
Cicada: Exotic Views comic book

Davy Shian has created a funny and educational comic book about cicadas, called Cicada: Exotic Views. Cicada: Exotic Views features 87 pages of comics and cicada photographs. I found it LOL funny, the illustration style is pretty neat, and the book itself is high-quality, not flimsy like the typical comic book. It is without a doubt an excellent and unique addition to the cicada books available today. It is available from

Cicada: Exotic Views comic book

One reply on “Cicada: Exotic Views comic book”

I arrived home to Fairview, NC after a trip overseas on Tuesday, May 27, 2008. At first I thought that something was wrong with my heat pump, the shrill whine I heard was all around me, then I noticed the cicadas are back again. There are literally thousands in my one acre yard on a mountain side here. The noise is nearly deafening and I have had to close up the house to even hear myself think. This is our second experience with them in this house, we remember well the summer 17 years ago that we had the same experience. I really should take some pictures since this particular site seems to be Cicada crazy!

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