Brood XIII Pop Culture Video

Cicadas (and me) on Fuji Network News

A few of you might have noticed the film crew following me around the Cicada Mania festival. They filmed me at the festival, as well as back in Jersey — a once in a life time (or maybe once in 17 years) experience. The news cast aired yesterday in Japan, but you might be able to see it on a show called “Morning Eye” in North America.

Here is the final news story:

Roy Troutman, Gerry Bunker and Joe Green also appear in the video.

One reply on “Cicadas (and me) on Fuji Network News”

The cicadas are just about gone in the Westmont and surrounding areas. I cant find any in the backyard. I can still hear some of them. And i can now hear the regular ones that come every year. I want to say that I am a bird person with 2 cockatiels but i also really loved those 17 year cicada. They were alot of fun to watch and pick up and they were so cute. I have 36 pictures of them from my old camera and about 16 pictues of them from my new digital camera that i bought a month ago and the pictures turned out excellent because i have the super macro function. I also have 9 mini movies i did of them because my camera can do mini movies accept the movies only average a minute. I might send one of the movies to UTUBE. So anyway the 17 year cicadas were so cute and i will keep my eye open to see if i can see the little white babies that come out soon and go back into the ground. Sheri Tuskey from Westmont, Illinois

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