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Cicada Comments from September 2002

Aus cicadas

Sunday, Sep/29/2002
It is shaping up to be a promising season in south-east Queensland, with large emergences of a number of species so far. Although, dry conditions may affect the timing of emergences in inland districts. The first species to emerge in SeQld are Cicadetta hackeri and Birrima varians. These normally emerge in early-mid August. More info at Lindsay, Brisbane, Australia

Australian Cicadas

Saturday, Sep/28/2002
I’m just letting people know that its cicada season again in Australia…mainly in reply to Kees’ (NZ) message. I caught my 1st cicada of the season last Saturday. Owen, Sydney, Australia

Cicada season

Friday, Sep/27/2002
All you Northern Hemisphere citizens will be hearing the last of our noisy friends while us down in the better half of the world will be just starting to hear that familiar sound of our beautiful cicada friends.I cannot wait for that sound and look forward to another season of observing and collecting.
It will be nice to see perhaps more messages left by Australian and NZ’ers which I can relate better to. Kees, Auckland, New Zealand

cicada are back

Thursday, Sep/26/2002
I have seen a few since I got back to school the beginning of September. The two I saw, were on the ground not moving. A friend of mine told me she saw one hanging on to her door. I remember about 1986 when the cicadas were here last time in large numbers. When do they plan on returning like that? Jill, York, PA

Saw my first Cicada!

Saturday, Sep/21/2002
I saw this thing sitting on a sidewalk at about (9/18/02) 9:30am. It wasn’t moving at all. I had NO IDEA what the heck this giant insect was (it was about 1n inch to an inch and a half big at the body with a huge wingspan). I watched it as I decorated the front of our store for fall, cautioning people to be careful as the walked past. One customer accidentally brushed it and it flipped over. That’s when the activity started. It slowly started moving it’s legs, then it would flap it’s wings like mad trying to right itself. It did this for about 3 minutes before someone stepped on it. I was obsessed with trying to find out what it was and just found cicada photos this morning. NORM, Youngstown, OH

Cicada found

Tuesday, Sep/17/2002
While leaving work last Friday there was a cicada sitting on the path out of the plant, he appeared very sluggish but moved quickly after I moved him into a nearby tree. This was at about 1130 pm and it was getting cool outside. Dave Hannam, Buffalo, NY

oh ya! say yes.

Sunday, Sep/15/2002
please will you have sex with me! i don’t care if you’re a boy or girl,cause’ i do both if someone really wants to have sex.please say yes please ! e-mal me with your answer at jennifer boop 9 [AT] myou know u want it come and get it! becky hamolton, poulsbo,WA . USA


Friday, Sep/13/2002
how do yuo tell if there male or female?I think males have pointed abdomans and the females have opened ones am I right? keith, mosouri

im so sick of these darn cicadas

Friday, Sep/13/2002
i live just south of tulsa, oklahoma and have tons of cicadas taking over my place. just seeing one makes me shiver. if they didn’t buzz so loud they wouldnt be so scary. HOW DO I GET RID OF THESE THINGS???? and if i can’t get rid of them, when are they going to leave?? wendy peeples, okmulgee, oklahoma, usa

Where can I find cicada in san jose?

Thursday, Sep/12/2002
The girl that I like want to listen to cicada when she sleeps, where can i find some to put it in her backyard?? Michael, San jose, CA, USA

Cicadas at my wedding?

Thursday, Sep/12/2002
I am getting married in Rappahanok County, specifically Castleton, in June 2003. Will there be cicadas crawling on the cake and guests? Should I change the date to April? MSY, Castleton, VA

Cicada’s in CT this year

Thursday, Sep/12/2002
I noted that no one said they would be out this year and I’ve seen two types. First, the one we all know as the 17-year Cicada (large fly with long orange wings and big eyes) and then locust’s which I just find out today is another type of Cicada.Just lettin ya know! Billie Jo Anderson, West Haven, CT USA


Wednesday, Sep/11/2002
Yeah, I know this has nothing to do with cicadas but here in northeast Arkansas we are in a plague of katydids, most likely Conocephalus; the little green ones with the whitish or yellowish wings. They’re EVERYWHERE by the thousands. They especially like to hang out around stores and restaureants in town with glass windows. I went through the drive-thru at Burger King last night and had at least a dozen of them clinging to my car by the time I had gotten my order. Anyway, I just thought I’d mention it. Like I said, it has nothing to do with cicadas, but it’s interesting nonetheless. Nick, Cicadas of Arkansas

cicada flight

Wednesday, Sep/11/2002
Does anybody out there hava a photo or know where I can get one of a periodical cicada in flight? Breck, Ames, IA


Monday, Sep/9/2002
what do you feed a cicadia if you catch one and are trying to keep it for a science project? spud, manchester nh

Cicada emerges on tire of Model T

Saturday, Sep/7/2002
While working under the model T a cicada emerged on the tire. Within an hour the wings were full and beginning to darken. Couldn’t test drive the car because it hadn’t left yet! Tom, Lapeer MI

What did they find?

Saturday, Sep/7/2002
A very long time ago my daughter found a giant fly. “There must be a mad scientist around here that’s working on flies in his lab” I captured the “fly” in a jar – it was hanging on a bath towel on the clothes line. We took it to the agriculture extention service in Clementon where we found out it was a cidada. Now my grandchildren found something hanging on their swing. It looked like a giant locust with claws. They’re 6 and called it a monster beetle. It looked like it was dried up and when I moved it with a stick it just dropped and sounded hollow. Someone told me it was a stage of the cicada. Could this be what the holes all over my yard were that I treated because I had grubs? Mary, Berlin Borough, NJ USA

Found 2

Thursday, Sep/5/2002
My sons are doing a bug project for school and have found 2 Cicadas. On was in our yard and one was found on the other side of town. Both were alread dead. I never know what they were. But my 10 year olds did. Regina, Birmingham, Al

JZ responses to Mary in Louisiana

Thursday, Sep/5/2002
Mary, the cicada your daughter found in Baton Rouge was probably an annnual cicada since the periodicals that emerged this year were long gone by then. There are 13 species of annual cicadas that have been recorded in the Baton Rouge area, so there were many potential candidates. John Z, Maryland

JZ responds to Larry from Baltimore

Thursday, Sep/5/2002
Yes, Larry you are correct in that periodical cicadas (Brood X)are due to emerge in the Baltimore, Washington, DC and western Maryland area in 2004. The adults usually become obvious around mid-May and will be dead by the 1st of July. They can & do eat, but breeding is of utmost concern. You can keep them alive for a few days if you can give them fresh tree twigs that can still draw water from a vase or jar. John Z, Maryland

Man what a huge bug!

Thursday, Sep/5/2002
I didn’t know what it was
so I capture’d it hoping it might be
that alien bug never before seen
that was eating people in India
Last month in August.
So I got on the internet
I think I found it, it’s a
Cicida, but this thing is huge
2 inches long and an inch wide
and made one heck of a very loud noise
when I captered it.
It’s a camflauged color of a dark and light green color could be from the
foilage it eats. Alan, Lorretto, MN.


Wednesday, Sep/4/2002
im doing a sculpture project that just so happens to contain a cicada in it and i need to know wher i can find scientific diagrams of this insect. i keep looking and i havent turned up a thing except for a poorly drawn cicada in the michigan thing. PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 violet, Indianapolis

Freaked Out

Tuesday, Sep/3/2002
I had to run out to my car for something and when I ran back up the stairs I saw a dark figure by the mailbox on the house and when I came up on it, it was a CICADA. I got freaked out and ran back down the stairs until my father got it to fly away. Why are so many people excited about this huge alien looking creature? KKH, Riverdale, MD


Tuesday, Sep/3/2002
where did the cicada originate? Ashley Branch, Kennett, MO

Periodic Cicada 2004?

Tuesday, Sep/3/2002
Unless I lost a year somewhere I believe the next 17 year brood will emerge in 2004. My question is: Do the adults ever eat? From what I remember of 1970 and 1987 they just mate and die if the birds don’t get to them first. Is there anyway to extend their adult life more than a few days? Very interesting insects and not as scary as people are led to believe. Larry, Baltimore, MD

Killing Cicadas

Tuesday, Sep/3/2002
A Teacher’s Edition Algebra 2 book dropped from a height of 4 feet works well when trying to kill a Cicada. Eric Redenbo, Cisne, IL


Tuesday, Sep/3/2002
What type of cicada emerges with peachy colored body and very light green wings? There are pictures on the site, but not a tech. name with it. We fould several (22) exoskelitons and watched one emerge last thur. in Beloit, WI. Marcy, IL

Australian cicada site

Tuesday, Sep/3/2002
Have you seen the new cicada site from Australia? The address is as follows: regards, Matija Matija Gogala, Slovenia


Tuesday, Sep/3/2002
My daughter, Melissa, who attends LSU in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, called me one night (August 11, 2002) to tell me that there was a bug outside of her door. (She lives in a small apartmetn complex.) She said the bug was so big and was making so much noise that she was afraid to go outside. Well, eventually she did leave for class and mentioned what happened to a classmate. The classmade excitedly proceeded to tell her that what she had seen was a cicada and mentioned that the cicada emerged every 13 to 17 years. She, of course, is happy now that she knows what bug was making the noise. She now remembers hearing the same type of noise at our home in New Orleans many, many years ago. But since their appearance is not an annual ritual in this area, that I am aware of, maybe we should enjoy this emergence. In another month or so, when things return to quite, we will have forgotten all about them. Mary Holmes, New Orleans, Louisiana


Monday, Sep/2/2002
what is the latin name for cicadas and any others that you know? Hannah, Bethesda,Maryland

In my house

Monday, Sep/2/2002
I have one in my house right now and my cats have found it and are ‘playing with it right now. Is that a problem? Steve, Northlake, Il, U.S.

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