Brood XIV Magicicada

Cicada Links and Video to hold you over… part two

Gene Kritsky awaiting their noisy return:

UPI: Scientist awaits cicadas’ noisy return

Gene Kritsky, a professor of biology at the College of Mount St. Joseph, said this year most of the bugs are expected to appear in the area east of Interstate 71.

The Enquirer Cicadas making noisy return

Gene Kritsky, a professor of biology at the College of Mount St. Joseph, says in a news release that cicadas are coming to eastern Cincinnati this May.

Video: Cicada pheomenon interview with entomologist Doug Fraser. Very good.

A Kentucky article:

News Channel 5: Cicadas ready to reappear in Kentucky after 17 years

Gene Kritsky, a cicada expert at the College of Mount St. Joseph in Cincinnati, says their appearance will be spotty. That could be caused by a number of factors, including development that has dramatically changed landscapes since the early 1990s.

A Cape Cod artlce:

Cape Cod Times: Creeped out by creepy-crawly season on Cape

Periodical cicadas went underground on the Cape 17 years ago, and have been living off tree sap ever since. Experts expect them to emerge from their holes all at once, probably on a night in early May. They can number in the millions per acre, and cling to any vertical surface after coming from their holes, to molt, then fly up into the tree tops to mate.

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