Eastern Queensland, NSW, and a small part of South Australia, and is found November-February1, but is most common in December2.

Cherry Nose cicada (Macrotristria angularis). Photo by David Emery.
Photo by David Emery.

Double Drummer (Thopha saccata)

The Double Drummer can be found in parts of eastern Queensland and Eastern NSW, from November to early March1. Peaks in December.

Double Drummer (Thopha saccata)
Photo by Dan.

White Drummer (Arunta perulata)

The White Drummer cicada can be found in eastern Queensland and NSW, from November to April, but they are most common during December and January1.

White Drummer cicada (Arunta perulata). Photo by David Emery.
Photo by David Emery.

Orange Drummer (Thopha colorata)

When: January.

Orange Drummer (Thopha colorata) photos by Jodi from 2007. Australia.
Photo by Jodi.

Redeye cicada (Psaltoda moerens)

The Redeye cicada can be found in eastern NSW, Victoria, and Tasmania, and are most abundant in late November and December1, but can be found until February2.

Redeye cicada (Aleeta curvicosta). Photo by David Emery.
Photo by David Emery.

Golden Emperor (Anapsaltoda pulchra)

When is it out: Nov-Jan.

Anapsaltoda pulchra - Golden Emperors. Photo by David Emery.
Photo by David Emery.

Floury Baker (Aleeta curvicosta)

The Floury Baker can be found along the coast of Queensland & NSW. Adults are most common in late December and January1.

Photo by Michelle Thompson.

Tiger Prince or Tiger Cherrynose (Macrotristria godingi)

Tiger Prince

Golden Twanger aka Diemeniana euronotiana

The Diemeniana euronotiana can be found in eastern NSW, south-eastern Victoria, and Tasmania. They are most common from late November to January1.

Diemeniana euronotiana
Diemeniana euronotiana. Photo by David Emery.

Tasmanian Hairy Cicada aka Tettigarcta

Out: January-May.

Tettigarctidae sp.
Tettigarcta tomentosa.

More interesting names:

Date and location:
1 Moulds, M.S.. Australian Cicadas Kennsignton: New South Wales Press, 1990.

Researchers & resources:

David Emery

David Emery is a cicada researcher and has contributed many of the images you see on this website.

Use this amazing image by David Emery to identify some of the most well-known Australian cicada species:

Aussie cicadas 1 (3)

Nathan Emery

Nathan Emery released a cicada book called “A photo guide to the common cicadas of the Greater Sydney Region”. You can buy it online.
A photo guide to the common cicadas of the Greater Sydney Region

Dr. Popple

M.S. Moulds


  • Atlas of Living Australia Cicada page.
  • Brisbane Cicadas.
  • Narelle Power’s Cicada Photos.
  • Scribbly Gum’s The Summer of Signing Cicadas.
  • Morwell National Park Online.
  • Laura Imbruglia sings songs that mention Green Grocers and Yellow Mondays on her album “It Makes a Crunchy Noise”.
  • Categories
    Australia David Emery L. W. Popple Yoyetta

    Four new species of cicadas in the Yoyetta abdominalis (Distant) species group

    Four new cicadas described in Australia! Here are the details:

    Paper: Four new species of cicadas in the Yoyetta abdominalis (Distant) species group (Hemiptera: Cicadidae: Cicadettinae) from southeastern Australia

    Four new species are added to the Yoyetta abdominalis (Distant) species group: Y. douglasi sp. nov., Y. enigmatica sp. nov., Y. loftyensis sp. nov., and Y. ngarabal sp. nov. Calling song descriptions and morphological descriptions are provided for each species. An updated key to male specimens is also provided for the species group.

    Author: Lindsay W. Popple; David L. Emery
    Year: 2020
    Journal: Records of the Australian Museum
    Publisher: The Australian Museum
    More info on Dr. Popple’s website: Restless Firetail, Mt Lofty Firetail, Glade Firetail, and Grampians Firetail.

    France Italy Stamps Tibicina

    Tibicina haematodes (Scopoli 1763) stamp from France

    Here’s a Tibicina haematodes (Scopoli 1763) stamp from France:

    Tibicina haematodes (Scopoli 1763) stamp from France

    Tibicina haematodes (Scopoli 1763) stamp from France

    Australia Cystosoma Pop Culture

    Bladder cicada trading card

    Bladder cicada trading card. Bladder cicadas (Cystosoma saundersii) are found in Australia. Link to Dr. Popple’s website for more info.

    Bladder cicada trading card. Bladder cicadas are found in Australia.

    Accelerations Brood XIII Magicicada Periodical Stragglers U.S.A.

    Chicago Area Periodical Cicada Emergences in 2020

    Many periodical cicadas emerged four years early in the Chicago area in 2020. These cicadas belong to the Brood XIII (13) which is set to emerge in 2024, and last emerged in 2007. Periodical cicadas often emerge in years proceeding or following the year their brood is expected to emerge. This phenomenon is called straggling. Most of the time these “stragglers” emerge in small numbers and are quickly eaten by predators, and do not go on to sing, chorus (synchronized singing for the purpose of attracting females), mate, and lay eggs. Sometimes they emerge in numbers large enough to survive, chorus, and reproduce — this seems to have happened in the Chicago area in 2020. It is thought this is how new broods formed over the millennia — cicadas emerge 4 or 1 year early in significant numbers and form a new brood. When enough stragglers emerge to successfully reproduce it is called an acceleration.

    So, is a new brood forming around Chicago? Is this due to climate change or localized “heat islands”? Will the progeny of these stragglers emerge in 13, 17 or 21 years? Lots of questions — but we’ll need to wait quite some time to answer them.

    There is a precedence for Brood XIII cicadas straggling in the Chicago area:

    In 1969 massive numbers of periodical cicadas emerged in the Chicago suburbs 1 (Williams, K.S. & Simon, C. 1995).

    In 1986, another 4-year acceleration was observed in the Chicago area by Monte Lloyd 1.

    In 2003, many people left observations on our forums. Observations were made in Glenview, Flossmoor, Riverside, Downers Grove, Homewood, Westmont, Oak Park, and Hinsdale. Here are some examples:

    Magicicada emerging this evening

    Date: Wednesday, Jun/4/2003

    As I went for a walk this evening I noticed quite a few periodic cicadas emerging in the grass, crawling on the sidewalks and on the trunks of trees. This is not our year for the 17-year brood. We should not have them until 2007. Has anyone else in the Chicago area seen these cicadas? — Sue, Flossmoor, IL

    Cicada singing

    Date: Monday, Jun/9/2003

    I heard the cicadas singing for the first time this morning after my walk. Now that I have my doors open I can hear them on and off. — Sue, Flossmoor, IL

    In 2020 many people left comments on the Brood XIII page, emailed us (thanks Neil) and left sightings via the Cicada Safari app.

    1Williams, K.S. & Simon, C. 1995. The Ecology, Behavior, and Evolution of Periodical Cicadas. Annual Review of Entomology. Vol. 40:269-295 (

    Broods Lamotialnini Magicicada Periodical Periodical Stragglers U.S.A.

    Where will 17 & 13 Year Periodical Cicada Broods emerge next (2025)?

    Skip to a section: Broods | Your Town | Pre Emergence Signs | Compare Magicicada Species.

    17 & 13 Year Periodical Cicadas

    What will happen in 2025:

    The Forecast for 2025 is Brood XIV will emerge in Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Maryland, North Carolina, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia.

    We will also get some stragglers from Brood I in Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia.

    Facts: Over the next 10 years, there’s a 90% chance at least one Magicicada brood will emerge somewhere in the U.S.A. Across time, that percentage falls to 77%. Next year (2026) no Broods will emerge. The next 3 year gap (max gap) is 2043-2045.

    Magicicada Brood Chart

    The Brood Chart features the names of the broods (Roman numerals), emergence years, cycle-length, straggler-years, species and states where they may emerge.

    Brood I (1)

    Emergences: 2029, 2012, 1995, 1978, 1961.
    Cycle: 17-Year.
    Stragglers: 2025 (-4), 2028 (-1).
    Species: M. septendecim, M. cassini, M. septendecula.
    States: TN, VA, WV

    Brood II (2)

    Emergences: 2030, 2013, 1996, 1979, 1962.
    Cycle: 17-Year.
    Stragglers: 2026 (-4), 2029 (-1)
    Species: M. septendecim, M. cassini, M. septendecula.
    States: CT, GA, MD, NC, NJ, NY, OK, PA, VA

    Brood III (3)

    Emergences: 2031, 2014, 1997, 1980, 1963.
    Cycle: 17-Year.
    Stragglers: 2027 (-4), 2030 (-1)
    Species: M. septendecim, M. cassini, M. septendecula.
    States: IA, IL, MO

    Brood IV (4)

    Emergences: 2032, 2015, 1998, 1981, 1964.
    Cycle: 17-Year.
    Stragglers: 2028 (-4), 2031 (-1)
    Species: M. septendecim, M. cassini, M. septendecula.
    States: IA, KS, MO, NE, OK, TX

    Brood V (5)

    Emergences: 2033, 2016, 1999, 1982, 1965.
    Cycle: 17-Year.
    Stragglers: 2029 (-4), 2032 (-1)
    Species: M. septendecim, M. cassini, M. septendecula.
    States: LI NY, MD, OH, PA, VA, WV

    Brood VI (6)

    Emergences: 2034, 2017, 2000, 1983, 1966.
    Cycle: 17-Year.
    Stragglers: 2030 (-4), 2933 (-1)
    Species: M. septendecim, M. septendecula.
    States: GA, NC, SC, WI, OH

    Brood VII (7)

    Emergences: 2035, 2018, 2001, 1984, 1967.
    Cycle: 17-Year.
    Stragglers: 2031 (-4), 2034 (-1)
    Species: M. septendecim.
    States: NY

    Brood VIII (8)

    Emergences: 2036, 2019, 2002, 1985, 1968.
    Cycle: 17-Year.
    Stragglers: 2032(-4), 2035(-1)
    Species: M. septendecim, M. cassini, M. septendecula.
    States: OH, PA, WV and OK

    Brood IX (9)

    Emergences: 2037, 2020, 2003, 1986, 1969.
    Cycle: 17-Year.
    Stragglers: 2033(-4), 2036(-1)
    Species: M. septendecim, M. cassini, M. septendecula.
    States: NC, VA, WV

    Brood X (10)

    Emergences: 2038, 2021, 2004, 1987, 1970.
    Cycle: 17-Year.
    Stragglers: 2034(-4), 2037(-1)
    Species: M. septendecim, M. cassini, M. septendecula.
    States: DE, GA, IL, IN, KY, MD, MI, NC, NJ, NY, OH, PA, TN, VA, WV, Washington

    Brood XIII (13)

    Emergences: 2041, 2024, 2007, 1990, 1973.
    Cycle: 17-Year.
    Stragglers: 2025(+1)
    Species: M. septendecim, M. cassini, M. septendecula.
    States: IA, IL, IN, MI, WI

    Brood XIV (14)

    Emergences: 2025, 2008, 1991, 1974, 1957.
    Cycle: 17-Year.
    Stragglers: 2026(+1)
    Species: M. septendecim, M. cassini, M. septendecula.
    States: GA, IN, KY, MA, MD, NC, NJ, NY, OH, PA, TN, VA, WV

    Brood XIX (19)

    Emergences: 2037, 2024, 2011, 1998, 1985.
    Cycle: 13-Year.
    Stragglers: 2025(+1), 2028(+4)
    Species: M. tredecim, M. neotredecim, M. tredecassini, M. tredecula.
    States: AL, AR, GA, IA, IL, IN, KY, LA, MD, MO, MS, NC, OK, SC, TN, VA
    Brood XIX mini map

    Brood XXII (22)

    Emergences: 2027, 2014, 2001, 1988, 1975.
    Cycle: 13-Year.
    Stragglers: 2026(-1), 2032(+4)
    Species: M. tredecim, M. tredecassini, M. tredecula.
    States: KY, LA, MS, OH

    Brood XXIII (23)

    Emergences: 2028, 2015, 2002, 1989, 1976.
    Cycle: 13-Year.
    Stragglers: 2027(-1), 2032(+4)
    Species: M. tredecim, M. neotredecim, M. tredecassini, M. tredecula.
    States: AR, IL, IN, KY, LA, MO, MS, TN

    What specific day will they emerge?

    Generally speaking, these cicadas will begin to emerge when the soil 8″ beneath the ground reaches 64 degrees Fahrenheit (Heath, 1968). A nice, warm rain will often trigger an emergence. They can emerge anytime from early April to early June. It all depends on the weather.

    What should you look for before they emerge?

    Chimneys / Turrets

    Look for cicada chimneys a.k.a. turrets. These are structures cicadas build out of the soil, positioned above the hole where they will emerge.



    Look for holes in the diameter of an adult’s finger near the root system of a tree. These are sure signs that cicadas will emerge in the area.


    Cicadas Under Stones & Slates

    You might discover some cicada nymphs while turning over stones or when performing landscaping chores.

    Cicada tunneling under slate

    What do they look like when they emerge:

    Here is a great video of Magicicada nymphs once they have emerged from the ground:


    This is a recently emerged nymph crawling up a tree. Note that its eyes are red.


    Once cicadas nymphs have emerged from the ground, they will try to find a tree (or similar vertical surface), and then begin the process of shedding their old nymph skins (ecdysis), expanding their wings, and changing to their adult coloring. Watch this amazing transformation.


    How to tell the difference between the seven Magicicada species:

    Left to right: Magicicada cassini, Magicicada septendecula, Magicicada septendecim:

    Left to right: Magicicada cassini, Magicicada septendecula, Magicicada septendecim:

    The first way is based on the Brood. Take a look at the Brood chart above, and see which species appear with the Brood.

    There are 3 basic types of Magicicada: “‘Decims”, “‘Cassini” and “‘Deculas”.

    “Decims” aka Pharaoh Cicadas

    There are three species in this category:

    1. Magicicada septendecim (Linnaeus, 1758). 17-year life cycle. Broods: I-X, XIII, XIV.
    2. Magicicada neotredecim Marshall and Cooley 2000. 13-year life cycle. Broods: XIX, XXIII.
    3. Magicicada tredecim (Walsh and Riley, 1868). 13-year life cycle. Brood: XIX, XXII, XXIII.

    Their songs are very similar, however, when M. neotredecim & M. tredecim emerge in the same location, M. neotredecim’s song takes a higher pitch. Sounds like “Pharaoh, Pharaoh!”.

    Visual Appearance:

    M. septendecim
    Male on left; Female on right.

    M. neotredecim & M. septendecim have broad orange stripes with more orange than black on their abdomens.

    M. tredecim
    M. tredecim, by comparison, have almost entirely orange abdomens.

    eye to wing
    M. septendecim cicadas also have an area of orange coloring between the eye and the wing (pronotal extension).

    “Cassini” aka Dwarf Cicadas

    There are two species in this category:

    1. Magicicada cassini (Fisher, 1851). 17-year life cycle. Broods: I-V, VIII-X, XIII, XIV.
    2. Magicicada tredecassini Alexander and Moore, 1962. 13-year life cycle. Broods: XIX, XXII, XXII.

    Their songs are essentially identical:

    M. cassini Call and Court:

    Note how it makes a quick burst of sound, followed by some rapid clicks.

    Visual Appearance:

    M. cassini
    Female on left; Male on right.
    M. tredecassin & M. cassini cicadas have black abdomens with virtually no orange at all. Orange stripes are possible in the mid-west (important to note for Brood IV).


    There are two species in this category:

    1. Magicicada septendecula Alexander and Moore, 1962. 17-year life cycle. Broods: I-VI, VIII-X, XIII, XIV.
    2. Magicicada tredecula Alexander and Moore, 1962. 13-year life cycle. Broods: XIX, XXII, XXIII.

    Their songs are essentially identical:

    M. tredecula Call:

    Note the “tick, tick, tick” rhythm of the call.

    Visual Appearance:

    M. septendecula
    Female on left; Male on right.
    M. septendecula & M. tredecula have stripes that feature more black than orange. Otherwise, they’re very similar to M. cassini.

    How to figure out if they’re coming to your town?

    1. Verify that they’re coming to your state. Check the Magicicada Brood Chart on this page.
    2. Check Cicada Brood Maps linked from this page to see if they’re coming to your general area.
    3. Check to see if they’re coming to your neighborhood. Good sources include:
      1. Ask someone who lived there 17 (or 13) years before.
      2. Old timers (hint: old timers usually call them locusts).
      3. Check your local Library for old newspaper articles.
      4. Check with a local college: contact the entomology, forestry, or agriculture-related departments.
      5. Your local national, state, county, and town parks department (parks and rec). Some county parks departments plan events around cicada emergences.
    4. When will they emerge?
      1. They will emerge sometime in the Spring, for sure.
      2. They typically emerge once the soil 8 inches (20 cm) below the surface gets to 64 degrees Fahrenheit (18 degrees Celcius). At that temperature, they will start digging their tunnels to the surface. After a couple of days with above-ground temperatures near the 80’s F, and after a good rain, they will emerge. Read this paper for more info: Thermal Synchronization of Emergence in Periodical “17-year” Cicadas (Homoptera, Cicadidae, Magicicada) by James Edward Heath, American Midland Naturalist, Vol. 80, No. 2. (Oct. 1968), pp. 440-448.
      3. Cicadas in sunny areas of your yard will emerge before cicadas in shady areas.
      4. Cicadas in the southernmost states will emerge before cicadas in the northern states.
      5. You can try the Cicada Emergence Formula as well.
    5. If you don’t want them to damage your young or ornamental trees
      1. Spray them off with a garden hose.
      2. Foil around the trunk (to keep them from crawling up) (thanks Deborah).
      3. Insect barrier tape.
      4. Netting wrapped around & over the tree. “Insect barrier netting”. “Fruit tree covers”.
      5. Bagpipes (no joke, it worked at my friend’s wedding).
      6. Don’t use pesticides – we like all insects (especially pollinating bees).
    6. Are you scared of insects?
      • Unlike some other insects & arthropods. cicadas are not poisonous or venomous.
      • Try a hat, an umbrella, a bee-keeper outfit, a suit of armor…
    7. They’re coming, and they’re going to ruin my wedding!

    Questions about the Brood Chart

    Question: Why do I have cicadas in my neighborhood, but your chart indicates that I shouldn’t?

    Answer: Some possibilities: 1) they are stragglers, periodical cicadas that emerge too soon or late, 2) they are not periodical cicadas but are a different North American species, 3) you live on a continent other than North America, in which case, try one of these pages, or 4) SURPRISE! The U.S. is a big place and some cicada populations have yet to be documented.

    Question: Why don’t I have periodical cicadas in my area, but the information on your website indicates that I should?

    Answer: Two possibilities: 1) they went extinct or otherwise died off in your area, or 2) they aren’t everywhere in a state – normally there are large gaps in their range.

    Question: What are stragglers?

    Answer: Stragglers can emerge 1 or 4 years early or 1 or 4 years late. Don’t be surprised if you see some periodical cicadas emerge earlier than planned this year. 17-year brood members are most likely to straggle 4 years early, and 13-year brood members are most likely to straggle 4 years late. Straggler probability chart.

    Question: Are there other types of Periodical cicadas?

    Answer: There are two known species of periodical cicadas that are not Magicicada . One lives in India and the other in Fiji.

    Question: Why are there no Brood XI, XII, XV, or XVI?

    Answer: Perhaps you’ve noticed there are no Broods XI (11), XII (12), XV (15), XVI (16), XVII (17), XVIII (18), XX (20), XXI (21), XXIV (24), etc. Don’t worry about that. They never existed or are extinct (XI, XXI).

    Example Emergence Timeline

    This is an example of a typical cicada emergence. The exact dates will depend on the weather and density of the emergence in your location. Hot weather means an early start and quicker finish to the season — cool weather means a later start and a protracted season.

    May 30th Update

    Here’s an Excel version of the chart. Feel free to use it and adjust it to match your experience.

    Or watch the video version:

    More Magicicada websites:

    1. For much more information about 17-year cicadas visit Cicadas @ UCONN. The maps on this page link to that site.
    2. The Cicada Safari App is available for Android and Apple devices. Use it to see where people are finding cicadas, and to report your sightings.
    3. A Tale of Two Broods: The 2024 Emergence of Periodical Cicada Broods XIII and XIX book by Dr. Gene Kritsky.

    More Magicicada Information