Brood II Magicicada Ovipositing Periodical Video

Cicada Video of the Week

Here’s some cicada video I shot over the weekend. Enjoy:

Magicicada trying to take a drink from Cicada Mania on Vimeo.

Singing Magicicada septendecim from Cicada Mania on Vimeo.

Magicicada septendecim ovipositing from Cicada Mania on Vimeo.

Magicicada septendecim ovipositing from Cicada Mania on Vimeo.

Close up of a tymbal of a Magicicada septendecim from Cicada Mania on Vimeo.

5 replies on “Cicada Video of the Week”

I remember both of these. We actually had cicadas in 1998, if I remember correctly, and I remember the local news doing stories on the emergence in 2011, but I don’t think we had any actual cicadas, at least not like this. I grew up near Chicago and remember them coming up around 1990, this is more like that. I can sit on my back porch and just watch them swarm in the woods behind my house and the noise is pretty incredible, just one continuous buzz. Our Chihuahua threw up a stomach-load of them on our bed this morning. 🙂

I currently live in Oklahoma City and we are currently experiencing swarms of these cicadas, the tree in my front yard has several hundred crawling over it, and the noise is incredible. Should they be this far south and west? Would this be the same brood?

Now that is odd! There are two Broods in OK, brood IV which are due out in 2015, and brood XIX which are due in 2019. Some do emerge early but they’re located toward the east of the state. Send a photo to if you can — it might be a different species. There are about 33 species of cicadas in OK.

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