Brood XIII Magicicada


Looking forward to seeing Gene Kritsky speak tomorrow at the Lake County Forest Preserve.

Blogs (some with pictures)
First, Catch Your Cicada .

Photo of the day

Photo by Joe Balynas.


2 replies on “Chicago”

STILL not a one in Dekalb. Not a sound or sight of them near the forest preserve! Must be a really late group.

I like that picture of the white one. The white ones are cute. Its fascinating how they go from a mynph to a white one to a black one. I still see mynphs coming out of our yeard in Westmont and this is the 10th day in a row that some are still emerging. In Westmont and sourounding areas like Clarenden Hills, Downers Grove, Hinsdale ect they get real ear piercing when you walk by the trees. I mean my street is sure ear piercing. Sheri Tuskey from Westmont

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