Cicadettini Ivan Garcia Spain Tettigettalna

Tettigettalna argentata photo by Iván Jesus Torresano García

Tettigettalna argentata photo by Iván Jesus Torresano García. 2014. Spain.

Tettigettalna argentata photo by Iván Jesus Torresano García

Cicada habitat in Spain:

Cicada habitat in Spain

Cicada Cicadini Italy Ivan Garcia Spain

Cicada orni photos by Iván Jesus Torresano García

Cicada orni photos by Iván Jesus Torresano García. Spain. 2014.

Cicada orni (Ash Cicada) blend in so well with their habitat. They’re very hard to see on the bark of a tree.

Cicada orni photos by Iván Jesus Torresano García. Spain. 2014.

Cicada orni photos by Iván Jesus Torresano García. Spain. 2014.

Cicada orni photos by Iván Jesus Torresano García. Spain. 2014.

Cicadettini Hilaphura Ivan Garcia Spain

Hilaphura varipes photos by Iván Jesus Torresano García

Hilaphura varipes photos by Iván Jesus Torresano García. Spain. 2014.

Hilaphura varipes photos by Iván Jesus Torresano García. Spain. 2014.

Hilaphura varipes photos by Iván Jesus Torresano García. Spain. 2014.

Hilaphura varipes photos by Iván Jesus Torresano García. Spain. 2014.

Hilaphura varipes photos by Iván Jesus Torresano García. Spain. 2014.

France Italy Ivan Garcia Lyristes Spain Tacuini (Cryptotympanini) Tibicen Turkey

Lyristes plebejus or Tibicen plebejus?

Lyristes plebejus is a cicada found in most of Europe and middle-eastern Asia. There is an ongoing debate over its genus. Some say Lyristes, and some say Tibicen. I don’t have an opinion on the matter, but most folks in Europe say Lyristes plebejus, so I’m leading with that name.

Photo of an adult Lyristes plebejus by Iván Jesus Torresano García:
43 Tibicen plebejus molt sequence, photos by Iván Jesus Torresano García

Photo of a molting Lyristes plebejus by Iván Jesus Torresano García:

Scientific classification:
Family: Cicadidae
Subfamily: Cicadinae
Tribe: Cryptotympanini
SubTribe: Cryptotympanina
Genus: Lyristes or Tibicen
Species: Lyristes plebejus (Scopoli 1763) or Tibicen plebejus (Scopoli 1763)

According to iNaturalist this cicada is around between June and August. Peak in July.

View more photos of this cicada. Most photos by Iván Jesus Torresano García. There’s nearly 100.

For more information about this cicada, visit SONGS OF EUROPEAN SINGING CICADAS.

Cicada Cyprus Egypt France Italy Ivan Garcia Spain Turkey Video

Cicada orni Linnaeus, 1758

Cicada orni (Ash Cicada) is a cicada found in many European & Asian countries, including Spain, Turkey, Albania, Austria, Cyprus, Czechoslovakia, Egypt, France, Greece, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Lebanon, Romania, Switzerland, and Yugoslavia. It is also known as the Ash cicada.

Photo by Iván Jesus Torresano García taken in Spain.
Cicada orni

A video by Iván Jesus Torresano García taken in Spain.:

Scientific classification:
Family: Cicadidae
Subfamily: Cicadinae
Tribe: Cicadini
SubTribe: Cicadina
Genus: Cicada
Species: Cicada orni Linnaeus, 1758

According to iNaturalist Cicada orni is around between June and August. They peak in July.

For more information about this cicada visit SONGS OF EUROPEAN SINGING CICADAS.

Croatia England France Genera Italy Slovenia Spain

Cicadas of Europe

Cicada Linnaeus, 1758

Cicada orni photos by Iván Jesus Torresano García. Spain. 2014.
Cicada orni photo by Iván Jesus Torresano García.

Euryphara Horváth, 1912

Euryphara contentei photos by Iván Jesus Torresano García. Spain. 2014.
Euryphara contentei photo by Iván Jesus Torresano García.

Hilaphura Webb, 1979

Hilaphura varipes photos by Iván Jesus Torresano García. Spain. 2014.
Hilaphura varipes photo by Iván Jesus Torresano García.

Lyristes Horváth, 1926

Lyristes plebejus photo by Iván Jesús Torresano García
Tibicen/Lyristes plebejus photo by Iván Jesús Torresano García


Tettigettalna Puissant, 2010

Tettigettalna argentata photo by Iván Jesus Torresano García
Tettigettalna argentata photo by Iván Jesus Torresano García

Blog Posts By Country:

Websites Dedicated to the Cicadas of Europe for further research:

  1. Songs of European Singing Cicadas. Many images, sound files and text content.
  2. SONGS OF CICADAS from Slovenia and Istria (Croatia) ( Many cicada photos, sound files and about six paragraphs of information about the cicadas of Slovenia and Croatia by Prof.dr. Matija Gogala.
  3. La cigale : un insecte vraiment étonnant ! Lots of text content, photos and video of the cicadas of France.
  4. Species Action Plan: New Forest Cicada (Cicadetta montana) ( A photo and about ten paragraphs of information. England.
  5. Welcome to the New Forest Cicada Project. A site devoted to finding the New Forrest Cicada in England.
  6. Cicadas of Spain. There are a lot of photos and video from Spain on Cicada Mania thanks to Iván Jesús Torresano García.

Click the images for larger versions, the species name and the name of the photographer.

Cicada Euryphara Hilaphura Ivan Garcia Spain Tettigettalna

Iván Jesús Torresano García’s Cicadas of Spain

Iván Jesús Torresano García send us a dozens of cicada photos from Spain, where he resides. According to Iván June is a peak time for cicadas in Spain. Cicadas common to the area are: Cicada orni, Lyristes (old Tibicen) plebejus, Tettigetta argentata, Hilapura varipes, Euryphara contentei (miniature), Tibicina tomentosa, and finally the brownish “Barbara Lusitanica Cicada”.

Iván Jesús Torresano García Four cicadas from Spain


Here are some of these cicadas captured by Iván.

Cicada orni:

Cicada orni is one of the most common cicadas in Spain and all of Europe. The are incredibly well camouflaged.

Tettigettalna argentata:

Hilaphura varipes:

Euryphara contentei:

For more information of the cicadas of Spain, visit Songs of European Singing Cicadas.

Ivan Garcia Spain

New photos from Iván Jesus Torresano García

Two new cicada photos by Iván Jesus Torresano García from Spain:



Ivan Garcia Lyristes Spain Video

More cicadas from Spain

Iván Jesus Torresano García sent us another 44 photos of Tibicen plebejus aka Lyristes plebejus, and several YouTube videos.

31 Tibicen plebejus molt sequence, photos by Iván Jesus Torresano García

Some YouTube videos:

Momento en el que finaliza de emerger Cicada 27/June/2007.

Tibicen plebejus recién cogida del parque Forestal Entrevías:

Tibicen plebejus recogida del parque.Emergiendo.27/June/2007

Lyristes plebejus or Tibicen plebejus?Emerging 27/June/2007.

Here’s a cicada news cast from Spain:

Ivan Garcia Lyristes Spain

Cicada from Spain

We have a new gallery, our first from Spain. Tibicen plebejus by Iván Jesus Torresano García. 51 photos in all.

Here’s a sample:

Cicada from Spain