Brood X Magicicada photos by Melanie Chang from 2004. Taken in Burke, VA, June 2004.
Category: Photos & Illustrations
Photos & Illustrations of cicadas.
Female Cryptotympana atrata photo by Jon Allen from 2006. Taken in South Korea.
Cicadettana calliope photos by Paul Krombholz.
This cicada species was formerly known as Cicadetta calliope and Melampsalta calliope.
Neotibicen superbus photo by Sloan Childers from 2005. Round Rock, Texas.
Vince Matson’s Neotibicen tibicen photos from 2005. Back in 2005 we called them Tibicen chloromerus. Location unknown.
Molting cicada photos from Japan by John McDonald. Taken in 2004.
Brood X Magicicada photo by Michael Malsam from 2004. Parts unknown.
Brood X Magicicada photos by The McShane Family from 2004. Towson, Maryland.
Cicada exuvia on a fence:
Cicadas on playground equipment:
Cicadas on a tree trunk
Cicada skins/exuvia and dead cicadas at the base of a tree
Cicada on tree bark
Cicada on the ground
Brood X Magicicada photo by Fred Berry from 2004. Parts unknown.
Brood X Magicicada photos by Mark Goldberg from 2004. Maryland.