Cicada Safari App Frequently Asked Questions:
Who created the Cicada Safari app?
Gene Kritsky working with the Center for IT Engagement at Mount St. Joseph University in Cincinnati.
Who do I speak to when the app is not working?
Probably Gene Kritsky and the Center for IT Engagement is your best route. Be polite. The app has 250,000 users and only a handful of people to approve cicada sightings.
Who is Gene Kritsky?
Gene is the Charles Lester Marlatt of the 21st century. Gene is a periodical cicada expert, researcher & professor. Buy his latest book, Periodical Cicadas: The Brood X Edition, now.
How do I download the app for my Apple or Android device?
Choose wisely: Google Play Store or Apple App Store.
How many people have downloaded the app?
As of June 1st 2021, over 250,000 people have downloaded the app.
Can I access the app data from a web browser?
Yes, you can! See a map of sightings from the Cicada Safari app.
Does the app have a website?
Of course the app has a website. Here’s the website.
What can I do with the app?
Judging by screenshots of the app, it looks like you can 1) identify cicadas, 2) take a photo and share it, 3) map the location where you found it, 4) compete with other cicada scientists for the most cicadas found. Looks that way at least. The app lets you submit cicadas photos of any species.
I’m not in the United States, so what app should I use instead?
Try the iNaturalist apps.
I don’t want to use an app. Can I send reports via email?
Not that I know of, but you can always ask Gene Kritsky. Feel free to leave a comment on this website or the Facebook Cicada Discussion Group.
Is Cicada Mania affiliated with the Cicada Safari app?
Cicada Mania is not affiliated with the Cicada Safari app. Cicada Mania is not paid to endorse or promote it. We promote it because we like it.
27 replies on “Cicada Safari app for tracking Magicicada periodical cicadas”
We started seeing them (Brood X) emerge in Loudoun Co. VA on May 19. Just got back from Gore, VA this weekend and they were still emerging in good numbers on Thursday (5/27).
I do not want to use the app. I live in Marion County, Indiana in the Indianapolis area. We have a boat load of cicadas that began emerging 2 weeks ago and they are still coming on strong. We also had an emergence in 2017 that was pretty big too. Just wanted to add our area as Marion County was not listed for our state although our city was (indianapolis).
If my dog didn’t like to eat them and possibly cause illness it would be an amazing occurrence but I am just over this-she is going nuts. We have to keep her on a lead and make sure she is supervised.
Hello! I’m Lisa, I live in Fayette City Pennsylvania, Fayette county. But I am VERY CLOSE to Washington county and Westmoreland county. Can you tell me if we will be seeing any cicadas in these areas this year? Just would like to know if we need to be prepared (to constantly run). Thanks!
You’re nowhere near where Brood X is emerging.
Brood X has emerged in Clarke County, VA
Just seen 2 Brood X Cicada here in kannapolis NC. They both flew into the den while door was open! 😱😱😱😱😱 scared the …# out of me!!
Found one attached to a branch on a new boxwood shrub I was planting on Sunday, May 16, 2021 in Henryville, In. Clark County.
First report from Indiana. Awesome!
So is Missouri not going to get hitwith the bundance of them? I mean I see and hear them every summer but not by the millions and billions. But I’ve always enjoyed the sound they produce it’s the background sound of all my Summer memory’s.
@Jason — Missouri has similar species but they won’t emerge until 2024 (Periodical cicada Brood XIX (19) will emerge in 2024 in Sixteen States). Of course, Missouri has plenty of less conspicuous species like the Megatibicen and Neotibicen listed on this page.
If you have contacts at Mount St. Joseph University, you might let them know that their web site at is only displaying the web server test page. This web site is linked from your Cicada Mania site and is also the target when selecting “More Info” in the app. I looked, but couldn’t find any contact info in the app.
Thanks. I reported it to them. Gene Kritsky said they’re doing a site update right now.
We have the ground holes and have seen them coming out of them already.
What’s your state & county?
Cecily Cicada is a sweet book for kids 2-11 about the Brood X cicadas. All newly illustrated for the 2021 emergence. Written by a mother/daughter who wanted to ease the bug phobia of their granddaughter/daughter during the 2004 cicada cycle. Available on Amazon.
The new book looks good.
Jacksonville, Florida, Duval County has emerging cicadas in late august and right now September 7th to 9th. hear them in the woods. our woods have oak trees etc and very wet areas. they have 2 white dots on top. bottom of body is white. very close to your link
I have less birds on my bird feeders and read birds don’t like sounds.
I’m seeing dead ones in places like hallways that have lights
Cicada Safari app will not present the page for uploading photos. Finally got my first one in Henderson County,NC and am unable to send my information.
Thanks. I’ll report that to the App owner.
7/16/20 Pensacola Florida. We took pictures of it.
I am retired zoologist…mostly vertebrates but strong background in insects. How do I report 2004 observations of Brood X that are not reflected in your current maps? Whole counties in western MD are missing from your database it appears. I do not have a smart phone for those new apps…just PCs. Was able to ID all three species, but have no pics….was a year later I got my first digital camera (sorry).
Pls advise of some portal I can access to log in those records.
Am looking forward to 2021!!!
@Jay, reach out to John Cooley of Cicadas @ UCONN (formerly
Smashed one on the patio yesterday, 5/29/20 at 8am
Haven’t seen any more yet
I know right? I mean, why?
Identified masses of brood IX cicada nymph holes and burrows emerging within last 2 weeks on our property Air temp only in 60’s-70’s so far. Glad to solve mystery of holes in yard. Northern Surry county NC, minutes fromVA, base of Blue Ridge Mtns.
We live in bell acres pa and there all around us here. You can actually see the 1/2 round holes they come out of. This is the most we have ever seen as long as we have live in the area