Brood X Magicicada Photos & Illustrations

Brood X Magicicada photos by Phil Smith from 2004

Brood X Magicicada photos by Phil Smith from 2004. Indiana.

Brood X Magicicada photo by Phil Smith from 2004. Indiana.

Brood X Magicicada photo by Phil Smith from 2004. Indiana.

Brood X Magicicada Photos & Illustrations

Magicicada Brood X photo by Frank Mefford from 2004

Magicicada Brood X photo by Frank Mefford from 2004. Kentucky.

Magicicada Brood X photo by Frank Mefford from 2004. Kentucky.

Brood X Magicicada Photos & Illustrations

Magicicada Brood X photo by Walter Hanig from 2004

Magicicada Brood X photo by Walter Hanig from 2004. Washington, D.C.

Magicicada Brood X photo by Walter Hanig from 2004. Washington, D.C.

Brood X Magicicada Photos & Illustrations

Magicicada Brood X photos by Steve Groh from 2004

Magicicada Brood X photos by Steve Groh from 2004. Cincinnati, Ohio.

Magicicada Brood X photos by Steve Groh from 2004

Magicicada Brood X photos by Steve Groh from 2004

Magicicada Brood X photos by Steve Groh from 2004

Magicicada Brood X photos by Steve Groh from 2004

Diceroprocta Joe Green Photos & Illustrations U.S.A.

Diceroprocta olympusa photos by Joe Green

Diceroprocta olympusa photos by Joe Green from 2007. Florida.

Diceroprocta  olympusa photos by Joe Green from 2007.

Diceroprocta  olympusa photos by Joe Green from 2007.

Diceroprocta  olympusa photos by Joe Green from 2007.

Diceroprocta  olympusa photos by Joe Green from 2007.

Brood X Eye Color Magicicada Periodical Photos & Illustrations Roy Troutman

Photos of Magicicada cicadas with white & blue eyes by Roy Troutman

Photos of Magicicada cicadas with white & blue eyes by Roy Troutman from 2004.

Photo of a Magicicada cicada with blue eyes by Roy Troutman.
Photo of a Magicicada cicada with blue eyes by Roy Troutman.

Photo of a Magicicada cicada with blue eyes by Roy Troutman.
Photo of a Magicicada cicada with blue eyes by Roy Troutman.

Photo of a Magicicada cicada with white eyes by Roy Troutman.
Photo of a Magicicada cicada with white eyes by Roy Troutman.

Photo of a Magicicada cicada with white eyes by Roy Troutman.
Photo of a Magicicada cicada with white eyes by Roy Troutman.

Magicicada Periodical Photos & Illustrations

Magicicada Photos by Gwen Elferdink from Brood X, 2004

17-year Magicicada Photos by Gwen Elferdink from Brood X 2004.

Magicicada photo by Gwen Elferdink

Magicicada photo by Gwen Elferdink

Magicicada photo by Gwen Elferdink

Magicicada photo by Gwen Elferdink

Photos & Illustrations

March of the cicadas

March of the cicadas P5509, originally uploaded by eyeweed.

Now that is a lot of cicada skins!

Brood II Magicicada Periodical Photos & Illustrations

Jean-Francois Duval’s Cicada Photos from Connecticut

Jean-Francois Duval of Victoriaville, Québec wrote me back on April 15th looking for advice for where and when to observe the 2013 Brood II emergence. Where is easier than when. I recommended a park in Connecticut (closest state to Victoriaville, Québec) that is known to have Brood II cicadas. When was more difficult this year because of a cold and rainy spring; cold and rain delay emergences or make them difficult to appreaciate.

I’m happy to say Jean-Francois made it to Connecticut at the right time to see the cicadas. Here is a selection of his photos.

Adult Magicicada and cicada with failed ecdysis in Connecticut by Jean-Francois Duval

Cicada emergence holes in Connecticut by Jean-Francois Duval

Exuvia on a tree in Connecticut by Jean-Francois Duval

Magicicada exuvia in Connecticut by Jean-Francois Duval

Magicicada septendecim in Connecticut by Jean-Francois Duval

Teneral Magicicada and exuvia in Connecticut by Jean-Francois Duval

Teneral Magicicada in Connecticut by Jean-Francois Duval

White Eyed Magicicada in Dale city VA by Stephen Cota

Brood II Elias Bonaros Magicicada Periodical Photos & Illustrations Roy Troutman

Roy Troutman’s 2013 Brood II cicada photos, gallery 1

When Roy Troutman visited New Jersey and New York in 2013 for Brood II he took a lot of great cicada photos.

Here is a sample of the best.
Click the images for a larger version.
Visit Gallery #2 and Gallery #3 for more.

A mass of exuvia and corpses by Roy Troutman
A mass of exuvia and corpses by Roy Troutman

Adult Magicicada on a pine tree by Roy Troutman
Adult Magicicada on a pine tree by Roy Troutman

Cicada Art at the Staten Island Museum by Roy Troutman
Cicada Art at the Staten Island Museum by Roy Troutman

Cicada Holes by Roy Troutman
Cicada Holes by Roy Troutman

Cicada Nikes
Cicada Nikes

Cicada Nymph by Roy Troutman
Cicada Nymph by Roy Troutman

Cicada Timeline at the Staten Island Museum by Roy Troutman
Cicada Timeline at the Staten Island Museum by Roy Troutman

Crippled Magicicada by Roy Troutman
Crippled Magicicada by Roy Troutman

Dan Mozgai, Roy Troutman and Elias Bonaros at the Staten Island Museum by Michelle Troutman
Dan Mozgai_ Roy Troutman and Elias Bonaros at the Staten Island Museum by Michelle Troutman

Elias Bonaros in the Manhattan Subway new a Cicada Tile Mosaic
Elias Bonaros in the Manhattan Subway new a Cicada Tile Mosaic