Cicada Mania

Cicada Merch, Gift Ideas, T-Shirts, Mugs, Books

T-Shirts & Merch:

A Zazzle store of cicada shirts, blankets and notebooks.

Cicada T-shirts

“Keep Calm, They’re Only 17-Year Cicadas” Shirts:

for Men or Women.

Cute Cicada Cartoon

Get it on a mug, shirt, or hat.

Cute Cicada Cartoon

Classic Cicada Mania Logo

Get the classic logo on a mug, shirt, or hat.

Roy’s Magicicada septendecim

Get the Magicicada septendecim on a mug, shirt, pillow, or hat.

Roy's Magicicada septendecim

Classic Magicicada Illustration

Get the Magicicada septendecim on a mug, shirt, or hat.

Roy’s Blue Eyed cicada

Get it on a mug, shirt, pillow, or hat.

Australia’s Green Grocer cicada

Get Australia’s Green Grocer cicada on a mug, shirt, or hat.

Green Grocer

Bug of Mystery

Get the Bug of Mystery on a mug or shirt.

Bug of Mystery

Here are some gift ideas for humans. Skip to a section: T-shirts & mugs, cicada books, periodical cicada books.

Random cicada things

Insect Mesh Cage/Pavillion

When people ask me where should they put live cicadas, I recommend a Butterfly Pavilion. If it works for butterflies, it typically works for cicadas.

Cicada Books

Gene Kritsky BookCicada OlympicsCecily Cicada

Cicadas Strange and Wonderful by Laurence Pringle illustrated by Meryl Henderson

Cicadas Strange and Wonderful is non-fiction and well-illustrated. It’s meant for kids, but anyone who collects cicada merch should also get it.

Cicadas of North America: The Season of the Cicadas by Les Daniels.

I’ve known Les since the 1990s. In the early days of Cicada Mania, Les contributed many images to the site. The Season of the Cicadas is his book about North American cicadas and features many of his photos.

Cicadas of Australia: A photo guide to common cicadas of the Greater Sydney region by Nathan Emery.

Nathan Emery and his father David Emery, who has contributed many cicada photos to this site, are experts on the subject of the cicadas of Australia. A photo guide to common cicadas of the Greater Sydney region is Nathan’s field guide. It features a wealth of information and beautiful photos.

A photo guide to common cicadas of the Greater Sydney region

Periodical (17 & 13 Year) Cicada Books

A Tale of Two Broods: The 2024 Emergence of Periodical Cicada Broods XIII and XIX by Gene Kritsky

Dr. Gene Kritsky has devoted his life to studying and promoting periodical cicadas. A Tale of Two Broods: The 2024 Emergence of Periodical Cicada Broods XIII and XIX is his book for the two 2024 periodical cicada brood emergences.

Cicada: Exotic Views by Davy Shian.

Cicada: Exotic Views is a perennial classic about periodical cicadas. This book is illustrated with cartoons, like a comic book. It focuses on the diversity of reactions people have to periodical cicadas.

For Kids: Cecily Cicada

Cecily Cicada is an illustrated story about a cicada named Cecily, updated for 2020. Every 17 years the author asks me to promote it on 🙂

28 replies on “Cicada Merch, Gift Ideas, T-Shirts, Mugs, Books”

I recommend checking out “Cicadapocalypse” by Roger McMullan if you haven’t already; it’s a graphic novel arguably aimed at children, but the art is adorable, it’s educational, and it’s clear the author has a lot of love for cicadas!

Also – can anyone comment re: any content overlap between Dr. Gene Kritsky’s “A Tale of Two Broods” and “The Brood X Edition”?

Thank you!

Man you missed the (cicada) boat. You need to Mothman this – after all, it had to be a cicada, just a different prime number year/Brood. Second, why not the Lockdown cicada tee? Emerging after 17 years y’all and ok with it – when globally we are a mess after only 1 year.

where is the KEEP CALM it’s only the 17 year CICADA shirt? I need to order 10. Also need to know if you have it in a wide strap tank top.

Got my 2021 Brood X shirt, but I had Zazzle change the “17 years underground…” caption box to simply “Hello, Ohio!” Great shirt! Thank you!

How do you cover trees to keep the eggs off. From the root up or wrap the tree or just the top part of the tree?

You could do both, but once they’re adults they can fly from a neighbor’s yard to your trees, so the netting would stop them. Tape helps in the beginning — the first few days when they can only crawl. After that netting helps keep of the ones that have matured and can fly (which is all of them able a week in).

i want one like on your sites opening screen “Brood X 2021 “. The other designs are not as cool at all. Please, please sell the Brood x shirts with the big cicada !!!

I’ve worn my 2004 baseball style brood x t-shirt a lot in the intervening 17 years. I’d love to have a 2021 version. I liked the old design just fine including the names of all the states on the back. I have so many great memories of 2004 when I was teaching a 3rd grade class. I love that this website is still here. Obviously I, like the cicadas, was underground (in terms of following this site), during the intervening years. Glad to find it again.

I really like the Brood X logo at the top of the Brood X page and think it would look great on a black shirt. Any plans to make any? I’d love a couple….

Hah, just asked the same question about the Brood X tshirt, didn’t see your comment first. If/ when they make them, i will buy it. Can’t wait.

I still have my yellow Brood X t-shirt from 2004. Are you offering another one this year??? (The one for 2004 is a little “worn”…)

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