Cicada Mania

Dedicated to cicadas, the most amazing insects in the world.

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June 19, 2024

Cicada Bug Coloring & Activity Book

Filed under: Books — Dan @ 8:57 am

It appears that this Cicada Bug Coloring & Activity Book is the second most popular cicada book on Amazon. This took me by surprise. I have not read it, so I cannot vouch for its quality.

coloring book

Here’s the top 5 that I see:

  1. New Brood XIX and XIII Cicada Book by Dr. Gene Kritsky
  2. Cicada Bug Coloring & Activity Book
  3. Cecily Cicada, a cicada book for kids
  4. The Cicada Olympics: Engaging Kids in Live Insect Activities
  5. The Cicadas Are Coming

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