Brood XIII Magicicada Nymphs Roy Troutman Video

Magicicada nymphs emerging by Roy

Magicicada nymphs emerging by Roy Troutman.

Magicicada nymphs emerging from Roy Troutman\.

Brood XIII Magicicada

Time to face the (cicada) music

A great photo of a Magicicada by Christina Thorell:

Adult Magicicada

Brood XIII Magicicada


Looking forward to seeing Gene Kritsky speak tomorrow at the Lake County Forest Preserve.

Blogs (some with pictures)
First, Catch Your Cicada .

Photo of the day

Photo by Joe Balynas.



Cicadas in Ann Arbor area?

Kaz wrote to tell us that Magicicadas are appearing around Ann Arbor MI, contrary to popular opinion — I’ll waiting for pictures to confirm…. Developing…

Update: these would be Brood X stragglers, not brood XIII. 🙂

Brood XIII Magicicada

Emergence Report for 5/28

There’s been some Wisconsin reports: Lake Geneva, WI and Iowa County. Will Iowa state be next?


There are hundreds of cicada photos on flickr. Here’s some favorites:

A pile of exuvia.

A large pile at the foot of a tree.

Dozens climbing up a tree limb.

Close up of an adult.

Brood XIII Magicicada

Magicicada Emerging from its Exuvia

Here’s some nice close ups (macros) of a Magicicada emerging from its exuvia (what most people call skin, or husk, or shell). The photos were taken by Michael Fiorenzo with a Nikon Coolpix 3200. Click the images for the full size originals.

Molting Magicicada:
Molting Magicicada

Molting Magicicada:
Molting Magicicada

Mating Magicicada:
Mating Magicicada

Brood XIII Magicicada

Emergence Report for 5/26

New Emergence Locations: River Forest, Oak Park, Lenox (all Illinois)

Anyone in Wisconsin or Iowa see a cicada yet?


And squirrels eating cicadas!

More Flickr photo sets:

ninjono’s cicada photos.

Elmhurst Bags’ cicada photos.

baywatchbanks’ cicada photos.

mawlor410’s cicada photos.

srfagan’s cicada photos. Nice photos of piles of cicada skins at the base of a tree.

Also read my article: Are cicadas safe to eat?. Watch out if you’re prone to gout.

Brood XIII Magicicada

Emergence Report for 5/25

Emergence Location: Highland Park.


An interesting photo from Daniel Devine’s blog: one nymph crawling on top of an adult trying to emerge:

Daniel Devine

Photos by Mark Muto of cicadas from North Riverside.

Magicicada nymph


Brood XIII Magicicada

Emergence Report for 5/24

Emergence Locations: Glenview, Flossmoor, Des Plaines, Brookfield, Palos Heights, … (all Illinois)

A funny photo from from James P from Glenview, IL (click the image for a larger version):


From Sue B in Flossmoor, IL, the cicadas and the sea gulls patiently waiting to eat them:


magicicada skins

Magicicada Music

Cicada Rapp

Check out the CicadaCicadaCiada rapp by Soul-gers on the Mic (MySpace Music). You’ll notice that they use real cicada sounds in place of instruments in the song — pretty cool!