Brood X Magicicada Photos & Illustrations Roy Troutman

Roy Troutman’s 1980s Cicada Photos, part 3

Roy Troutman’s 1980s Cicada Photos, part 3.

Skip to Part 1 and Part 2.

1987. Cicada on small branch.
Roy 1987 Cicada on Small Branch

1988. Straggler cicada molting.
Roy 1988 Straggler Cicada Molting

1987. Cicada on thistle.
Roy 1987 Cicada on Thistle

1988. Tibicen exuvia race.
Roy 1988 Tibicen Exuvia Race

1988. Two cicadas in silhouette.
Roy 1988 2 Cicadas in Silhouette

Brood X Chimneys Magicicada Photos & Illustrations Roy Troutman

Roy Troutman’s 1980s Cicada Photos, part 2

Roy Troutman’s 1980s Cicada Photos, part 2.

Skip to Part 1 and Part 3.

1987. Mating Cicadas.
Roy 1987 Mating Cicadas

1987. Cicada chimney.
Roy 1987 Cicada Chimney

1988. Straggler cicada.
Roy 1988 Straggler Cicada

1987. Cicada feeding.
Roy 1987 Cicada Feeding

1988. Roy & Pa watching emerging cicadas.
Roy 1988 Roy & Pa Watching Emerging Cicadas

Brood X Magicicada Photos & Illustrations Roy Troutman

Roy Troutman’s 1980s Cicada Photos, part 1

Roy Troutman’s 1980s Cicada Photos, part 1.

Skip to Part 2 and Part 3.

1987. Cicada on finger.
Roy 1987 Cicada on Finger

1987. Nymph exit holes.
Roy 1987 Nymph Exit Holes

1987. Cicada next to shell (exuvia).
Roy 1987 Cicada Next to Shell

1988. Shells with spider.
Roy 1988 to Shells With Spider

Tom & Roy watching cicada molt.
Roy 1988 Tom & Roy Watching Cicada Molt

Brood XIV Magicicada Photos & Illustrations Roy Troutman

Roy Troutman’s 1990s Cicada Photos, part 2

This is a gallery of Roy Troutman’s cicada photos from 1990 & 1991. Most likely from the Cincinnati area of Ohio.

Skip to Part 1.

1990 Magicicada Straggler
Roy 1990 Straggler Cicada

1991 Mating Magicicadas
Roy 1991 Mating Cicadas

1991 Nymph molting
Roy 1991 Nymph Molting

1991 Nymph molting
Roy 1991 Cicada Molting

1991 Cicadas mating
Roy 1991 Cicadas Mating

1991 Cicada shell
Roy 1991 Cicada Shell

1991 Cicada drying
Roy 1991 Cicada Drying

Brood XIV Megatibicen Photos & Illustrations Roy Troutman

Roy Troutman’s 1990s Cicada Photos, part 1

This is a gallery of Roy Troutman’s cicada photos from 1991. Most likely from the Cincinnati area of Ohio.

Skip to Part 2.

Cicada on a Buckeye leaf:
Roy 1991 Cicada on Buckeye

Magicicada nymph molting:
Roy 1991 Nymph Molting

Magicicada nymph molting silhouette with moon.
Roy 1991 Nymph Silhouette

Magicicada nymph molting:
Roy 1991 Nymph Molting

Adult Magicicada on a leaf:
Roy 1991 Cicada on Leaf

Female Laying Eggs:
Roy 1991 Female Laying Eggs

Nymphs Photos & Illustrations Roy Troutman

Roy Troutman’s Cicada Photos from the 1980s

Roy Troutman has been a cicada fan since he was a kid. Here’s some of his cicada photos from the 1980s:

1980: Neotibicen nymph.
Tibicen Nymph. 1980. Roy Troutman.

1981. Tibicen exuvia (skins).
1981. Tibicen exuvia. Roy Troutman.

1982. Roy and a Neotibicen.
Roy and a Neotibicen. 1982.

1983. Immature Magicicadas.
1983 immature Magicicada nymphs. Roy Troutman.

1983. Immature Magicicada.
1983 Immature Magicicada. Roy Troutman.

Magicicada Photos & Illustrations Roy Troutman

Classic Magicicada photos from Roy Troutman, part 3

Over the years Roy Troutman has contributed hundreds of photos and dozens of videos to this website.

These are some classic Magicicada photos from Roy. Skip to part 1 and part 2.

Molted cicadas:
Molted cicadas. Roy Troutman.

Molted cicada:

Molted cicada. Roy Troutman.

Molted cicadas:
Molted cicada. Roy Troutman.

Adult cicadas:
Adult cicadas. Roy Troutman.

Molted cicada:
Molted cicada. Roy Troutman.

Molted cicada:
Molted cicada. Roy Troutman.

Molted cicada:
Molted cicada. Roy Troutman.

Molted cicada:
Molted cicada. Roy Troutman.

Molted cicada:
Molted cicada. Roy Troutman.

Adult cicadas:
Adult cicadas. Roy Troutman.

Molted cicada:
Molted cicada. Roy Troutman.

Adult cicadas:
Adult cicadas. Roy Troutman.

Adult cicada:
Adult cicada. Roy Troutman.

Molting cicada:
Molting cicada. Roy Troutman.

Adult cicadas:
Adult cicadas. Roy Troutman.

Magicicada Photos & Illustrations Roy Troutman

Classic Magicicada photos from Roy Troutman, part 2

Over the years Roy Troutman has contributed hundreds of photos and dozens of videos to this website.

These are some classic Magicicada photos from Roy. This is part 2, skip to part 1 or Part 3.

Molted cicada:
Molted cicada. Roy Troutman.

Nymph. Roy Troutman.

Molted cicadas:
Molted cicadas. Roy Troutman.

Molting cicada:
Molting cicada. Roy Troutman.

Molted cicadas:
Molted cicadas. Roy Troutman.

Molted cicadas:
Molting cicada. Roy Troutman.

Cicada skins (exuvia):
Cicada skins. Roy Troutman.

Molted cicadas:
Molted cicadas. Roy Troutman.

Molting cicada:
Molting cicada. Roy Troutman.

Nymph. Roy Troutman.

Cicada chimney:
Cicada chimney. Roy Troutman.

Cicada chimney:
Cicada chimney. Roy Troutman.

Cicada chimney:
Cicada chimney. Roy Troutman.

Molted cicadas:
Molted cicadas. Roy Troutman.

Magicicada Photos & Illustrations Roy Troutman

Classic Magicicada photos from Roy Troutman, part 1

Over the years Roy Troutman has contributed hundreds of photos and dozens of videos to this website.

These are some classic Magicicada photos from Roy. Skip to Part 2 and Part 3.

Adult Magicicada:

Molted Magicicada:
Molted cicada. Roy Troutman.

Molting and Molted cicadas.
Molting & molted cicadas. Roy Troutman.

Nymphs on a tree.
Nymphs on a tree. Adult Magicicada. Roy Troutman.

Adult and skin:
Adult & skin. Nymphs on a tree. Adult Magicicada. Roy Troutman.

A series of photos of a cicada molting:
Adult Magicicada. Roy Troutman.

Molting cicada. Roy Troutman.

Molting cicada. Roy Troutman.

Molting cicada. Roy Troutman.

Molted cicada. Roy Troutman.

Adult cicada:
Adult Magicicada. Roy Troutman.

Bill Reynolds Neotibicen Photos & Illustrations Tacuini (Cryptotympanini)

More Green Neotibicen

These are “Green Neotibicen” from Bill Reynolds’ collection. The “Green Neotibicen” include the very visually similar N. linnei, N. pruinosus, N. winnemanna and N.canicularis.

These cicadas are Neotibicen davisi:
green tibicen #2 from Bill Reynolds collection

These cicadas are Neotibicen pruinosus pruinosus:
green tibicen #1 from Bill Reynolds collection

These are Neotibicen pruinosus fulvus (photo by Bill Reynolds):