Photos & Illustrations

Collecting and Photographing Cicadas

Gerry Bunker has published an online guide to Pinning, Labeling and Preserving Your Cicadas. This is excellent information if you plan to start a collection.

Over the years Roy Troutman has supplied Cicada Mania with many excellent macro photos of cicadas. Fans of macro photography will also appreciate these photos by Todd Quinn, and Vic Fazio’s Tibicen dorsatus.

And just for the heck of it, here’s a list of insect ID websites:

Bug Guide, Insect Identification, What’s that Bug.

Normally I can get the ID of a cicada fairly quickly, thanks to folks like Gerry and Paul Krombholz. Aside from Locusts, the insect most people confuse with cicadas is the Sphinx Moth.

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