Brood IX Old Message Board

Cicada Comments from June 2003

Saw a cicada on the deck today!

Monday, Jun/30/2003
I grew up in Phoenix where cicadas were common summertime occurrences. I well remember the loud drone every hot summer day, coming from our Palo Verde tree shading the driveway. I’ve lived in South Carolina for 16 years, and have never seen or really thought about cicadas here. Until today. I walked out on the deck and saw one. As I stepped closer it flew away. I was amazed. Has anyone else in South Carolina seen any this season? Is it the kind that come out only every 13 or 17 years??? More info, please! Jean Pennington, Greenville, SC

Periodical Peak in Cincy

Thursday, Jun/26/2003
Tammy, The peak dates for Brood X of the periodical cicadas in Ohio and the Mid-Atlantic states will be from May 20 to June 20 depending on the weather. This will only happen once in 17 years in your location…I would stay home and enjoy and go out west on vacation after they are gone!!!! But that’s me 😉 John Z, Cicadas of the Mid-Atlantic

Response to Brandon from Louisiana

Thursday, Jun/26/2003
Brandon, If you can send a picture of the cicada (electronically) or if its dead, send it to me, I will gladly ID it for you. Please contact me at jzcicada [AT] Thanks. John Zyla, Cicadas of the Mid-Atlantic


Wednesday, Jun/25/2003
My aunt found a really big Cicada in New Orleans, Louisiana on June 7, 2003. A bird had caught it and my aunt rescued it but it died. I can’t find a picture of this exact one anywhere, but it is mostly black with dark orange and green on its head. Brandon, New Orleans, Louisiana

Rain Cicada picture

Tuesday, Jun/24/2003
Having moved to La Penita in January, I was not familiar with the song of the “rain cicada”. It reminds me of the sound of the penny whistle made of tin that my grandfather gave me as a child.If you are familiar with this cicada, I would appreciate email info and a picture.Thanks,Joseph Joseph, La Penita, Nayarit, Mexico

Anyone know the peak dates for the 2004 emergence in Cincy?

Tuesday, Jun/24/2003
We live in Cincy and are working to plan a trip out west next year. I’m not the fondest of Cicadas and would like for it to coincide with the 2004 emergence. Do any ‘Experts’ monitor this message board that could give me some clue as to the peak weeks that they will be ‘out and About’?Any assistance is most appreciated! Tammy, Cincinnati, OH

First “annuals” of the year

Monday, Jun/23/2003
Heard my first “annual” cicadas last night (June 22) at dusk. They sang again this morning around 10:30 AM for less than a minute. Their calls last 10-20 seconds and are continuous in frequency without breaks. They don’t seem affected by the cold spring we had in this part of the country. In a couple of weeks, there should be at least four species of “dog day” cicadas singing in my yard and the nearby woods. The louder, the better! Cicadas help drown out my redneck neighbors. Eric, East Central MO


Saturday, Jun/21/2003

Lisa from Cincinnati

Thursday, Jun/19/2003
Lisa – with the May 8, 2004 wedding….what have you found out about the cicadas around that date? PB, Cincinnati, Ohio


Wednesday, Jun/18/2003
June 18 – 2003 – only a faint call of the cicadas remaining here – Marci, Dry Pond Virginia

Memory Lane

Tuesday, Jun/17/2003
I was 13 and living in Lombard when I experienced my first “invasion”. My friend and I walked to the DuPage theatre clearing a path with a stick because the cicada’s covered the road. It was wild. My daughter is now 13 and I can’t wait for her to see them. She was born the year of the last invasion so she doesn’t have a clue. That year (1990?) I was attacked by them as I trimmed the hedges with an electrical hedge trimmer. I guess they mistook me for one of them. Never did finish trimming that year. I can’t remember if they are a terrible nuisance or not. I just remember being so amazed by the multitude of them! looking forward to another generation. Joanne, Glen Ellyn, Il

lots of cicadas

Monday, Jun/16/2003
I grew up in the city and saw only an occasional cicada in my 37 years. One of my goals for the summer was to work in my garden, which is now completely covered with cicadas. Every plant is blanketed in them and if I try to plant something new I only end up digging up a scoop of their writhing bodies. They creep me out to no end and I don’t want to pass it on to my kids so I have to watch them pick them up or occasionally scrape their remains from my son’s shoe. He is 2yrs old and I’m kind of concerned that he wants to stomp them and chant “crunch, crunch crunch!”, but I guess that’s another problem. Are their crunched up shells good for the garden? Claudia, Park Ridge, IL

The Testimony of a Cicada

Monday, Jun/16/2003
On 6/10/03 I was awakened in the middle of the night listening to the unfolding story of a Cicada. Here goes: For 17 long years, I was held captive in a dark, lonely, cold earthen grave. Deep inside of me, I knew that I was destined for other things. I had a desire to grow and move forward. The greater the desire came the louder the voices around me came. One said, “you need to be content where you are.” Another said, “You are never going to make it.” And even another said, “Just wait upon the Lord.” I waited through 17 springs, summers, falls, and winters. I went through floods and did not drown. I went through fires and did not burn. My creator was with me all the time. One day a stirring began to happen within me. I began clawing my way upward through the earth. I had a determination that kept me digging – day after day, night after night. Finally, the earth parted and I walked out into the light of day. I saw the sun shining on an old rugged tree in front of me. As I slowly made my way up the tree, I began feeling the weight of my old creature. I stopped and firmly planted my feet. After only a fleeting moment my old creature cracked open and the new creature came forth. I now had these two beautiful wings that were full of color and life. I basked in the light of the sun until my wings dried. I listened carefully for the voices of others like me. I knew my days were short on this side of the earth so I flew quickly to where my family congregated. We all joined in together praising God in the Highest. I began hearing other voices saying, “They sound as though they are sounding an alarm”, and others saying, “They sound as though they are praising their Creator.” My Creator God gave me three wonderful days on this side of Heaven to sing praises unto Him with my voice. I wanted to sing the loudest of them all. I knew my three days of ministry represented the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost and after those precious days I would return unto my God who had truly created me as well as all other things. Also within those three days, the creature part of me had to find my Soulmate in order to reproduce after my own kind. When all had been accomplished in God’s time and order, my Spirit cried out, “It is finished.” dcpnurse [AT], Chestnut Hill, N.C.

Northern Arizona Cicadas

Monday, Jun/16/2003
I came to your site to try and find info on how to eliminate or reduce the Cicadas at my home. There was no mention of Cicadas in the Southwest US or Arizona specifically. We have Cicadas every year starting in late May on our 3.1 acres. Some years are more than others but regardless every year the is an enormous amount. This is our vacation cabin in Northern Arizona so we don’t spend a lot of time there. This year I’ve gotten so disgusted with these creatures, not because of the noise or seeing them everywhere neccessarily, but because they spray some sort of fluid out of the trees in huge ammounts. Peeing? We were sitting outside in the late afternoon as the sun was going down and it was simply amazing and quite disgusting to see these huge sprays coming down from the trees with suprising frequency. We can’t even walk around the property for fear of being peed on.The indigenous trees we have are Pinon Pine, Juniper(with blue berries), and Alligator Juniper(rough bark). These are all pines and do not loose there leaves.I don’t know much about these creatures here in AZ, but if I could help you add any info to your web site I would be happy to.Does anyone have any ideas on reducing these creatures? I don’t want to use pesticides because we drink from the ground water well.jeffwaters [AT] Jeff Waters, Vernon, Arizona


Sunday, Jun/15/2003
I survived these little suckers in MO and moved here and get to see them again. I’m an avid Mtn Biker and they are deafening when I go ride–I’m thinking about wearing earplugs from now on. Mary Dean, Blacksburg VA


Sunday, Jun/15/2003
When I was a kid, finding a cicada shell was a big deal…but now, I’ve got loads of them! I saw several adult cicadas clinging to various flowers and plants in my yard yesterday. They’re so cute, with their bulging red eyes! (I also saw many detached wings, which tells me that the local birds have also discovered the emergence!) Tina, Elmhurst, IL (west of Chicago)


Sunday, Jun/15/2003
got 20 of the little guys in the back yard on 6-12 and lots shells frank, westmont IL.

Cicada grub

Sunday, Jun/15/2003
Last week while digging Liriope near an oak tree in my yard, I dug up a grub about the size of the middle finger. Not having any idea what this might be, I put it in a paper cup to see would happen. Today I looked to find it has shed a layer and looks like a Cicada. It is an off white and only moves the back part a little to turn itself over. I know what the adult ones look like but haven’t seen very many and have seen none this year so far. Sally, Washington DC USA

Can’t hardly go outside

Sunday, Jun/15/2003
We have so many Circada’s flying around we can’t sit on our deck without several landing on us. The smell of dead Cicada’s is so strong it is hard to go outside. We have apparently built our house on top of their home. The noise is so loud…it is driving me crazy. It starts at daylight and goes on all day till dusk. They are everwhere I look…any suggestions on how to get rid of them? Bonnie Humphries, Covington, Virginia

Cicadas everywhere!

Saturday, Jun/14/2003
While puttering with my flowers this morning, I notice hundreds of small cicada shells on the lowest branches of on of the trees near our house. The hatched cicadas are barely moving and are on my flower pots and along the foundation of the house. I tried poking them to see if they are alive, which indeed they are, but they don’t move much. What’s going on? Is this normal for this time of year in Chicago? I just moved to this area from Kansas City and have never seen this type of small cicada. Ramelle, Rich & Mimi, Elmhurst, IL, USA

Large number of cicada

Saturday, Jun/14/2003
Just noting that we have a larger than normal amount of Cicada shells in this near west Chicago suburb. We usually see one of two a year, today I am counting around 25 empty shells, a few full, and a couple hatched hanging around. Wondering if this is a small taste of what is to come over the next few years? Tom, Westchester, IL

cicadas are everywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, Jun/14/2003
i am 14 and i never seen a live cicada untill now and theres hundreds in my back yard and shells all over the trees i was wondering if its the 17 year hatching and if they are harmful sean, palos heights

Bugging Us

Friday, Jun/13/2003
We have seen several cicadas all over our yards — on our porches, in our hostas, in the grass, on the trees, and on our houses and garages. Carol, Kevin & Michele, South Elmhurst


Friday, Jun/13/2003
Sorry guys. I guess I could have worded my response a little better. Sometimes I forget what it was like as novice…. 🙂 BTW we have yet to see any annual cicadas here in Arkansas. Not even the Neocicada, and that one should have been out at least a week ago. weird… Nick, Cicadas of Arkansas


Friday, Jun/13/2003
We found several discarded cicada shells in our backyard today. This is the 3rd year in our home and we’ve never seen these before. Just wondering if the 17 year Cicadas are back already…seems a bit soon?? Amy, Orland Park,IL

Early Emergence

Thursday, Jun/12/2003
Could the unusually frequent rain and rising water table be causing the cicada’s to emerge early rather than drown? Jackie, Glen Ellyn, IL

early emergence

Wednesday, Jun/11/2003
I saw over 30 Cicada’s today in my backyard on my flowers and along the back of my house. The last time I saw them was in either 1989 or 1990. Today is June 11 and it was in the high 60’s and overcast. Is this an early emergence? They are most repulsive. Do I just let nature takes it’s course or is there something I can do to eliminate them? Diane Martin, 1041 55th Street Downers Grove, IL 60515

Cicada ramblings

Wednesday, Jun/11/2003
I remember riding the school bus down 183rd St when it was just 2 lanes wide, and the bus was being pelted with cicadas dropping out of the trees that arched over the streets. This had to have been in either 70 or 71. Then I moved to Park Forest and bought a house on a heavily wooded lot, where the cidadas, when they next immerged, were so heavy that they would get in your hair and clothing when you walked the 10 feet from the house to the driveway. My friend’s son was just a little guy then and he’s 19 this year… so… based on my recollections, I think that the south suburb brood is really brood X and we’re due for our heavy infestation in 2004. I too am seeing more than the usual number of cicadas this year, however, as is my friend who lives in Lansing. Sue Too, Park Forest, Il

I have periodical Cicadas emerging in my yard

Wednesday, Jun/11/2003
I’ve lived in my house since 1967. Our 17-year cicadas aren’t due until 2007.I’m assuming the cicadas emerging this summer are an off-schedule 13-year brood.I haven’t really heard of or seen too many outside my neighborhood in the rest of the northern suburbs. Sandy , Glenview, IL (North suburb of Chicago)

Chicago Cicadas

Wednesday, Jun/11/2003
Thanks for all of your notes about the cicadas out in the Chicago area. These records are of particular interest for several reasons. Monte Lloyd and Hank Dybas, from a previous generation of cicada researchers, worked at the University of Chicago and the Field Museum. They noted a major advance emergence event in1969 (cicadas were expected in 1973). Since then, it’s become evident that such events seem either to be rather common in Brood XIII, the Chicago cicadas, or, now that now that Lloyd and Dybas prompted us all to watch Chicago closely, these events happen everywhere, but we are less likely to miss them when they happen in an urban area like Chicago. Either way, we’d like to know, because the explanation will reveal much about cicada life cycles. Good records can help sort this out– if, every 17- years, the “straggling” cicadas always show up in a different spot, then that pattern would not be very consistent with a self-reproducing “shadow brood.” If, on the other hand, the stragglers always show up in the same spot– well, then we need to investigate that spot further, because either there is a shadow brood, or something about that spot makes cicadas consistently come out in advance.So this is a plea to all–If you find a straggling emergence of Magicicada in the Chicago area, and you can get GPS data, tape recordings, temperature data, physical description of site, and street address, I’d greatly appreciate it. If you can only get some of these things, please forward the information to:John CooleyDepartment of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology75 North Eagleville RoadThe University of Connecticut Storrs, CT 06269Thanks, John, UCONN

Isn’t it too early for the 17-year cicadas?

Tuesday, Jun/10/2003
Been in this house since 1987. I know that the last time around for the cicadas was a year or so after we moved in. So does anyone have any idea why these guys are emerging? My kids think they’re very interesting and are not freaked out. But I was just wondering. Monica , Glen Ellyn

Sandy, don’t worry now

Tuesday, Jun/10/2003
From what I have learned recently the cicadas that have come out this year are early ermergers. The numbers that are out now are nothing compared to what we will see in 2007. And Kirk, I was surprised too that there was nothing on the news about the cicadas. But I think, and I could be wrong, that they have only come out in the older western suburbs and southern suburbs. Does anyone have seagulls flying around their neighborhood? Sue, Flossmoor, IL

Just a little nervous…

Tuesday, Jun/10/2003
I’ve spotted these guys crawling about in my lawn. This morning I counted over 50 in a 10×10 area. I’m relatively new to this community but I’ve been told that everything is covered during a cycle-including the streets! Sandy, Riverside, Illinois

Early Emergence

Tuesday, Jun/10/2003
We also have been seeing a large number of cicadas with the largest number emerging(at least for now) on Saturday (June 7). The emergence is large enough that I am surprised there has not been anything on the news. Kirk LaGory, Downers Grove, IL

Response to Barbara of Catonsville, MD

Monday, Jun/9/2003
Barbara, you are experiencing a one year “acceleration” of Brood X. The main emergence will occur next year in Maryland from DC to Baltimore west to Frostburg. Four years ago, many isolated localities in this same area, experienced a four year acceleration or a “coming out early” of Brood X. This is one of the things that has made mapping out all of the Broods so “challenging”!! But the picture is getting clearer. John Zyla, Cicadas of the Mid-Atlantic

Steve Bradley from Staunton, VA

Monday, Jun/9/2003
Steve, after mapping out Brood IX last week, the northernmost sites in Va were Salem and southweatern Roanoke. Your record for Staunton, Augusta county is of particular interest. This is a good distance from Brood IX and in the heart of Brood I. You are in an area, however, where an isolated pocket of Brood X has occurred in the past and you may be experiencing a one-year acceleration of Brood X. If so, you should also have periodical cicadas occurring again next year. Could you please send me more details on where you are located? I would like to confirm whether this to be true or not. jzcicada [AT] Thanks. John Zyla , Cicadas of the Mid-Atlantic


Monday, Jun/9/2003
John, tell your wife to get a life. What is her problem, its a little bug for crying out loud. Does she have a sister who has a problem with bugs too? They usually travel in pairs, like shopping or something. Do you have a dog thats afraid of thunder too? Why dont you just pack it up and leave. Also, be careful if you have a pool too, ducks like to get in there and we wouldnt want that to happen either!!! Percy, Downers Grove

Their Here

Monday, Jun/9/2003
We had cicades emerging about one week ago. We live in a wooded area of the city on the western boundry. Everyone I talk to that lives within about a 30 mile radius have seen none. Even my friends that live in Staunton have not heard them. We are about 100 miles north of Roanoke where I read of many sightings. Is this unusual? We seem to have a “pocket” population. steve bradley, staunton, va

Cicada singing

Monday, Jun/9/2003
I heard the cicadas singing for the first time this morning after my walk. Now that I have my doors open I can hear them on and off. Sue, Flossmoor, IL

Bugged out

Monday, Jun/9/2003
I am glad to have found this site because I wasn’t sure what those insects were! I am a bit “bugged” by them but I’m glad to hear that they aren’t harmful. Not only are they covering my maples but also hanging on the leaves of my lilac bushes, hostas, newly planted annuals and even on the air conditioning unit! But why don’t I hear them “singing”? Anna, Homewood, IL

off-year periodical cicadas

Monday, Jun/9/2003
From scanning the messages it seems to me that the west and south suburbs of Chicago are experiencing some sort of early emergence phenomenon. On Sunday I too found a periodical cicada four years early. This is interesting. Kate, Westmont, IL

My cute cicada.

Monday, Jun/9/2003
One day, I found a cicada on my deck. It looked injured, so I decided to keep it. She can’t fly. One day, I wanted to let her free. We put her in a cup and put it on our side walk. When she crawled out, she turned and started crawling back to me! So from then on, I took good care of her. Megan, Middletown,Ohio, united States

Possible sighting of periodical cicada skins at Brookfield Zoo

Sunday, Jun/8/2003
My kids and I found some cicada skins and dead nymphs on June 9 at Brookfield Zoo in Illinois (east and a bit north of LaGrange). They were shorter and much skinnier than the annual cicada skins we find later in the summer. It was too cool and wet to hear any adults singing, so we wondered what we had found. Now we suspect the invasion of periodical cicadas may have made it to Brookfield. My kids didn’t find any similar skins (or adults) the day before in Oak Park, several miles northeast of Brookfield (despite playing outside that whole warm, dry day). So, I wonder if we’ll be able to define a limit to the early emergence.Eric of Kids’ Cicada Hunt! Eric Gyllenhaal, Oak Park, Illinois, USA

A message for Dog owners

Sunday, Jun/8/2003
Every year we get messages from dog owners asking if it’s safe for their dogs to eat cicadas. Based on 100s of posts and emails I would say ‘maybe’. Dogs, by their very nature have little or no self control, so they are in danger of gorging themselves, or choking. The one thing that hurts dogs and other pets the most is pesticide. Owners or neighbors react to the cicadas by spraying copious amounts of pesticides in an effort to stop the cicadas, but they end up poisoning the dogs instead. So eating a cicada won’t kill your dog, but gorging, choking and pesticides will. Dan, Cicadaville

Nicey, nice!

Sunday, Jun/8/2003
Nick, be nice to the novices. Your last message was a little condescending. You’re right about Brood XIII by the way, but “stragglers” come after a main emergence. Should we call the pre-emergers “pioneers”? Dan, Cicadaville

way too many for my comfort

Sunday, Jun/8/2003
I too live in Downers Grove, IL and have hudnreds in my yard. I went out this morning to have my coffee in our yard. I was sitting under an old oak tree when I noticed hundreds of shells, both occupied and empty. I decided to return inside when I heard a crunch under foot and saw tons of them in my lawn. I’m glad I found this site. When will the cicadas leave/die? carol, downers grove, IL

To John in Downers Grove

Sunday, Jun/8/2003
The periodical cicada you see in your yard now is usually gone by mid-July. 2007 will be our big year when these cicadas come out much heavier than they are now. Sue, Flossmoor, IL

Cicada’s in Downers Grove – How Long Will They Last?

Sunday, Jun/8/2003
Our trees, deck, plants, etc. are entirely covered by Cicada’s. Unfortunately, my wife has a major phobia of all bugs which has not made the last several days very enjoyable. Are the Cicada’s expected to be around the entire Summer? John, Downers Grove, IL

Seagulls swoop in for feast!

Sunday, Jun/8/2003
Yesterday the seagulls discovered the tastey cicadas in our neighborhood. Flocks of 15-20 flew down the street, landing in yards and devouring any cicadas they could find. It was quite a sight! Sue, Flossmoor, IL

australias largest cicada

Saturday, Jun/7/2003
Hi,I have a cicada that I’d like to know the latin name of. It is a huge (BL = 7cm, WS=20cm)tan brown Cicada that I believe is Australian? I have searcvhed the web and not had much luch with finding any web pages with photo’s. If anybody either knows the name of it (from my poor description – hey there may only be one cicada of that size in Australia?!)or any pages that might help? could the let me know?Thanks in advanceJ Jay McCartney, Palmy New Zealand

Is this one just a stray??

Saturday, Jun/7/2003
I found a lovely cicada corpse on my porch the oother day-I wish I could claim to love these cyclic red-eyed ones as much as the yearly…Was this just a stray or is this the year for Maryland? i’ve lost count.Thanks. PS These stories about dogs getting ill from locusts worries my-my labs eat EVERYTHING!! Barbara, Catonsville, Md


Saturday, Jun/7/2003
It wouldn’t “feel” like Brood XIII because this wouldn’t be the main emergence. If these cicadas are from XIII, and I can’t imagine what other brood they would be, they are four year early stragglers and are thus only a small fraction of the main colony. The main emergence will be in 2007 and should be much more profound than what you’re seeing now. Nick, Cicadas of Arkansas

I do not think it is Brood XIII

Saturday, Jun/7/2003
This does not feel like Brood XIII. I have been here for 2 emergences of Brood XIII. 1990 felt light when compared to 1973, but it had been a cold and damp spring in 1990 (somewhat like this year). 1990 seemed to be half of 1973, and this seems to be half of 1990. rick, Flossmoor

Lots of cicadas

Saturday, Jun/7/2003
Daylilies leaves are covered with emergence shells. But the cicadas are smaller than I can ever remember. They are about 3.5 cm (~ 1 inch ) all with bright orange eyes. Any idea what sp.? Steve, Hinsdale, IL

Cicadas, everywhere!

Friday, Jun/6/2003
I have three maple trees, all three are covered. I am glad to have found this site and to have seen the post from Flossmoor. My trees look just like Sue’s posted pictures! Monica, Homewood, Illinois

Chicago Brood X?

Friday, Jun/6/2003
Most likely, if not definitely, it is Brood XIII 4 years early. The 4-year accelerations and decelerations are fairly common in the 17 year broods. Not only that, Brood XIII is the only well-established brood in the Chicago area. Brood X doesn’t stretch quite that far north and west; the closest it gets would be MAYBE the south side along the Indiana border. And that’s a big maybe. Brood III, meanwhile, occupies the other side of Illinois; nowhere near Chicago. Nick, Cicadas of Arkansas

Chicago Early Emergence

Friday, Jun/6/2003
IL folks: It sounds like brood X, XIII or XIX is making en early emergence. Probably brood X, which is due next year. Every now and then magicicadas emerge ahead of, or after the time they’re supposed to. Dan, Cicadaville

Agreement with last post regarding “due” in Chicago

Friday, Jun/6/2003
I agree with the previous post regarding the fact that I also can’t find any broods “due” this year in the western burbs of Chicago. I’ve lived here for 10 years and have always seen some come out every year (usually later when it’s warmer out), but never on the scale I’m seeing now. This reminds me of the 1990 brood. Ken, La Grange, IL

Another Western Springs Report

Friday, Jun/6/2003
There are hundreds on our trees that we noticed this morning. Why are they “early”? I was looking up the same things as others in the western IL suburbs and can’t find either a 13-year or 17-year that’s “due” this year. Anyone know which type they are? Sue Spear, Western Springs, IL

Pics of periodic cicadas

Thursday, Jun/5/2003
Here are some pics from the trees in my front yard that are filled with these cicadas.Go to this address… Sue, Flossmoor, IL

Cicada doggy treats?

Thursday, Jun/5/2003
One of my dogs is gobbling down cicada like popcorn since they began emerging a couple of weeks ago. Do they contain any potentially harmful bacterium, nematodes,other parasitic infective agents, or disease organism?I know people eat them—really? But I assume they fry them first.thanks,john John Havran, blacksburg va usa

they’re back

Thursday, Jun/5/2003
This is the first time I’ve experiencedthis. Are they also called locusts?We live in a rural area and our propertyborders a national forest and we have thousands of these little critters.Yesterday when I walked out on my back porch I was literally attacked.I’ve seen them now in all stages and they just started singing yesterday.My husband says it sound like the sound track from ‘Species’. Joanie, Atkins, Va USA

stupid dog

Thursday, Jun/5/2003
Our Jack Russell dog began having wild looking seizures after coming out of the woods the other day. He vomited 5 almost whole cicadas. Who knows how many he digested. We took him to the vet to be checked out. When we asked her what was wrong with him she said, “He’s just stupid. He ate too many bugs.”The sight and sound of these insects inthe woods is beautiful. When this sound is mixed with the whipoorwills and other woodsy creatures, it is a marvelous symphony. Debbie Snavely, Marion, Virginia, Smyth County

Hundreds on my front tree!

Thursday, Jun/5/2003
Today is especially nice weather and I noticed a few in my back yard on the deck and such – went to the from yard and there are literally hundreds on my front pine tree (which won’t do them any good I I understand – not a leaf dropper)! Looking at the charts I don’t see Illinois listed for 2003 so I thought I would mention it here. Joe Hudetz, Western Springs, IL

many emerging in Chicago western suburbs

Thursday, Jun/5/2003
As I left my house this morning, I saw dozens on my exterior walls and drivway emerging from their shells or crawling out of the ground. Something triggered them to come out last night I guess. Ken, La Grange, IL

Locusts in “Bloom”

Thursday, Jun/5/2003
The ‘Locust’ phenomenom in our county is incredible. I didn’t realize it was a big deal, I just found it odd. Then my husband ask that I get on-line to find out how long they live. That led me to this site and then within two days our local paper ran an article on the front page complete with recipes! I would like to submit a link to a photograph on my family web-site of one of my hostas covered with the little critters. They are cute, and the noise is quite deafening here on our little hill-top. This has been fun and quite a topic of conversation! Here’s the link Donna, Rich Creek, Giles Co., Virginia

Love is in the air at Philpott Lake and Dam

Thursday, Jun/5/2003
Jose – Read your post…Love is in the air at Philpott Lake. (We are next door to Fairy Stone). You are invited to camp with us and enjoy the Cicada Concerta. Our Environmental Ed Ranger will be happy to share information with campers about our lovely music makers. (As I type this, I am currently listening to radio transmission of our staff – and our communication have an odd “HUM” to them…I didn’t realize just how much the insects are impacting our lives. When you spend so much of your time outdoors you get immune to them after awhile and don’t even “hear” them any more. It will seem so strange when they are gone) Park Ranger Susan Traxel, Philpott Lake, Bassett, VA

Magicicada emerging this evening

Wednesday, Jun/4/2003
As I went for a walk this evening I noticed quite a few periodic cicadas emerging in the grass, crawling on the sidewalks and on the trunks of trees. This is not our year for the 17 year brood. We should not have them until 2007. Has anyone else in the Chicago area seeing these cicadas? Sue, Flossmoor, IL

Cicadas everywhere.

Tuesday, Jun/3/2003
Never saw so many cicadas molting. Some tall clumps of grass have half a dozen hanging on. They’re on almost every type of plant. Incredible hum from the woods, but in our yard, they are silent. Our two puppies eat them like nothing is better. Unfortunately, one of them seems to be allergic. I don’t know how to keep him away from them without staying indoors. I hope the cicadas won’t eat too much!! Diana Renfro, Grassy Creek, NC

Made it down to the VA Cicada Concert……

Monday, Jun/2/2003
We drove 9 hours south to experience the magicicada emergence this past weekend. Camping at Fairy Stone state park proved to be a good move as the park is full of adult cicadas and some still coming up. I was disappointed with the park employees who had very little information or knowledge of cicadas even though the sound echoed all around. These cicada are not as loud as the ones Ive heard in Costa Rica which make a sound that arches up in pitch and volume and finally one long high ear piercing screach. The magicicada sound more relaxed to me, like a tame symphony of new york city sirens…….. I will post some photos and sound bites in the next week or so. JC Jose Conde, NEW YORK

I wondered what that was

Monday, Jun/2/2003
I just came up to the lake yesterday afternoon and heard the background music. It was so loud and present that I thought someone had left something runnning. But then I heard it all around the lake, so knew it was natural. I didn’t think that it was the cicada phenomenon because I recall last time that they were actually louder. And, I haven’t seem them buzzing all around either, which also is different. But, the “surround sound” was so much like cicadas that I mentioned the phenomenon this morning to a business colleague who was not familiar with it. By the way, SML, VA is just down the road from Ferrum (about 30-40 miles east – see previous posting). So, maybe I’ll hear them when I go back to North Carolina this afternoon. Enjoy nature’s symphony! Chris, Smith Mountain Lake, VA

Anyone have any earplugs?

Monday, Jun/2/2003
Wow the cicadas here are getting really really loud! While talking on the sister could here them through it! Had to come in yesterday while trying to plant tomatoes…they were in my hair and the sound was almost deafening! Even brought one in on my shoulder. You can look out the window and see them flying around everywhere! Carla, Ferrum, Va.


Sunday, Jun/1/2003
…for the pics Dottie. BTW has anyone seen Magicicada cassini out there? Certainly there are plenty of M. septendecim singing (the one that sounds like the “space aliens,” as some people describe it :P). I just wondered if the cassini were out there. They’re the loud rising and falling buzz. If anyone happens to run across a bunch of them, watch them synchronize their chorus. It’s really cool. Nick, Cicadas of Arkansas

Cicada photos

Sunday, Jun/1/2003
I was very lucky to be in White Sulphur Springs, WV last week.I was able to take lots of Cicada photos. To view a few of them go to:, Dottie Dottie Tison, Los Angeles, CA


Sunday, Jun/1/2003
I am coming home to Northern Va and Richmond for the 2nd week in July. Does anyone know my chances of seeing/hearing them or will the party be over? Ellen, Yorkshire, England

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