annoying cicada!!
Date: Sunday, Aug/31/2003
I was outside playing softball,there was a cicada sitting on the tree above me. It started screaching really loud and wouldn’t stop! So I picked up a stick and hit the cicada,it flew off and came back in about 5 seconds. I hit it several more times and it never left, so I did. Shelby, Parsons,Kansas
So that’s a Cicada!
Date: Sunday, Aug/31/2003
I kept seeing these big flying bugs and was not sure what they were. Cicadas!! I came upon this site! Thanks, it’s fascinating. Now I know that they don’t bite or sting. I’ve always heard them but didn’t know what they looked like. I saw one on my back deck on it’s back and thought it was dead. I touched it very lightly and it didn’t move. I turned it over but it didn’t seem alive, so I got the broom and swept it off but when I did it made the noise and so I guess it was alive. I turned it over and let it stay there and the next morning it was gone. I’m kinda afraid of them because of their size, but I love them too! Do they sometimes sleep and appear dead?Thanks again! Jan, suburban Atlanta
Cicada Season 2004??
Date: Saturday, Aug/30/2003
I moved to the Greater Cincinnati area almost 2 years ago… they all tell me that NEXT summer(2004) is the cicada season but the research I’ve done indicates otherwise… that the season was actually 2002. What’s the deal? And just how bad is it going to be? I know they can’t hurt me but it sure sounds gross from the stories I hear… Tell me about it… Rebecca, Covington, KY
they’re here!
Date: Tuesday, Aug/26/2003
have seen several in the past few days . . . noisy little critters! doreen, cincinnati, oh
Identified Tibicen Cicada
Date: Tuesday, Aug/26/2003
We have identified this Cicada through the web. Is it native to Canada? We have never seen them before. They range up to three inches long (body). We are interested to know more about this new inhabitant of our back yard.Thanks! Susan James, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
Outside Wedding in June
Date: Tuesday, Aug/26/2003
I am scheduled to get married outside in June 2004. Are the Cicada’s going to ruin it…..? Also I saw seven on my trees in the front yard today. (08/25/03) Gwen, Cincinnati Ohio
Cicadas and Moles
Date: Tuesday, Aug/26/2003
My neighborhood yards are overrun with moles. I have heard that when the cicadas emerge, as they are beginning to now in my neighborhood, the moles will die off. Does anyone know if there is any truth to this? Judy, Cincinnati, Ohio
other name
Date: Monday, Aug/25/2003
Do cicada also go by the name of Locus? Troy, Chicago
cicada hatching
Date: Monday, Aug/25/2003
saw one last night hatch on my dogwood. very interesting. also, watched a bee kill one. guess he stung it – all the while the cicada was buzzing – sad nancey, gaithersburg, montgomery county, maryland
ew… I really don’t like bugs but.,..
Date: Monday, Aug/25/2003
I know It can’t be helped. I hear them outside EVERY SUMMER, i can hear them going crazy outside now. I’ve decided to educate my self about them and I know that they will be here next summer. THe last time they were here was the year I was born (’87) and my parent’s horror stories of them being in blankets on cars and sidewalks are freaking me out. I want to know if there Is there any type of repellent you can put on to keep them from harassing you. They are pretty gross in my opinion so if you know of anything can you e-mail me so I can stock up 🙂 thanks! darealfolkblues [AT] Meagan, Randallstown, Baltimore Co, MD
cicada concerns
Date: Sunday, Aug/24/2003
i bought a home in spring of 2002. we had a large swamp maple tree removed from our yard so we could put in a pool. around late july and august we found about a hundred or so holes in the ground and then cicada shells and cicads. now this august we found the same thing. my concern is that they will come up under the pool and eat thru the liner. i have found holes on the edge around the pool where they have come up and moved river rocks that are about two and a half inches in size.should i worry about them coming up thru my liner and that 7 or seventeen year myth i think is wrong. please help i am thinking about pesticides. dan, yardville, nj
when’s the last time you’ve seen a cicada baby?
Date: Sunday, Aug/24/2003
Just saw one outside my house. It was so cool sitting there all by its self. Then, all of a sudden, my dog, Gracie, ate that bitch. That was a phenomal moment to experience that. That’s It, Ice Rob cicada baby, cashville,tn
Cicada Counds on CD?
Date: Saturday, Aug/23/2003
Does anyone know of a cd for sale with cicada sounds on it? Trying to tape the sounds in my back yard to no avail.Several years ago I purchased a cd entitled “Frog Talk” which is the sounds of the springtime “peepers” Karen, Greensburg, PA
Singing Cicadas
Date: Saturday, Aug/23/2003
This is an auditory experience of about 20 years ago. I had occasion to camp out at the Prince William Forest Preserve in Virginia. At sundown, the whole forest came alive with the chirping of singing insects, millions of them everywhere! It took my breath away. Their chirp is somewhere between a cicada and a katydid. I am a musician and I had my flute with me. I had to play along with them. That improvised melody is now a perminent part of my repertoire. Does anybody know what these insects are? Is there a recording of them? Send any replies to the above address or tinasparty [AT] Thank You Tina Andrus, 3 Madison St. Apt 3, Schenectady, NY, USA, 12305
Cicadas wings..
Date: Saturday, Aug/23/2003
this last week, there have been a lot of Cicadas and inevetably my cats will get one… I try to rescue them but I got to one today and his wing was damaged. Will this heal? or should I just put him in a tree somewhere away from the cats?. Diana Diana Howe, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
“Cicadas and the City”
Date: Saturday, Aug/23/2003
Apparently the 17 year cicadas are early! it took us a while to figure out what they were as the “nymphs” look like a cross between little crabs and ugly roaches. And the babies are going to start dropping from the trees?That’s pretty gross.They’re all over the Baltimore City Johns Hopkins University Homewood Campus. Todd, Baltimore, MD
arguement of Cicada’s stinging
Date: Friday, Aug/22/2003
I have recently gotten into an argument whether cicada’s sting or not – I say they don’t – what is the real answer? John, Columbus, Ohio
A cicada?
Date: Thursday, Aug/21/2003
I came out to our pool the other day in the morning, and saw this large bug, which resembled a large fly, floating around. It was still living, so I got it out of the pool, and it moved very slowly. It was dark, probably black in color, and had clear webbed wings. Is it possibly a cicada in Southern NJ this time of year. Thanks for any info you can give me. ps it didn’t make any noise. Melissa, Cherry Hill, NJ
found a LOT of cicada shells!
Date: Thursday, Aug/21/2003
this morning my husband and i were walking to the car to go to work, and i looked down on the sidewalk and there was a shell and a foot away from it was an adult! it wasn’t completely dry and ready to fly, it was still kind of green and slow. i moved it off the sidewalk, where i was afraid it would get stepped on. the rest of the one block walk to the car we found 7 more shells. when we came home and walked on the opposite side of the street we found at least 10 more, all over the trees. i’ve never seen this many at one time. we found 2 or 3 last year in the same area. one tree had 5 on it that i could see. just found this website. i’ve loved cicadas ever since i was little. when i was a teenager i was lucky enough to see an adult emerge and dry in our backyard. it took hours and was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. Melanie Wilson, Oak Park, IL
Yes it is a noisy night!
Date: Thursday, Aug/21/2003
…I am used to hearing the cicadas in the morning. Strange this year, usually they come out late june early July…very late start this year and they are singing at night! Making up for lost time!!!! ;-)McKenzie McKenzie, Bucks County
Very Noisy Bug at Night????
Date: Wednesday, Aug/20/2003
Hoping that someone might help me identify the ‘bug’ around here lately which has been very noisy, it is much lounder than the common cricket, which I can still hear at night, the sound is a middle to high pitched sound similar to that of a cricket, sounds like it is coming from the trees in my back yard. Any information and perhaps sound link would be great, email to tmdelisle [AT] Todd, Southbridge, MA
Cicada migrate?
Date: Saturday, Aug/16/2003
Do cicada migrate? I remember hearing about a type of cicada that pays a visit to Arkansas every 7 years. I was wondering if that was even possible for these critters. mickel, MA
large insect shell
Date: Friday, Aug/15/2003
The other morning I found this shell of an insect. About five minutes later I saw a large camouflage looking insect with large wings. I was wondering what it could be and then it finally dawned on me that it was a Cicada. I didn’t expect them for another 4 years. But now I will be searching every night for more nymphs! Very interesting and exciting insects. Katie, Lynwood, IL.
tonight a small one
Date: Friday, Aug/15/2003
Tonigh I was sitting outside and a new “baby” cicada landed on my arm, I was so excited to finally see one again , as I have heard them all summer long here, but have not held one since I was a kid in texas. This is the first summer I can remember hearing them in minneapolis so I am glad to see this little guy, I took a few pictures as I am a photographer and then I let him go……. jmcfadden, Minneapolis
Something wicked this way hums!
Date: Thursday, Aug/14/2003
August 14, 2003. The trees are alive with the sound of music. It has been Seven Years since the last attack. They are Back! Randy, Milltown, Middlesex County, New Jersey
cicada nymfs all over
Date: Wednesday, Aug/13/2003
all night about 40 cicada nymfs covered one of my trees. i just watch turn into cicadas for while. it was cool , but long! corey, marine IL
Dead and alive
Date: Wednesday, Aug/13/2003
Just moved to Chino Valley,Arizona a few months ago.I asked around about the noise in the trees.They all said cicada’s.I love the sound!!! So country and summery.I found a dead one,and it rattled when I picked it up.I went to a neighbors tree,and saw one crawling backwards down the trunk,rattling every few seconds.I hope that they will be back next year too.Chino Valley is located 15 miles north of Prescott,Az.They’re loaded with them too!!! I’m glad that I decided to do some research to learn more about them.Some of the long time locals were also saying locusts or katydids.Now I can inform them with a not so,and show them the picture,and identification of a cicada.Thank you for the information, Katie Katie Meyer, Chino Valley, Arizona U.S.A.
Date: Monday, Aug/11/2003
on August 2nd, my husband found our cat playing with a large brown bug. He put it in a flower pot so the cat couldn’t get it. Later he found it hatching. Turned out to be what he thought was a large green butterfly/moth. It just hung on the edge of the pot and was gone the next morning. Clemson Extension told me it was a Cicada. We’d had them in all our trees 2/3 years ago but never saw one, just heard them. We thought they only hatched every 17 years but Clemson says there are some that hatch every year. Wish I’d taken pictures of the hatching. Jeannie Burton, Greenwoood,S.C.
Cicada “shells” in Toronto
Date: Sunday, Aug/10/2003
Although as a kid I heard the Cicada “song” it wasn’t until last week that I overheard the neighbour say “Yuck! What is that?!”I went over and saw the skin of a cicada still clinging to the fence. The neighbour saw a TV special that night, coincidentally, on the Cicada…that’s how we found out what it was.A day later I found 8 or ten skins on the trunk of our 60 year old spruce tree.My wife won’t let me bring them in the house, so I am content to view photos of the wee beasties on the internet. Harvey, Toronto, Canada
Rescued Cicada! Please Help!
Date: Sunday, Aug/10/2003
Two days ago I found a cicada covered in fire ants. Thankfully the ants couldn’t break through his rough shell and he is fine. I know very little about cicadas except from the helpful info on this site. I believe he is a nymph, he is dark brown with no wings and looks very much like the cicada nymphs in photos.I tried to put him back in the tree, but he keeps falling back down to the ant-infested ground, so I have kept him in a plastic container with soil, branches and leaves, but he just keeps crawling –quite awkwardly– in circles. What should I do with him? Thanks for your help!~Heather Heather Dearmon, South Carolina
where are the cicadas
Date: Saturday, Aug/9/2003
has anyone in queens seen any cicada’s this year. this is the first time in 20 years that i haven’t seen them! where are they? jerome rosovsky, whitestone, NY
We saw one! It tried to kill me!
Date: Saturday, Aug/9/2003
It attached us today! We ran and ran ans ran until it finally lost track of us… we were scared but thankfully we are slick ones ;). Thank the Lord for quick feet! YAA HOOO! Annie and Dani, In the backyard
Seen many cicadas around the yard, lately
Date: Saturday, Aug/9/2003
The backyard has recently been abuzz with many cicada. I woke up this morning and found one of the beautiful creatures on the kitchen window. I remember these insects from my childhood. Do they emerge every summer or just every so years? They are really neat to see! Amanda Vargo, Charlotte, NC
Cicada Sighting
Date: Friday, Aug/8/2003
Found two cicadas within a 5 mile radius emerging from their shells around Winchester this week, in case anyone wants to know ..they’re heeere! Leann, Winchester, IL
emergence of cicadas in baltimore
Date: Friday, Aug/8/2003
what are the expected dates of emergence of cicadas in baltimore, 2004 we are planning a june 26 wedding d kimmitt, baltimore maryland
How do cicadas get there eggs into the ground?
Date: Friday, Aug/8/2003
How do cicadas get there eggs into the ground? Kyle, Fayette, Al
Weird giant flyng insect
Date: Wednesday, Aug/6/2003
My daughter and I were rollerblading in our apt complex. I was looking up at the sky and saw a giant bug flying very clumsely. At first I thought it was a june bug. I thought it’d be too late in the season for that. It had something hanging off of it, and it’s wings almost looked too small for it’s huge body. I guessed it was a cicada. It was a dark color. I’ve been seeing them occasionally lately. Sometimes it looks like two dragon flies stuck together, but it’s just one bug. I’m just curious what kind of cicada this would be if it is one. It had to be, it was huge. Lisa, Milwaukee, WI, USA
Cicada Beanie
Date: Wednesday, Aug/6/2003
I dropped by your site to find a picture of a cicada, to show a friend in CA who’d never seen one. I thought y’all would like to know that there’s a cicada beanie baby available: Cobwebs, Manassas, VA
3 weeks so far
Date: Monday, Aug/4/2003
I found a Cicada in Enfield, CT. 3 weeksago. They are still around. I caught one yesterday August 3rd. How long will they be here in CT.? What species are they? I heard they only last 3 days? Also, found alot of underground wasp mounds and tunnels. Mary Lou Enfield,CT. Mary Lou Timura, Enfield, Connecticut
almost finished…….
Date: Monday, Aug/4/2003
can we become overrun with these wasps? We use the back yard all the time. Or, want to anyway… Any HELP!!! would be appreciated!! P Rathbone, still in Oneonta
Date: Monday, Aug/4/2003
Boy are they freaky! But upon checking out what I can in the last few minutes before finding this site, it seems as though they (wasps) are pretty docile and “beneficial” according to the “wasp people”. My question is which could become more of a problem? I want to put my terror aside and leave the wasps alone if cicadas are REALLY destructive..but are they? (next post) P Rathbone, Oneonta,NY
Don’t want to kill ANYONE, but…………
Date: Monday, Aug/4/2003
I’ve been hearing cicadas lately and it reminds me of when I was a kid in Villanova,PA. We used to find the “shells” all over and hear them all the time. Loved it. Have not been inundated by them ever, but!- today my dog discovered what I’ve found out to be a “cicada killer wasp”! When I went over to see what it was I saw two more…(see next post)… Patricia Rathbone, Oneonta NY
Are there cicadas in FL???
Date: Saturday, Aug/2/2003
I just moved from MN to FL. I am very used to the constant buzzing of cicadas during a MN summer. Now that I am in FL, I am hearing a much louder buzzing, very similar to that of the sound in MN, but so much louder. It can actually be heard with windows shut, a/c on, and earplugs in while taking a nap. Are these cicadas, or some other type of insect. I have encountered so many strange new creatures down here…. Danni, Melbourne
Date: Saturday, Aug/2/2003
Was quite taken by the HUGE bug my mini dachshund found on the walk in front of my house. I had never seen such a thing. I called and woke my mother at 6 in the morning and described the monstrous bug, she assured me it was a Cicada. WOW! Lisa, Warren, Ohio