Neotibicen canicularis is one of the smaller Neotibicen. It’s better known as a Dog Day Cicada.
These photos come from a cicada hunt for auletes, but I found this canicularis as well.
Neotibicen canicularis is one of the smaller Neotibicen. It’s better known as a Dog Day Cicada.
These photos come from a cicada hunt for auletes, but I found this canicularis as well.
These are “Green Neotibicen” from Bill Reynolds’ collection. The “Green Neotibicen” include the very visually similar N. linnei, N. pruinosus, N. winnemanna and N.canicularis.
These cicadas are Neotibicen davisi:
These cicadas are Neotibicen pruinosus pruinosus:
These are Neotibicen pruinosus fulvus (photo by Bill Reynolds):
These are “Green Neotibicen” from Bill Reynolds’ collection. The “Green Neotibicen” include the very visually similar N. linnei, N. pruinosus, N. winnemanna and N.canicularis.
Left to Right: Neotibicen superbus, Megatibicen dorsatus, Megatibicen dorsatus, Megatibicen resh from the collection of Bill Reynolds.
Megatibicen auletes from Bill Reynolds’ collection. A lot of cicadas! People send Bill cicadas from all over the U.S., because he’s a renowned cicada expert, and his collection grows and grows. Lucky guy.
* Note as of 2023 the name of this cicada has changed to Megatibicen grossus. You can also call it a Northern Dusk-Signing Cicada.
Megatibicen dealbatus from Bill Reynolds’ collection.
Megatibicen dorsatus from Bill Reynolds’ collection.
Neotibicen lyricen from Bill Reynolds’ collection.
Top row is Neotibicen lyricen lyricen, and Bottom row is Neotibicen lyricen engelhardi.
Megatibicen pronotalis from Bill Reynolds’ collection.
Megatibicen resh from Bill Reynolds’ collection.