Brood IX Old Message Board

Cicada Comments from May 2003

Mapping out Brood IX in WV and Va

Saturday, May/31/2003
Just started the first day of a three day search for the boundaries of Brood IX in Virginia and West Virginia. There were no Magicicada along I-64 through Va until we reached White Sulfur Springs in Greenbrier Co., West Virginia. Despite periodic rains we have collected voucher specimens for Greenbrier and Monroe, WV and Giles Co, Va. Tomorrow we travel down I-81 to I-77 to define the western boundary. Monday, we will travel back through the Martinsville, Va area to determine the eastern boundary. Thankfully, Cindy in NC is driving around determining the southern boundary in NC. The WV Dept of AG is determining the northern boundary. Looks like things should come together for an awesome map! If weather is nicer I will try to get photos for you Nick. John Zyla, Cicadas of the MidAtlantic


Saturday, May/31/2003
Visit this link for a picture of a locust: — Locusts look exactly like grasshoppers. Dan, Cicadaville

The diffrence between Cicada and Locusts

Saturday, May/31/2003
I have some people around here who think that the Cicada “jar fly” and Locust are the same, I know they are not but I need diffinative proof they are not, “pictures” and disscriptions of what they are would be great! Anything would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Michelle Michelle , spanishburg W.V.

You guys are having all the fun…

Saturday, May/31/2003
If anyone happens to get any good Magicicada pics could you email them to me? stnick127 [AT] Wish I could be out there this year. 🙁 Nick, Cicadas of Arkansas

They’re here …

Saturday, May/31/2003
Dry Pond Virginia – 2 miles from the NC border – cicadas have been here for 2 weeks now ….. Marci Shore, Dry Pond Virginia

Stuart VA

Friday, May/30/2003
They are alive and well, I have some land in VA and when I visited this weekthe noise was amazing….like grinding bearings Mark, Kernersville/nc

They’re Everywhere! They’re Everywhere!

Friday, May/30/2003
I happened to run across this sight, and just thought I’d share… About 2 weeks ago I heard this ‘noise’ that I just couldn’t figure out. Sounded like a diesel engine running in the distance, across the ridge. But then it just kept on & on. After a few days of this I realized what I was hearing. We have hundreds of Cicada ‘molting’ on our property. On the sides of the house, trees and just everywhere you turn, they’re there. (Our new mama cat thinks they are quite tasty, will have to keep an eye on her & make sure that she doesn’t overdo it!) And even though they are staying around, they are not singing in our yard. Can’t figure out why? But thank goodness they are not. It is absolutely unreal. Even though this is a ‘magical’ sound, it must be deafening for those who are in the middle of this symphony. I know that there must be many people around here that can’t wait for the song to end. Sometimes they do get a little louder and I think “Oh no they’re coming our way!” But I think it is due to the changes in the weather, which has been really crazy around here for this time of year. It seems like I remember the typical dog-day Cicada singing in the evening hours, but these are wide open all day long. DJ, Millers Creek, NC (Wilkes County)

You guys are so lucky

Friday, May/30/2003
Man I wish I could see the emergence all you guys are talking about.I have been trying to get my hands on some of your Magicicada species, but so far to no avail.If any collecter is keen on exchanging your Usa, Canadian etc cicadas for my New Zealand ones I am keen to do so, although I must warn you that we have only a small amount of species in comparison to you guys, that Brazilian cicada is a beautiful species, nice photo.Just leave a message if anyone is keen, and i’ll get intouch Kees Green, Albany, Auckland, New Zealand

Glad I found this site !

Thursday, May/29/2003
I’m so glad I found your site and the pictures. I thought I’d found some mutant cicada while cutting weeds this evening – I’d never seen one with red eyes and bright markings! – only drabber coloring. No one I know appreciates how excited I get about a beautiful bug, but I know you guys do. Thanks. :o) Courtney Haynes, Bland VA (near Bluefield VA/WV)

what kind??

Thursday, May/29/2003
We seem to have something that becomes a very intricate black and white patterned mothlike adult./ anyone have any input on this?? Barbara, callands virginai

Cicadas Cicadas Everywhere!!

Thursday, May/29/2003
Just wanted to post and let everyone know that here in Mt. Airy, NC the Cicadas have been out for a couple of weeks. Their buzzing has grown louder and louder each day. I can look out my backdoor and watch them flying all around. One landed about a foot from my son and I the other morning on our deck. It sat on the railing and continued singing its song. It was a really neat moment and it opened up an excellent opportunity for my son and I to do a little web research and learn more about these amazing insects. DM, Mount Airy, NC

reporter seeking cicada fans

Thursday, May/29/2003
I’m a reporter with The Roanoke Times in Virginia and I’m doing a story on the emerging cidadas. I’d love to talk to some folks who are paying attention to them and watching them as they come out of their 17-year sleep. Please email me ASAP with a day and night contact number and I’ll give you a call. Or call me. Thanks!761-9990 or zeke.barlow [AT] zeke barlow, roanoke

Weird Stuff

Wednesday, May/28/2003
I’m 21 and this is the first time I can remember seeing these little critters out and about. I remember when I was real little we’d go out and find the sheds. It was always fun. But now it is kinda creepy seeing all these huge bugs crawling all over the trees. Have to admit though, they are rather beautiful with those red eyes. I’d like them better if they weren’t crawling on my screens and porch and some have even managed to sneak into my house. I’m wondering how long they are going to stick around. Hope it’s not too long, they might wear out their welcome. Alisha, Jumping Branch WV

Cicadas emerging

Wednesday, May/28/2003
Am trying to determine the actual species of the cicadas that are emerging now and have been for a week or so. I don’t know if they are of the 13 or 17 year variety.Noisy little critters, but enjoyable. I saw them once when I was a kid in Utah …I’m now 53. David L. Hargreaves, Cedaredge, Colorado

length of ‘stay’

Wednesday, May/28/2003
All of you who are in the midst of the 17 year cicadas……..let us know how long they are around. PB, Cincinnati, Ohio

They’re Everywhere, They’re Everywhere

Monday, May/26/2003
Well, here we are just off Highway 89 between Mount Airy, N. C. and Galax, Virginia. Just here for a visit with my grandma. We live in the Tri-Cities region of Tennessee. I cannot believe the deafening sound of the locust “flapping” their wings. It sounds like an alien spacecraft landing in the trees out behind my grandma’s house. There’s shells all over the front and back porches. My dad caught one by the wings and showed me an up-close cicada/locust. Don’s want any part of them. I think we’re going home earlier just to avoid loco mania. My dad said he remembered the locust plague in Surry County during the early ’50’s. So, they’re right on time, 51 years later. Signed: Jennifer from Tennessee or “Going Home to Maintain my Sanity” Jennifer, Mount Airy, N. C.


Monday, May/26/2003

Locusts (Cicada)

Sunday, May/25/2003
For two weeks now the cicada has come forth and we have thousands of them. I know they were supposed to appear this year or next. This is the fourth time I have seen them in mass 4 times in my life. I am 60 years in age. Have always delighted in their appearance. They are so ugly but are a very interesting creature. There is an old saying that they call Phraoh and have an M on each wing, a sign from God of the great story in the old Testament. If you listen to the din they set up during the day you can usually hear on making a sound that sounds like the name Phraoh and they do have an M on their wings. Thought you might be interested.Jay Jay Parks, Martinsville, VA 24112

holy crap

Sunday, May/25/2003
They’re everywhere! Found a few, thought, ‘oh these are so cool’. I was mowing the yard and I’m stopping, picking ’em up and moving them. (why yes, when I mow it takes forever because of the the bug, turtle, toad, etc temporary relocations)Then……I found a billion. My screams of ‘EW EW EW’ deafened dogs in the next county.Please reassure me they aren’t gonna eat me in my sleep.*movin to France* Caroline, Christiansburg, VA


Sunday, May/25/2003
Our friends and family just can’t imagine what we are talking about when we try to tell them over the phone what we are seeing here! It is unbelievable to see the number of these things (I was glad to see in your web site, the number mentioned as possibly reaching hundreds of thousands, if not millions! Currently they are covering the sides of buildings; on every tree in the yard; all over the grass (making the grass seem “alive” with all the movement); and covering the patio, deck, and sidewalks – have given up trying to keep them swept away! And the dogs are eating their fill of them — seems as though it’s a special treat – like popcorn!I called the local agricultural extension agent to ask about them and his response was, “well, some folks get them every now and then. you can just take some Sevin and kill them if you want to.” He obviously did not understand the magnitude of the “problem” and I told him I didn’t want to kill them if they were not harmful. And, besides, it would take a tanker-truck full of Sevin to kill as many as we have!I am SOOO glad to have found this very informative web site! Thank you. Now I am going to forward this information to our children so they won’t think we are crazy! or exaggerating!For the record, the cicadas began emerging here a couple of weeks ago (around May 12)and we were extremely interested; by last weekend they were very much a nuisance with “shells” all over the place, making the crunch underfoot as we walked; okay, so now, even though we are thrilled to have seen this only-every-17-year occurrence, we are ready for the event to be over. The noise is so loud, it is annoying when we try to have quiet time on the deck in the evening! And the odor of decay is beginning to be very unpleasant. However, considering our age, we are hopeful to still be around during the next emergence!! Dottye and Walt Currin, Westfield, Stokes County, NC, USA

Cicada’s everywhere!

Sunday, May/25/2003
Just stumbled upon this website, looks like it has everything I needed to know about Cicada’s. I had always heard them referred to as Locusts though, so that threw me off. I believe I was 7 the last time they came through so it would be right on the money at 17 years apart. Very ugly critters and LOUD! lol Did some mowing yesterday and noticed out in the field all the shells they left behind after they would molt. Glad to see more people from my area on here. Chris, McGrady, NC

Thick and singing

Saturday, May/24/2003
They’ve been here about 2 weeks but have just started the past couple days getting really thick. C, Ferrum, VA. USA

Loudest Insect in New Zealand

Friday, May/23/2003
This is for Rosa Lee Temu.The loudest Insect in New Zealand is in fact a Cicada, it is called The Greater clicking Cicada, or its scientific name is Amphipsalta zealandica.Its the large cicada that you see in summer on lamposts, houses, trees etc.I hope this helps and its not to late Kees Green, Albany, Auckland, New Zealand

W & P

Friday, May/23/2003
Does anybody read the FAQs? Dan, Townsville, NJ

p and w

Thursday, May/22/2003
have you ever heard the thing a bout the p and the w on the wing the w means that it will be war in the 17 yr pd. and the p means that it will be peace in the 17 yr. pd just worndering e-mail me at evil_lilly [AT] hotmail.comP.S.: the “locust” is starting to come out down here. Randall lilly, camp creek, wv

Cicadas Everywhere

Thursday, May/22/2003
The population continues to grow with each passing day! Rain has apparently slowed their wing development but probably thousands on my one acre of land. VA Tech says should be around in some numbers until mid to late June!Virginia is for Lovers (and Cicadas):) Dave, Salem, VA

Will the Cicadas still be there June 7

Wednesday, May/21/2003
I am planning to get down to Virginia , Roanoke /Appalachain trail area to see hear and record magicicada. How long will the emergence most likely last????Please email me at jlc3d [AT]…much appreciated.Jose Conde Jose Conde, Brooklyn, NY

Will be plotting Ennice on our map

Wednesday, May/21/2003
Thanks for reporting, Stephanie! We’ll be in your area over the weekend plotting our map for John. We’ll be sure to drive through Ennice. 🙂 My son captured his first cicada today and let me tell you, this guy has been the center of attention all afternoon! He’s a beauty!! Cindy, near Hays, NC – Wilkes County

Thank you Stephanie!

Wednesday, May/21/2003
Thanks for your report Stephanie. If anyone else in North Carolina, Virginia and West Virginia has seen the emnergence of periodical cicadas, please leave a message on this website with your town, county and state. Thank you. John Zyla, Cicadas of the Mid-Atlantic

Happy to help, John

Wednesday, May/21/2003
John, I just read your message about reporting cicada appearances. Thought I would include the county in NC where I’m located. They’re everywhere here! Stephanie, Ennice, Alleghany County, NC

They’re everywhere!

Wednesday, May/21/2003
I noticed them crawling on the trees and molting last night, this morning they’re all over the trees and bushes around here! Stephanie, Ennice, NC

Hi Luci…

Monday, May/19/2003
Have you noticed the cicadas seem to be rather quiet and sparse during the rain? We haven’t heard or seen them nearly as much the past several days as we did earlier last week when it was warm & sunny. I hope they’re not leaving us already. 🙂 Cindy, near Hays, NC


Monday, May/19/2003
We have lots and lots of Cicadas covering all my trees and crawling about. I can honestly say I’m not too thrilled about this, they are a big problem with my trees. They are already swarming about. Lrm, Hinton WV

I don’t know yet

Monday, May/19/2003
This is a quzeWich is the insect that makes the most nose out of New Zealand?I am a student that gose to primary.I am only 9 years old.I am a stande 4.FROM ROSA LEE TEMU Rosa leeTemu, Auckland Glen Iness

They are here!!

Saturday, May/17/2003
Woke up yesterday to hundreds (maybe thousands) of these cicadas. Shells & live ones currently all over everything! How long does this infestation last and should I try to kill or just let nature run its course?Best regards from western VA,Dave Dave, Roanoke, VA

Re: Ann

Friday, May/16/2003
They are brood IX. Brian P., KY, USA


Friday, May/16/2003
We’ve got plenty here, on trees, walls etc. What brood might they be? Ann, Roanoke, VA

EzBoard Cicada Forum

Friday, May/16/2003
I have a Cicada message board at and share… Brian P., Ky, USA

Magicicada septendecula!

Friday, May/16/2003
I heard a male M. septendecula singing this afternoon(May 16, 2003)at 4:15 p.m.! I listened and followed the solitary male about 15 minutes as it flew from tree to tree singing. This area is brood XIV country, so I was surprised to hear one this year. Brian (cicadaguy [AT] Brian P., Northeast KY (Carter Co.)

cicadas here

Friday, May/16/2003
There are many cicadas in this location right now. They started appearing last weekend. They’re all over the yards and singing to beat the band. Luci, North Wilkesboro, NC, USA

We’d be delighted

Thursday, May/15/2003
to help, John. I emailed you and look forward to learning more! Cindy, near Hays, NC

Cicada in Arizona

Thursday, May/15/2003
We found an adult cicada while visiting the Grand Canyon on April 30th. We didn’t know what we had found–nor did the rangers. We’ve just identified it here, and wonder if they are common in Arizona? Deb , Santa Cruz, CA

Cindy, will you be willing to do some research?

Thursday, May/15/2003
Cindy, If you and your children would be interested in participating in a study of the cicadas in your area please e-mail me at jzcicada [AT] Thank you. John Zyla, Maryland, Cicadas of the MidAtlantic

Judy Relax!!!

Thursday, May/15/2003
Judy,The is nothing mentioned in the Bible about cicadas. Every Periodical cicada has a “w” mark on each wing, so there is nothing to the story that they predict war. Also, it is impossible for them to bite, they only have a straw like mouth part. Nothing to worry about! John Zyla, Maryland, Cicadas of the MidAtlantic

cicadas are here

Wednesday, May/14/2003
Hi Judy. I’ve read the cicadas aren’t dangerous in any way, and won’t bite or sting unless they mistake you for a twig in which case they might bite. As annoying as they are, I’m trying to find the beauty God intended in their mighty choruses and my homeschooled children and I are in for an awesome science lesson this year! Here’s hoping we can all find joy & pleasure in the cicadas. Cindy, Hays, NC


Wednesday, May/14/2003
All you people who want to see these things, just come on down to Carolina. The woods are infested. The ground and the trees and plants are just crawling with the ugly bugs. If anyone can tell me how to terminate them other than walking around outside with a big Long!!! stick, please tell me. I hate bugs. judy, THURMOND, NORTH CAROLINA


Wednesday, May/14/2003
These things are everywhere. Has anyone noticed that they all have a ” W ” on their wings? I think according to the Bible this means 7 years of War. If they have a P on the wing it means 7 years of peace. Does anyone out there know if this is true biblically or not? Also, one of the varmits bit me and I would like to know if there is any danger in it’s bite? If you can answer any of these questions, please email me a jsparks [AT] JUDY, THURMOND, NORTH CAROLINA

What weeks in 2004 will the cicadas appear?

Wednesday, May/14/2003
The 17 year cicadas are due in Cincinnati in 2004. Does anyone know what weeks or months? M Bailey, Cincinnati, Ohio

Please report localities of 2003 Periodical Cicadas

Monday, May/12/2003
I am doing research on the cicadas of the Mid-Atlantic. I am very interested in mapping out the distribuion of periodical cicadas in this area. As some of you may know, this year Brood IX is emerging in southern WV, western Va and northwestern North Carolina. If you live in these areas and have Periodical Cicadas occuring between now and the middle of June, please left a message on this website with the nearest town, the county and the state where you have found the cicadas. Thank you. John Zyla, Maryland, Cicadas of the Mid-Atlantic

Cicada Sighting

Monday, May/12/2003
They are everywhere.Bought the property with my son in law about 3 years ago (22 acres)It was clear cut of most timber just prior to us bying it, but that is not keeping the Cicada’s away. Bud Molnar, Purlear, NC

Periodical cicadas

Monday, May/12/2003
Yesterday morning we found that several cicadas had emerged and molted in our flower bed and the nearest tree. Never seen this type before, wonderful to find out they are periodical ones, not the typical dog day. Have several questions: Why are they just located in one isolated area of my yard? How can I determine which brood this is? Looks like they may be a 17 yr, brood IX (2003) but may be brood X (2004) stragglers. How can I get a more detailed map of my area to determine this info and what species this may be? Sorry about all the questions but my kids and I are very excited about this since we love and appreciate these guys. Any help would be great.PS It amazes me how ignorant people are about these cool insects. Everyone needs to see this site. Jen, Francisco, Stokes Co, NC, USA

Cicada “Plague” May 8 2004

Friday, May/9/2003
Dear Lisa In reference your wedding plans for May 2004 and worry about a cicada “plague”.The Cicadas will emerge naturally and majestically after 17 years living as lowly grubs. They will come out of the ground with slick new wings and a black shine in mass numbers. They will sing beautifully for a few days, mate, lay eggs and die. There kind will not be seen in Cinci for another 17 years!A cicada emergence is no plague, it is a cause for myth and celebration. I would consider there presence at my wedding a blessing from nature. The true “plague” is human overpopulation, pollution, environmental destruction, and the ignorance of mankind. The best thing you can do is welcome the cicadas to your wedding……you won’t have to hire a band!!!!!! Jose Conde , NYC JConde, NYC

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