Genera Locations

Cicadas In the U.S.A, Canada, World-Wide, by Genus and Tribe

Photos of Cicadas Around the World

There are over 3,390 species of cicadas in the world1. The species on this site represent a fraction of those. Start your journey by choosing a regional link below.

U.S and Canada specific guides:

North American Cicada pages that feature cicada calls:

Cicada A M J J A S O
Beameria venosa aka Aridland Cicada M J J A
Beameria wheeleri M J J
Cacama valvata aka Common Cactus Dodger M J
Cicadettana calliope calliope aka Southern Grass Cicada J J A
Cicadettana camerona M J
Cicadettana kansa M J
Cicadettana texana M J
Clidophleps vagans J
Cornuplura nigroalbata
Cornuplura rudis M J J
Diceroprocta apache aka Citrus Cicada J J A S
Diceroprocta arizona
Diceroprocta aurantiaca J
Diceroprocta averyi
Diceroprocta azteca aka Scrub Cicada J A
Diceroprocta bequaerti
Diceroprocta biconica
Diceroprocta bicosta
Diceroprocta crucifera
Diceroprocta eugraphica J J
Diceroprocta knighti J J
Diceroprocta marevagans J A S
Diceroprocta olympusa aka Olympic Scrub Cicada J J
Diceroprocta ornea
Diceroprocta psophis
Diceroprocta ruatana
Diceroprocta semicincta J J
Diceroprocta swalei swalei J
Diceroprocta texana J J A
Diceroprocta vitripennis aka Green Winged Cicada J J A
Hadoa bifida M J J
Hadoa chiricahua M J J A
Hadoa duryi M J J A
Hadoa inaudita J J A
Hadoa longiopercula
Hadoa parallela J A S
Hadoa simplex M J
Hadoa texana J J A S
Hadoa townsendii M J
Magicicada cassinii aka Cassini 17-Year Cicada* M J
Magicicada neotredecim* M J
Magicicada septendecim aka Linnaeus’s 17-Year Cicada* M J
Magicicada septendecula* M J
Magicicada tredecassini* M J
Magicicada tredecim* M J
Magicicada tredecula* M J
Megatibicen grossus aka Northern Dusk Singing Cicada J A S O
Megatibicen cultriformis aka Grand Western Flood Plain Cicada A S O
Megatibicen dealbatus aka Plains Cicada J A S
Megatibicen dorsatus aka Giant Grassland Cicada J A S
Megatibicen figuratus aka Fall Southeastern Dusk-singing Cicada A S O
Megatibicen harenosus A S
Megatibicen pronotalis pronotalis A S O
Megatibicen pronotalis walkeri aka Walker’s Cicada A S O
Megatibicen resh aka Resh Cicada J A S
Megatibicen resonans aka Southern Resonant Cicada J J A S O
Megatibicen tremulus aka Cole’s Bush Cicada J J A S
Neocicada chisos A M
Neocicada hieroglyphica aka Hieroglyphic Cicada M J J A
Neocicada hieroglyphica johannis M J J
Neoplatypedia constricta M J J
Neotibicen auriferus aka Plains Dog-day Cicada A S
Neotibicen canicularis aka Dog-day Cicada J A S
Neotibicen davisi aka Davis’ Southeastern Dog-Day Cicada A S O
Neotibicen latifasciatus aka Coastal Scissors Grinder Cicada J A S O
Neotibicen linnei aka Linne’s Cicada J A S
Neotibicen lyricen engelhardti aka Dark Lyric Cicada J A S
Neotibicen lyricen lyricen aka Lyric Cicada J J A
Neotibicen lyricen virescens aka Costal Lyric Cicada J J A S O
Neotibicen pruinosus pruinosus aka Scissors Grinder J A S O
Neotibicen robinsonianus aka Robinson’s Cicada J J A S O
Neotibicen similaris apalachicola J J A S O
Neotibicen similaris similaris aka Similar Dog-Day Cicada J J A S O
Neotibicen superbus aka Superb Dog-Day Cicada J J A
Neotibicen tibicen australis aka Southern Swamp Cicada J J A S
Neotibicen tibicen tibicen aka Morning Cicada J J A S
Neotibicen winnemanna aka Eastern Scissors Grinder J J A
Okanagana balli** J J
Okanagana bella aka Mountain Cicada** J J
Okanagana canadensis aka Canadian Cicada** J J
Okanagana fumipennis** M J J
Okanagana hesperia** J J
Okanagana rimosa rimosa aka Say’s Cicada** M J J
Okanagana synodica synodica aka Walking Cicada** J J
Okanagana utahensis** M J J
Okanagana vanduzeei** J J
Okanagana viridis aka Cotton Green Cicada** J J
Pacarina puella aka Little Mesquite Cicada M J J
Platypedia putnami putnami** M J J
Platypedia similis** A M
Quesada gigas (Olivier, 1790) aka Giant Cicada A M J

*Magicicada are periodical cicadas, so you will only find them every 13 or 17 years.
** Okanagana and Platypedia are often proto-periodical, and do not appear every year, but they are not as predictable as periodical cicadas. Read Guessing at when the next Platypedia or Okanagana hatch will happen and Platypedia putnami survey at Horsetooth Mountain Open Space by Tim McNary.

1 The Catalogue of the Cicadoidea (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha) by Allen F Sanborn. Academic Press. 14th November 2013.

2 Tribe information comes from: MARSHALL, DAVID C. et al.=A molecular phylogeny of the cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) with a review of tribe and subfamily classification.Zootaxa, [S.l.], v. 4424, n. 1, p. 1-64, may 2018. ISSN 1175-5334. Available at:

16 replies on “Cicadas In the U.S.A, Canada, World-Wide, by Genus and Tribe”

Just requesting a slight correction. The country in South America is “Colombia” with the second vowel being an “o” and not “Columbia” with a “u”.

Otherwise an extremely informative website! Thank you!

I was in Crete in 2003. They were everywhere that summer! I’m not sure if it’s that way every year or if it was a brood that only comes up periodically. But we were warned they were coming so I think it was more cicadas than usual.

I am in Athens and there are SO many cicadas! Love hearing their song! I do not see a Greece section, what type of cicadas are these!?! I must know! I love their song! So loud!

I have two small (smaller than the Magicicadia in the US) from the country of Georgia. Is there a generic key or somewhere to start to find out what it is?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

v/r, Scotty

Plethora of information. Very very fascinating to have such a resource. Also have questions? Dan you super fast on rep once. Thank you.

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