Cicada Alphabet

Cicada Alphabet: M

M is for Magicicada. Magicicada is a genus of North American cicadas best known for their 17 or 13 year life cycles, and for the overwhelming numbers in which they emerge. Magicicadas are organized into broods, which emerge in specific years, in specific locations in 17 or 13 year cycles. There are seven species of Magicicada, the 17 year varieties: septendecim, cassini, septendecula, and the 13 year varieties: neotredecim, tredecim, tredecassini and tredecula. Each species is slightly different in coloring, song or other attributes. Magicicada are also know as periodical cicadas and “locusts”. There’s an abundance of Magicicada photos, video and sound files on this site, and other sites like Cicadas @ UCONN (formerly Explore to find out more.

Magicicada on my finger by Dan from Cicada Mania on Vimeo.

Macrosemia is a genus of cicadas that exists in Asia. See a photo of a Macrosemia chantrainei and Macrosemia tonkiniana from Thailand.

C.L. Marlatt is best know for his study and documentation of periodical cicadas. Marlatt was an assistant entomologist working for the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Division of Entomology in the late 19th century when he produced the bulletin “The periodical cicada: an account of Cicada septendecim, its natural enemies and the means of preventing its injury : together with a summary of the distribution of the different broods”. You can read this document on the USDA website.

David Marshall is a cicada researcher well known for his research of cicadas of North America, Australia and New Zealand. Visit Insect Singers, David’s website; it’s packed with cicada photos and sound files, critical for identifying cicadas.

The Masked Devil is an orange and black color variation of the Cyclochila australasiae cicada found in Australia. See a picture of a Masked Devil. The green variety of this cicada is called the Green Grocer.

Massospora cicadina is a fungus that afflicts Magicicadas. The fungus is sexually transmitted, and destroys the abdomen of the afflicted cicada.

The Oncotympana maculaticollis a.k.a. Minmin-zemi is a Japanese cicada with a distinctive call, which sounds like its name: “min min minnnnnnnn”. If you’ve watched enough Japanese films or cartoons, you’ll recognize this cicada’s call. Visit the Cicadae in Japan site for photos and images.

Thomas E. Moore is a cicada researcher and curator of the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology. Visit Singing Insects of North America for cicada information collected by Moore.

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