How many Kiwis and Aussies cicada enthusiasts
Friday, Nov/29/2002
I was just wondering how many of us Australasians there are that frequent this site.
It could be nice and interesting to hear from each other and see how we are all doing this summer, I no that you Aussies are amidst youre worst drought for a while so your season may not be so fruitiful.Here in NZ ( Auckland ), I just caught 3 species in a 5 minute walk- N. sericea, K. muta aotea and K.ochrina and heard/saw our noisest cicada Amphisalta zealandica.How are the rest of us going? Kees, New Zealand
Meaning of the Origin for the Latin rootword for “cicada”
Monday, Nov/18/2002
Does anyone out there have any info on the meaning of the origin of the Latin root word for cicada? I need to know if the root word is related to the root word for circle. Any etymological documentation or info link one can offer would be much appreciated.
Thanks! Nenita Ostman, PVE, CA USA
i need your hellllp]
Saturday, Nov/16/2002
man i need to know how to draw a cicada for a report any tips or sights please tell me
idiot, voorhees,new jersey, america
Giant black wasps!
Saturday, Nov/9/2002
This last summer I was working alone in the office at night. I heard this noise like something hitting the wall in the hallway. I went to the hall and saw this unbelievably “HUGE” very long black wasp! It had to be “at least” 3 inches long! Has anyone ever seen one of these giants? Thanks, Dink. Dink, Mobile
Cicadas in Albuquerque
Friday, Nov/8/2002
Does anybody know what type of cicadas we have in Albuquerque? They’re brown and black and white, but the white seems to be a powder. They have three little red dots on their foreheads, and their eyes are not red or black.The Albuquerque Journal mentioned they came around in three-year cycles; one year in three their numbers are more, but they are around every year.This sounds like a species of Tibicen, from the single hour of research I’ve done on the web tonight. Anybody? Luke Allen, Albuquerque, NM USA