Brood XIV Magicicada Nymphs Roy Troutman Video

1st Instar Magicicada Nymphs

Here’s a photo of first instar Magicicada nymphs by Roy Troutman:

1st instar Magicicada nymphs

Here is video of a 1st instar magicicada nymph crawling around taken just minutes after it crawled from its egg sack:

1st instar magicicada nymph from Roy Troutman on Vimeo.

1st instar magicicada nymph in slow motion by Roy:

1st instar magicicada nymph in slow motion from Roy Troutman on Vimeo.

Brood XIII Magicicada Photos & Illustrations

Jan & Roger’s Brood XIII Magicicada Gallery.

Here’s our one any only 2007 Brood XIII gallery:

Photos by Jan & Roger. Click for larger versions of the images.

A mix of Magicicada skins and adults from Brood XIII:
A mix of skins and adults - Brood XIII

Many Adult Magicicada cicadas from Brood XIII:
Adult Magicicada - Brood XIII

An Adult Magicicada cicada from Brood XIII:
Adult Magicicada - Brood XIII

Many adult Magicicada cicada from Brood XIII:
Adult Magicicada - Brood XIII

Adult Magicicadas from Brood XIII:
Adult Magicicadas - Brood XIII

Magicicada adults from Brood XIII:
Magicicada adults - Brood XIII

Magicicada holes from Brood XIII:
Magicicada holes - Brood XIII

Magicicada skins from Brood XIII:
Magicicada skins - Brood XIII

Molting Magicicada from Brood XIII:
Molting Magicicada - Brood XIII

Nymph and adult Magicicada from Brood XIII:
Nymph and adult - Brood XIII

Skins and adults on leaves:
Skins and adults on leaves - Brood XIII

Skins on leaves:
Skins on leaves - Brood XIII

Teneral, recently molted Magicicada:
Teneral, recently molted Magicicada - Brood XIII

Teneral, recently molted Magicicada:
Teneral, recently molted Magicicada - Brood XIII

Teneral, recently molted Magicicada:
Teneral, recently molted Magicicada - Brood XIII

Brood XIII Magicicada

Brood XIII wrap up: a few more photos from Joe Balynas



View all of Joe Balynas’ Magicicada photos.

Eggs Magicicada Roy Troutman


Here’s a picture of Magicicada eggs from Roy Troutman. They’re about 3-4mm long. Very tiny.

Cicada Eggs

Brood XIII Eye Color Magicicada

Another Blue/White Eye Contest Winner

Here’s a white eyed cicada from Grayson Martin.

White Eyed cicada

Brood XIII Elias Bonaros Eye Color Magicicada

More Blue Eyed Cicada Contest Winners

This entry was submitted by Elias Bonaros and Barbara Rzeszutek, taken in Deerfield, IL:

Elias Bonaros and Barbara Rzeszutek, taken in Deerfield, IL

This entry was submitted by Chris Owen, taken at Lemon Lake County Park in Cedar lake, IN:

blue eyed cicadas

Brood XIII Magicicada Photos & Illustrations

A couple of nice cicada photos from Joe Balynas

Click the images for larger versions:

Mating cicadas:

Joe Balynas 2007

A female cicada getting ready to lay some eggs:

Joe Balynas 2007

Joe Balynas 2007

Joe Balynas 2007

A Huge mass of cicada exuvia:

A Huge mass of cicada exuvia:

Brood XIII Exuvia Magicicada

Exuvia mania

Joe Balynas sent us this picture of a mass of cicada exuvia (aka shells, skins, crisps). Make sure you click the image for the awesome larger version.


See all Joe’s Magicicada photos.

Audio, Sounds, Songs Brood XIII Joe Green Magicicada Video

Brood XIII Magicicadas by Joe Green

Brood XIII Magicicadas by Joe Green

Brood XIII Magicicadas by Joe Green from Cicada Mania on Vimeo.

Magicicada song by Joe Green

Magicicada song by Joe Green from Cicada Mania on Vimeo.

Magicicada Roy Troutman Video

Magicicada flying slo-motion by Roy Troutman

Here is a video of an adult magicicada taking off for flight:

Magicicada flying slo-motion from Roy Troutman on Vimeo.